Museum of Demons

Chapter 847 Yuxu finally left his name (thanks to the leader Yuejianhei)

By the time Cangjie burned the Yellow Emperor's Yin Fu Jing on the jade stone, the sky outside was already a little dark. When Cangjie opened the door, under the big tree, the Taoist had disappeared. , Even the number of children coming and going has decreased.

That's's already dusk, it's almost dusk...

It's getting dark.

It's almost dusk...

The old man murmured to himself.

Turning around and walking slowly to the table, the revised Yellow Emperor's Yin Fu Jing was placed on one side, and on the table, there were some chaotic and disfigured chapters engraved on the table. Cangjie coughed for a long time, Suddenly there is a kind of enlightenment.

Perhaps, the reason why that person demonstrated Taoism to himself was because he had reached the end of his life...

Will this weaken some kind of backlash from heaven and earth?

Cang Jie, one of the ancestors of the humanities, was not a stupid person. Looking at the words on this table, the old man suddenly had an urge to keep this thing. Can you resist not to preserve these beautiful things in future generations?

The old man held a carving knife in his wrinkled hands, and with his last memory, he reorganized the text on the table. This is the original version, not the part he relayed. He tried to rely on his memory to retell what the Taoist said. explain.

boom! ! !

Suddenly there was a roaring sound in the sky.

There was a thunderbolt in the flat ground, and it rolled across thousands of miles. The old man was caught off guard, his hand shook, and the carving knife fell directly on the ground. The heavy rain in the gourd is falling, smashing down!

The old man just felt that his own room was like a boat on rough waves.

There is a possibility of overturning at any time. I felt the violent vibration of the window. Suddenly, the door was pushed open. The cold wind that rushed in made the already dim lights tremble violently, but finally stabilized. With the help of this stable light, the old man Saw the comer.

It was a handsome young man with curly hair, but the curly hair hanging down the back was originally black, but now it was washed by the rain, and the black color receded, but it failed to return to the original white color, and instead turned into a kind of red feeling .

Bai Ze? This is...

Cangjie was at a loss.

Bai Ze shook his head violently, shaking off the water on his body like a big cat shaking off the rain, and said, What else? I want to ask you, Cangjie, what are you doing? How did you come up with such a thing? Big movement? So high that it seems like heaven and earth are going to kill you?

Heaven and earth kill me? Hahahaha, the old man is a dying person, how can there be such a big show?

Bai Ze stopped talking, looked at the text that the old man wanted to record, and said:

So, what are you writing? Tsk, I don't understand much.

You don't know, there is a sudden thunder and rain outside, the sky is still dusk, but the rain is red, it looks like bleeding, don't say it has nothing to do with what you wrote.

Cangjie asked curiously, Then why don't you go hide, what are you doing here?

Me? Of course I'm looking for you to drink?

Let me tell you, hahaha, this is the wine brewed by Du Kang himself. It has been hidden for so many years, and it tastes great. Bai Ze's face was full of complacency, and Cangjie couldn't help laughing. Moved a seat for him, and chatted with Bai Ze while burning the text by himself.

This book... Maybe I have to ask you, Aze, in the end.

Just hide it, hide it among the famous mountains and rivers, and wait for people to discover it later.

You don't want to look at it... Heh, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but I'm a dying person, and I have a little perception. If you look at this thing, I'm afraid you will be seriously injured...

Cang Jie chattered on and on, but Bai Ze responded in a nonchalant manner.

Instead, he talked about the lively things in Xuanyuanqiu recently, such as a husband and wife quarreled, and the man was beaten by his wife so that he couldn’t get out of bed, and there were so many delicious things, Cang Jie smiled and said:'s great to have a bear department...

Aze, tell me, Xuanyuanqiu, how long can the Yanhuang lineage last?

Will it last forever?

Bai Ze's voice paused, and finally said: I don't know...

Besides, why don't you go and see things like this yourself?

Ask, I don't know everything.

Cangjie laughed loudly, then drank, remained silent for a long time, and said, I saw just now that the old tree we planted outside has grown so tall, unfortunately, when the sun goes down, it always Do you think that this tree will also wither slowly?

Bai Ze quietly replied: It will wither...

But when it withers, its seeds will go with the wind, and it will grow one, two, three, four, many, many trees, and even a large forest, and such a lush forest in the future, regardless of the final Wherever they go, they all come from here, from Xuanyuan Hill, a tree you planted with your own hands.

So even if Xuanyuanqiu no longer exists in the future, what you have done is by no means in vain.

...Really? The old man said with a smile:

That's really, really great...

Then, I will have Lao Aze to help you see the future scenery.

Bai Ze said nothing.

Cangjie smiled again and said, However, you will leave here too, right? You told us how to restrain demons, beasts and even the gods for the first time, which is equivalent to enmity with the gods. ...they won't let you go.

The scribe with curly white hair closed his eyes and said, ...don't get me wrong.

I just felt that the human race could not protect me without you, so I left.

Hahaha, is it?

Wenzu Cangjie laughed and said: I thought that if you were here, those gods who hated you would come to take revenge because we all died, and it would bring disaster to the human race. .”

After all, if the human race protected you at that time, there would be a catastrophe and countless deaths and injuries.

If you don't protect you, you will leave behind that huge name of injustice.

Bai Ze became angry from embarrassment, and said:

Drink your wine, even the wine brewed by Du Kang can't stop your mouth?!

The old man drank alcohol with a smile on his face, wrote with drunkenness, and finally left a short letter on the jade book that recorded the original Dao Zang, and wrote the name of the Dao Zang at the very front—indistinct, Therefore, it is called Yin; Miaohe Dao is called Fu, and this is the Yellow Emperor Yin Fu Jing.

Originated from Yuxu, it is named after it; Zhengxuan is mysterious, it is called Dharma.

That's why it's called Yuxu Zhengfa!

Before the end of Jie's life, he could see the white-haired Taoist talking about heaven, earth, Tao, and people, so he got it.

The Taoist doesn't know his name, but he calls himself an ancient Qi refiner, and I call him Yuxu.

The old man engraved the last stroke, and by being drunk, he handed over the sealed Yuxu Zhengfa to Bai Ze, drank a glass of wine, and sighed with a smile: Du Kang's wine is indeed the best in the world. Fortunately, he came out of the tribe in this life. Fortunately, he didn't stay there to be my King Cang.

Otherwise, if I can't meet you, what a pity my life will be...

The old man fell asleep drunk with a smile.

Bai Ze never looked at the contents of the jade book, he just drank wine cup by cup, and finally the wine jar was empty, he held the wine jar upside down and shook it upside down, seeing that there was no drop of wine, a little regret appeared in his eyes, Said to himself:

The wine brewed by Du Kang himself, I haven't had this taste in thirty years...

Du Kang, Du Kang.

Since your death, the wine you brewed yourself is also a drink, one less.

He looked at the old man who seemed to be drunk and fell asleep over there, and didn't say anything.

Put away the jade book, get up and walk out, push open the door with both hands, the wind is blowing outside, the blood-colored dusk, the heaven and the earth naturally born a personified monster, it seems to want to prevent the birth of something, to put the person who wrote this thing The old man tore and smashed, corrected and obliterated.

But they couldn't get close to this room, because when they wanted to come over before, Bai Ze also appeared at the door, and the scribe with drooping white hair narrowed his eyes, looking at the transformation of the world that only he could perceive, his eyes Slightly opened, the pupils emitted a golden cold light in the night.

Flicking his sleeves, the strong wind shattered the rain, and indifferently shouted: Get out!!!

The majestic air waves overflowed.

The blood-colored rain froze in the air, and then suddenly dispersed in all directions, even the ghosts and gods with those transformed forms screamed and howled and disappeared invisible——

Bai Ze, don't get close to all evil spirits, ghosts and gods are terrified!

For the length of the beasts.

The blood rain and thunder in the sky disappeared, and the light at dusk was quite gentle. Bai Ze put away the jade book and pressed his hands on the door. The old man was lying on the table, and the light next to him finally went out. The old man murmured Names one by one:

Xuanyuan... You, Xingyao... Dahong, Li Mu, Fenghou...

It was as if when he was young, the boy with double pupils raised his head and saw the young people gathered at Xuanyuanqiu back then. The boy in his memory walked forward with a smile, while the whispering voice of the old man gradually disappeared and disappeared.

The scribe with loose white hair slowly closed the door, and the light of the setting sun streamed in through the crack of the door.

Bai Ze said softly:

Cangjie writes books, rains blood from the sky, and cries at night from ghosts, this is the end of his life...

Is it enough?

That's enough...

The white-haired old man quietly closed his eyes and stopped answering.

Amid the creaking sound, the wooden door closed, and the last ray of light disappeared. The white-haired scribe was drunk and sang, and walked away with the unborn Yuxu Zhengfa. In the room behind, the carving knife in the old man's hand fell into the on the ground.

It turned out to be a carving knife that carved countless characters.

In the end, there was only a soft sound no heavier than a sigh.

Cangjie died in the 42nd year of the Cangdi calendar.

(Yiyou, 4596 BC)

At the age of seventy-one.

————Shenzhou·Modern Classics, Zhan Tongji

PS: Today's first update... 3,000 words

Thank you for seeing the black lord, thank you~

Yuxu leave a name

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