Museum of Demons

Chapter 844 Bai Ze, God of Desperation!

Supporting the sky and leaning on the ground, and then smashing the sky and the earth, let the majestic momentum be crushed down heavily and vigorously. This is Wei Yuan's unique supernatural power. Although his sword was still strong enough to move vertically and horizontally, it was a bit weaker after all.

The hand that turned the mountain smashed down, the person who seemed to be the fake Fuxi had never expected this move.

His complexion changed suddenly, his arms were staggered, and he was hit hard by this move. With two clicks, the bones of his arm were almost broken. Wei Yuan opened his five fingers slightly, and he was able to cast [Speaking Fa Sui]. This is by no means unexpected in the moves of this era.

Almost in a few strokes, Wei Yuan's palm clasped the man's iron mask.

Don't even think...

It's the thunder and fire in the mountains and rivers again.

Wanting to break away from Wei Yuan's palm, to prevent him from seeing his true face.

But he found that the white-haired Taoist in front of him was like a prophet, his moves were unpredictable, he made a corresponding reaction one step in advance, and forced to change his moves again, but it was still the same. Zhuan Xu over there finally regained his composure, raised his eyes and saw that The man in black and iron armor has magnificent moves and innate skills.

But the white-haired Taoist turned out to be fighting the enemy with one hand, which was always unexpected.

He looked elegant and calm, yet he forced the other party's innate gossip skills to be jerky and difficult to move.

Suddenly the right hand opened suddenly, the sleeve robe was swept away, and the majestic suction of the universe in the sleeve exploded, pulling the unprepared opponent forward, the five fingers of the right hand clasped the mask just right, and immediately the majestic power exploded violently.

With the strength to support the sky and the ground, he clasped the opponent's head and smashed it down hard.

Step forward with your right foot.

Thirty-six Tiangang supernatural powers, pointing to the earth into steel.

The hardness of this steel is related to one's own Taoism. At this moment, Wei Yuan's envoy is probably comparable to the hardness of those magic soldiers in the myth. Then with a grinning smile, he used Wuzhishan to hold a guy's head and smashed it down on Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

FUCK YOU, do you realize it? Enlightened or not!

Named Fo Keyou, the so-called physical supernatural power.

A slap in the face of Zen.

With a heavy blow, he directly smashed this person to the ground, as if his head was going to be crushed with one blow.

The power of the eight congenital mythological concepts exploded instantly.

Zhuanxu might as well for a while, he didn't expect that the Taoist with elegant style just changed hands was the outrageous move of this violent and reckless man, he was shocked and backed back again and again, he couldn't see clearly in front of him, worried that while waiting, in the sound of footsteps, the white hair The Taoist has already stepped forward.

The broad robe has wide sleeves, white palms, and a mask that is constantly bleeding down.

Zhuan Xu was dumbfounded: This, this is...

Wei Yuan replied: Being run away, the combination of innate gossip and escapism.

Huh? Blood on the mask?

Pindao just did some tricks on the ground.

In fact, when Wei Yuan just pointed out that the ground became steel, he directly made a cone on the ground, and rushed to make a hole in the top of the opposite side's head, because the communication with Hou Tu, when it comes to the earth At the time of supernatural powers, Wei Yuan's attainments were already unrivaled in the world.

...Your Excellency, the strength is so strong.

The Taoist looked at the things in his hand and said, It's just familiarity.

The authentic Fuxi had fought each other more than once.

Still afraid that you are a fake?

Tsk, why is it as slippery as the real Fuxi?

...I still dragged you down, otherwise, you should be able to catch up. Zhuan Xu's face showed apology. Judging from the fight just now, with Wei Yuan's strength, if he didn't really take the opponent down, at least It is to be able to obtain greater results, not so.

You can't be transferred away from the mountain.

Their target is you, and Gonggong...

Gong Gong?! Zhuan Xu was taken aback for a moment, and then his calm face in the dangerous place just now became flustered, and he said, Quick, hurry up and have a look...

The white-haired Taoist nodded: Okay.

But... I'm afraid it's too late.

He directly picked up Zhuanxu's collar, stepped out, and the golden light burst out from Tiangang's supernatural powers, directly turning into a stream of light, and swept to the hinterland of the human race at a speed not inferior to that of the golden black and the rainbow, and threw Zhuanxu to the gate of Ji Xuanyuan with his backhand .

After another turning point, Duan Guang went straight to Gong Gong.

Zhuan Xu felt that he was outside for a second, and in the next instant he had appeared in front of Ji Xuanyuan's door. His heart was shaken: So fast... huh? The sound of quarreling came from inside.

It's impossible to say, is it?!


Okay! If you don't listen to the explanation, then I won't explain it! You don't even take the elixir, what are you going to do!

Go however you like!

You die. After you die, I will continue to marry a wife. Me, I will marry three thousand me in one breath!

They all have white hair and red pupils!

With a clatter, one foot directly kicked the door flying out, and it was directly embedded in the wall. An angry Ji Xuanyuan strode out, wearing black clothes, with soft black hair hanging down his back, a dark future of a technology nerd and a music nerd. Human Emperor Zhuanxu raised his head stiffly.

Ah, what...

Zhuan Xu was silent and said:

Then what, grandpa, I, I went to the wrong yard.

You and grandma's flirting, ah no, I didn't hear a word when they quarreled.

Another thing to add.

White hair and red pupils don't look like grandma?

You still want the second uncle Bai Ze to change it, even if it can be changed...

The voice of Zhuan Xu, who has a history spanning the past and the present, can't stop talking and doesn't know how to look at the characteristics of the atmosphere. A generous palm clasped his Tianling Cap, powerful and warm, as if returning to before birth The same as the mother's body.

I even saw the smile of my mother who had passed away long ago.

Um? ? !

Why is this move so familiar? It seems to be the same as the Taoist priest's previous move...

boom! ! !


After being passed down to the Human Emperor's Memory Correction Technique.

Zhuan Xu looked at his grandfather, and very cleverly [forgot] what happened just now.

In the end, facing Ji Xuanyuan's murderous gaze, he honestly told the whole story, it seemed that after everyone around him left one by one, Ji Xuanyuan's eyes, which had become old and decadent, could not be restrained from re-sharpening.

But at this time, the previous golden light fell again, and the white-haired Taoist appeared here.

Zhuan Xu introduced the identities of both parties.

Wei Yuan looked at Ji Xuanyuan, cupped his hands slightly, and said in a flat voice, The poor man has seen the Emperor.

Although he is not young, Ji Xuanyuan, who looks like a decadent middle-aged uncle, glanced at Wei Yuan and said, Oh? Have we met somewhere?

It's the first time Pindao has seen the Emperor, Your Majesty, maybe I remembered it wrong.

The Taoist's tone was gentle, without changing his face, as if he was seeing this guy for the first time.

In short, it was Tu Shan's fox that hit you before.

What does it have to do with Yuanshi of my Daoist sect?

Ji Xuanyuan nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and patted Wei Yuan's shoulder to express his gratitude, then leaned closer and laughed: Really? But, I remember your breath firmly, huh... If the old man notices Daoist lied to me, next time we meet, I will definitely beat you up.

The front is still elegant, but the last sentence reveals the aura of a reckless man.

The corners of Taoist's eyes twitched.

If he remembered correctly, this purebred wild man was a wild man when he was young.

Both breath cover and breath search are at full level.

Although it is said to be a small world, Master Wei still remembers that when they met for the first time, Zhu Jiuyin personally created the ancient reckless five-person training group, and his moves were honed at that time.

Fighting or something, if you get beaten a lot, it will happen naturally.

That bastard Ji Xuanyuan was driving the carriage with one hand, and carrying the yellow axe with the other, beating him with joy, and thinking about it now, he actually felt a sense of revenge.

Shouldn't, shouldn't...

It's just a small world.

To be so disturbed that you have such a wrong association, Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan, you are immature.

The Taoist laughed at himself in his heart, but did not change his face: Then, then the Human Emperor can enjoy himself to his heart's content.


Xuanyuan nodded and said, How about Gonggong?

Wei Yuan said: ...he was also attacked, but...

Another voice answered:

However, the other side is too stupid.

Quiet words, hidden arrogance, amidst the sound of footsteps, a tall water god appeared, pulled his right hand, and a distorted figure was pulled over, hitting the ground heavily, and the immeasurable water flow was spinning rapidly, every drop of water was as heavy as a small world, Trapping the assassin directly in it would make life worse than death.

Gonggong threw out the dagger and said, This thing seems to interfere with the sanity of the injured.

It will make the injured person emotionally violent and paranoid.

Hmph, the stench of this kind of thing can be smelled a long time ago.

He dropped the dagger.

Wei Yuan said: That's it...Gonggong detected his opponent in advance, and he used himself as a bait to capture him alive... Even he couldn't deny that at this moment, compared with Zhuanxu, Gonggong would choose to support Gonggong. work.

Powerful, calm, strategic, both personal force and charisma are full.

Moreover, it is a god of the same origin as Emperor Wa, who was reincarnated as a human.

Rounding off, it can be said that Nuwa's younger brother was reincarnated as a human.

Much stronger than the current Zhuanxu.

Well, looking at Zhuan Xu's fanciful expression, it can be seen that this guy has no jealousy at all.

However, since Gonggong has not been disturbed emotionally, what happened back then? Wei Yuan rubbed his brows, feeling that the things in front of him became more and more strange. After understanding the situation, Xuanyuan held the sword and planned to go to see the situation.

Gonggong and Zhuanxu accompanied him.

Wei Yuan watched the water god striding past him, and said, How did you notice it?

The handsome and ruthless god replied with a sneer, He actually turned into Fangfeng.

It's a bit of a brain.

But. Gonggong replied:

I remember every face in the tribe clearly.


Then, Pindao will leave first.

The actions of Xuanyuan and the others seemed to involve something quite secretive, and Wei Yuan's identity at the moment was not suitable for participating in it. Zhuanxu ran to whisper a few words to Xuanyuan, then brought something, and handed it to Wei Yuan. Explained: I see that when you fought just now, you didn't have any weapons at your fingertips.

In Xuanyuanqiu's arsenal, there are still quite a few famous swords sealed up.

I asked Grandpa for an order, take it there and see if you can find a weapon that you can use.

Wei Yuan nodded his head and thanked him. Part of his strength lies in swordsmanship. It is a good thing to have a handy weapon. The Taoist went to the arsenal with the Xiongbu and showed the edict in his hand. The person who guards the arsenal is a The old man seemed to be flipping through some tortoise shells.

Looking at the edict handed over by Wei Yuan, the old man walked in with his back on his back and an oil lamp in his hand, saying:

I didn't expect to see this edict. Heh, it seems that there is some trouble again.

Otherwise, I won't let you pick up the weapon.

What weapon does the young man use?

Swords. The Taoist replied.

Heh... sword weapon, well, there happens to be a sword here. The old man was surprised, and said with a smile: It seems that you and this sword are also destined. He slowly went to get the weapon, untied it Wei Yuan looked at the tortoise shells and stone slabs on the table.

There is text on it.

Curiously asked: Is the old man recording something?

Heh... it's not a record, it's just thinking about a question.


Yes, the old man has watched the spirit patterns of countless creatures in his life, but he still doesn't know how to describe the sky, my God, the vastness is above, it has never changed, but how to record it? How to go How to create it? How to describe it?

The old man sighed.

Wei Yuan thought of [Hun Tian], thought of the mild-looking middle-aged man, and said to himself:

Heaven... is supreme.


I just remembered something about an old friend. He said that the sky is the highest, from a freshman.

The white-haired Taoist explained Hun Tian's understanding of the sky. The old man with a hunched back and pale face was stunned and said: ...Your friend is really powerful, and he speaks very clearly. The old man smiled and held the sword Passed the box over and said: This is the sword, take a look, is it suitable?

Wei Yuan thanked him and opened the sword case.

As a result, the cold sword energy soaked in the years escaped.

The blade of the long sword is scarlet red, and the sword energy is extremely cold, flowing with the energy of a famous sword for thousands of years. The old man stroked his beard and said: This sword is made of gold and jade from Kunlun Mountains. The sword energy does not dissipate. Blade, use it to cut jade like mud.

The craftsman who cast this sword named me, and the name of this sword is Kunwu.

Kun Wu Sword?!

The white-haired Taoist was delighted for a moment, it was a kind of natural joy of a swordsman for something he likes. This is the magical weapon recorded in Liezi and Famous Swords in Shenzhou, but it is different from the rest of the swords. In Famous Swords and Liezi, it is only recorded that this sword was offered as a famous sword in the world by the kingdom of Xirong in the era of King Mu of Zhou.

Good luck...

Wei Yuan drew his sword, and the sword energy diffused. He was indeed a swordsman, and the Taoist couldn't help but smile.

Good luck.

Since the Kunwu sword can be presented as a treasure by Xirong in exchange for King Mu of Zhou not attacking them, this sword must have a great name.

Now the sword is still in the box.

It seems that I got this sword before it became famous.

I don't know if it will capture the first time of the Kunwu sword master who does not exist in the historical records?

After Wei Yuan thanked him, he was about to leave, but he heard a familiar voice from outside: Old man Cangjie, what's the matter, what do you think of sitting here... The voice stopped abruptly, Wei Yuan raised his eyes, I saw a handsome but carefree young man outside the door.

Seeing that the latter was dressed as an ancient scribe, and his curly hair was sloppy, he hadn't taken care of it for many days.

White Pond……

The young man looked at Cangjie and then at Wei Yuan.

He stretched out his hand, rubbed his eyes heavily, and looked at Wei Yuan again.

Then his face changed, and he yelled out the curse of the human race in this era.

Turn around, step, run!

? ? ? !

has a problem.

Wei Yuan stepped forward and caught up in an instant.

The old Cangjie was dumbfounded, couldn't help stroking his beard and laughing, put the lamp in his hand on the table, covered his waist, walked slowly to the table, and sat down slowly, stroking the inscription on the slate with his wrinkled palm , that is a [big] character.

The bigness of this era is not a horizontal line, but more like two hands hanging down.


At this moment, the Taoist grabbed Bai Ze's collar and said, What are you running for?!

Baize was out of breath, struggling hard, and said, You, what are you chasing?!

If you don't run, I will chase?!

If you don't chase, I will run?!

Bai Ze and Wei Yuan stared wide-eyed, and finally the Taoist put him down and said, But you ran first, what happened to you? Hmm? Otherwise, I'll take you out and throw you to the place where you recorded black history. Where the gods are.

I believe they will definitely take good care of you.

The owner of the guard bites heavily on the word care.

As an existence who also bears the name of [Black History], the head of the Wei Pavilion is very aware of Bai Ze's weakness.

Bai Ze, was shot through!

Even a head of curly hair is listless.

I, I just found out that there are people like you for the first time... You, you don't belong to this world at all! Bai Ze opened his mouth and revealed a shocking secret, Wei Yuan was startled and horrified Jumped, and then realized that Bai Ze, although he was said to be a waste, was lazy and wasted air.

But he was born with the concept of cognitive mythology.

Not the ones inside and outside the ten directions.

But as long as it appears in front of him and is observed by him, the intelligence may be detected by him.

Will be informed by him directly from the world itself.

It seems that Bai Ze in the small world is also reflected in such power...

Wei Yuan thought casually in his heart.

After all, I am really from outside...

With a mournful face, Bai Ze shouted:

You are from thousands of years later!

The smile on the corner of the white-haired Taoist's mouth froze.


And in the armory.

From a freshman...

Cang Jie murmured to himself, recalling the road of Hun Tian that the white-haired Taoist relayed.

The wrinkled palm grasped the carving knife and slowly lowered it.

Added a one on top of that big character.

The highest in the domain, from a large one, is 【天】.

Thus, the word Tian was born, and it will not change for thousands of years.

PS: Today's second update... 5,000 words, by the way, ask for a monthly pass, lie——

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