Museum of Demons

Chapter 93 Gun

In the most polite and polite tone, said the most ironic words.

There was a popping sound from behind Wei Yuan, and then a chuckle with a hard-pressed smile. Hu Mei, the most cheerful, was holding the cup of milk tea, her face flushed from holding back her laughter, while Su Yu'er felt something was wrong, so she begged to keep her mouth shut. No matter what the answer is, it will damage the luck of the person.

The face of the wild fox spirit in front froze, and there was no time to be startled and angry.

Suddenly, he felt his body was icy cold.

Then I was horrified to see that behind the seemingly ordinary young man, a large gloomy aura suddenly spread out. It was luck invisible to the naked eye, but on this scale, it was not a noble bruise, but a dense patch of blackness. The vastness and majesty came continuously, making her feel out of breath.

Wei Yuan stepped forward with his sword in hand, the blade of the sword touched the ground, and said:

I see you as a demon, too.

There seemed to be shadowy figures following in the black clouds, and there were vaguely banners flying around.

The fox girl's heart trembled.

Even if it's just fighting in the wild, the monsters who disdain the education of the human race suddenly think of a poem.

Dark clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy it.

A fierce tiger invisible to the naked eye walked slowly.

Immediately after the voice of that sentence fell, she roared suddenly, and rushed towards the fox girl. The fox girl's complexion was pale, and she screamed in panic, and she wanted to subconsciously turn her head and run away in a panic. She just saw that this fierce tiger was It was culled from something in the young man's arms, and it was a token.

Tiger Talisman, military strategist.

The fox girl was struck by the tiger, and suddenly fell to the ground, screaming.

Sudden regret in my heart.

She opened her mouth to beg for closure just to ask Wei Yuan to answer once.

No matter whether the answer is like a human or not, it will consume the luck of the other party. If it is said to be human, then she will benefit again. If it is not human, she will not lose. Some of them affect the practice. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it happens to consume part of the luck to offset the backlash that cannot be kept quiet. It is a shrewd business that will not lose anyway.

But who would have bumped into a military strategist.

Begging to seal this is a tricky way, most afraid of encountering the evil spirit of military strategists. Since ancient times, encountering monsters who are begging to be sealed by generals of military strategists has never had a good end.

In the blink of an eye, the luck that took him a hundred years to accumulate collapsed and fled in all directions.

Just like the people before the army.

Then there is Dao Xing, the three hundred years of Dao Xing seems to have filled a pool, raising a lotus in the pool, and it is about to bloom carefully, now she feels as if the pool was smashed and the lotus was torn off , Even the roots, stems and leaves were torn into pieces.

Three hundred years of cultivation, almost disappeared in an instant.

The fox girl fell to the ground, trembling and curled up.

The originally slender palms turned into claws, and the slender body curled up to less than half its original size.

Long yellow hair grew on his body, his delicate oval face was elongated, and finally turned into a fox's face, vomiting blood continuously, the vision was only vaguely seen by the demon fox himself, and no one else could know about it, Su Yu'er was shocked , and then looked at Wei Yuan, but for some reason in his heart, he felt vaguely familiar with the tragic situation of the fox girl opposite him.

Wei Yuan thought for a while and said:

It's probably because she walks in an evil way and has too much luck in her body.

As a result, I reached the limit I could bear, and I suffered backlash.

The fox girl who fell on the ground almost vomited blood angrily.

In her mind, the luck of the next ten people can bear it. She was mad and frightened in her heart, gritted her teeth and whispered:

Come out, kill them all! Kill them all!

Several figures suddenly flew out of the forest.

Then he rushed straight to the three girls behind Wei Yuan, the cunning rabbit and the cunning fox, and the cunning fox didn't give in. Wei Yuan only thought for a moment, and with the cultivation of this fox demon, he deliberately revealed clues when he sat down, obviously In order to catch big fish with a long line, he not only poisoned him, but also hid ambush soldiers in the forest, which is really cunning.

With a wave of the sword in his hand, the sword energy was like frost.

But after hearing several crisp sounds, the several black shadows that were rushing were immediately repelled, and their figures appeared in the air. One was a two-meter-high pale gray mouse with hair standing up like steel needles, and the other was It was a black wolf with sharp claws, but still held two daggers in its hands.

It is said to be a dagger, but its size is large enough to be equivalent to an ordinary long sword.

The last one turned out to be a mantid.

Holding six knives in his hands, they rolled towards Wei Yuan like a ball of snow.

The eight-faced Han sword in Wei Yuan's hand crashed into the group of knives. With just one sword, it was almost impossible to defend against the six knives. The mantid tried his best to move forward, let alone hurt him. There were three fox girls in Qingqiu at the back, but at this moment, the wolf demon and mouse spirit also culled together.

Su Yuer's three daughters were injured, even if they barely entered the game at this moment, it would only add to the chaos.

Wei Yuan gradually felt the pressure.

It's not the pressure of swordsmanship.

His swordsmanship is truly honed. If these three monsters surround and kill him alone, it is impossible to injure him. Within three feet of the sword, who will come and who will die, but Wei Yuan must protect the three behind him at this moment. Female, the swordsmanship is superb, but the blade is only three feet long after all, which seems a little insufficient.


A pit protrudes from the ground.

Then a black shadow sprang out from the ground, killing Su Yu'er and the three of them.

It was a short man transformed from a gopher, and he was the best at escaping from the ground.

The three women tried their best to pull out the ring blade of the bodyguard, trying to resist the monster, but after all, they were a little weak. A sword light from the oblique ground tore at it, forcing the gopher to turn over and back, otherwise he might be beheaded on the spot, but he But he didn't care, just smirked twice, and licked the dagger.

A small stream of blood remained on the sword.

Hu Mei stared blankly at Captain Sili who stood in front of her.

The clothes on the shoulders had been torn open, and blood flowed down.

If Wei Yuan hadn't turned around suddenly to help just now, the three of them would have suffered serious injuries at least.

Four monsters surrounded the four of Wei Yuan in four different directions. Wei Yuan stretched out his hand and pressed the acupuncture points next to the wound a few times, injecting mana and wrapping the wound. He is not good at healing, but he can also deal with it.

However, the stimulation of the blood made him feel a little indescribable.

Going down to the battlefield sixty times in a short period of time, sometimes, I wonder if I have really experienced that battle.


He shook his shoulders and took a deep breath. The blood stimulated the hidden murderous aura on the battlefield. The pain was not so much, but there was an inexplicable sense of comfort and joy. After thinking about it, he retracted the sword into its scabbard with a clank, and stuck it upside down on the ground. , Wei Yuan lifted his foot and kicked obliquely on the ground, and kicked onto a tree. There was a sound of crackling, and the tree, which was only about three to five years old, fell down, and Wei Yuan raised his hand to grab it.

The wolf spirit was surprised, then smiled clearly: Think the weapon is too short?

But without a sword, I can guarantee that you will die faster.

The man transformed into a gopher stared at Wei Yuan, but for some reason, he clearly left a wound on the opposite opponent just now, but now his heart palpitations are severe, and there is an indescribable feeling that the wound has been bandaged, but that Why is the smell of blood on the man's body stronger?

He was inexplicably afraid and regretful without knowing the source.

The wolf spirit, the mouse spirit, and the mantid exchanged glances, and rushed towards the young man who was holding up the tree.

Suddenly, the man grabbed the tree trunk and swung it violently.

There were streams of wind on the trees, and they split from the inside like knives. The broken wood was like flying rocks. The mantid was afraid of cheating, so he swung six knives and danced a knife scene, smashing the broken wood into pieces. , and then saw that the tree in the man's hand turned into a spear.

My heart suddenly felt cold.

The mantid retreated.

The gun slammed into the air, it was hard to describe how violent it was, and it sent the wolf demon and the mouse spirit flying out. The four monsters were in shock. If the young man holding the sword just now was a thorny beast, how could it be now? Instead of the sharpness and coldness just now, he took on an indescribable calmness.

The point of the gun in Wei Yuan's hand moved forward, touching the ground.

Exhale and close your eyes.

Then frowned,

Not right.

He witnessed the killing of the Bawang with his own eyes, and even fought against the Bawang. Naturally, he could not be unfamiliar with the number of the Bawang's gun, but just now he used it in a decent way, but it was still not strong.

He thought for a while, holding the butt of the gun with his left hand, and the body of the gun with his right hand forward.

But here is a strange-looking footwork.

Su Yuer was surprised, and explained in a low voice to the two puzzled women next to her that most unarmed martial arts in China were transformed from marksmanship. This is a horse stance, a pile for training strength, and the foundation of all martial arts, but few warriors can fight on foot. It is necessary to rush forward.

Because this is not flexible enough, they have their own fighting footwork.

Su Yuer's status is very high in the entire Qingqiu Fox Clan, Hu Mei didn't doubt it, she just said quietly:

Then does this mean that Mr. Wei is better at fighting on horseback?

Su Yuer couldn't help shaking her head.

How can there be warriors fighting with horse stance in this world? Horse stance is the most basic skill. There are two prototypes. One is the refusal stance against cavalry from infantry and spears, and the other is the ancient general's horseback riding. It is more credible to say that the gun is good at horse fighting rather than being good at horse stance.

She froze for a moment.

Good at horse fighting?

Su Yuer looked at Wei Yuan, who was constantly adjusting his appearance, as if he was really riding a war horse, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed something. It seemed that it was recorded in ancient books that the monsters who were begging for words were backlashed to the point where they were completely broken. When going out from Qingqiu Fox Country, that Qingqiu guard seemed to greet Wei Yuan and said something, but what was that sentence...

Why didn't you pay attention to it before?

But Wei Yuan is not enough to stick to the horse's step.

Until the state is adjusted, the body is on the basis of the horse stance, with breathing and blood flow, slightly undulating.

Until it seemed as if he was really riding a horse.

The indistinct insights gained when facing the Overlord, and the strong hostility from the Overlord came to mind.

Only then did his brows relax.

now it's right.

Lieutenant Sili raised his head, let go of the gun with his right hand, raised his hand, clenched his fist, and pointed his thumb down.

He made a provocative gesture towards those monsters.


In the distant mountains, the distant rivers.

The woman in the red dress quietly looked into the distance.

In the box next to her, there was a slight trembling sound suddenly, and she opened the wooden box. On the soft golden silk cloth in the box, there was an ancient gun head with fine lines on the blade, even if it was protected. Very good, the ground is clean, but it still exudes a strong bloody smell that is hard to ignore. At this moment, it keeps humming, as if it is about to jump out of the gun box and continue to fight.

The woman touched the spear and said in surprise.

Murderous intent... Do you feel the borrowed murderous intent?

But he clearly hasn't come back yet, so, is it his former enemy and opponent?

The gun blade roared.

Really? You want to continue fighting.

The woman stroked the blade of the gun, but she just said: It's been so long now, there are no our old friends in the world. I used to feel that I couldn't let go of those hatreds, but after two thousand years, there is nothing I can't let go. Even if he still borrows it, he will only want to have a drink with his old friend, the long river is still there, and the old friend is still there, he will like it very much.

The woman put the gun into the box and said softly:

Let's go.

It hasn't been alive for decades.

Let's go and see, which old friend is that...

PS: The first update today...

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