Museum of Demons

Chapter 728 An old friend from another day, traveling together today, but meeting like strangers

Wei Yuan walked to the door of the old street where Ah Zhao was, but didn't enter the door at all, just waited quietly.

When the girl came out, she asked with a smile: Ah, Master Wei, you are here, why don't you come in and sit down? Well, do you want to drink a cup of tea to warm up before leaving?

The white-haired Sword Immortal's voice was calm and gentle, but with a sense of alienation:

Don't bother.

...That's fine, that's fine.

Ah Zhao closed the door, put on ordinary clothes, and said: Well, I really have a few places I want to visit, so I will trouble the Master Wei to protect me all the way. If I am a weak woman, you must protect me, Master Wei. me.

‘Brother Chen, when I become the co-lord of the world one day, will you still treat me well? '

Wei Yuan seemed to see the young boy Chui Piao back then.

His eyes were indifferent, looking deeply at the past that seemed to exist behind the girl, and he said calmly.

Let's go.

Azhao said that she has a place she wants to go, and let Wei Yuan go with her. Although the girl said that she came from the past, her own strength is actually very ordinary. The strengths of heroes in the past are different, such as Wu Anjun , if it has enough troops, it can still unleash extremely strong combat power.

Overlord, as the number one individual nuclear warhead at the end of the Age of Gods, will only recover stronger.

As for Ah Liang's own strength, he could barely protect himself in the melee of the gods.

Facing those guys who come here every now and then, it’s really not enough to mention it, so now A Liang basically guarantees that the three mountain gods and water gods of the Western Mountains are around at the same time, Chongwu Mountain Lord, Taiqi Mountain God, and Qian Lai Mountain God basically stay together for a moment. Even if they leave, other mountain gods will make up for them.

This is the brain.

I have to protect it!

The Taiqi Mountain God and Qianlai Mountain God belong to the first-class level among the mountain and water gods.

There is no way to compare with those legendary heroes, but in the Xishan world, he is also a strong man in the world.

In the human world of this era, unless it is Shi Yi, a god of the level of supporting the sky shamelessly going out to attack, otherwise, there will be almost no problems, even if it is the level of the four evils, if it is not in the place where it is stationed, and there is no concept of mythology Next, don't want to kill Wuhou under the formation of the three talents of the mountain god.

The mountain god has always been good at defense.

In addition, Monk Yuanjue studied history.

I found that Marquis Wu is an extremely picky eater, and he doesn't like to eat when he is thinking about things.

After applying to the guard master.

Marquis Wu was forced to eat a fixed amount of food every day.

That is to say, only Master Yuanjue, who accepts the truth of death and releases people only after Wuhou has finished eating, can be immune to the interference of Marquis Wu's strategy.

The young girl Ah Zhao's movements were ordinary, Wei Yuan Yufeng took her and asked her for directions.

In the sky, the girl whose face has changed from the past stretched out her hand, trying to pull the sleeve robe of the person in front, curled her fingers slightly, and finally put it back, lowered her head, looking at the world at this moment. Seeing the world from the sky, watching quietly.

The first place is Chang'an City. Chang'an City in the past has long been transformed into a modern city.

Almost all the roads of the Tang Dynasty more than a thousand years ago are gone. Even if the old man came back, he could not find any traces. The noble mansion where he once met the little girl was burned down in the Huangchao Rebellion. After years, at this moment It's just a park.

Standing still, Wei Yuan saw that the grass in the park was gradually turning green, there were children running away with their pets playing, and there was also a pond, in which there were still stalks of autumn lotus flowers, which had turned black and withered, and the white-haired sword fairy also had something in his heart. A little sad, even the old tree has disappeared.

Ah Zhao looked at the place where he had been when he was young, and watched those children playing.

For some reason, she looked much more gentle at the moment, and said: In the old days, the swallows in front of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people... that's how it was said.

What did you remember? Wei Yuan asked.

It seems that here, I used to play, others, nothing.

She clearly recalled it, but if she lied, no one would be able to see through.

Wei Yuan nodded, and took her to the Daci'en Temple. She seemed to be very devout to the Buddha, and she bowed to the Buddha and worshiped the Buddha seriously. Wei Yuan's right hand is behind his back, his white hair reaches his waist and hangs down on his wrist.

When the wind blew past, Wei Yuan closed his eyes, as if returning to the snowy night when Xuanzang died.

It's just that at that time, he was the one who guarded Xuanzang's spirit and knelt down here, and the empress back then asked him to raise his head, but today he was in a completely different position.

After paying tribute to the Buddha, I walked through the alleyways of Chang'an, but went to the Ziwei Palace during the anniversary of the Wu Dynasty. The Ziwei Palace was located in Luoyang. It was originally built in the Sui Dynasty, but now it has become a scenic spot open to the outside world. The footsteps are gentle, like an ordinary tourist walking in the center of his former rights.

The sky is very blue, and there are not many tourists coming and going, but it must not be said to be few.

Although the disaster of Gonggong is imminent, such a disaster has not been widely announced, because it will not help the situation, but will cause some chaos. The swordsman who was preparing for the battle with Gonggong stood calmly beside the white marble railing, Looking at the peaceful scene in front of him.

In the souvenir shop of Ziwei Palace, there are all kinds of jade products, which are new cultural creations. Wei Yuan noticed a crescent-shaped jade pendant. Ah Zhao pointed to the jade pendant and said: This jade pendant looks familiar.

Wei Yuan nodded slowly.

The shop owner, who is a part-time tour guide of Ziwei Palace, said with a smile: This, good eyesight, it is said that this thing was the favorite jade ornament of Empress Wu Zetian back then. What was found in it later became the characteristic cultural creation of our Ziwei Palace.

Looking at this jade pendant, Wei Yuan had to say that modern restoration technology surpasses that of ancient times.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be hand-carved. Although it is mass-produced, the details perfectly match the memory and the past. Before he went west with Xuanzang, the girl picked it off and gave it to him, wishing him a safe journey ahead. , a smooth and worry-free crescent moon jade pendant.

Take one, please.

Wei Yuan spoke slowly, the staff member was in a happy mood and brought Wei Yuan a new one with a smile.

Wei Yuan pushed the half-moon jade pendant towards the girl.

Ah Zhao looked surprised, and then accepted it with a smile, and tied the jade pendant around his waist skillfully. The waiter at the cultural and creative center couldn't help but praised: It's really suitable. I've met many people here, and As for the stars, no one is more suitable for this jade pendant than you, the guest.

This is not a lie, with a delicate face, there may be someone who surpasses the girl in front of me.

But the dignified and graceful temperament in the dark has never been matched by a woman like her.

The waiter wanted to take a picture and was a little embarrassed. Finally, when Wei Yuan left here, he drew a prize. It was just a random draw, but the tall staff member's face froze. After looking at it several times, he lifted He started and said, Um, well, congratulations, this guest.

You won the first prize...

It's five thousand yuan in cash, uh, please come here to confirm.

Wei Yuan: Well...


He raised his head subconsciously, and saw the same unbelievable staff, and walked out after redeeming the awards with the service staff over there. The owner of the guard, who had only won a consolation prize in elementary school in his life, was a little unbelievable, and bought it. This thing actually made money, it turns out...

Zhao Gongming's blessing is really useful.

Let him say a few more good words next time... yes, say a few more words.

Well, it's not because I'm too poor and I hope the God of Wealth will transfer my luck, it's actually because...

Yes, because I am vast and vast, and I don't care about idleness.

Master Wei subconsciously found a reason for himself.

Then he calmed down and walked forward.


The young girl Azhao seemed very happy to get the jade pendant. With her hands behind her back, she walked forward step by step, and finally came to the front of the main hall. She turned her head to look outside, and said with a smile:

Back then, that Emperor Zetian overlooked the world from here.

The years have changed, even if people have passed away, but this place is still the same as before. Although it has experienced wind and frost, it looks down on the world as it did when Emperor Zetian was still alive.

you are wrong.

The white-haired ranger stood beside him, and calmly replied: This is no longer the Ziwei Palace of the past.

In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it was burned by Jin soldiers. According to history, it burned all of Xijing away.

So, everything from back then is gone. Every brick, every tile, every plant and every tree here are only reconstructed by later generations according to the remaining picture scrolls. That era is finally over.

He turned sideways, looked at the girl who suddenly seemed to have encountered some shock, stretched out his palm, and a dead leaf that had experienced the cold winter fell into his palm. eternal.

The achievements of the emperor, the palaces he built, the era and pride that overlooked the world will gradually disappear. Even the gods will gradually become ruthless due to the wear and tear of the years, and the legends of the past will also be buried with time.

If you have to say it, only things like culture and will can resonate with people of thousands of years later through words.

Is there any more...

The girl Zhao came back to her senses after a long time, blinked, looked at Wei Yuan next to her, and said:

I seem to recall some.

She smiled and said: I seem to have lived here, I seem to stand very high, and then, I seem to have seen the Emperor Zetian, know her, it seems that I have had some past with a white-haired sword fairy The old things, but in the end it seems that both sides broke up unhappy.

Wei Yuan replied, I've heard that story too.

But it's not a breakup.

It's instead that they turned against each other and became enemies, and they never communicated with each other. If it wasn't because they didn't want to burn their lives, they had grievances with each other, or they would have survived forever.

...It's really a pity. I was originally a childhood sweetheart, but I think it has developed to the later stage. Really, things are impermanent. The girl Ah Zhao whispered to herself.

It's not an impermanence.

The white-haired ranger replied: Because to that ranger, the whole world is like a dream, in that era there were only six people who really cared, and the empress took three of them with her own hands.

The first one is the ranger's niece who was just born.

The second one is the monk who longs to return to his hometown after death.

Ah Zhao said, ...What about the third one?

The third one... Ranger's voice paused, his voice was low and calm:

It's herself.

Turning around, said: I'm waiting for you at Ziwei Palace, I don't like this place.

The footsteps went away.

Azhao behind him looked at the world, his shoulders were thin, lonely and stubborn.

After a long time, Wei Yuan, who was waiting outside, saw Ah Zhao walking out with a normal face, Wei Yuan said: Didn't you remember? If you don't remember, there are other places to go to see...

No need.

Holding the jade pendant in his hand, Ah Zhao said with a smile: I can just vaguely see that my past doesn't seem to be a very good thing. I can remember a piece or two and get a jade pendant. My wish is fulfilled. I don’t want to recall anything about it, Azhao is just Azhao from the old street.”


She smiled and said, I will return Nuwa soil to you.

Wei Yuan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't notice that the girl used the word return.

The footsteps were slightly startled, he raised his head and subconsciously turned back, but he couldn't see anything, frowned, turned his head, and said:

Then, let's go back.


And on a tall building far away from here, the tall God of Supporting the Sky re-watched the scene of Wu Yan and Wei Yuan walking side by side, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up:

Got you……

An idle move is worthwhile.

PS: The second update today...

About the jade pendant, in the fourth paragraph of Chapter 453.

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