Museum of Demons

Chapter 97 In a magnificent era, the life of an ordinary person (5,600 chapters for subscription)

Yuan was dragged forward by his friends, still thinking about his pottery.

He has no feelings for the man named Yu, he just knows that this guy has been walking on the earth since he was born, busy with water control, and Yuan always scoffs at such things, mountains, seas, heaven and earth have spirits, and water is the most powerful Everyone knows the name of the Great God Gonggong.

Yu's father was also a kind of person who was born with supernatural powers, but he still failed to control the water.

Yu is no exception.

Just as he was thinking, there was a roaring sound like a war drum. The young craftsman almost subconsciously hid behind his tall friend and looked in the direction of the sound. It was a tall horse with a white body and a full tail. Black, with a horn on top of its head, no hooves, only four tiger claws.

This is a barge, although it looks like a horse, but it eats tigers and leopards.

It is the mount of the generals.

Gao Tao, the tribal leader of Tushan, was a minister of Emperor Shun with a high status.

The priestess of Tushan is about to get married, and the big shots from the surrounding tribes will definitely come.

The tall young man was a little helpless, looked at his friend behind him, and said, What are you afraid of, this one has already been pulled up, and it won't pounce on you to bite you.

Yuan replied: To avoid danger.

Youth headache: You are so timid, you will be laughed at.

The young craftsman just shook his head:

If I wasn't timid, I would have been killed in a clan-to-clan war.

The young man had nothing to say, so he had to take his friends on the road. Together with other people in the tribe, they cleaned up the stone-built house, squeezed the juice out of gorgeous flowers to dye the cloth, and decorated them with flowers and fragrant fruits. For a while, Yuan missed his pottery and slipped away quietly again.

He returned to his place, but was surprised to find that there was another person in front of the pottery.

Or rather, it should be a child.

It was a little girl who was about five years old, wearing white clothes that he had never seen before, only Miko Jiao's clothes could have such a texture, her black hair was soft, the craftsman asked curiously: Hey, which company are you from? What are you doing here, kid?

The little girl looked up, and Yuancai noticed that she had a pair of black and clear eyes, which looked very beautiful.

The girl replied: From the mountain.

From the mountain?

Yuan scratched his head and realized: Oh, you are a mountain dweller.

That's right, for the big event here in Tushan, the nearby mountain people will definitely come down.

Do you like pottery?

The little girl said: Pottery?

Here, that's all.

Yuan Yuan squatted down, picked up the pottery, and said: These are my pottery, but it takes a lot of effort and effort to make qualified pottery, which can withstand the flames, and can withstand the wind and the sun. , to store things.”


Well, isn't there any pottery on the mountain?

These can be used to store food, they can be used to boil water, and they can be used to cook.

It is rare for someone to be interested in his boring job. Yuan sat on the ground and described in detail how good his pottery was. The little girl listened carefully, but Yuan found that no matter what he said, although the other party was very serious, it seemed Can't smile, and there's no expression on his face.

That little face is like the wind on a high mountain, with no expression at all.

At the last parting, Yuan was still unsatisfied, and said, By the way, my name is Yuan, what's your name?

The little girl said: Yuan?

Pointing to the puddle next to it, Yuan Yuan said, It means that the water is stored in one place. Commonly used things, whatever you see, you name it, what's your name?

The little girl shook her head, with no expression on her fair face: I don't have a name.

no name?

There was a look of surprise on Yuan Yuan's face, and he said, Isn't that very pitiful?

The little girl said: My sisters all got their names after going through some things. We don't need this between us.

She thought for a while and said, Then you can give me a name?

Yuan laughed and said, Okay.

Naming is an honor that only people with high morals and respects enjoy. As a prisoner of war, he is a little excited to have such a rare opportunity.

Looking around, he wanted to imitate the elders and give her a random name to deal with, but seeing that there were willows, wood, and weeds around him, similar names were too frequent, he scratched his head, so he could only look at the little girl , said: I can't think of it for the time being, give me some time, I will think of a better name.

The little girl looked at him and nodded: Yeah.

Yuan Yuan thought hard all night, but still found nothing.

It wasn't until the next day when he was dragged to the big wedding by his friends and saw a very graceful woman leading several young girls in front of the distinguished guests, among which the little girl was the youngest, that he was totally stunned.

There were people talking around, and it was too messy to hear clearly. The wine that day was very good, and Yu was a monster. He drank all the young men in the tribe by himself, so Yuan only remembered two things in the end.

The first thing, the graceful and luxurious woman told Yu that he could change China.

The second thing is that the woman is Kunlun West Queen Mother, and the little girl who always has no expression on her face is the youngest celestial girl transformed by the pure energy of Kunlun Mountain.

What is the name...was teased.

Yuan fell to the ground drunkenly, muttering in his heart, no longer taking this matter to heart.

I feel like an idiot for staying up all night last night.


Yuan thought that Yu would continue to live in Tushan.

Who knew that he would disappear on the fourth day, all the women in Tushan scolded him for not being a man, Yuan curled his lips and lowered his head to concentrate on his pottery. I like him very much, and think that although he is obsessed with water control, which has no results, he is at least worthy of respect.

And the goddess that day returned to Kunlun the next day, and didn't come to say her name to her.

Yuan just took it as being teased and didn't take it to heart.

Focus on pottery.

Seven years passed in a flash, and Dayu never came back, but this time he sent a message to Tu Shan, hoping that Tu Shan could send a group of craftsmen to help. Yuan is already one of the best craftsmen in Tushan, so he is naturally dispatching people among.

He saw Yu, he looked much stronger, but he was still young and tall, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, only later did Yuan know that they had encountered difficulties in controlling the water, and a white ape was king in the water system Making chaos, disturbing the water system can not be peaceful, and engulfing many people with water.

He seems to be the god of water here himself.

To solve this water system, we must get rid of this water monkey.

Yu discussed with those beings who were born with supernatural power how to capture this ape, which is called Wuzhiqi.

Yuan helped to forge the huge iron chain, which required him to work together with more than a thousand artisans. The real part also needed a huge giant clan to cast it. Finally, the day came when Yuan saw the white-headed and blue-bodied monkey. He raised his head and roared, thunder bursts, and Dayu fought him like a god.

Wuzhiqi was furious and wanted to pull out the weapon in the water.

Yuan hid his palms sweating, accompanied by orders, and followed a large number of people throwing things in their hands, using stones to hinder Wu Zhiqi's movements. Some of them could lift stones as big as a mountain, Yuan could only use A large earthenware pot was filled with a knife made of stone, and it was smashed out with all its strength.

It may be that he has always been good at throwing and smashing clay pots.

This clay pot hit Wuzhiqi's eyes directly, and the stone knives blessed by those witches sank into Wuzhiqi's eyes, making him roar in horror, the hostility locked on the mortal, Yuan hid behind the stone, feeling that he My heart almost jumped out.

Then there was a long howling sound, and he saw a mighty god taking the opportunity to take down Wuzhiqi.

In the end, Wuzhiqi was locked under the Guishan Mountain in Huai River.

Yuan felt that he was almost scared to death, and his legs and feet were weak and he sat down on the ground.

Yu laughed and patted him on the shoulder: You did a good job, just as accurate as when you hit me back then.

He made a joke.

Yuan really didn't know what to say.

After that, Yuan returned to Tushan again, but he was no longer a prisoner of war or a slave. He had a big house, and had several apprentices who learned pottery and how to throw pottery. It's been six years.

Yuan is already in his thirties, but because he was a prisoner of war and a slave before, he has never been married.

Make pottery happily every day.

Avoid danger, there are too many strange existences in this world, a mortal needs to have eyesight to live long enough.

But he didn't expect that he would meet that person again.


Yuan stared at the front strangely.

The pottery is much better than it was when it was fragile. The curves are perfect, and the lines on it are as delicate as if they were naturally generated, but the little girl in front of the pottery is still the same as before, and there is no change in the look or expression. Variety.

Thirteen years had already made his hair turn gray and his body a little tired.

But there was no trace left on the little girl.

Sure enough, she is indeed the goddess of Kunlun Mountain.

Yuan murmured in his heart, and pushed the fruit over there.

The young celestial girl accepted the fruit, looked at Yuan, and suddenly asked seriously, Where is my name?

Yuan was stunned: What?

The celestial girl was surprised and said, Don't you think about it? Haven't you thought about it yet?

Yuan felt astonished and laughed at the same time. After such a long time, he had long forgotten this matter, but in the eyes of the other party, thirteen years were just a period of time for thinking. He scratched his head and felt that he also Get young.

The other party was not teasing him at the beginning, even though he was just a slave at that time, which made him a little happy, sitting on the ground like a young craftsman back then, and said seriously:

I haven't figured it out yet. You are a goddess. The name of the goddess should be better.

I'll give you the best name.

Wait a little longer.

A slight disappointment appeared on the face of the young celestial girl, and she nodded.


They talked all afternoon.

Yuan, who has always been immersed in pottery making, avoided all kinds of dangers and troubles. It was the last time he knew the reason why the goddess of Kunlun Mountain came here. The simple and honest Yu actually managed the water system, summoned all nations in Tushan, and brought the water god The envoy of Gonggong, a giant named Fangfeng, was killed on the spot.

Fangfeng, with the head of a dragon and ears, with one eyebrow and one eye, is three feet long.

A few years later, even the great god Gonggong was killed by Yu.

Now Shenzhou calls him Dayu.

The Fangfeng family is a giant family whose bones need a cart to pull them. They are good at making jade. Yuan is already one of the most powerful craftsmen in Tushan. He was given the method of making jade. , born with supernatural powers, Yu, who always looked young and tall, has grown gray hair, and is no longer as handsome as a god.

I want you to make a piece of jade the size of your palm and make a jade book.

Jade book?

Yes, use it to record mountains and rivers and all kinds of beasts in the world.

Yuan was a little curious. He didn't know why he learned how to make jade but didn't make those ritual vessels. He wanted to make scrolls. But at this time, Yuan was already forty years old. He agreed, and when he touched the jade, he suddenly I thought of that cold but serious young celestial girl.

I think it would be appropriate to use jade to name her.

Yuan polished the surface of the jade and made jade pieces of the same size.

Then Yu dictated, and he recorded those words, but it was very strange. He said that he recorded the mountains in various places, but he was more about writing about the ferocious beasts and strange tribes in those places, and what kind of people they lived in. The records of the location and appearance of the mountain are more detailed, and they don't care much about the mountain.

Yuan was a little confused, and had asked Yu carefully.

Yu replied: When I killed Gong Gong, the great god, he said that I would regret it. I thought he was referring to his curse, but I didn't care. If the water system in Shenzhou is governed, the whole earth will become fertile and the human race can be free. I can't live without regrets, but now I know what he means.

He pointed to the land in front of him, and said: Although the water of Gonggong is fierce, it targets all living beings. Now there are no raging floods, the land has become fertile, the river has become peaceful, and the hidden tribes and strange beasts They all appeared outside and competed for land, our human race is too weak compared to them.

Yuan somewhat understood:

You feel that you need to record them so that later people can avoid danger.

Yu smiled, did not answer, and suddenly said:

Emperor Xuanyuan defeated Chi You, who was competing with us for the land of Middle Earth, so that we could live in peace. Emperor Zhuanxu cut down the ladder that could climb up to the Kunlun Heaven Realm, and cut off the influence from above. Although we governed the river, it brought Same disaster.

If this is all it takes, what will future generations think of us?

Yuan didn't understand what Yu meant, but just recorded these things honestly with several other craftsmen.

Although I don't understand why this jade book named Shan Hai Jing is more like a pre-war preparation.

Carving during the day, and then saving the discarded jade materials, he went back to think about what to make as a basis for naming the young celestial girl. He felt that she would definitely come back. Sticking to the story in his heart made him feel that he was a little different.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was another twenty years in a blink of an eye. Yuan was already over sixty years old. As a mortal without any supernatural powers, he was almost dying, but in such an era, mortals can live so long. It is something worthy of respect.

But the Classic of Mountains and Seas has not yet been completed.

The young goddess finally visited Tu Shanbu again.

Yuan heard the news when he was preparing to record the strange beasts in the Book of Mountains and Seas. The goddess of Kunlun was discussing secret matters with Yu, and Yuan was in a very happy mood. The goddess and he had not met many times, but here In the tribe, it is rare that he does not regard him as a slave and seriously remembers the promise.

Instead, he broke his promise.

This time I have to give it to her.

Yuan finally recorded the strange beast. Some ferocious beasts can leave a catalog. He has done this kind of work for 20 years. Coincidentally, this is the beast he was most afraid of when he was young, with a beast-like appearance. The sharp claws, the horns of the dragon, devour tigers and leopards, are the strange beasts used by generals to control the army.

He carefully carved the jade tablet.

But at this moment, the ferocious beast broke free from the chain, Yuan's eyes widened, and he was about to run away suddenly, but at this moment, he saw that the beast rushed forward furiously, there was his apprentice there, and a six-year-old child.

The white-haired craftsman froze suddenly. He thought of the adult who blocked him from the sprint when he was young, thought of controlling the flood, and thought of the past that suppressed the water god. He didn't know what he was thinking, so he rushed forward, and the child died. Death closed his eyes, but felt no pain.

He widened his eyes, saw a white-haired man standing in front of him, and was stunned.

Yuan's arms stretched out, firmly blocking the furious retort.

His chest was pierced, but a kind of anger made him suppress his fear. He felt that he understood the look in Yu's eyes. Their generation opened the way, not to let these ferocious beasts wreak havoc on China, kill or even eat people. .

Bi found that the old man on the opposite side was roaring and staring at him. There was a look of fear in those eyes, and Bi's anger turned into uneasiness. This ferocious beast made even that ferocious beast fear, and the warriors of the tribe rushed forward to take down the beast.

Yuan who was pierced was sent back home and passed out early.


Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

I saw the familiar house, and beside it was the young celestial girl in white.

She noticed that Yuan woke up, a trace of worry appeared on her expressionless face, and said:

you're awake?

I healed your wound.

Yuan wanted to smile, but he felt weak and couldn't do it, he lay down, thinking to himself.

It is impossible for the goddess to know the process of getting old.

When you are old, you are injured, and it is useless to heal the injury.

He looked at the young celestial girl in white, and said with a smile: I still remember the first time I saw you forty years ago, you are like this, I still think, how good-looking you will be when you grow up, will you You are even more beautiful than a witch, but I am already so old, and you still haven't changed.

The celestial girl said, You haven't changed either.

The old craftsman took out a box from the bedside, handed it to the woman, and motioned her to open it. Inside was a pair of ring-shaped white jade with soft and perfect curves, like a natural creation. The old craftsman smiled and said:

This is the promise we made when we were young. Although it's too late, I finally thought of a name I can give you.

This is a jade object created by myself.

Shuangyu is Jue, to serve Kunlun, look, your name, let's call it Jue...

He finally saw a look of surprise and surprise on that fair face.

The craftsman closed his eyes slowly, and sighed in a low voice with some regret in his heart.

I haven't asked her if she likes this name...

The young celestial girl raised her head, looked at the craftsman who had closed her eyes, and said, Yuan?

And got no response.

Tiannv stretched out her palm and pushed him lightly, but she still didn't answer, until Nujiao appeared to stop her, she still looked at the old craftsman with closed eyes and wrinkled face, and sighed: Don't bother him...

What happened to him? Asleep?

he died.

Dead? What is death?

Death is nothingness, can no longer speak, can no longer think, can no longer see, hear.

The little girl who had been expressionless looked at the old craftsman on the bed, and suddenly turned and went out. When she came back, she was holding a purple flower in her hand, which was glowing with faint water and glow. The flowers are carefully placed on the artisan's mouth.

The girl whispered: The immortal flower of Kunlun Mountain?!

In the enlightened north of Kunlun, there are Shirou, Zhushu, Wenyushu, Qishu, and Immortal Tree. Fenghuang and Luanniao all wear blinds.

The young celestial girl with a cold face who didn't understand human expressions watched the purple flower slowly wither expectantly, but the human still didn't wake up.

Undying flowers cannot revive the dead.

Nvjiao stretched out her hand to press the top of the little girl's head and rubbed it:'s too late.


The girl was holding the pair of jades in her hands.

On this day, the youngest goddess in Kunlun Mountain has a name.

On this day, Jue found out that the people down the mountain are different from the sisters on the mountain, they will age and die.

PS: Today's update, 5,800 words, is a big chapter

Looking at the situation today, there should be a second update... Lying dead, emmm, although I have a situation where I can't control the power level later in the previous book, but that is also a late stage, and the early stage is still stable~ Pigeon is confident

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