Museum of Demons

Chapter 766 Insufficient firepower phobia (thanks 丨 sparrow 丨 million rewards)

Chaoge City.

Wu Yu sat at the sacrificial place with a pious and calm expression.

When I opened my eyes, as expected, there was no response from the sacrificial place. If it weren't for the large array of simple talismans covering the entire Chaoge City, and the few mountain gods and water gods stationed here, it would be impossible to take care of this place. Being frequently harassed by monsters, he even suspected that the mountain god [Wei] who appeared before was just his dream.

However, it has basically entered a stage of peace and stability.

With enough food to eat, the elderly and children under the age of fourteen no longer need to hold weapons.

Of course, you still need to fight with monsters, and you still need to go out to find food.

But compared to the past few years, it has been much, much better.

There was the sound of war drums, so Wu Yu, the sorcerer of Chaoge City, stood up, holding a weapon, and left here—even with the blessing of the mountain god, those big monsters outside still coveted this human gathering place.

From time to time, under the command of a powerful demon god, he will try to attack the city.

At this time, the three mountain gods will help resist most of the monsters, and the people of Chaoge City also have the martial arts of Yanhuang, and will protect the land under their feet with weapons, but this time, the monsters that appear seem to be more.

In terms of strength, it also exceeded the expectations of the three mountain gods. Rather, the other party actually found a big monster who was qualified to entangle with the three mountain gods. But not invincible.

Wu Yu clenched his sword tightly.

Fei Yu, the warrior commander of Chaoge City next to him, looked indifferent.

He is a descendant of Fei Lian.

It's time to continue to fight on your own like in the past.

Even elders who are over sixty years old, or children under the age of fourteen, have grasped their weapons tightly. Survival is never a matter of course. The city already knew this.

The self-proclaimed person of the Yanhuang lineage is me.

And I, in the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty, represent a weapon, a battle axe.

My word, split is, whoever takes the sword, means to take the sword and hold it by yourself.

Yanhuang's bravery and martial arts have long been buried in his own words, and the meaning of E, perhaps later generations will call her a soft dancer, but in the original words, it means a woman holding a battle axe.

Take troops, step forward, and fight.

With a cold tone and a calm response, those who held weapons stepped forward, even the elderly and children.

Like the fangs of wild beasts, they stared at the fierce beasts outside the city.

And at this time, at the place of sacrifice behind, the peak suddenly trembled violently, and immediately collapsed. Accompanied by the sound, someone coughed violently and said, Damn... I didn't calculate the space parameters. The universe in the sleeves conflicts with the principle of the teleportation array of the Shang Dynasty.

Space within space, and it exploded directly.

It's really a big intestine with a small intestine...

Then the voice was surprised and said: Master Wei, there seems to be monsters attacking the city here.

We're going to help here too.

Master Wei?

The voice sighed: It's not good, Miss Jue's words are too lethal, this person is stupid, but it's almost there, we can go up.

Huh? Who is it...

It seems to be the language of China?

Fei Yu was uneasy, and then heard the sound of quiet footsteps, so neat that it looked like a person.

Special operations team, the third action team is starting to move.

The Canglong team in the theater has joined the battlefield.

Protect civilians, prioritize the protection of the elderly and children.

Among the collapsed ancient sacrifices, the figure in camouflage moves quickly, his expression is calm and indifferent, and his movements are sharp and crisp. This is the first purely extraordinary army in China. At the cost of huge consumption, the cultivation of individual soldiers was forcibly increased.

Basic literacy——

Combat qualities of the modern army.

Possesses the thirteenth layer of the ancient martial arts golden bell cover of Shenzhou, which is enough to resist low-level spells.

Capable of ignoring small-caliber firearms at close range.

The Taoist footwork has been practiced to the third floor or above.

According to the different types of combat arms, there are three to five types of spell abilities.

Possess the skills of military strategists.

It must be equipped with an assistant who is good at Qimen formation.

Personal equipment, the backpack with the inscription of the Daomen pot of heaven, talisman, special assault, individual bazooka, first aid backpack, after simulation, has the combat ability to pierce an extraordinary force within an hour. According to Bai Ze's evaluation, it has reached The combat power of the first-line army in the wilderness.

'Although it cost a lot'

'It is an army sufficient to participate in the battle of mythology. '

These soldiers from modern times stepped into Chaoge, and stepped into the legendary battlefield in a group formation combat that had been simulated countless times. Fei Yu's expression was shocked, and he saw these soldiers arriving at the front, communicating in simple language.

Shenzhou support, please retreat.

The soldier glanced at the thirteen-year-old child next to him.

Said: The child withdrew from the battlefield.

He took out a piece of candy from his pocket, handed it over, and took the knife in the child's hand.

The group of monsters was puzzled, the leader of them glanced at it, and said with a sneer: The cultivation base seems to be pretty good, but that's it, there are only a hundred or ten people, what's the use? There's not even enough rations...

And what kind of weapon is that?

Hmph, weird tube?

Modern fighters who step into the battlefield complete their own battlefield preparations at an extremely fast speed.

The black special firearms changed amidst the sound of clicking, and the muzzle of the swarthy gun was calmly pointing forward. If you look down from a high altitude, this area has almost turned into a standard violent style of the Shenzhou war.

Sufficient firepower, multi-directional cross-locking.

Among them, the political commissar said loudly in the Chaoge language he had learned:

This place is Chaoge City.

We are China, and Chaoge City has been the territory of China since ancient times.

According to the laws of China and the principle of territoriality, this place is under the protection of our country, and the people here enjoy the treatment of citizens of China. All monster races, please give up the siege immediately and retreat immediately, otherwise we have the right to fight back and defend the territorial integrity of our country.

Such an action seemed to startle the monster commander, and then he laughed.

This, what is this? Idiot?!

Hahahahaha, you want to make us retreat with that pipe?

Fei Yu didn't understand, the commander calmly said:

This is Chaoge City, which is the inherent land of China. It belongs to China's protection. You monster races should understand the human language. Please give up the siege immediately and retreat immediately. Otherwise, we have the right to fight back and defend the territorial integrity of China.

The laughter from the opposite side was mixed with the roar of the beast.

The commander said to his combat recorder, One warning, two warnings.

This is the third warning.

Please step back immediately.

The three warnings are invalid. We have fulfilled the Shenzhou war agreement and will take compulsory measures. After the report is completed, the self-defense counterattack mode will be activated. Shenzhou is a place that loves peace.

Buckle the combat recorder and raise your hand: All staff, shoot at the highest power.

The sound of clicking sounded at the same time, black steel, a by-product of Shenzhou's Kuafu Project and Zhurong Project, based on materials that can withstand the high temperature of the sun's surface, the original gunpowder explosion-propelled weapon was changed, and now it is replaced with an input fixed power weapon. The magic power of the law explodes after gaining momentum.

As long as the cultivation base is sufficient, the power of the kinetic energy that explodes after gaining momentum far exceeds that of immobilized gunpowder ammunition, and because the firearm must be the mana of the cultivation base of Shenzhou Gongfa to use the firearm, it is sufficiently confidential.


The laughter and roar of the monsters were at the last moment, which came from the wildness of the legend.

The next moment, the guns created by extraordinary technology exploded into a metal storm belonging to the human world.

The terrifying kinetic energy erupted based on mana came from the special ammunition after Zhu Rong's plan.

A torrent of crazy metal swept across the front directly.

And Daomen's Hutian backpack is enough to turn each of these fighters into a fort.

At the highest point of the city, a 2.3 meter tall warrior directly pulled down his helmet. He was bald and laughed loudly. He used to be a Buddhist disciple. Forest.

From Kuafu Project.

The magic power inputted from the Buddhist Kung Fu will be transformed into electricity, and the electromagnetic acceleration mode will be forcibly activated.

Under the blue electric light, the ammunition made of special materials was fired wildly.

In the end, it even turned into pure mana ammunition.

These weapons usually have accumulated mana to ensure the outbreak of wartime.

The golden Buddha's light ammunition shot wildly, the Buddhist disciple laughed loudly, and sang Amitabha Buddha's root rebirth mantra, the first wave of ammunition was baptized by terror, and the charge of the monster was stopped abruptly, and then when the ammunition was exhausted, , the monster leader was overjoyed, and said: Rush up immediately!!!

They're out of firepower!!


Suddenly, his eyes froze, and he saw a man pointing his thumbs at him from a distance.

What's the meaning?

The next moment, the soldier in the dark camouflage uniform directly took out a two-meter-long individual rocket from the Hutian backpack, and immediately aimed at it, and then, the next moment...

The monster saw the meteor swarm...

The loud explosion lasted for half an hour.

The outside was almost completely plowed by extraordinary technological weapons.

The monster army outside was almost turned into rotten meat. Only the two strongest were able to break through such a cross blockade. With such a result, Fei Yu and Wu Yu couldn't recover for a long time. He walked over and wanted to congratulate That commander, by the way, thank you.

But he saw the commander over there take off his tactical glasses and punch them down hard.

Damn it, he was still run away...

The expression on his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot: The firepower is still not enough!

What are those guys in the equipment department doing?!

Fei Yu: ...

Stiffly turning his head, he looked at the black land that had been plowed over and over again.

Still, not enough...

The tall Buddhist monk put away his weapon, sighed, looked at the monsters who died tragically, shed tears, then put his hands together, and said: Amitabha, Amitabha, sin, sin...

Wu Yu said: ... Are you also a sorcerer? Is this... saving the souls of the dead?

The monk said compassionately: All living beings are equal, killing is a sin...

Wu Yu opened his mouth and said, Then you worked so hard just now...

The monk solemnly replied: All living beings are equal, and all can see the Tathagata.

The crime of cannibalism is unforgivable.

So, the poor monk just sent them to see the Buddha, Amitabha...

Wu Yu was speechless, and said: The weapon your Excellency uses is...?

The monk mentioned the huge three-thousand-jin firearm that had undergone special modification, and said:

Its name is Peace Messenger 10086!

Wu Yu: ...

ambassador of peace?

Wei Yuan sat on a high place. In this battle, he didn't take any action at all. He just watched the power of the human world wipe out the beast tide that was large enough to destroy the city. After a long time, he said: ...It seems that the power of the human world Changing faster than I thought...

Zhang Hao nodded, and said: The plan is that after a hundred years, or about two hundred years, the standing special forces of China in the world will reach this benchmark. Of course, it will be very difficult. This group is already the absolute elite of the world. Yes, the Buddha bone relics have also consumed 70% to 80%.

Ordinary people don't have talent, it is impossible to practice the golden bell jar to the thirteenth floor.

Warriors at this stage are enough to be like the Patriarch Bodhidharma. They are immune to sword slashing and bullet shooting, and they directly ignore magic attacks of a certain level. These more than a hundred people are equivalent to more than a hundred Bodhidharma... ... The corners of Zhang Hao's mouth twitched.

But it's all worth it.

he thinks.

Wei Yuan also felt the same way, he looked around, his face froze suddenly, and said:

Wait a minute...

Brother Zheng and Qi, where did you go?!

PS: Today’s first update…………Thank you丨Majong丨Wan Rewards, thank you~

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