Museum of Demons

Chapter 778 Forced Marriage?

Human World·Museum.


Zhuge Wuhou sat on the chair with a gentle expression. A young man in front of him crossed his legs and said lazily: You mean, let me go to the wilderness, in order to prevent the first emperor from falling into the desperate situation of fighting alone, and ask me to help him? Ridiculous Extreme!

Marquis Wu said flatly: The lonely army goes deep, and the dragon is in the sky. It is bound to regret. His Majesty the First Emperor's aura is strong, but the strength is easy to break, and the crouching tiger hides the dragon in the wilderness. It is not the six kingdoms of the past. Even if there is General Bai Qi, it is the same. It's not enough.


Hahaha, such a war lunatic, how can he be considered a war?

Annihilating the enemy will definitely bring huge casualties to myself, you're just an idiot, hmph!

The young man with some shabby clothes laughed loudly.

The young Marquis Wu waited for him to calm down before saying softly:

But, strictly speaking, Your Majesty is from Qin, isn't he?

Han Xin.

The young man clicked his tongue, put a sword across his knee, and said lazily:

Then why should I help you?

This persuasion has lasted for an hour.

Han Xin, the soldier fairy, is the pinnacle of the Chinese military strategist's military strategy. In terms of military formation alone, he is undoubtedly the number one in the ages.

Except for the pawn situation, tactics, yin and yang, and skills are all top-notch.

But there was quite a period of time when I was a ranger in the pre-Qin period, and I was still very poor.

In other words, pre-Qin street slipper.

Without oil and salt, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

The young Marquis Wu's eyes were quiet, and he said gently:

The Overlord will be your subordinate.

For example, you can make him your spearman.

Okay, deal!

Instant answer.


Relying on the military order issued by Xiang Hongyu before, the young mastermind dealt with the two, but seeing the overlord sitting on the sofa, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and the soldier fairy Han Xin had an extremely happy smile on his face, He waved the military order of the Overlord of Western Chu in his hand.

In the end, the Overlord couldn't bear it anymore, and he grabbed Han Xin by the collar with his fists and dragged him out.

A beating.

In the end, among the four categories of military strategists, due to personal bravery, Han Xin, who was completely unqualified as a soldier, was beaten to a swollen nose and face, but the relationship between the two finally eased. Under the offensive of fine wine, the two reached a consensus on the same thing ——

Damn Liu Ji is really not a thing!

Without Lao Tzu, how could he win the world?! He should have turned against him back then.

It was agreed to be the king, but in the end even the king was taken away, so I will give it to the Marquis of Huaiyin!

Han Xin took a sip of his wine, slapped the table hard, and cursed.

Xiang Yu, who was stabbed in the back directly after signing the contract with Liu Ji, nodded heavily.

The two actually reached a consensus on this point.

While drinking and yelling over there, the men’s hatred comes suddenly, and when they have the same hatred value object, even the original opponent and the mortal enemy will show sympathy for each other. Xiang Yu doesn’t hate Han Xin who defeated him on the battlefield, but the thief hates it Liu Bang.

If that guy appeared, he would definitely use his fists to reincarnate him directly.

Huo Qubing looked at the two uncles who were drinking and swearing over there, and looked at the pensive Marquis Wu: Is there a war? He said: Yes, but this matter has nothing to do with you.

Huo Qubing's face froze.

Why, I am also the general of the big man, you can't do this!

But you haven't practiced martial arts well yet.

The young Marquis Wu said succinctly: When will you be able to sustain a stick of incense under the frontal attack of the Overlord? Such a general is qualified to step on the battlefield of the wilderness. Huo Qubing's face froze. Compared with the generals in Emperor Wu's Zhongxing era, compared with the overlord who had the best single-handed force in the world in the troubled times of Chu and Han earlier, he was undoubtedly no match.

He argued strongly: You... are the general, the general defeats the enemy and leads millions of troops.

How can a certain military strategy be asserted based on personal bravery?

Well, also...

The young Marquis Wu seemed to be moved, thought for a while, and said, It's also possible, but it has to be tested.

The corner of Huo Qubing's mouth twitched, and he said, Aren't you going to compete with me in marching formation?

He is good at running thousands of miles, which is not the same way as a strategist of Wuhou's level.

It's not bright.

Marquis Wu shook his head, raised his feather fan, and pointed to Han Xin who was so drunk that he couldn't even scold Liu Bang, and said in a gentle voice: No, see that drunk man Are you a dead drunk uncle? As long as you beat him in the marching formation, you will be the general.

The pupils of the young Huo Qubing lit up.

Or wait until he sobers up?

No, there's no need.

Marquis Wu smiled and said, I'll put water on you.

Well, drunk? Liang himself went to wake him up.

Han Xin, who miscalculated the degree of liquor in the modern world, and his own strength is not a human martial arts nuclear warhead like Overlord, was almost drunk. He lay on the table and hiccupped, and murmured: Drink, I can still drink... ...This wine is really strong...

Again, come again.

Mr. Han, Mr. Han?

Marquis Wu pushed him, but there was no response.

The young Marquis Wu opened the wine bottle, leaned over slightly, and said: The famous general of the later generations of the great man, the powerful general of Liu Ji's great-grandson, wants to compare his military strategy with you, ah, by the way, the one who has the same title as you , and brought out quite a few marquises under his command.

The voice paused, and the tone was gentle:


! ! ! ! !

The drunk Han Xin suddenly opened his eyes.

Those black eyes were bloodshot.



Looking happily at the young Huo Qubing who is eager to try, after challenging the power of the overlord and Wuhou Yinyang, he launched a challenge to the formation of soldiers and immortals. Slightly wrinkled.

Relying on the first emperor alone, facing the wilderness, it is easy to fall into desperation and danger.

The tragic battle of Yiling led by Liu Bei back then left a deep psychological shadow on the young mastermind.

Now, Overlord and Han Xin join forces as the second echo...

And secretly, there are Guan Yunchang and Zhang Wenyuan.

Well, it's a little bit safer.

The four roads penetrate, on the surface, sometimes they are enemies, sometimes they join forces, and they echo each other in secret. The strategists are cunning, Yin and Yang conspire, and the odd and the right are in harmony, so everything is broken, conquered, and invincible. The undefeated strategy can only be said to maintain the completion of strategic goals as much as possible.

As stable as possible, the success rate is relatively high.

Don't worry, Ah Yuan, in order to cover up your side, I will make the news of Dahuang bigger.

There was a knock on the door outside, the young Marquis Wu lost his thoughts, and welcomed the guests in. It was a young girl with a vigorous and beautiful face, who looked at the young man in front of him warily, and said, What did you ask me to do?

Marquis Wu said: Miss Qinyuan, maybe I hope you can be a guide.

After all, neither the Overlord nor the Bingxian understands the map of the Great Wilderness.

You are a Kunlun divine bird, and you have also been in the stowaway business.

I hope you will take them to General Bai Qi's side.

Looking for Bai Qi?

Qin Yuan was dazed, then shook his head violently: I don't, this journey must be very dangerous!

I will never go!

Marquis Wu said softly, The company's business license certificate.

Qin Yuan's expression froze slightly.

Then he took a step forward, with bright eyes and a bright smile:

Okay, deal!

Hey, the boss is big, the boss is big!

Don't worry!

I will definitely take them to Bai Qi's place!


At the moment · the sea.

Wei Yuan looked at the fierce god, and said in a calm tone, Then you have also attacked the world?

I mean, tasks in the human world.

Oh, speaking of it, I don't have a good impression of the human world, but we agree on this point.

Under the threat of closing the door and releasing gluttony.

In addition, after hearing this sentence, the fierce god was relieved:

Ah, so you didn't deal with them either!

That's good, that's good, we're going all the way.

Actions in the human world? Of course there are, of course there are. They are King Yu's successors. Naturally, there are treasures. We have also had dynasty battles and sent people in, but most of them were captured by a white-haired woman. It was blocked.

Later, I discovered the law. Only when the world is in chaos can there be a chance to enter it.

For example, for a while we had a strong person go in.

Almost successful, he replaced him with the man with the most opportunity and power in that era, and planned to take advantage of the situation to take away the Chuanguo Yuxi...

Wei Yuan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly remembered that in Jiajing's life, those monsters who appeared suddenly seemed to come from Guixu, and they actually put their minds on the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and said: That time you achieved success! how……

Fierce God sighed: Failed.


Yes, of course it failed, otherwise Yuxi would have been taken away.

Wei Yuan asked, Who was the most powerful man you replaced that time?

Fierce God looked at the dossier of returning to the ruins, and replied:

The first time it was called Ding Yuan. At that time, he went directly to Beijing to take advantage of the situation.

The result was stabbed by a guy named Lu Bu.

The strong man could have returned to Guixu, but he couldn't bear the price of failure. In the end, he chose to put all his eggs in one basket and survive the death. He chose the one who had power over the government and the emperor and made the princes under his command. He is called Grand Master Dong.

Then he was stabbed from behind by that man named Lu Fengxian.

Wei Yuan: ...

He didn't know what to say, he patted the fierce god on the shoulder, and said sincerely:

good taste.

After continuing to inquire for a while, Wei Yuan took half a step back and said to Taotie:

He gave it to you.

The ferocious face froze, and finally realized what he was facing. He struggled violently and released a strong twisted will and mythic power, and screamed: No, you can't do this to me! You can't do this...


Wei Yuan replied: I am Wei Yuan, a person from China.

The ferocious face froze.

human? !

He recalled Wei Yuan's expression just now that we are comrades-in-arms and I don't like the world either.

You fucking, you plot against me!!!

Wei Yuan snapped his fingers, smiled and said:

Gaotie, dinner is ready!


Wei Yuan turned around and didn't look at the picture over there, but this time, he sensed the familiar aura he had felt before. After thinking about it, he stayed here suddenly and followed that familiar aura. It seemed to be running, but Wei Yuan circled in a big circle and blocked him in front.

Playing hide-and-seek as a child is still a bit useful.

Wei Yuan cursed in his heart.

Seeing the cyan light in front of him accelerate for a while, it seems that he intends to go straight, his sleeves are slightly rolled up, and his magical powers are displayed.

Under the universe in his sleeves, the cyan light caught it, but after he caught it, Wei Yuan was stunned.

why you?

Blue Bird?!

The caught light dissipated, and it was a group of fluffy birds.

Trembling in Wei Yuan's palm.

It was one of the three blue birds when they completed the Kunlun trial before. It seemed to follow the girl in white, but for some reason, it appeared here at this moment. When it was caught, the blue bird was so frightened that its hair exploded and turned into a Peng, hearing the sound, raised his head and carefully identified Wei Yuan.

Although it is said that Wei Yuan is the main body at the moment, and the clone of Kunlun Mountain God was used before, it still recognizes it:

It's you, the one who cheated!

The corner of Wei Yuan's mouth twitched.

Can you forget about cheating?

The next moment, the blue bird flew up as if grabbing a life-saving straw, saying:

Great, great, it's really you!

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and help, it's over if you're late!

It grabbed Wei Yuan's sleeve robe with its claws and tried to flap its wings.

But the guard master is now in the state after Bu Zhoushan's inheritance, so no matter how hard he tries, he can't move it.

Huh? Why is it over when it's late?

Speak slowly...

Blue Bird had two big bags of tears in his mouth: Can't be slow, can't be slow!

That lord, that lord... was forced into marriage!!!


PS: The first update today...

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