My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 345: Big dream

The seal of Meng Qinglou has always sealed Xu Qingmo's strength. He has never been able to break through to return to reality, but just now, eager to save people, in a hurry, actually broke the seal stiffly.

As soon as the seal opened, Xu Qingmo reached out and grabbed him. Xu Qingmo on the opposite side was even more surprised. Between the mistakes, Yue Lingsu had fallen into his hands.

Xu Qingmo fell down holding Yueling Su, looking at the opposite Xu Qingmo in surprise. He just wanted to speak to remind him, but found that his body began to drift with the wind ...

It's time to travel past!

It was only for an instant, like a year, that Xu Qingmo was still standing in the tomb, as if he had never moved, but his fingertips were slightly ashes, and something turned into ashes at his fingertips.

Broken Jade!

Xu Qingmo knew in his heart that the piece of broken jade had caused him to cross the road. Now the time is up, the broken jade is completely damaged and there is no residue left.

Back to reality, Xu Qingmo immediately felt as if he had a shackle on his body, and felt it for a moment, and immediately knew that this was the illusion that the seal was reclosed.

It was only momentary to forcibly break through the seal before, and now it has been sealed by the seal.

How could the seal set by Mengqing Tower at such a great price be so easy to break away?

Looking around, Wang Fat is still the same, lying motionless over there, Wu Wu and his long-haired brother hug together, the action is slightly slower, and he is about to wake up.

Xu Qingmo noticed that there was no scar on the brother with long hair, that is, the incident that he was injured by Xu Qingmo no longer exists.

The most important thing is Yue Lingsu. Right under Xu Qingmo's feet, Xu Qingmo quickly squatted down to check. Fortunately, there was no danger to his life, but he was quite mental.

"What's wrong with me?" Yue Lingsu sat up and raised her forehead. "I seem to have two dreams ... I'm in an illusion!"

Yue Lingsu deserved to heal everyone, and soon came over.

Xu Qingmo was completely relieved and everything was fine.

"Ah, you ..." Wu's voice was startled, and the woman was assaulted.

Xu Qingmo turned his head and saw that he and the brother with long hair were sitting face to face on the ground, his clothes were messy, and a large chest was exposed.

The long-haired brother looked at Wu Wu without saying a word, but there was still a blush on his cold face.

Wu was shocked and shy and couldn't speak. He reached for his long-haired brother and couldn't speak.

It is really embarrassing for the two men to happen this kind of thing.

While insisting, the brother with long hair moved, reached out and grabbed the finger that Wu reached out in front of him.

That finger seemed to be Wu's life door. Once caught by the brother with long hair, it was like a dog scratched his chin. He suddenly kept silent and lowered his head shyly.

Yue Lingsu looked blushed, her mouth opened in surprise, her eyes were not blind, and she could see that there was a leg between this classmate Wu and the long-haired brother, otherwise they would not have such an action look at this time .

glass! Gay!

Although I hear a lot now, I was surprised to see it with my own eyes.

"It hurts your fat man!" Wang Fatty moaned over there and finally woke up.

Wu and his long-haired brother quickly put on their clothes and didn't want to be discovered by Wang Fat.

Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu came to Wang Fatzi and hurriedly treated him.

"I fuck, this grave is so **** weird. I had a nightmare. My brother was going to chop me. Why is my neck really bleeding now?" Wouldn't I have the ability to turn my dreams into reality? I knew I would have a spring dream. "

Yueling Su shook her body and thought of something.

Xu Qingmo turned her head to look at the eagerly dressed Wu and long-haired brother over there. Did both of them dream and dream of themselves?

"Let's get out of here first." Yue Lingsu treated Wang Fat with his wounds, and said with a guilty conscience.

"Don't go! Fat Man finally came in, but he hasn't touched the good stuff yet, why should he withdraw?" Wang Fatzi struggled to sit up and said.

Ms. Wu and the brother with long hair also nodded over there. They specially dug down the burrow and came down to this grave, which naturally had a purpose.

Yue Lingsu looked at Xu Qingmo. Xu Qingmo did not immediately agree with Yue Lingsu's opinion. He visited the tomb below. He knew what was inside. He was curious as to what the three people wanted to find.

Isn't it ... they're also looking for that piece of fairy jade?

Thinking of this, Xu Qingmo turned his head to look at the Shitai, but what he saw was a surprise to him.

In the center of the tomb, the stone platform rises high, and a small tripod stands on it, as it always did at the beginning.

But ... Xu Qingmo knew that he had taken away Xiaoding, and Shitai sank. Why is he now back to the original state?

Is it because he traveled through the past and changed history that everything was restored?

But he consumed Xianyu when he passed, and Xianyu just got the medicine tripod and entered the grave below. It is reasonable to say that Shitai should disappear at this time?

Yue Lingsu came to Shitai, looked into Xiaoding, and exclaimed suddenly: "So we are hallucinated by these things?"

Everyone hurriedly looked over and saw that there was no word inside Xiaoding and no amber paste, but a small sapling was growing.

"This is the ghost wood." Yue Lingsu gave a surprise, and then gave Xu Qingmo a heavy look. Obviously, the little sapling in Xiaoding was Huaimu. Although it may not be a new germination, it definitely meets Yue Lingsu's requirements.

"Is this the tree that made the fat man bleed?" Wang Fatzi immediately lifted the engineer's shovel and was about to smash it.

Mr. Wu quickly stopped Wang Fatty, who didn't listen to other people's words, but obeyed Wu.

"Not this tree, but something under this tree." Yue Lingsu stretched out her hand, touched it under the sapling, then took it up, stretched out her fingers and showed them to the crowd.

I saw something shining on her fingertips.

Xu Qingmo was surprised, he had seen this thing, the amber-colored paste, but he didn't see the little sapling at that time!

"This is an amber paste, made from mermaid oil and cooked with ancient secret methods. It can produce a strong hallucinogenic effect when placed with ghost wood. I have seen it in ancient books." Yue Lingsu explained, "This kind of Amber cream is very common in ancient people's tombs, but it's the first time I have seen such a pure color. No wonder its hallucinogenic effect is so strong that we are all confused. "

"Then how did we recover?" Wu asked, looking at the long-haired brother next to him. The long-haired brother was calm, as if he hadn't seen his eyes.

"This amber paste is not only difficult to cook, it is also difficult to preserve." Yue Lingsu continued, "it must be kept in a closed grave. After we enter, the air in this grave circulates, and this amber paste begins to evaporate. The two of you bear the brunt of the attack. The three of us who came in later, although they were also selected, have a short time. "

Yue Lingsu said, shaking her fingers, and the amber cream on it had disappeared and evaporated.

"It's gone, we naturally woke up." Yue Lingsu patted her chest with her hands, she said with a guilty conscience, "This amber cream has no way to release it. Fortunately, the stone door of this tomb is not closed, otherwise Will always be immersed in the hallucinations and cannot extricate themselves! "

Xu Qingmo paused for a moment and couldn't lift it. Then how did he wake up? In memory, he didn't do anything special.

"Leave it alone, take it down again!" Wang Fatzi shot abruptly, tore off the medicine tripod, and the stone began to descend.

The crowd quickly spread out, looking at the newly opened hole, very curious and nervous.

The long-haired brother stretched out his hand and waved at the mouth of the hole, then took it back and sniffed in front of his nose: "There is no danger."

After that, the long-haired brother took the lead and jumped down.

"Hey, my brother's dog nose is really good, but unfortunately I didn't smell any amber rice cake before." Wang Fatzi said.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Wu pushed Wang Fat and followed it.

"Well, I said he was so anxious about you!" Wang Fatzi snorted and went down.

Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu glanced at each other and rushed in.

When I came to the tomb below, it was completely dark. There was no light stick that Xu Qingmo had taken off before, or nothing happened to him. The long hair brother held the light stick above, which was also taken by Xu Qingmo. That one.

The furnishings in the tomb are exactly the same as those seen by Xu Qingmo before, with a slightly decaying coffin.

Xu Qingmo stared tightly. The coffin was intact. He wondered if the Xianyu inside was also intact!

He has already consumed that piece of broken fairy jade!

Mr. Wu let the impatient Wang Fatzi obediently stand aside, and then the long-haired brother passed the inspection and opened the coffin.

Xu Qing Moli went to see immediately. He wanted to review the mural on the sarcophagus, the story of Lai Buyi, which he always thought was a false story!

However, the sarcophagus is still there, and the mural is still there, but the content is completely different.

Ms. Wu got up and read and translated. Xu Qingmo listened in her ears, boasting about the lives of ordinary people. She also mentioned that the tomb master had a high weight in front of her, and she had a long way to go. And the story of turning around and being born again.

Even the name of the tomb owner is Lai Buyi, but whether it is a character or a number, it is different from what Xu Qingmo saw before!

what happened?

Although everything before was restored to the original, everything has not changed, but now why the mural story has changed!

Next, Xu Qingmo watched the long-haired brother open the coffin. He also looked at it and found that there were no corpses, but there was no fairy jade, only a pile of rotting clothes!

"Hey, it's another coat of arms!" Wang Fatzi gasped, clapping his thighs with anger.

Xu Qingmo can hardly control himself. All this is different from what he has experienced. What story of crossing, what fairy tree, jade, all do not exist!

Suddenly, Xu Qingmo saw Xiao Ding held by Yue Lingsu in her hand, and immediately thought of amber cream.

Is it all that before, what is to kill the Moon Lingsu, what is the black shadow, what is to open the tomb below, what is the **** tree immortal jade, what is going back through myself, all are the illusions in my mind after I got amber paste. ?

The only thing that happened was that he and Yue Lingsu and Wu entered the tomb above, and he was poisoned by the amber cream, creating hallucinations. In the hallucinations, he experienced all the incredible things, and then waited until the amber cream had evaporated. I woke up completely and came to the grave below with them!

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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