Museum of Demons

Chapter 853 Catastrophe

In Xuanyuanqiu today, it seems that it is raining non-stop outside, and the sky is very oppressive. The tall water god Gong Gong stood in front of the window, looked at the sky, and said after a long time: I never thought that the Taoist valued the change of the emperor so much. At such an important time today, he didn't come?

It's really strange.

Gonggong is dressed in solemn Chinese clothes, and there are elders from various tribes of the human race gathered here. Everyone is wearing extremely simple and solemn clothes, which makes the atmosphere here particularly solemn and solemn, and there is a faint feeling that makes people hold their breath and calm down subconsciously. of mysterious power.

But this solemn and solemn feeling was broken by a man.

Ji Xuanyuan was sitting on the main seat, Xuanyuanjian was hanging on the side, clutching the big bag on his forehead, gasping for air, muttering something constantly in his mouth, and occasionally gritted his teeth to say a few words, while the rest of the tribes All the patriarchs looked at their noses and noses and their hearts, pretending not to see.

In fact, someone saw Emperor Xuanyuan quarreling with Patriarch Lei Zu again today.

Although in the past, the two often quarreled.

This time it was especially powerful, as if they had moved their hands a little.

Gong Gong turned his head and saw Zhuan Xu, who was also dressed in solemn attire, was explaining to a pretty girl with a puzzled face, and then continued to be puzzled: Huh?? No? That should be a senior from the Tu Shan family. Ah, it seems to be called Xiyuan, and it is said that she is the direct descendant of Tushan girl Xishi.

The girl pondered: But, even I am not the true direct descendant of Emperor Wa's creation.

When our bloodline has not been revealed, we won't claim to be descendants of the Nuwa clan... In this era, there is no real descendant of the Nuwa clan. Maybe there will be later, but there is no such thing now.

Zhuanxu, you must have been deceived!

Oh? Really? But that Mr. Yuan seems very sincere...

Hmph, don't you understand? The Tu Shan girl said triumphantly:

In our Tushan, those thousand-year-old foxes who can deceive people the most are all sincere and gentle, but those little foxes are the ones who look like I want to deceive people. In my opinion, even if that guy is not The female Xi's direct descendant must also be an aged and well-behaved white vixen.

From this point of view, I think he really belongs to Tu Shan.

Gonggong looked over there and was annoyed that Ji Xuanyuan, who should have used this sentence during the quarrel this morning, would not have lost, saw that the latter had prepared a lot of words to go back and fight back.

Looking at Zhuan Xu who was reminded by his fiancee that the more sincere a man is, the easier it is to deceive, just like the more beautiful a woman is, the easier it is to deceive.

To say it is easy to deceive people is to think that I am a liar.

Saying that it is not easy to deceive people means that you think I am not good-looking.

Such a lore made Zhuan Xu's scalp sweat.

As expected of the little princess of the Tu Shan clan...

Gonggong rubbed his brows, feeling that none of the old and the young were reliable, and finally couldn't help but said: His Majesty Xuanyuan, it's time to start the ceremony of changing the emperor.

Gritting his teeth, Ji Xuanyuan, who seemed to see himself finally [defeating] Leizu and smiling, suddenly woke up, coughed, and said, Ah, yes, yes, it's started, Zhuanxu, sit back, sit back!

Huh? Where's Zhu Rong?

Emperor Xuanyuan saw that the fire over there was not there, leaving only a scarecrow with a top bag, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Zhuan Xu said: Ah, Zhu Rong's wife was healed by that Taoist priest, and now he is taking her for a walk in Xuanyuanqiu? Or has he returned to the tribe? Yes, Zhu Rong also said that today he will cook by himself. won't come.

Ji Xuanyuan rubbed the center of his brows: Really... Is cooking for his wife more important than human etiquette? Forget it... His wife has also been ill for many years, so she won't wait for him. Anyway, his Choose, I will know.

He paused, looking at the Xuanyuan sword in the sheath next to him, he finally felt a sense of relaxation in his heart, no matter what, he has successfully brought this difficult road to the end, the Yellow Emperor is no longer, and finally It's just that Xuanyuan, who grew up next to Jishui, will be able to resolve the misunderstandings with Leizu one by one...

Emperor Xuanyuan glanced at Zhuanxu who was doing the job properly, his expression slightly restrained, and said:

The fate of humanity, in the hands of whom, should be decided today.

Gonggong, Zhuanxu, you two can talk freely...


At the same time, at the Tianzhu.

Buzhou Mountain God shunned many mountain gods around, regretting that the old friend who carried Hetu Luoshu seemed to be unable to come for some reason, so he had to watch the so-called big things alone, Huh, big things, I want to see Look, what a big deal!

Buzhou Mountain God sneered a few times when he thought of what the white-haired Taoist said at that time.

This seat supports the sky and the ground.

I want to see how the bloody disaster came about.

But this big event is true... Lao Buzhou raised his eyes, relying on the sky and the ground to travel around the personality of the Six Voids. Although he is not good at heavenly secrets, he can faintly feel the so-called calamity. Only in Xuanyuanqiu Internally, because of the circulation of human luck, I'm afraid I didn't notice it.

A big catastrophe...a big catastrophe?

I don't know who is going to be unlucky.

The old man sighed a few times, then sat cross-legged on a flat cliff on Buzhou Mountain, looking at the human race Xuanyuanqiu from a distance.

Wait for me to see!

If you are an acquaintance, when you reach out to help, you can laugh at it.


On Xuanyuan Hill, the luck of the human race was turbulent. Finally, after arguing, Ji Xuanyuan rubbed his eyebrows, glanced at the many patriarchs of the human race, and said slowly: Then, it seems that everything has a conclusion. From now on, I am no longer the Yellow Emperor, nor the Human Emperor.

And the next generation of Emperor.

Ji Xuanyuan's voice paused, and said, Zhuanxu.

He looked at his grandson next to him, and when the atmosphere became subdued, he smiled and said, You have to help Gonggong well...

Huh? Ah, good! Good!

Zhuan Xu was stunned for a while, and then he came to his senses, stood up with great joy, and bowed his hands deeply.

Looking at the calm and composed Shuizheng Gonggong next to him, he said: Then I will take care of you, Brother Gonggong, ah, shouldn't I be called the emperor now?!

Gonggong said: It's okay, just as usual.

Hey, relax, relax.

Ji Xuanyuan took a long breath, stretched his waist, and held Xuanyuan Sword casually in his hand, saying:

Then my old man is leaving, you can do it yourself.

Gonggong said: It's time to go back and accompany Your Excellency Leizu.

Part of the conflict between the two of you could not be resolved before, because the position of Human Sovereign restrained your experience and the responsibility of this position, but now, I will take this responsibility, and you can also solve those misunderstandings ...


Ji Xuanyuan's face froze, and finally he smiled helplessly: Yes, it's time...

It's about time.

By the way, now that you are the emperor, you can no longer use our discipline. I use clouds as my year, and my ministers use clouds as their names, such as Jinyun and the others; Shennong used fire as his discipline. The courtier is named after fire, what year do you want to use? What should the courtier be named after?

Gonggong said without hesitation: Water, water record, water is the foundation of the year, and water is the name of the minister.

Xuanyuan nodded and laughed loudly: Good!

'In the past, the Yellow Emperor's family was named after Yun Ji, so he was named Yun Shi. '

'The Emperor Yan's family was named after the fire period, so he was called the fire master. '

'The Gonggong family is based on water discipline, so it is named as a water master and water. '

————— Zuo Zhuan Seventeen Years of Zhao Gong

Gonggong brought tea to each other, but found that there were ripples in the teacup. For a moment, he felt nervous and apprehensive, even holding the water a little unsteadily. The ripples suddenly changed dramatically.

Even the ground under his feet began to tremble violently.

Gonggong's pupils contracted, he clenched his fist violently, and smashed horizontally. The majestic water flow naturally erupted, mixed with the horizontal obstruction of humane luck, and directly blocked the sudden attack. The Xuanyuanqiu Hall used to select the emperor collapsed, revealing The sky and the enemies standing under it.

...It really came.

Gonggong's expression remained unchanged, and he said in a cold voice: it the assassin from Guixu, or the evil gods who were frustrated in the battle of Zhuolu, or those dirty things that hide in unknown places?

The human race in this era is fighting in the heaven and the earth, and there are definitely many enemies.

The change of the emperor of the human race is actually a transfer of luck, and the time is determined in advance and cannot be changed.

The other party didn't open his mouth, but an extremely powerful aura erupted from his body, vast and majestic, and then swept away, boundless waves of air, one after another figure flew out of his hand, and fell heavily on the ground. After an enemy secretly assassinated Gonggong Zhuanxu, the strong human race was planted around the human race.

At the same time, the surrounding land continued to crack and tremors caused waves of panic from the human race. Because of the assassin, the pre-arranged preparations were effective at this moment, and the first offensive did not work.

Zhuan Xu's face was pale.

Gong Gong's expression was cold: Okay..., I have planned it for a long time, how many years have I been preparing?

You don't need to know... the hoarse voice replied.

Gonggong pulled down his cloak with his backhand, threw it on the ground casually, and said: Their goal is the luck of the human race and the veins of the earth. I will fight them and stop them! Zhuanxu, you stay here, your formation The law is strong enough to maintain the stability of the human race Xuanyuanqiu!

This is my first order as the Emperor.

Zhuan Xu calmed down and said, Yes!

Gonggong looked at Ji Xuanyuan next to him: Then, if you have a high-level combat power, I will get rid of you.

If the luck of the human race and the veins of the earth are destroyed...

Humans are a race that walks on the earth. If luck and veins are destroyed together, they will basically go to extinction and lose their foothold. Xuanyuan nodded, Gonggong nodded solemnly, and then walked out, laughing loudly: Come on! Go against the gods!

Human race works together, be your opponent!!

The majestic water flows up and up, like water dragons roaring, covering the entire range of the huge human race. The panicked people quieted down for a moment, and then cheered up, seeing the blue water cover protecting themselves , while the tall young man stood outside, full of heroism.

Master Gonggong!!

The god of war stepped forward and lowered his eyes, and saw the tall Fangfeng youths sitting on the shoulders of children, waving at him vigorously, smiling brightly, Gong Gong looked a little gentler, nodded slightly, raised his head, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, He stared icily at the enemy ahead.

bring it on……

Throwing a punch violently, the opponent didn't seem to intend to fight head-on with Gonggong at all. After fighting several times, after falling into a disadvantage, he just retreated quickly, but when Gonggong was about to stop, he saw the figure emitting a strong turbidity. Just clenching five fingers together, a mountain collapsed immediately!

The earth cracked, and the veins began to decline crazily.

Gonggong's expression changed suddenly.

! ! !

This is not something that has been prepared for a year or two at all. This is a plan for a hundred years, or even hundreds of years. It is directly aimed at the luck of the earth. It already possesses the rest of the origin of the human race.

A part of the source was separated and turned into a river, instantly filling the torn earth.

Then the trembling earth was restored to calm.

Gonggong's face turned pale.

The figure stopped and laughed loudly: If you separate the source, your strength will inevitably be damaged. Are you so stupid now? God of water, you are not my opponent like this!

Hmph! It's just a little bit of the origin!

The tall young man was sharp with a spear in his hand. Hearing the voice of shouting in the wind, he sneered and said:

It's enough to kill you!

Is that so...then you, come and try!

The turbid figure quickly backed away, not going at all, and did not dare to confront Gong Gong, but he had paid enough to have haste, and more importantly, whenever Gong Gong wanted to kill him, he would A rupture of the leylines erupted.

As a result, cracks appeared one by one in the earth, which continued to collapse, and the earth's veins withered.

The Water God didn't change his face, and walked forward step by step.

His right hand directly hit his chest and abdomen, self-mutilated his body, and sprinkled blood on the ground, turning into a raging river, separating his own source of human luck, and dividing into it, so the torn ground returned to normal The water flow nourished the veins of death and gave birth to new vitality.

In this way, the human race will not collapse due to the death of the earth's leylines.

As a result, rivers and oases appeared on the earth. The aftermath of the fight between the two changed the color of the world and collapsed the mountains. In the end, the other party seemed to have no ability and arrangement to make the land collapse again. Gong Gong, who had separated too many origins, turned pale, and gradually began to look in a trance.

Only the desire to kill the enemy in front became more and more determined.

If you don't kill him, don't kill them, the human race will suffer great disaster...

Master Gonggong...

‘Brother Gonggong. '

'Co-workers! '

The Water God was in a trance, knowing that his foundation had been consumed too much, but he was decisive enough, he did not hesitate to seriously injure himself, but also aroused all his strength, and suddenly attacked forward, the domineering spear, the momentum of the flowing water, stab through the enemy.

Gonggong breathed a sigh of relief.

Then after seeing the enemy killed by himself, he saw [Buzhou Mountain] behind the enemy.

You... fell for it...

The god who was killed to death whispered.

But at this moment, Gong Gong, who was fighting to the death, could no longer change his moves.


When Lao Buzhoushan watched the excitement abruptly, he didn't expect that he would be involved in it, and he also didn't expect that the guy who exudes foul smell and probably has a lot of background would be willing to die to design Gonggong. The old man subconsciously Raise your hand, the concept of mythology is induced.

Support the sky and the ground!

But looking at the water god who was covered in blood and kept the earth veins intact with his own strength.

This trick is hard to hit.

If he didn't spend his foundation to maintain the leylines, it would be impossible for him to be deceived by such a strategy, right?

The old man sighed, if there was no water god to maintain the earth veins, the earth would collapse and everything would die, how could he smash down with such a move, and Buzhou Mountain, which supports the sky and the earth, made another choice at this moment.

Calculating old man? ! !

The tall old man was indifferent, ignoring Gong Gong's blow, and clenched his fist.

The way of heaven was torn apart, and then a figure who was watching the development of the situation was directly held in the palm of the old man. The latter's complexion changed suddenly, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood. , and fell into such a situation the next moment, I can't believe it:

You... when did you find out!

Buzhou Mountain God is indifferent, propping up the sky and leaning on the ground, his figure becomes taller and more terrifying in the eyes of the other party, as if the sky is smashed, and then the old man holds it hard, which leads to all the behind-the-scenes. When it burst out, even the true spirit was almost completely shattered, screaming.

This is a bad choice.

The next moment, Buzhou Mountain was hit by the water god and fell down.

Because the leylines were disturbed, the earth foundation of Buzhou Mountain was affected.

In that scene, the latter was thrown heavily and hit the ground, his body was shattered, and his energy was sluggish. He watched the first fragment of the sky crumble in all directions, and all dharmas died out, but he laughed loudly: cough cough cough , ahahaha, you, no matter what, you have all been tricked, haha, cough cough... you are actually willing to share your own background to make up for the earth's veins, ha ha, you are courting death.

Really, take the way of death, take the way of death, such an idiot, it's too easy to calculate!

He staggered up, clutched his chest, swallowed the precious medicine, and recovered from his injuries:

...The Lord of the Ruins, why hasn't he come yet?

Forget it, next, I can do it alone.

He can't come...

And you, you can't complete your so-called plan...

Responded with suppressed anger.

The man raised his eyes and saw the white-haired Taoist approaching with a sword. The body on the opposite side seemed to be broken as well, but it was absolutely incomparable. He barely managed to keep the sky and the earth from falling, and then held the sword in his left hand, the sword energy was like frost.

Kun Wu shouted.

Buzhou Mountain Kungfu, reappears in the world!


PS: Today's first chapter... 5,000 words, ask for a monthly pass during the double monthly pass period.

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