What the hell?

Well, if it’s a joke, I’ll be number one in the world?

The tall old man Bu Zhoushan, dressed in sackcloth and straw sandals, was sluggish. His old man managed to exchange some of the city's currency. He cut two pieces of lean meat here, and a bowl of steaming noodles in clear soup. I feel dark in front of my eyes.


Buzhou mountain god number one in the world?

Wait, wait, there's something wrong with your news, right?

The old man was sluggish, thought for a while, pulled it down, wanted to throw it away, but was a little reluctant, with his face up, relying on his instinctive sensitivity to big melons, he bumped into someone with his shoulder, and said: Oh, brother Son, what's going on here?

The man replied: What else is there, Tianzi No. 1 big news!

Do you know Beidi Yuqiang? A big shot!

I know, I don't like that old turtle.

I just want to hear about Bu Zhoushan.

The old man still nodded and said, Yu Qiang, it's not bad, what's the matter?

The man looked at the tall and shabby old man in front of him, and smiled: Oh, Beidi, not bad, this sentence has a bit of the tone of the legendary Buzhou Mountain God, haha.

ha? ? ? !

The old man was stunned, wait a minute, his identity was exposed?

I'm just like this, ahem, I haven't come out for five thousand years, are people so fierce now?

But that person is a person with no cultivation base at all.

The old man became more and more puzzled.

Could it be that, old man, am I so famous?

Anyone know what I look like?

The man continued:

You know the Northern Emperor, that's easy to say, but you know the body that is indestructible?


The old man nodded. Well, the old tortoise, when he merged with the Xuanwu incarnation, even he would think it was outrageous. If they were separated, the strength would be lowered by a level, but it was not bad. opponent, but there is no doubt that Shi Yi is more disgusting.

An impenetrable layer of defense.

In terms of how you can restore the original blood recovery speed no matter how you hit this guy.

Still nasty in the back.

Especially that boy Shi Yi's mentality is more stable.

The emperor in the north is still graceful and proud. That guy Shi Yi, the old man met once two days ago, and he is more stable than before. I don’t know what he saw in the world, but he always feels that he has grown again than before. , It is no longer a stable batch, it is almost a stable batch.

Bei Di, Yu Qiang, ten thousand laws cannot be broken, then what?

The old man became interested.

This indestructible body was pierced by a sword!

Oh, great, great!

The old man's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands. He completely forgot about his own affairs, and the number one defense in the world was actually broken? This is a unique big melon, fresh and hot, you must try it!

Then what?

Then, hehe, it's exciting. It's just a sword. According to the strength of the Emperor of the North Sea, the injury is nothing. But that night, everyone heard only a scream and a long sigh, saying death And die without regrets.

Hey, old man, guess what, by the time those Northern Emperor's subordinates entered, the Northern Emperor was already dead, kneeling on the ground with his head facing northwest, this method is absolutely endless!

It's absolutely perfect!

The old man Buzhou Shanshen was about to slap him, and he slapped his own thigh for the last time, and praised again and again: It's really great news, one sword can't break it, one sword kills the Northern Emperor, and he goes away freely. Three Realms and Eight Desolations, and there will be another top master, I don't know whose handwriting is it?

The person who spoke said: Who is that? Of course it is Buzhou Mountain God!

The smile on Uncle Bu Zhoushan's face froze.

ha? !

What the hell? !

who? !

The old man reacted, and the corner of his mouth twitched: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

The storyteller frowned and said:

Why is this impossible?! The news has spread. Not only did he kill the Northern Emperor, but on the day of the Northern Emperor's wedding, he calmly came and extended it. Do not know how many gods have seen it with their own eyes!

? ? ? !

Snatch the imperial concubine?! Uncle Bu Zhoushan was stunned when Feng Ping was killed.

Yes, yes, according to the legend, the mountain god of Buzhou stands tall, with white hair hanging down, and a white robe, with an ancient and unparalleled temperament. What's the relationship.

Not bad, good God, what can I do!

Hahahaha, Unbreakable Body?

A group of cultivators were full of enthusiasm, and old man Bu Zhoushan's scalp was numb.

Dressed in white and white hair, dressed like snow, holding a long sword, he entered the place where the Northern Emperor got married.

Slay the Northern Emperor and support the sky and the earth.

Then travel with the United States?

Who is this?

Who the hell is this?

who is he? Who am I! ?

Who am I!

The old man's brain twitched, and he said, Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Buzhou Mountain God, that's not the kind of character.

The storyteller was a little impatient. Although the old man was tall, his white hair was as messy as dry grass swept by the Northland wind. His hands and feet were rough, and the ropes on the straw sandals were all torn. He said disdainfully and contemptuously:

You are old and uncultivated, you really don't feel ashamed.

What are you, you bastard Buzhou Mountain God!

Uncle Bu Zhoushan: ...

After a while, the old man, who had no common sense like ordinary people, was in a panic. He couldn't bear the cheers of the strongest in the world, but I was the only one. The sense of social death of the black history being made public is ridiculously strong.

I'd like to see who did the trick...

The old man gritted his teeth and forced to communicate the secret.

Then in front of my eyes, countless patterns of heavenly secrets turned into pictures.

In the end, the tall and thin Shu and the short and fat Hu, one holding a chisel and the other holding a hammer, made a pose on Buzhou Luozi Mountain, and there was an extra sculpture of Wei Yuan on Buzhou Luozi Mountain, with the old man's face The expression on the face froze little by little: You, Nuwa's...

Shu, hu, fox cub...

Finally, a roar was heard throughout the street.

The name of a bad old man.

The old man killed you!!!!!!


I didn't know that a certain old man finally realized that he would not be safe at the end of the festival.

He is picking up a mountain at random and chasing him with such speed that the mountain surpasses the sea.

Wei Yuan and Emperor Suhu were still floating overseas, Wei Yuan was in a daze, and Fu Xi's voice said lazily in his ear, Don't worry, the matter of Yu Qiang has been dealt with.

Don't worry, boy.

Wei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I feel a little more at ease.

Although he didn't know why, he seemed to feel that he had forgotten something, but he had a vague feeling that this seemingly gentle, elegant and amiable ancestor seemed to be a very down-to-earth rotten person, but even so, at least what he said was believable , He said Yu Qiang solved it.

That thing is of course no problem.

At least, that Northern Emperor didn't have the mind and strength to trouble himself.

It was night, and Wei Yuan cooked food with the sea beasts captured by Taotie. The girl in white clothes was still in a coma, and she still didn't wake up. Only the second emperor Shuhu ate heartily. Wei Yuan asked Zhaoyang, Zhaoyang just said, consume Very strong, may need to sleep for a while.

For some reason, Wei Yuan thought of the reason why Fuxi asked him to go to the end of the sea to look for Fuxi. It was because he was worried that Emperor Wa would disappear completely, and there was a cloud in his heart. Now, the situation in the whole world is also unclear.

Compared with Kunlun, Great Wilderness, and Guixu, the background in the world is too poor.

Moreover, seven or eighty-eight had been consumed during the battle with Gonggong, the strength of the first emperor was greatly damaged, and the blessing of the imperial mausoleum was completely lost. Similar to the series of battles of the sealed Gonggong.

The world will undoubtedly fail.

In the final analysis, only with the blessing of luck in the world, can they join forces to have a combat power weaker than the top ten peak levels. This belongs to the background of a long history of a race. Now remove the hope that the next scientific research project results.

Also look forward to the completion of the heavenly court of talismans, Xuanwu, and four-spirit level combat power.

If you let Xuanwu and the human race befriend each other, you will truly have the human world guarded by the Great Northern Pole True Martial Demon Slayer, and then combine it with the Heavenly Dao in the Beihai area of ​​​​the outer sea of ​​the Gods, and you will have more strength in the human world... And I, I also need to go further Improve background and strength.

The current injury has not yet healed, although it is said that Zhou Shangong's body will not be damaged in a thousand times.

But the blood recovery speed is still slow, and it can't be compared with Shi Yi.

While thinking about this, the Guixu jade pendant on his waist lighted up slightly.

This means that the mission has been completed. In a small mission world, Xuanwu held the Taijiquan sword cheat book in his hand, his expression was indifferent, and he didn't feel that he had found what he needed. That consciousness.

This is what you call yourself?

Indifferent voice, faint anger.

Wei Yuan, who lost the blessing of Buzhou Mountain God, and Taotie, who lost the invisible help of Nuwa's power.

In fact, compared with Xuanwu, it even falls behind.

If Xuanwu did not list Beidi Yuqiang's summoning as the first mission goal, but fought against Taotie with all his strength from the beginning, and did not give the latter a chance to devour his own blood, he would lose the concept of mythology and reduce his physical strength by one level. Xuanwu opponent.

Wei Yuan's eyes blurred, and he saw Xuanwu.

As the four spirits, the concept of the North Pole pillar, the system of Guixu cannot restrain Xuanwu at all. Under Xuanwu's anger, he directly pulled Wei Yuan's ray of consciousness in reverse. After all, the principle of Guixu is like fishing. Look for geniuses in the world.

But when the fish is too fierce, it can naturally pull the fisherman into the water in the opposite direction.

The man in the black Taoist robe had a cold face, holding the Tai Chi sword in his right hand. At this moment, the consciousness of Dai Xiuneng and the other four seemed to be frozen, completely unable to perceive what was happening outside, completely unaware of Xuanwu at this moment, and The white-haired man who appeared here.


Wei Yuan sighed in his heart, he had already expected the current situation.

In other words, if Xuanwu had so easily approved of this imperceptibly spoken true martial arts of the North Pole.

On the contrary, it is a ridiculous thing.

It is absolutely impossible for the will of the four spirits to be so weak.

One can easily recognize the name of the true martial arts of the North Pole today, but of course one can switch to other things tomorrow.

Wei Yuan had already made preparations, and Xuan Wu stared at the young man with a cold expression, because Wei Yuan did not use the mask given to him by the Second Emperor Shu at this moment, but changed to a new Qi machine mask, Xuan Wu failed to realize that this person was just incompetent Mountain God, there is a feeling of being deceived in his heart.

Wei Yuan replied flatly: I have already given you what you want.

Give it to me?


Xuanwu laughed angrily: Give me what? The meaning of life, or the real life?!

It's just the name of a true martial artist from the North Pole?! Ridiculous!

It's not a name, it's a choice.


Xuan Wu's anger restrained slightly, Wei Yuan said: Yes, choose...

He thought of the secret that Fuxi told him before, his voice paused, and said: I can also tell you the secret involved in this choice. His tone was low and far away:

God's incorruptibility and eternal spirit are premised on using various things as anchors to hold the self.

Buzhou Mountain supports the sky and supports the earth, Dijun's stars in the sky, and the Lord of Gonggong all over the world are all like this.

To establish connections with heaven and earth, and to fix oneself with these connections, this is the meaning of the world.

When I can't be sure of myself, because the gods are too powerful, the countless possibilities they have mastered will make them gradually change into other appearances, and they will lose [I], and if it is in a place of absolute silence and loss of all other concepts, Time and space have no meaning, even the strongest gods will slowly be annihilated in this boundless despair.

So, Xuanwu, where is your anchor point?

The white-haired Taoist directly articulated the method of annihilating the top gods and true spirits. This is not a simple secret, it is an absolute secret involving the death of the gods, and even, it is the principle of the method that can imprison the top ten peak levels, Xuanwu thought. The stormy sea, was asked such a sentence, his thoughts paused slightly.

【Xuanwu】What is the biggest connection with this world?

It's Beidi Yuqiang!

Determine the boundary of Xuanwu with the thinking of Beidi.

Xuanwu's fate was determined by Beidi's order.

The Northern Emperor's needs determined everything about Xuanwu.

When he was clearly aware of this point, even Xuanwu felt a kind of indescribable confusion and pain, as well as a kind of unwillingness, Wei Yuan said: So, this is the choice I gave you...

A choice to escape from one's past and move toward a new future.

Xuanwu said in pain: It's useless...

This kind of weak anchor will disappear in an instant in front of the real Beidi.


He heard the white-haired man laugh, and put his right hand behind his back, with a flat and indifferent tone:

What if I say that Yu Qiang is dead?


Xuanwu's complexion changed suddenly, and he raised his head abruptly.

It was as if the wind lifted the white-haired Taoist's temple hair slightly, making his aura more distant and distant, as if it didn't exist here, as if everything he saw was false, and his voice was flat: Yu Qiang is dead, you will eventually die. Free body.

In the past, you were Xuanming's subordinate, so you were Xuanwu.

Now that Yu Qiang is dead, Xuanming doesn't exist, and if you leave out a word Xuanming, what you seek is nothing more than the true self, so it is called [Zhenwu].

The white-haired Taoist spoke softly: A new anchor point, this anchor point originally had no owner, but it was transformed by the thoughts of countless people and the beliefs of countless people. It can belong to you completely. Therefore, Pindao thought, it should be regarded as A good start.

can you accept it?

Xuanwu struggled violently.

And the white-haired Taoist smiled and said: The Northern Emperor is dead, and the North Sea is bound to be in chaos.

And one side of the world, with endless sentient beings, is so important.

Non-true martial arts are not enough.

Xuanwu was finally moved. After a long silence, he raised his head and saw a real sword in the Taoist's hand. He raised his hand and said with a gentle smile, Then, let's abandon the past and start a new future...

Xuanwu was silent, the black-haired Taoist swept the Taijiquan sword, and shattered the Taijiquan sword sutra into powder.

He took the sword and said, Everything has a name.

The white-haired Taoist smiled and pointed to the outside. This is a valley. Looking out, you can see the vastness of the world and the sharp peaks. His heart moved, and he said gently: Going out of this place will open up the world. Travel with you. Since you can see The three peaks are tall and handsome, standing tall in the sea of ​​clouds, why not call him Zhang Sanfeng, how about that?

In the end, a real shadow of the white-haired Taoist disappeared with a laugh.

Xuanwu was silent.

But Dai Xiuneng and the others couldn't grasp this level of communication at all, and they didn't know what they had lost. They just saw the Taijiquan sword in the hands of the black-robed Taoist shattered into powder, and couldn't help but feel distressed: Ah, what a pity...

What a pity.

I haven't seen it yet.


The black-robed Taoist shook his head, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and slowly displayed the Taijiquan and sword skills.

The name of Xuanwu, the position of the Four Spirits, and Tai Chi in the world are of course mediocre.

The first time, it was just an ordinary martial arts appearance.

The second time, it was fast, and the third time, it was extremely slow.

By the time I repeat it again, my posture is no longer limited to the so-called fist and sword skills. When I finally step forward, the changes of yin and yang in the world, the flow of energy, and the changes in the world. Finally, I finally figured it out. The sparrow tail, the clouds intertwined with the sky and the earth, unexpectedly turned into a huge yin-yang map covering the sky and the earth on the sky, the slowly flowing yin-yang map caused strong winds to blow up, and the black-robed Taoist was making the last move, changing the color of the world , in harmony with heaven and earth.

Majestic and terrifying.

The Taoist robe was raised, but there was a sense of reality, vast and majestic, and the meaning of real martial arts.

Dai Xiuneng's heart was beating wildly, his mouth was dry, and he said: I haven't asked yet, senior is...

The Taoist seems to be looking for a new anchor point, as if to make a break with the past clone, let's laugh, Yu Si replied:

Non-true martial arts are not enough.

North Pole True Martial Arts.

Zhang Sanfeng!

Dai Xiuneng's brain was shocked and went blank.


Wei Yuan completed the most important step without any risk, and sincerely hoped that Xuanwu would join the camp.

Fortunately, it seems to be doing well.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the faces of the two old men were stiff, and the expressions on their faces seemed a little strange. When he was puzzled, the second emperor suddenly turned his head and said, Well, I'm sorry, boy...

Something happened.

Huh? What do you mean...

Suddenly murmured: Old Buzhou, I'm calling soon...


PS: The first update today...

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