Museum of Demons

Chapter 837 The Ambition of the God of Water

Ahem... I didn't expect that the old man was quite irritable when he was young.

A certain white-haired Taoist clutched his chest, already far away from the boundary of Buzhou Mountain. Just now when he calmly told the old man that you have suffered a bloody disaster, he originally planned to start the article with a blockbuster, and then tell it in detail.

To be honest, this is already the result with the highest success rate after his hard work.

And the harvest is that the ancient Buzhou mountain god is a big force.

Then multiply by 10086.

If it weren't for the owner of the guard's own Buzhou mountain kungfu body when he was discussing the Tao with Huntian and Houtu, he would at least be at the level of getting a glimpse of the door and entering the room, and he had stepped out of his own style, from the old Buzhou's specialty to the blood bar limit , turned into a special attack type that supports the sky and leans on the ground, and then directly smashes people with the sky.

There is a great degree of understanding of Lao Bu Zhou's attacks.

I'm afraid that the vest was taken off on the spot.

That is to say, relying on the universe in the sleeve and the earth-shattering effect, he forced the next few moves.

It also almost vomited blood.

The persuasion failed, so he had to leave, but Wei Yuan suddenly thought of the bet between Lao Bu Zhoushan and Fuxi, and thought of the agreement that he would accept as many tricks as possible and then not use the concept of mythology. until hemiplegia.

catch? Take the fart and just knock you unconscious.

The white-haired Taoist wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling pain in his chest and abdomen.

Really, I almost vomited out last night's meal. Bu Zhoushan's big pocket is indeed the number one killer in ancient times. As expected, Lingbao Tianzun has no Lingbao... Wei Yuan was suddenly amused by himself, Exhaling a breath, I felt that the pain in my chest was slightly relieved.

And it's being mitigated.

Bu Zhoushan's blood recovery ability is a bit slow, but it is basically constant.

Even if he passed out, he was returning blood.

There is no other way, Buzhou Mountain is too wary, this is already the most likely way for Wei Yuan to succeed after many times of divination, oops, if I knew it earlier, I would ask Lao Buzhou how to make it In the past, he honestly didn't want to watch the fun, and honestly developed the concept of mythology.


Bu Zhoushan wears a gray inner garment and a white robe on the outer to show the heaven and the earth.

The gray-white long hair is well tied, most of it hangs down to the height of the waist, the face is square, a pair of white eyebrows are raised, faintly unable to grasp, and the rest of the surrounding gods are even more shocked, it is the first time they have seen , Who actually can take on Bu Zhoushan's offensive so lightly.

Putting the incomparably domineering Bu Zhou Shanli into his sleeves, he floated back.

When did such a terrifying cultivator appear?

At this moment, a voice came from Lao Buzhou's ear, and he heard the warning from the departing person, asking him to be tough on Fuxi and save his life. Buzhou Mountain God sneered a few times, it seemed that he had something to do with Fuxi The man, after counting the secrets again, it really is so.

Although his whole body is covered with a majestic chaotic energy, which cannot be seen clearly, and he doesn't even add many fates to his body, he can still see the relationship with Fuxi.

Could it be that he came to provoke? Save a life?


This seat is not as good as you wish.

The snake was not pleasing to the eye.


Hit it to death!

What did you say that you can't watch the excitement, but I want to see what big event will happen that day, even a hermit like you will be alarmed, it seems that it must be the world, no, even from the ages, One of the biggest accidents.

How can such a big event be missed!

You have to watch yourself.

Wait for me to take a good look at who is in trouble.


Wei Yuan's injuries had recovered a lot when he arrived in the land of the human race.

It seems that because of the remnants of Huntian's breath, his whole body is enveloped, and he is not disturbed by this small world, but he can absorb the majestic aura. Wei Yuan can only say that the fragments of the sky are indeed extremely mysterious. Yin must suppress the treasure under the Nine Netherworld.

Represents the power left over from ancient times.

Unexpectedly, even Buzhou Mountain supported the heaven and earth, and the concentration and purity of aura in the era when everything was ruled and orderly were simulated, and because of the thoughts of the sky and Buzhou's skill body, Wei Yuan felt that his own skill body had been obtained in this era when Buzhou Mountain supported the world. A great blessing.

Probably, the aura state here has been trimmed.

It's exactly what Bu Zhoushan Gongti likes.

Wei Yuan has tested, strength, speed and other abilities have not changed, but the ability to stir aura and recovery power are all based on the gap between his own skill body and Bu Zhou Shan Shen's skill body, which has been buffed to a considerable extent.

It can probably be considered that the four-dimensional attributes are blessed in the same proportion according to the skill level of Lao Buzhou.

However, in this era, there was only the Buzhou Mountain God and the Buzhou Mountain Kung Fu, so only Wei Yuan could perceive such benefits. For the rest of the cultivators and gods, it was just that the aura was orderly and the environment was good. , can't tell the difference.

Wei Yuan held his breath and stepped into Xuanyuan Hill of the human race.

After thinking about it, instead of going to the current residence, he found the residence of the Water God Gonggong.

Since Lao Bu Zhoushan is disobedient.

There is no other way but to solve the core of the problem in this small world.

Before Gonggong bumped Lao Buzhou, he bumped Gonggong ahead of time.

Gonggong, don't blame me.

Anyway, this is also a small world, which has no effect on reality.

Those who hit people will always hit them.

Come on, Wei Yuan!

This is for righteousness!

It's for revenge for Lao Buzhou!

Wei Yuan clasped his five fingers together, just after making up his mind, he walked to the door, his breath restrained, and suddenly he heard footsteps, and with a bang, the door was suddenly pulled open, the tall and well-proportioned young water god was about to come out to relax, but his expression changed, and he looked up. Looking at it, the pupils contracted.

Seeing the deep sky and the earth, the moonlight hanging high, a Taoist priest in white robes stood silently outside the door.

The right hand is behind the back, the black hairpin, and the white hair hangs down.

The depth is extremely mysterious, unfathomable, as if it has existed forever, making the surrounding space faintly distorted, the color contrast, space, front and back, and even the years are all in sharp contrast for an instant.

An indescribable murderous intent exploded the hairs on Gong Gong's back in the water at this moment, made his pupils shrink slightly, and his right hand drooped, entwining the water of the four seas, while the white-haired Taoist watched him calmly. Work your own illusion.

The Taoist cupped his hands slightly, his voice flat:

I've seen fellow Taoists.

Gonggong looked at the white-haired Taoist who couldn't see his face clearly, but felt the deep and mysterious aura, and suddenly smiled and said: ...Your Majesty came to visit suddenly, I think there is something to talk to, if you are interested, how about , let’s talk about it.”


Ask, when you are about to shoot a guy, how do you deal with the embarrassing incident that the guy just opened the door and you just ran into it?

Also, Gonggong just invited me in?

In terms of character, he is no different from the Gonggong outside.

Wei Yuan picked up the wine and took a sip, Gong Gong who was sitting cross-legged in front waved his subordinates to release the plates of delicacies, and said with a smile: Although it is a bit cold, these foods are made by Xiongbu today. Made by a strange person, it tastes delicious, you must try it, please...

Wei Yuan lowered his head.

I saw the barbecue and stir-fried vegetables that I sold at the stall.

Well, may I ask, my [assassination] target invited me to eat the vegetables I set up at the stall during the day, what should I do? The white-haired Taoist tasted it briefly, nodded slightly, and said, That's right.

Gonggong laughed loudly: Hahaha, it seems that your taste is tricky, and you have tasted many delicacies. For a certain, this is a rare delicacy. It seems that it has not yet satisfied your appetite, hahaha.

I don't know when, can I have a taste too?

Wei Yuan recalled that he used to drink and eat with Gonggong when he was outside, and said, There will be.

Gong Gong laughed freely: Then I will wait for it.

I don't know, what's the problem with your late-night visit?

Wei Yuan served tea, pondered what the girl would do, and reviewed many of A Liang's strategies.

At this moment, Tu Shan's nine-tailed fox is with him!

At this moment, the top strategist in the world is standing beside him, he is not alone!

In the end, he was silent, and chose to go straight to the point, and said in a flat tone: I'm just curious.

The majestic water god, why did you come to compete for the position of emperor?

? ! ! !

The atmosphere in the room froze for a moment.

There was silence for several seconds.

Gong Gong's smile was slightly startled, as if it was inconceivable, while the rest of the waiters and soldiers in the room subconsciously stood up and held their weapons. The atmosphere was so dignified that Wei Yuan was slightly surprised, and then suddenly realized something - he knew The person competing with Zhuanxu is Gonggong, the god of water. This is because of the legends and myths of later generations, and because the records directly write out the real body.

However, the people at that time probably didn't know this at all...

If you want to know, it is impossible for Gong Gong to run for the Emperor.

Ah, is this unacceptable?

Holy shit I didn't think about that at all.

Poor information?

The corner of the white-haired Taoist's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to travel back to the past and cover his mouth. The change in the expression of the water god Gonggong was only a momentary thing. He laughed loudly and said, It really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, no wonder I visited late at night.

It seems that your Excellency thinks that if you are not a human race, you cannot be a leader?

Then I ask, if Emperor Wa or Fuxi came to help, would you still refuse? I think there is a high probability that you will not, right? Because the human race also regards these two as one of their sources.

But, Emperor Wa, Fuxi is also a god.

Then my lord, I would like to ask, what distinguishes what can help the human race? It is absolutely credible if you are born in the human race, but there are also traitors among the human race, and it is absolutely unbelievable if you are not a human race. ? But Feng Hou is a descendant of Fuxi, and also a half-human half-god.

The god of water works together, with a flying and confident look, and a calm tone.

The white-haired Taoist didn't answer.

But Gonggong raised his hand and said: The power of the emperor, combined with the heaven and the earth, is already considered the power of the gods.

Born as humans, and then set foot in the realm of the gods, are they humans? Or gods?

I am reincarnated as a human being with the true spirit of a god. I grew up with sealed memories. I just unlocked the memories last year. Then I also have the memory of human origin and the past of the gods. Why should I be considered?

The Taoist murmured, Let's be determined.

Water God was slightly startled, and laughed loudly, and said: It's a good word, sir, you should agree with Zhuanxu's method when you come here? I feel that the human race should control their own way and should not rely on other forces. However, your excellency Have you ever seen outside?

The handsome but soft-featured young man stood up, held the wine cup, and said:

Golden wings of the roc can pierce the sky.

It's a fledgling raptor, but it's just food for ordinary beasts.

Have you ever seen the tribal wars everywhere, how many deaths will occur in the daily confrontation with monsters and beasts, and when the warrior who can fight and hunt and harvest the prey dies, his family members How vulnerable would it be?

Do you want a ten-year-old child to step on the battlefield, or a wounded man with a broken leg struggling forward?

I naturally approve of Zhuanxu's fantasy dream, but the dream is too high but has no foundation. It's just a tragedy. He didn't accumulate enough strength, but he wanted to be independent from the three worlds... Has he ever thought that from now on, To accomplish such a grand ideal, how many corpses need to be buried?!

The ideal is grand, so the people's lives are not heavy enough right now?

Wei Yuan wanted to answer, but was suddenly startled.

Suddenly, it seemed as if he had returned to the past, back in those days, in the last years of the Three Kingdoms, the young Taoist who questioned the great Confucian man who still built stone tablets to record documents when people starved to death, could it be that these things are more important than life, could it be that these dead People, don't they deserve to live?

Man sees the distant future.

But God sees the dead life, so stop in the present?

The Taoist suddenly felt that he could understand the goal of Gonggong at this moment. Suddenly there was a noisy sound outside. When the Taoist looked up, the door had been knocked open. Several children rushed in. A guard smiled wryly and cupped his hands, saying: Water Sir, these children seem to be having a nightmare and want to see you.

Before they even landed, these nightmare children had already swooped over there.

Master Gong Gong!

It's terrible!

Hahaha, what's so scary? It's a small matter. If you don't want to go back today, you can sleep here. The water god Gonggong didn't care. He laughed and picked up a child, while a tall boy outside scratched him honestly. scratched his head.

Wei Yuan noticed that the other party was three meters tall, but his face was immature, as if he was only seven or eight years old.


Finally, the giant bloodline loyal to Gonggong.

The patriarch was beheaded by King Yu hundreds of years later.

Gong Gong, who was hugged by these children, raised his eyes and looked at the white-haired Taoist in front of him. His eyes were as bright as morning stars, and he smiled brightly: This is the meaning of this seat...Zhuan Xu is based in the distant future, but this seat does not approve of it. , Every life has the value of existence.”

Since you know the real body of this seat, you should know that there is no Gonggong tribe in the world.

The water god Gonggong ticked the corner of his mouth, and his tone was gentle and firm:

The Gonggong tribe is the children of these war dead that I have adopted over the years.

They are the tribe of Gonggong!

Oh? Is this big brother a guest of Master Gonggong?

Ah, I'm hungry!

Hey, this is for guests, Ah Feng, don't steal it!

Huh? Brother, can I eat meat?

There were noisy voices, but there was no sad look on the face of the orphan of war. Surrounding the tall god, the white-haired Taoist took out candy from his cuff and handed it over. He was thanked very seriously, but the Taoist's eyes couldn't be restrained. Sadness emerged from the ground, and written records emerged in my mind.

[Gonggong leads hundreds of clans into disaster...]


【God is angry, mad】

[Water is a disaster, flooding the world...]

This is the history before the birth of King Yu. The white-haired Taoist is clearly in this noisy environment, but somehow feels a sense of detachment and bleakness. The fate has already been set, the past cannot be changed, but what does time represent?

EMI is a passerby, and thousands of years are sad.

Gong Gong raised his eyes and saw the Taoist sitting there with his white hair hanging down, letting the children play with them curiously.

Seems to be sitting here.

But it doesn't seem to be here.

This illusion is only for a moment.

After a while, the Taoist said goodbye, and the still energetic spirit led Wei Yuan out.

Actually, I understand the worries of Zhuanxu and Your Excellency, but I can't act too hastily.

See that building?

He pointed to a tall building, and said calmly: Now, there is still a period of time before the era when the human race can stand on their own without making tragic sacrifices. I agree with the future that Zhuanxu desires, but only this period of time should By this seat, I will bear it myself.

The lives of those weak people are no less than the dignity of your human race!

At that time, I should let go of the world.

When a child grows up, he must have his own path.

Of course, isn't it too arrogant to say this, hahaha, I just don't know, do you believe it, fellow daoist?

The water god, or in other words, Yanhuang Shuizheng looked at the Taoist next to him with a smile, the white-haired Taoist narrowed his eyes, looked at the bunch of small heads hidden behind the door over there, and saw that they were anxious because they were discovered. Hurriedly going back, there was a sound of laughter. The white-haired Taoist recalled the cold and ruthless literature records in his mind, with a complex and unspeakable sadness, and nodded with a smile: Hmm...

Poverty, believe me.


Fate is impermanent, and it always puts the future of everyone on the battlefield where swords and swords face each other.

PS: The first update today...

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