Museum of Demons

Chapter 784: The Mountain Surpasses the Sea!

Yu Qiang is a middle-aged man with a majestic and handsome face and a majestic temperament, with a golden crown and hair tied.

Dressed mainly in black and blue, majestic without losing the temperament of a strong man, with a sword on his waist, looking at Ye Ming who just greeted him in front of him, his expression fluctuated, and he said: The Lord of Time is in charge of the sun and the moon. The order of the stars has always been busy.

I never thought that this emperor's marriage would actually make His Majesty bother and worry.

The Northern Emperor is the lord of the North Sea, and his status is respected in all realms under his command. Now a big wedding is naturally a big event. Ye Ming's answer was gentle and calm, but as the lord of time, he came here this time with the divine sword Baiju It already represents His mood.

In the living room, the Second Emperor Shu suddenly stared at Ye Ming over there, realizing that this was the reinforcements Wei Yuan had mentioned, scratching his head.

...That kid, how could you let this workaholic leave?

What did he say to Ye Ming?

Is there some secret method?

A way to directly summon Ye Ming to join the battle?

Suddenly the two old men looked at each other, then sighed in unison, and said in unison:

I really want to learn!

That way, you can play with Ye Ming, a workaholic, at any time.


In the extremely luxurious hall, Ye Ming greeted Yu Qiang calmly.

Then, changing from the gentleness in the past, he asked directly: Naturally, the Northern Emperor's wedding is a first-class event, but I don't know who the imperial concubine is, and what is her identity?

Yu Qiang's voice paused, and his tone was flat: It's just an ordinary woman.

When the emperor was on a tour, he met suddenly and fell in love at first sight.

That's all.

Ye Ming held a concentric knot in his hand, and said with a smile: I don't know the name and date of birth of the imperial concubine. This is a gift from the emperor. Write her name on it, and the three lives will never be separated. This is the emperor's blessing. , let the Northern Emperor write it down at this time.

He handed over the treasure in his hand.

Northern Emperor Yu Qiang said: The emperor's kindness is in my heart... I will definitely write it down in the future.

When I reached out to pick it up, I couldn't take it out.

Ye Ming's expression was gentle, but his tone calmed down: This is the blessing of the Emperor of Heaven.

What do you mean by prevarication, Your Excellency?

Northern Emperor Yu Qiang's expression was slightly restrained, and he stared deeply at Ye Ming in front of him.

And the chatter and laughter in this luxurious hall, and the voice of conversation also slowly decreased. The people who came here were all the gods from the North Sea and the Northern Heaven Realm. Ordinary creatures were not qualified to step into the Palace of the Northern Emperor, and these Of course, the guys are not those idiots, and they clearly sense the gunpowder between the lines.

Ye Ming held the tea, and said in a calm and gentle tone, It's the Northern Emperor who thinks that the gift from the Emperor of Heaven is nothing more than this.

Still, [Emperor Concubine]'s real name cannot be written at all.

At all...can't be known by the Emperor of Heaven, can't be told to the public?

! ! !

Northern Emperor Yu Qiang stared deeply at Ye Ming, and his tone was slightly angry:

I'm getting married today, did you come here to provoke me?

Ye Ming closed his eyes and said softly: That is to say...

You acquiesced?

Moderate tone.

The hall was instantly dead silent, and the rest of the gods felt their scalps go numb for a moment, and they subconsciously stopped talking. , according to common sense, it should have been accepted on the spot.

Beidi's avoidance clearly showed that he really had a problem.

What's more, even if the Northern Emperor is dissatisfied with the Heavenly Emperor, it will not explode at this time.

All questions point to the second possibility——

【Emperor Concubine】There is a problem.

At this time, they feel like they want to send their ears out. Knowing too much is not a good thing at all. Who would have known that a meal revealed a secret of the Three Realms. A white-haired old man is the god of giant beasts in the North Sea, with a stiff tone He said: Here, Your Majesty Ye Ming, Emperor Yu Qiang, why don't you take a step doesn't have to be like this...

Ye Ming used to have a gentle personality.

They saw the gentle Lord of Time and smiled.

And the next moment.

The extremely bright and violent sword energy——

Time flies, everything is old!

If there is a disagreement, the sword is drawn directly, and the concept of mythology is fully unfolded.

The old aura of all things emerges, and the mythical concept of the pinnacle of swordsmanship shows infinite changes in the flow of time. Time is connected with changes in sword moves, so the changes over time are the most domineering swordsmanship controlled by this body.

Time is like a sword, everything is old.


Suddenly the Second Emperor gasped.

wait, wait...

Ye Ming, Vice Lord of Heaven, is this guy so reckless? !

They finally realized that something was wrong and looked at each other, their scalps tingling.

Holy crap, what did that kid Wei Yuan say to Ye Ming? !

This guy, where did this guy come from, is his provocation skill a bit high?

Then the two saw the Emperor of the North Sea shouting, and the concept of the whole body unfolded. They looked at each other, gritted their teeth and said, Go! His Shouyuan, even if he was ordered by Dijun to stop Taotie, he didn't use this move.

The real outrage was evident.

Even the Emperor of the North Sea could faintly feel the fluctuation of his lifespan, which was enough to see that Ye Ming had the murderous intention to directly make the god die of old age. With a thought, the concept of mythology had just unfolded, and two Old men, one tall and thin, one short and fat, shot violently at the same time.

Well done!

Bei Diyu laughed loudly, and separated his hands suddenly.

One on the left and the other on the right, they directly and suddenly faced the two emperors, Shu and Hu.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth condensed, and then became extremely violent in an instant. The vast waves swept across the three hundred realms. The entire palace of the Emperor of the North Sea sank suddenly. Emperor Shu felt that half of his arms were numb. Zhen, looking at Emperor Hu over there, said loudly, Hey, hey, how are you?


Hudi gritted his teeth, ripples appeared in his short and fat body.

Ye Ming is in front, with white hair on his sideburns, and the white horse sword in his hand is moving forward, but the concept of aging everything is blocked by the passage of time. Blessed by the heaven and the earth, I am invincible, and my destiny is mine.

To this seat, back!!!

Yu Qiang laughed out loud.

He clenches his fist, sweeps violently, and is suddenly repelled. The sword in Ye Ming's palm swivels and stabs. He who is in charge of the concept of time, the sword's edge must hit, and it stabs directly between the eyebrows, but the concept is condensed invisibly, and even the Baiju sword is blocked. .

Hmph, the white horse is too late, the fetus changes shape, and what is the so-called practice of making a fake come true?

I just ask one question, can it break the world?!

Yu Qiang laughed: Everything is old, but the world remains unchanged!

Give me back!

It was as if the North Sea, which gave birth to many worlds, roared violently. Suddenly, the two emperors gritted their teeth. Although they had lost too much vitality in order to let Wei Yuan take advantage of the power of Buzhou Negative Mountain, after all, their own personalities were still there, no matter how weak they were. , containment is still possible.

However, several figures were constantly staggering and colliding, fighting constantly. Here, Yu Qiang was one against three, and he did not lose the wind in the slightest. Wear the strongest defense in the world.

Suddenly the second emperor approached quickly but was beaten away screaming.

Yu Qiang stepped on the water wave with his right foot, with his arms outstretched, facing Ye Ming over there, and the six of the Twelve Yuanchen who appeared out of nowhere, he also felt that it was wrong to face the guests, so he chose to stand in line with Ye Ming , the part that stood in line with the Emperor of Heaven, with hair crowns scattered, black hair hanging down, extremely domineering:

Wait, it's nothing but ants, even if it's on top, so what!

Even if they are all together, why should I be afraid!

Even Di Jun, don't want to take advantage of this place, hahahahaha.

What's that sound?

Huh?!! This breath!

There were a few voices among the gods who sensed something was wrong, and left the hall abruptly, hovering above the void, and saw the entire North Sea surging up, and stood directly in the air, like a circling beast, surrendering to the back of the Northern Emperor, among which surged one by one Small worlds, and the power of these small worlds is also subject to Yu Qiang.

Accompanied by a roar like an ancient dragon beast.

In the middle of the ocean, the vast giant turtles carrying the world on their backs raised their heads and neighed.

There are as many as fourteen.

Each of them seems to have the spirit of Buzhou Mountain, a huge amount of seawater crashes down, the sound is like thunder, rocks grow on it, attached to the world, showing bizarre scenery, exuding a majestic aura that is also the pillar of the world.

And these are mixed with the boundless waves of the North Sea, surrounding and surrounding Yu Qiang.

The domineering and terrifying aura showed the aura of an overlord and invincible emperor in the realm.

Ye Ming's attack finally revealed the true face of this emperor who had been dormant in the North Sea for thousands of years.


Above the North Sea, I am the only one!

Ye Ming breathed out a foul breath, the white horse sword in his palm screamed, and suddenly the two emperors were beaten to the point of staring, all the heaven and earth in this area are supporting Yu Qiang, that feeling of invincibility can only be felt by Di Jun and the Kunlun realm Only Lu Wu has it.

Suddenly wanted to cry without tears: This old turtle is so strong...

Beidi Xuanming, Heidi Yuqiang, and Siling Xuanwu are all the same guy.

Xuanming is winter, at the North Pole, and autumn and winter are chilling, similar to the Queen Mother of the West.

And at this time.

Suddenly there was the ear-piercing sound of the formation shattering, and the expression of the invincible Beidi Yu Qiang changed slightly, and he said angrily: Dare you kid!!! Presumptuous! With a shake of his body, he slammed downwards fly away.


Ye Ming followed closely behind.

He has already started to communicate with the power of the heaven, earth and stars, and is ready to activate the power of the deputy king of heaven and earth.

Suddenly the two emperors looked at each other, Qi Qi smiled wryly and said: It's hard, it's hard!

But you can't leave that kid alone!

The two old men gritted their teeth with wry smiles, stomped their feet, turned into two rays of light and followed them away.

The rest of the gods gritted their teeth, some fled, and some wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to form a team. They were divided into two groups, one went down, and the other followed. Two groups were clearly separated in the sky.



Wei Yuan crushed the secret formation in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched.


Counting thousands of calculations, I never expected that this guy actually set up a secret array at the door step by step. The function is just one, which is equivalent to reminding Yu Qiang that someone is going out here. ah.

His expression changed slightly, Wei Yuan sensed the majesty to terror, and the aura far surpassing his own rushed towards him, raised his hand and directly blocked the girl in white and Zhaoyang behind him, and the three blue birds nestled directly in the girl's arms , shivering.

The sound of the waves, the extremely overbearing breath.

【帝】 majestic.

Wei Yuan raised his eyes slowly, and saw the terrifying scene of being surrounded by the North Sea, suppressed by heaven and earth, and fourteen giant dragon claws groaning behind him, surrounded by gods, his golden pupils turned slightly, saw Ye Ming, saw the bruised nose Two old men.

Suddenly the two old men stretched out their fingers and gave a thumbs up.

Don't worry, we didn't run away!

The socket of Emperor Shu's left eye turned purple.

It seems that Emperor Hu's right tooth was missing from the beating.

With a bright and reliable face.

The corners of Wei Yuan's mouth twitched, intending to gain momentum to communicate with Yu Qiang, but Bei Di raised his hand, and the heavenly way of the whole world suddenly overturned and fell down suddenly, Wei Yuan's expression turned slightly, seeing Ye Ming making moves at the same time, was blocked.

At this moment, with the character of Buzhou Mountain God, he could clearly see Yu Qiang's concept of mythology.

Not a conceptual defense!

Rather [concept invalidation]

The simplest way of saying it... within the scope of its concept, everything has no value and meaning, and the momentum formula found in the world will completely lose its value, or in Yu Qiang's field, there is no such thing as a kinetic energy formula, and there is no melting point , there is no entropy increase and heat death, no time flow, no nuclear fission formula.

The law of all things is void.

In his sphere, everything is fiction, but he alone is real.

Because everything is nullified, naturally nothing can harm him.

Even the piercing of the sword depends on the kinetic energy formula. If the kinetic energy formula does not exist, the sword will no longer have power. If the heat energy formula does not exist, the flame will not have the characteristic of burning, the air will not flow, and time will lose its meaning.

No wonder they want to get involved in the top ten.

The next moment, the girl behind her snorted, and what Wei Yuan was worried about finally happened, but Yu Qiang did it without saying a word. : This is what you owe this world.

It's heaven and earth's response to you.

Countless gods were shocked in their hearts, watching the rules of heaven slowly falling down.

【Heaven】The concretization of this concept.

Ye Ming's expression changed slightly, and he finally sensed the girl's true identity from the changes in the world. After a moment, he still chose to attack with all his strength. Blood flowed from the corner of the girl's mouth, and she pulled Wei Yuan's clothes: You, let's go.

Wei Yuan let out a foul breath.

The golden pupils converged, and they retracted themselves, which helped Bu Zhoushan's breath to release instantly.

Raise your hand suddenly.

It wasn't the raising of the hand in self-movement, but the change in consciousness, the huge pressure, which almost made the spirit shattered, but it seemed that there was some invisible giant holding his head up and screaming, holding up the sky with one hand!

There was a sudden explosion of air, boundless aura condensed and overflowed, and the sound of sleeves being rolled up.

Then there was a roaring sound with head held high.

The overwhelmed way of heaven is now stable!

Beihai Yuqiang's pupils contracted, and such a very clear move has fully revealed who is coming—supporting the sky and supporting the ground, one of the top ten peaks in the past, and later humiliated and joked, Buzhou Mountain God, and at this moment , the strongest Northern Emperor, the blessing of heaven, and the shame of the top ten peaks.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through the hearts of the bystanders.

This is the best opportunity!

Northern Emperor Yu Qiang, Top Ten Proverbs!

Northern Emperor Yu Qiang was also aware of this, he laughed loudly, and stretched out his hand: Okay, okay!

Supporting the sky and leaning on the ground, not Zhoushan!

Let me see, you hold the world with one hand, and you still have some strength.

I am here, I am all things in the sky, and the heavens travel around!

Yu Qiang, the Northern Emperor, shot with all his strength, and the world changed color.

Wei Yuan's consciousness lost its original stability, Bu Zhoushan's ego, and strong oppressive force, but the girl behind him took his hand, and for a moment, an indescribable sense of clarity emerged from the altar, as if the ego that was the concept of human He was naturally raised to the limit, and his aptitude and understanding reached the peak of the human race.

The memory becomes clear, the mind is peaceful, and all the past emerges in the bottom of my heart.

Laughing loudly, Gong Gong, the god of water, shot with all his might.

Zhu Jiuyin, who supports the vast and far-reaching Jiuyou breath.

And Bu Zhoushan's understanding.

Their moves all came to mind, and then a sentence suddenly flashed in my heart——

'Gonggong's anger touched Buzhou Mountain, the pillars of heaven were broken, and the earth was destroyed. The sky tilts to the northwest, and the earth sinks to the southeast. '

Why, hold on?

Looking at Yu Qiang who was laughing and making a shot, he instinctively clasped the five fingers of his right hand and turned his wrist calmly.

The concept of supporting the sky and supporting the earth changed back, and the [Tianzhu] collapsed, so the entire concept of heaven and earth that had just been stabilized immediately lost its balance, and fell towards Yu Qiang over there in an extremely majestic and terrifying manner, as if it was supported by The concept of heaven and earth.

It is no longer holding the mountains and surpassing the sea, but supporting the heavens and the earth, and then bombarding with the way of heaven.

The sky is tilted to the northwest!

Group and Myth Concepts -

upside down.

! ! !

Yu Qiang's complexion changed suddenly, and amidst the roar, he raised his hand suddenly.

The concept is expanded, invalidated!

Heaven's bombardment was resisted.

Even if it was an attack of this level, Yu Qiang still resisted.

Wei Yuan raised his fingers together, with the breath of propping up the sky and supporting the ground, using the sky pillar as a sword, the epee sword in the world was very calm and fell down for the second time, Yu Qiang raised his head, and the damage was resisted, but the unparalleled pressure and Power, but cannot be completely suppressed.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Northern Emperor Yu Qiang suddenly knelt down on one knee.

The air surged, and the sleeves rolled up.

The young man with white hair hanging down on the ground in front of him was indifferent, just curling his white robe embroidered with gold thread.

Wei Yuan felt that he should say something now, his gaze swept over there suddenly.

'At this time, what will old man Bu Zhoushan say? '

Emperor Shu was puzzled.

Suddenly the emperor suddenly said: This kid wants us to praise him!

Oh, oh, how childish!

No, I'm asking what to say at this time!

Emperor Shu was more or less reliable, and his eyes indicated: Bu Zhoushan will easily uncover it, he has no temper or something. ’ Repeat the upward movement of both hands, which means pulling upwards, don’t go too far.

'oh? Will old man Bu Zhoushan take advantage of the situation to suppress again? '

'No mercy? no problem! understood! '

Wei Yuan was thoughtful when he saw Emperor Shu repeatedly pressing down his hands.

So I just calmly watched the changes in the world and the turbulence of the four seas, with indifferent expressions. Countless gods were still planning to watch the battle between Buzhou Mountain and Yu Qiang just now, and they were still talking about Buzhou Mountain with other people just now, but at this moment they fell into There was a dead silence, and the heart trembled uncontrollably.

Northern Emperor Yu Qiang raised his head unwillingly and angrily

This seat is punishing on behalf of heaven, and this seat is not wrong!

This is, the rules and requirements of this world! The fate is mine! It's me!


[Buzhou Mountain God] Turning his eyes, his golden pupils are slightly narrowed, indifferent and calm, his right hand is behind his back, his white hair is almost falling to the ground, woven with gold threads, behind him is a vast world, supporting the sky and supporting the earth, wandering around, the indifferent voice falls .

What can I do?

So the world is dead silent.

this day,

Buzhou Mountain God, re-entered the top ten peaks of the Great Wilderness.

First step position!

PS: The first update today...

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