Museum of Demons

Chapter 867 Save me, save me, save me

Great Wilderness Southern Domain.

Let me tell you, baldhead.

Go! Don't be cowardly, just one word, reckless is right!

Hudi, who had become thinner, ate a lot of food, surrounded by a large circle of people, or inhuman things. There was a table in front, and Yuanjue sat on one side. Stretching out his right hand, he competed with a tall man with a ferocious face like a tiger.


The race with the blood of the great fierce beast has tried its best.

The monk remained motionless.

In the end, the former roared, and his body became huge, because he actually lost to this bald man in the competition of pure strength, and even lost to the human race. The most important thing is that he even paid for his underwear. When he went back, he might not have been beaten by his mother-in-law. Under the desperate situation, his eyes were slightly smudged with scarlet.

Hey, hey, hey! You lost, and your guy actually opened up magic powers?!

Suddenly Emperor shouted.

The tall man's body suddenly swelled, becoming huge and terrifying, with his head raised and roaring.

The evil spirit was wanton, and the people watching the excitement all backed away.

Run, run, this guy has the blood of the ancient great demon. Once he gets angry, his evil spirit will rush to the top. He only knows destruction and killing. He won't calm down if he doesn't run away for two or three hours!

Passers-by shouted reminders.

Thank you benefactor.

But it's okay, the poor monk is a disciple of Buddhism, and he is best at dispelling the demons in his heart and purifying others.


The monk stood on his chest with one hand, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then grabbed the man who was so huge that he was about to turn into a man standing upright. Without changing his face, he picked it up with one hand and smashed it to the ground. .

Shakya Throwing Elephant Skill!

The murderer was let go before he could get mad.

It fell heavily on the ground.

It caused the surrounding rocks to crack, and large pieces of bricks and stones were turned into powder, leaving the bewildered man with blank eyes and a confused mood.

The next moment, a mixed iron Zen stick was directly pressed against his forehead, and the monk said gently:

Sir, have you calmed down?

Murderer: ...


Hahahaha, Buddhist disciples, this trick of being quiet and comfortable is really effective.

The thin old man laughed and collected all the money he had won. Yuanjue shook his head, and returned most of it to the original owner, and some of it was distributed to the poor, leaving only a part enough for himself to live on and buy food. thing.

There are also opinions about Emperor Hu.

To be honest, it is enough to have fun with this bald guy.

The old man kept stuffing food into his mouth, Yuanjue said in a gentle tone, Overeating is not good.

Old man, you just lost weight not long ago.

If this is the case, you will gain weight again soon.

Hahahaha, what are you talking about?

Hu Di just laughed and waved his hands: Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Old man, my body shape was only due to the backlash of this [refining fake] ability. Now that I have lost weight, it is impossible to gain weight again. Hahaha, the delicacies that I didn't dare to eat in the past, now I want to eat more. It’s really relaxing to eat to your heart’s content.”

When you find Shu, you must make fun of him!

Old man, I finally returned from the backlash of this concept, hahahaha...

Emperor Hu was in a very happy mood.

Picking up a snack and putting it in his mouth, Yuanjue suddenly saw the old man's face swell up, his face froze, he reached out and rubbed his eyes, but found that it was just his own illusion, but in the next second, the old man's belly Suddenly, it became bigger again, and the clothes were bursting.

The old man stepped out.


The aura of domineering overflowed, and in an instant, the clothes that fitted him turned into butterflies, flying in the air.

The naked pork ribs were exposed.

Emperor Hu: ...

Yuanjue: ...

In the next second, the pork ribs turned into a ball with a clatter, and a group of people around turned their backs on their backs. The rotten eggs and rotten vegetables and leaves were thrown directly at the indecent old man in front of the public. Yuanjue reacted quickly and directly smashed the gray With a pull of the monk's robe, the old man was wrapped up.

The monk looked at the old man who had regained weight and rebounded, and was at a loss:

This, is the effect of this snack so great?

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched.

What the hell am I...

Wei Yuan!!!!!!

Fox cub!!!

Woooooooooooooooo what are you doing with Nuwa?!

With a splash, the old man's right arm swelled like a giant, Yuanjue's forehead twitched, he stepped out, and shouted loudly, Shakyamuni's elephant throwing skill and Buddhist Zhangba's golden body were displayed together, and he directly carried the man who was not fat enough The old man who couldn't bear it by himself stepped forward.

Buddhist Lightness Kung Fu: Catch Cicadas in Eight Steps!

Already extraordinary and refined body technique, the theory of this technique is the reaction force, the greater the strength, the greater the counter-propelling force, the faster the speed, the simple and rude monk style, Yuanjue felt a throbbing pain in his forehead, only felt that the old man behind him had never done it One breath and one moment weighs so much.

Finally rushed out of the city with difficulty.

After rushing to the mountain forest, Emperor Hu behind him had turned into a giant as big as a hill.

Then it was obvious that it was still getting bigger and bigger. The monk was carrying the mountain and galloped. Finally, he couldn't hold it anymore. He swayed, holding his strength, and slowly put the old man down. Feeling blessed.

If it was in that city, the city lord's mansion would be collapsed with one butt.

Stretching out, one-third of the entire city can be destroyed.

Even formations are useless.

Old man, why did you mention the owner of the guard?

Hu Di was at a loss for words, in order to prevent embarrassment, he had quietly communicated with Wei Yuan before, and did not let the monk know about it. Just now, the old man was extremely ashamed and angry, and instinctively shouted out. At this moment, Hu Di, who has lost all his old face, understands again Why is it that Lao Buzhou refuses to ask his apprentice to follow him anyway.

But is it him?

How big of a deal has to be done to cause such a big problem? !

At this moment, both Hudi and Yuanjue were slightly startled, and suddenly heard a flat voice that directly rang out from the bottom of their hearts, far away and vast, deep and mysterious.

From the beginning of the poor way, now I have achieved the way.

On the Yuxu Palace in Buzhou Mountain, it is said that the common people live for seven days, and those who are destined can come.

! ! !

Yuanjue looked heavy.

This reminded him of the Romance of the Gods in the human world, and the plot of Hongjun's preaching.

Grandpa Hu Di was dumbfounded: Wait... this is...

The top ten peaks, the realm of detachment?!

Isn't it Yuan boy?! Wait... this Yuxu Palace?

Is there really Yuxu Yuanshi in the world? It's over, it's over, it's really over now...

Am I digging out the original home of Yuxu like this?

Emperor Hu's heart was so miserable that he couldn't make it worse, but he wished he could raise his head to the sky and scream.

Suddenly noticed that sentence, [Buzhou Mountain Yuxu Palace], and a happy smile appeared on his face again: Buzhou Mountain, Buzhou Mountain... Hahahaha, old Buzhou, your house was taken out again, haha Haha you have a lot of fun...

Is there anyone more unlucky than you?

Yes, yes.

Wooooow, it's me, it's me!

Yuanjue collected himself, and took out the [Buddha] brand left by the previous Yuxu.

In any case, if the old man gets fatter, he will explode on the spot.

You must take the initiative to contact me.


... Yuxu, Yuanshi?

In the Great Wilderness, the land in the far west, there is a god who rises and falls with the moon and stars.

Wearing a white robe with patterns made of gold thread, and black wooden hairpins, only the two strands of white hair at the temples are gray, and the handsome god with a sword at his waist closed his eyes and murmured to himself when he heard the vast and majestic announcement Language, Yuxu Yuanshi.

Is it the person who said he has something to do with [Hou Tu Niang Niang]?

He recalled the white-haired Taoist he had seen in the remote frontier.

Killing Lian Shou with a sword, and forcibly killing Gou Mang...

But the strength shown at that time did not reach the peak of the top ten...

Could it be that he was really a Taoist friend of the same era as Hou Tu Niangniang, but because of some reasons, his strength was damaged, he got out of trouble at that time, and then quickly recovered to his original state during this period of time?

This can explain why he can easily kill Lian Shou and Jumang.

But... this breath...

Ye Ming frowned slightly, subconsciously raised his hand, and subconsciously covered the center of his brow, feeling a burst of tingling pain, a burst of trance, as if something had been forgotten, only a few traces remained, but he tried his best to think about it At that time, I couldn't think of anything.

Have I ever, met him?

The wooden hairpin had white hair, and the young man with the sword on one side of the white robe frowned.

Suddenly received a message from the Emperor of Heaven.

Seven days later, I will give a sermon at the Yuxu Palace in Mount Buzhou.

You go there yourself, Ye Ming...

? ? ?

Ye Ming was puzzled.

Even if it is to preach, it is only about fate, even if it is the top ten peaks, the Taoism taught will only give two types of existence effects——

One is a creature who has not been able to practice, and will be able to build a strategic plan because of this, and will not go astray in the future; the other is to reach a pass, and it must be that he has been thinking hard for a long time, and there are many feelings in his heart that cannot be broken.

You can have an epiphany and step into it stronger.

But for those who are in their own state, it is of no benefit at all to listen to the sermon.

Even if the opponent is the top ten.

Unless the other party accepts me as a personal disciple and passes on the mantle, otherwise, this preaching is meaningless, and at the level of the top ten peaks, fate and karma are the most important. Even if I grew up beside the Emperor of Heaven, the latter is just accepting This is exactly the case when he became a disciple of Dayi without accepting himself as a disciple.

I also asked myself.

The Emperor of Heaven just said, 'Your fate is not here. '

That's the reason.

But the Emperor of Heaven has always watched the world from the sidelines, this time he took the initiative to give an order, Ye Ming naturally agreed, bowed his hands and said in a gentle voice, Yes, follow the decree of the Emperor of Heaven.

Wait until the breath of the Heavenly Emperor dissipates and leaves.

Ye Ming pondered.

Seven days later... Yuxu Palace?


And in the area closest to the foundation of the avenue.

The white-haired Taoist looked at the reflection of the sky and smiled calmly and gently, and then turned into countless twilights with satisfaction, and disappeared. Wei Yuan watched the remaining traces of the sky leave and dissipate. In the end, only a piece similar to The command of the token.

...Is it for me?

The Taoist reached out and took the jade talisman into his hand, saying it was a jade talisman, but in fact the material was neither gold nor jade, extremely hard, yet warm to the touch, the Taoist couldn't figure out what the characteristics were for a while, so he put it in his arms casually, and finally watched the waves turbulent The avenue of rivers flowing through.

In the double pupil, there appeared endless years.

Tsk... it really is the tail of the crane.

I left a mark, but I didn't leave it completely. It only lit up a few years. As for the mark of the concept of the future, it doesn't exist at all... Well, if I return, I will return to the node of the fragment of the sky. ...

Wait, my physical body is already did this happen?

Emperor Shu, fetal transformation and change of shape... Forget it, let's look for him later, I hope Xian is fine...

Wei Yuan thought about what happened at the beginning, his final impact was that he blocked the move of the turbid air, but at that time he didn't have much strength left, could he kill the turbid air with one blow? , even he himself is not sure.

If Xianzhen was there and was hurt by turbidity in the past, it would be his responsibility.

After all, it's not him, and it's not his relationship with Hun Tian, ​​so Xian doesn't have to go back, let alone lose his memory.

The Taoist [saw] that time node, looked at the vast and majestic avenue, and felt a sense of loss in his heart. He didn't know how long it would be until he came here on his own initiative instead of taking the opportunity of taking that step. after that.

Wei Yuan lowered his eyes, and the white-haired Taoist disappeared.

Time freezes.

Causal reconnection.

So, back to Jiuyou, goodbye to the old friend.

PS: The first update today...

The outline is being integrated.

Looking back on it as a whole, I feel that there are a lot of pitfalls.

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