Museum of Demons

Chapter 75 Reliable Ancient People

Wei Yuan looked at Tiannv in astonishment, and repeated the girl's words:

Sleep now? Here?

The celestial girl nodded and said, If it's an alchemy spell, then you may be able to detect some clues when you fall asleep now, and then you can confirm where your dream originated from and whether it is related to that tiger.

The girl said so, Wei Yuan could only lie on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, the sofa could not allow him to put his whole body down, his calves were hanging down, wearing a long skirt and shirt, and a modern goddess sat by He was sitting on a wicker chair, less than half a meter away from him.

The girl lowered her head and flipped through the scroll on her lap.

Surrounded by flowers, the sound of fingers running across the paper rustled.

White steam rose from the spout of the teapot.

woo woo——

It's a bit like being at my grandmother's house when I was a child.

Wei Yuan gradually calmed down, and then fell asleep in a daze.


The vision in the dream is still the dim sky and the earth, the Taoist temple is covered by a layer of thick fog that cannot be discerned with the naked eye, Wei Yuan is standing in the Taoist temple, the interior of this kind of building is always empty and tall, it looks extremely gloomy, The stone idol was covered with a golden-red cloth, sitting on a high place overlooking him, with a stunned smile on his lips.

Maybe it didn't expect that this person would come back after breaking free from the dream.

Wei Yuan noticed that this time he seemed to be closer to the statue.

Accompanied by the deep roar of the tiger, the whole Taoist temple changed again into the ferocious tiger head, which was about to bite down fiercely. Wei Yuan raised his hand, and the usual eight-faced Han sword appeared in his hand. He raised his hand and slashed horizontally. But looking at his long sword, which was not much bigger than a tiger's fangs, his heart was really bleak.

But at this moment, Wei Yuan heard a light and thin voice.

It's the rustling of fingers across the paper.

This dream froze in an instant, the ferocious tiger and Sen Han's teeth seemed to have lost their color, and the whole world turned gray. Wei Yuan drew his sword and looked around with a dazed expression on his face, and then he saw the celestial girl holding a scroll Appeared in his dream.

The goddess stepped up to Wei Yuan, looked at this real dream, stretched out her hand to sweep it, and then the dream turned into flying ash in an instant, leaving only a black-based talisman with blood-like lines in it, and After this talisman was taken out, the dream was also shattered.

Wei Yuan slowly opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of the flower shop.

In the nearby teapot, the water has just boiled.

The celestial girl held a talisman in her hand. The talisman seemed to be a living creature with spirituality. It kept slamming left and right, trying to fly out, but no matter what, she couldn't break free from the shackles of the girl's palm. In the end, she slowly lost her mana and spirituality and disappeared. not see.

She looked at Wei Yuan: It's Birch.

There are still big monsters left in this era.

Wei Yuan asked suspiciously, Birch?

The goddess thought for a while and said:

Birch eats dreams.

During the winter of the Qin and Han Dynasties, there were often great Nuo sacrifices, among which children sang the song of twelve beasts eating ghosts, and Biqi was responsible for eating dreams. Since the big demon feeds on dreams, manipulating dreams and creating hallucinations is also common. reason.

When did you make a feud with Birch and let it imprint on you?

Wei Yuan was about to shake his head, but he thought of another maid holding a lamp under the Tiger's seat on the scroll of strange powers and gods. She looked concentrating and told the matter to the goddess. The girl thought deeply and said:

If this is the case, it is very possible that Birch is a whole race of monsters, who were once subdued by humans to devour evil spirits in dreams. The tiger was conferred by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, so there is a Birch as an attribute of a tiger. Down is also normal.

It may be because she has a deep relationship with the painted skinned brocade bird that you killed, so she will kill you in a dream, or maybe you killed the tiger body before, and you were unknowingly left behind. A tiger ordered you to die in a dream without knowing it.

Wei Yuan opened his mouth, and once again realized the meticulous methods of these monsters in ancient times, he smiled wryly:

If I was devoured by that tiger in my dream...

The goddess said: The dream is related to the soul. If you die in the dream, once the number of times increases, it will cause the overflow of three souls and seven souls. The soul dies but the body is still alive. In the pre-Qin period, many alchemy methods were aimed at the soul instead of the body. , because it is not easy to be traced for revenge.

This brand has been removed by me, but I'm afraid you have been targeted.

If that tiger enters the world, he should find you directly. In addition, artificially manipulating dreams is a two-way spell. That Birch just broke free from the seal, and his cultivation should not have recovered much. What you saw The Taoist temple may represent that Tiger and Birch are now hiding in the Taoist temple.

And it shouldn't be too far away.

Otherwise, her current mana should not be able to cast spells in dreams.

With a soft and gentle voice, the heavenly girl narrated the things Wei Yuan didn't know, explaining clearly the source, reason, and hidden dangers of that ominous dream, Wei Yuan calmed down, and lifted the sword in his hand again, There was another streak of blood on the sword, and he asked curiously, Then this sword is...

The goddess stretched out her finger and flicked the blade of the sword lightly, saying:

This sword should have killed a lot of ghosts in a short time, right?

Wei Yuan nodded, followed his memory, and counted one by one:

Painted skin, the five rampant ghost generals, the evil monster, the ghost king of the ghost domain, and the original body of the tiger, I all came here by relying on this sword.

The goddess showed a slight smile, and said in a light and gentle tone: Then it's normal.

In ancient times, there was a famous sword psychic warning. Your sword is made of good materials and casting skills. You have killed these monsters and big monsters with you. The sword has absorbed the blood of demons and ghosts. It should have self-generated spirituality. There should be a sword-forging method in the Tiger inheritance, you can find a way to recast this sword.

In the pre-Qin period, there were disputes among the countries. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was a strong sense of knight-errantry. Apart from the swordsmanship of fighting swords, there was also the method of 'hitting with the sword from a distance'. Among them, Lu Goujian was the most important. During the Hanwu period, Huainan Wang Keqing Lei quilts are among the best, you can try to practice.

Also, this broken sword of yours seems to be the place where a ghost spirit resides?

Wei Yuan nodded, pulled out his broken sword, and explained in detail about the soul of the Qi family soldier. The goddess said thoughtfully, Then you can transfer his soul's place to the soul-raising place in your house. Mu Shang, if you fight back like this, if Broken Sword is injured, it won't hurt him.

Wei Yuan naturally nodded in agreement, and then asked if this kind of spell is also available in the Crouching Tiger inheritance. The goddess put down the scroll at will, got up and walked to the museum, and said: This is just a very simple spell. I have seen Ji Han's spell before. Prime Minister, at that time he was studying the art of renewing the life of the soul, and I was watching from the sidelines, so I know a thing or two about this method, so I can help you solve it with little effort.

Wei Yuan asked curiously, Ji Han's prime minister, Zhuge Liang?

What kind of person is he?

The goddess thought for a while and replied:

When I was young, I liked to laugh very much. I laughed very calmly. Music, articles, chess, tricks, Qimen Dunjia, celestial phenomena and earth evil, even farming, growing flowers, cooking, and pleasing his wife, seem to be without him. The things that can’t be achieved, are known as the wizards who may not be weaker than Zhang Daoling if they enter the fairyland.”

But after the age of forty, I seldom laughed anymore. I once saw him in Nanyang and listened to him sing with a few friends, but after going back to the mountains for a while, when he came back to the world, he was no longer the same as before. The fuqin whistled.

It seems that a man named Liu Bei died.

The goddess easily entrusted the souls of Qi's army soldiers on the soul-cultivating tree, and then said:

For us, the relationship between human beings is sometimes not so easy to understand.

Wei Yuan nodded. From the girl in front of her, she could feel the difference from her appearance, and the heavy feeling from the years. Just like that, there are some difficult problems for herself. She can easily see the history, And give yourself guidance on cultivation.

And for me, it is just a person or thing in history, but for the girl, it is an old friend who really met and met, said goodbye to each other and left.

At this time, the electrical repairer that Wei Yuan had booked early in the morning came riding a small motorcycle.

Looking at the refrigerator, the calmness on the master's face slowly disappeared.

He held a cigarette, looked at the refrigerator door that seemed to be provoking his career, the hand holding the cigarette shook a little, accidentally? How much effort must this damn have to accidentally cut such a slit with a kitchen knife? He looked at the elegant Tiannv and Wei Yuan who also looked normal. The master left a sentence and changed it. If it can't be repaired, he left on a small motorcycle with a cigarette in his mouth. On the way, he thought about whether he should call the police.

If this is domestic violence, if two people fight, isn't that little girl too pitiful?

Wei Yuan glanced at the dead ghosts who were staring at him eagerly:

It can't be fixed.

The water ghost lay down on the ground and grinned.

Wei Yuan sighed: I'll go buy it.

So the water ghost stood up again, full of energy.

Tiannv looked at the refrigerator and asked curiously, What is this?

Wei Yuan was stunned for a moment, and said, Did Tianshi Mansion explain to you?

Seeing that the goddess shook her head, Wei Yuan had no choice but to explain the use of the refrigerator, thought for a while, and said:

I'm going to the home appliance market, Jue, do you want to go with me and take a look outside?

The celestial girl pondered for a moment, then nodded happily.

After some deliberation, we decided to take the bus.

Because Tiannv seems to be very curious about this kind of modern carriage that can carry many people, and wants to try it for herself.

While waiting for the bus, Wei Yuan couldn't help but whispered: Jue, you know how to sit on the bus...

The girl nodded naturally and calmly.

Wei Yuan felt relieved.

Get in the car first and turn around.

Seeing the girl stepping up the steps, she took out a piece of broken silver from her cuff, and naturally stuffed it into the money collection place. The silver shone with the unique luster of precious metals, but it made the driver vigilant. The corners of Wei Yuan's eyes twitched, almost Instinctively raised his hand, swiped it to grab the broken silver in his hand, then took out the bus card and swiped it, and said with a dry smile to the impatient driver:

I brushed her.

Then he gave the goddess a wink and sat in the back of the bus.

After thinking for a while, Wei Yuan asked the goddess to sit by the window, and sat beside him, opened his hand, looked at the heavy silver in his palm, and twitched the corner of his mouth.

it is true.

The girl frowned, tilted her head, looked at Wei Yuan, opened and closed her mouth silently:

What did I do wrong?

There should be nothing wrong with paying for the bus ride.

Wei Yuan also opened his mouth and said silently: I want to give money, but this thing can't be used to take the bus.


The bus drove slowly, passing through the old city with a gentle slope, the light red elm leaves and plum petals fell with the wind, and the sun hit the cheek of the goddess. She looked at Wei Yuan curiously, as if she was a little confused , emphasizes:

Why is silver not money?!

Wei Yuan: ...

PS: The more relaxed daily boosting of the main line should end soon, it’s just a transition~

Everyday is so fucking hard to write, I fell on the table (╥ω╥`)

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