
What the hell is this!

Is it Yuxu Palace? !

The corner of Wei Yuan's mouth twitched, his face was blank, yes, he was the one who did the Northern Emperor Xuanwu, but why did the name Yuxu appear? Isn't this name a noun in Daoist Canon? Now even Dahuang has started to read Taoism?

The noodles in Wei Yuan's hands were no longer fragrant.

He leaned over to listen to the storyteller over there. The storyteller didn't know where he heard such a story, but he actually narrated it directly from the legend of the Taoism that started the world from Yu Xuyuan. The content was detailed and literary, and Wei Yuan couldn't bear it. I want to applaud.

I don't know who told the story.

This style of writing always feels a little familiar.

It’s just that this story made Wei Yuan completely unable to trace the slight difference in writing style. Hearing the words of these stories and trying to piece together the truth of the matter, Wei Yuan only felt his head buzzing, and the storyteller was eloquent. He kept telling the following stories——

The death of Yu Qiang, the emperor of Beihai, turned out to be just a bureau.

Yu Qiang turned out to be a subordinate of Yuxu Palace!

Beihai has always been just a Yuxu force in disguise!

Bu Zhoushan is also a senior of Yuxu Palace.

Bu Zhou's killing of Beidi was just a bait. In the end, many disobedient forces in Beihai appeared, and even the emperor of the West Sea and the Emperor of the East China Sea were attracted to join the game, but they were injured by the evil spirit of the soldiers, and then were killed by Beidi. Zhenwu blocked them, with one against two, fighting for thirty thousand li in the open sea.

The storyteller didn't know what race he was, but he was eloquent and his tone was true.

It seems to be a ghost-like existence hidden outside the three worlds and the four seas.

A powerful behind-the-scenes manipulator easily changed the situation in the whole of the outer seas, causing the sudden emergence of the usual Beihai army among the forces of the four seas, and he had the courage to command the four seas. However, there were only two disciples in Yuxu Palace, that's all. !

And Beidi Yu Qiang Xuanming was just a son of a few years ago.

The so-called Ji Jue takes advantage of the alchemy, Xuanming goes to Yuxu.

How terrifying is this!

How unfathomable!

Great, Yuxu!

Brave, Yuxu!

Wei Yuan: My mother...

When hearing the fighting style of those two generals, Wei Yuan had already guessed.

When I heard that poem in the world, I was already 100% sure.

Is there really anyone who can make such an unpredictable and frightening change in the situation, and one of them is now in the museum, and with his character, and he passed it back, 'Try to join forces with Xuanwu, let The letter that connects the Beihai Heavenly Way and the Heavenly Court System on Earth'.

Exactly the same as it is now.

But, I didn't let you do that!

I mean to connect with Beihai Tiandao, I didn't let you take Beihai!

Ah Liang...

Veins on Wei Yuan's forehead bulged, and he rushed out immediately, picked up a mountain with his backhand, and then rushed to the world, giving A Liang the iron fist of his brother's love.

Then he felt the cuffs being pulled, and Wei Yuan, who had a million water ghosts in his heart running wildly dancing the beach hula dance, turned around subconsciously, and saw the girl in white with a puzzled expression. Pulling off Wei Yuan's cuff, he lowered his voice nervously and said:

...That is to say, Yu Qiang's attack on me was done by Yuxu Palace?

? ? !

Where did this black and big pot come from...

No, of course not.

Wei Yuan let out a breath, put his hands on the girl's shoulders, and said seriously:

Yuxu Palace will definitely protect you.

You can rest assured about this.

Otherwise, don't talk about yourself.

I'm afraid that Fuxi's scumbag snake can be killed directly from the land of the end of ten thousand dharmas. It yelled and demolished the museum where A Liang was. All kinds of novels in the world always say that so-and-so can evolve the world and predict the future , guessing, completely ignoring the existence of a certain reason and a certain guy——

Where did the concept of heaven come from?

Whether it's historical facts or myths, it's all that scumbag snake!

The origin of the derived secrets and innate gossip.

The prehistoric sage in the novel counts how many years, is it too high? This algorithm is all compiled by Fuxi, repeating the creation of the world by earth, water, wind and fire, is it amazing? This concept of creation is also from Fuxi's side. Whether the Four Swords Destroy the World is ruthless or not, the God Prison Heaven Tribulation that reverses yin and yang is this thing.

It was really a blatant attack on Emperor Wa, and Yu Qiang, who was so dead that he couldn't die any more, was the end. Wei Yuan even suspected that the reason why Xuanwu was able to say that Yu Qiang was only his clone, while the rest of the Northern Emperor's confidantes had no doubts, There is no secret investigation, but it is taken for granted.

It is because the conceptuality of [Yu Qiang] has been erased.

There is almost only the most superficial knowledge of him left, so even the statement of Xuanwu will be naturally agreed and recognized by the generals who traced Yu Qiang for thousands of years, and with time, in the end they may Will forget Yu Qiang, will think that Beidi is Xuanwu from beginning to end.

What a horrible conceptual death.

That scumbag Fuxi...

Wei Yuan comforted the girl in white clothes, and then stepped forward to listen, but then the storytelling monster began to talk about other things, Wei Yuan finally asked: The Emperor of the West Sea and the Emperor of the East Sea, two people? After suffering such a big loss, let's just forget it?

How can this be?

The storyteller said: It is said that a few days ago, about three to five days ago, someone saw the two great emperors leading their armies to leave their respective sea areas, and they did not know where they went. It is said that they found Yuxu Gong, planning to seek revenge from Yuxu Palace.

It seems to be in the direction of the southwest.

If you count the time, if you really want to find it, it should be here.

How could it be possible to find Yuxu Palace?

This place doesn't exist.

Wei Yuan said something in his heart, but he was relieved. He was always worried, worried that he had stayed in the world Fuxi threw away for too long, and when he came back, things would have turned upside down. Alive, it shouldn't have been too long.

He subconsciously asked: Speaking of which, isn't it a long time since the Northern Emperor incident?

What long?

The storyteller gave him a strange look: That was just over two months ago.

More than two months...

Wei Yuan murmured to himself in doubt, and then the expression on his face slowly froze.



A storyteller like this is expanding outward at an astonishing speed. There is indeed an invisible palm moving in the dark. Bai Ze yawned lazily, closed his eyes, and sensed the speed of transmission. nodded.

He originally thought that he could lie down with salty fish.

Unexpectedly, a new usage was developed by Marquis Wu.

Now he just tells stories, and then created a very, very loose barrier, that is, spending money to tell stories and getting a commission, and as the power of Bai Ze, he can easily grasp how far such a [story] has spread, clearly Grasp the name [Yuxu] how many people know it.

Then make subsequent adjustments based on this data.

Of course, Bai Ze still has a very important thing to do now.

He took a deep breath of strawberry milk, with a pair of dead fish eyes on his face. As one of the innate gods, the power is forced to continue to develop, just like letting a person run wildly every day without stopping, which will cause a lot of mental damage. The reason why this dead salted fish can't touch the fish is——

Champion Hou, is missing.

After Han Xin told him confidently that you just run away and I will take care of things.

The champion Hou told Han Xin with his actions.

How to write these five characters in the art industry.

Old guy, in terms of the skill of letting go, you are ridiculously weak!

It's been the third time, but I still haven't found it...

Bai Ze scratched his curly hair with both hands, and gritted his teeth: This guy, what kind of place has he gone to hide the secret? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this kid is really uneasy!

Bai Ze had no choice but to continue to search for information about Champion Hou for the fourth time.

Theoretically, he can directly access the information in the concept of Heavenly Dao.

But the champion Hou went to a special, hidden place 100%.

Now Bai Ze can only manually shift and find slowly.


Wei Yuan took the girl in white back to the place where he left before. Buzhou Mountain God was still a little curious that they said they were looking for information, but when they came back so soon, Wei Yuan just forced a smile and said: I fell asleep, just Has it been more than a month?

Yes what's the matter?


Wei Yuan shook his head, closed his eyes, and the real spirit directly followed the connection to find the Land of the End of Ten Thousand Laws.

There was an indescribable oppressive feeling in his heart.

The figures of [Huntian] and [Hou] are constantly changing before their eyes.

Past experiences are true.

But the time is not right.

This means...

Where did you send me?

Wei Yuan stared at Fuxi with a calm tone. The handsome young man in green shirt looked at the white-haired Taoist in front of him, scratched his head, and said with a dry smile, Ah, I finally realized something was wrong? It seems smarter than I thought...

That's right, it's the past.

Fuxi's snake eyes were a little embarrassed: It's a very distant past.

The backwoods of the past.


Wei Yuan said slowly: Then, [Hun Tian], [Hou]...

Fuxi's snake body was swimming, and he felt like he wanted to run away and avoid this problem, but the white-haired Taoist in front of him gave him a very strange feeling, and said: You talk about them, I am really very grateful to them , taught you so well, far faster than I expected, and better than I expected.

Hahaha, not bad, I thought it would take you longer to understand.

Oh, it really saved me a lot of time.

Fuxi scratched his head and pretended to be smirking.

Wei Yuan said: ...where are they now?



Fuxi was silent for a while, and said: Huntian, is Chaos, desperate, resolutely died, and then died as he wished, as for the queen? That is Houtu, there must be some accident, but don't worry, It has nothing to do with Shenzhou, but these have nothing to do with you.

In short, you can get benefits, isn't it right?

You should also get used to these things, parting, loss, oops, it's just two people who are destined to die and the other is seriously injured and comatose. It’s really a big profit.”

Go, be happy.

Time and age are very cruel. Besides, you have inherited the path of old age, so such things will happen again...

Fuxi's face was stiff, trying to comfort the white-haired Taoist in front of him.

Wei Yuan closed his eyes.

The face of my friend flashed before my eyes.

The five fingers are slightly clasped together.

The sky, the supreme, the greatest.

Those who live in the land, those who carry things with virtue, are the most generous.

Clenching five fingers together, as if supporting the sky and supporting the ground, Wei Yuan was silent, looking at Fuxi over there, with a smile on his face, he let go of his five fingers, and said: Don't worry about me, it's kind of you to send me back to realize , I also know that knowing that Hun Tian has his own ambition to die, I know that I also have my own pursuits, and they all have their own avenues.

They are all stronger than all, and they are higher than all.

For Huntian, dying on his own path is what he pursues.

For later, I will definitely pursue my own path.

The white-haired Taoist's expression became quiet and lonely: It's just, I'm still thinking about it.

I thought that I could really have a day of talking and drinking tea with my friends.

It's just a pity, I bought gifts, a lot of gifts.

The Taoist spread out his hands, the smile on his face bloomed little by little, and finally he just said quietly:

It's a waste.


Wei Yuan left the land of the end of ten thousand dharmas, stretched out his palm, and the heavens and the earth evolved into a secret.

In other words, just confirming the coordinates left when leaving, confirming the position of the small world back then—at least, go back and have a look.

Soon he got the direction position——

southwest direction.

The direction of the Emperor of the West Sea and the Emperor of the East Sea to revenge Yuxu.

Wei Yuan's expression froze.

What's the matter, boy?

Lao Buzhoushan suddenly felt a suppressed aura, and now he is only at the level of Buzhou Lingzishan. He was startled, Wei Yuan said: It's nothing.

Old man, can I trouble you to protect her temporarily?

The white-haired Taoist gestured to the girl over there, and said:

I have something to do, I need to go out once, no...

His voice paused, and then said:

Go back once.

PS: The second update today... 3,800 words

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