Museum of Demons

Chapter 724 We Will Save You

Kuafu plan.

Wei Yuan knew about this plan. It was an attempt by the most outstanding scientists in modern China to analyze the extraordinary and the power of the gods, and integrate the power of the gods into the existing technological system, or in other words, in the scientific concept of China.

Science is just a materialist world outlook and methodology for understanding objectively existing things.

Since extraordinary and gods exist.

Then it is real and exists based on objective matter.

That is to say, it is materialistic.

So it can be integrated into this research and cognitive system, to understand, to study, to use.

Then go to some cognition.

It is not for grasping. The goal of science is to let the human beings who exist alone in the world eliminate the confusion and ambiguity of the world, and further understand the world and self. The more you understand the world, the more you will understand. Aware of the insignificance of human beings, and thus awe of all things.

However, Wei Yuan didn't expect that after about two months, the results could be produced?

Not these two months.

Zhang Ruosu walked under the huge array of cave heaven and blessed land, and explained: It should be said that in the past few decades, it was the efforts of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. With the help of the extraordinary, the breakthrough was finally completed. In the past In the age of pure rational science has reached many bottlenecks.

“No matter how much effort you put in, you get very little.”

There is a trace in history, the birth of the steam engine and the industrial revolution.

Firstly, manpower was replaced by machinery, then steam was replaced by electricity, and then the age of information technology entered. In other words, every update and iteration of productivity will break through the bottleneck of the original research road in one go. , new discoveries are made every day.”

It has also led to earth-shaking changes in technology and life. The gap between the world today and the world a hundred years ago is so huge that it is unbelievable. Now, I am willing to call extraordinary power a higher level of productivity.

The concept of divine power may be the top production capacity at the cosmic level. Of course, speaking in this way, it is indeed a little arrogant for a human being to use the power of gods as a productive force, but in fact it is true.

The old celestial master passed through a series of complicated formations, and said: As a human being.

The first thing I thought of was how to use such power to make the entire human civilization complete a leap, live, produce, and simply use it for killing, and then cause civilization to stagnate for thousands of years. Something to feel sorry for.

He used to contact scientists who could help Wei Yuan cast swords, and the rest of the young scientific researchers took Wei Yuan to walk. The place has almost been completely transformed into a research institute. People of different ages and genders hurried past.

There are old and young, with different appearances, but the light in their eyes is similar.

I'm now thinking about how to solve people's livelihood problems with these extraordinary systems.

A tall and handsome young man led Wei Yuan with a casual smile and said:

For example, in the universe, can we create a place to grow vegetables by using the earth-making technique?

For example, if the God of Water Gonggong is willing to create water, it is enough to create more habitable planets outside the earth.

For example, this majestic river suspended in the air, if the soilless cultivation technology is used.

Maybe it can create a mythical hanging garden.

The botanist mentioned this when introducing the Kuafu base to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan nodded and agreed: I don't know if the vegetables grown in the cosmic environment will be more delicious... He felt a little embarrassed when he said the words, and when he raised his head, he found that the handsome scientist was slightly startled. Then his eyes lit up, and he said, Sure enough, you think so too, right?

There are always people who think that growing vegetables is too vulgar. What is vulgar? Don't eat them if you have the ability.

He seemed to regard the owner of the guard who made the same opinion as the same camp, and said: The vegetable garden floating in the sky is also very good. I want to try the sugar orange. Do you have anything you want to bring there, Mr. Wei? ? Inside my first batch of crops, stuff what you want to eat.

Ah, speaking of it, I'm also seeking fame and fortune. I came here because it has greatly improved my qualifications, and I can also get in touch with the most cutting-edge technology. The young scientist smiled and said: But this is a little , Another point, if in the next hundred or two hundred years, there are still children who will feel happy eating the fruit I cultivated, that would be great.

It's a lie that names are praised.

But I really hope that a certain fruit will be named after me, and then every family will buy some during the Chinese New Year. As a botanical student, I think this is better than any award I won.

Is there any award greater than the praise of the people?

He smiled and sent Wei Yuan deeper.

Wei Yuan met a young researcher with an ordinary figure but elegant temperament. Wei Yuan recognized him because the little girl who had a good relationship with Taotie was the child of this young scientist. The latter reached out to shake Wei Yuan's hand. , shyly said:

My name is Tang Hongzhe. My research is rather complicated, and I mainly focus on the direction of cosmic physics.

this way please.

An old professor who had to be pushed by a wheelchair looked at Wei Yuan's Chang'an sword.

After experiencing modern detection methods, the old man sighed:

Is this... a weapon related to divinity? Whether it is hardness, heat resistance, melting point, or corrosion resistance, it far exceeds all kinds of materials in the cognition, and the absorption and resonance of aura are even more powerful. Straight to the core of that myth.

Wei Yuan asked, Can it be recast?

The old professor took off his glasses and said with a smile, You can try it.

Master Wei, please follow us.

Wei Yuan helped push the wheelchair. When going down, only the sound of footsteps could be heard on the road. The old professor suddenly said:

Master Wei, I heard that you turned into a god in a certain future that was observed, and then used Kunlun Mountain as a sword, right? Daoist Zhang and I are friends. When he asked me to make a sword, he once told me over this.

The details were not disclosed, but these things still have to be mentioned.

Wei Yuan nodded.

The old man didn't continue to ask, but just said that it was so.

After a period of time, when he reached the depths of the underground, Wei Yuan was instantly shocked by the scene he saw in front of him. Using some kind of super technological material as a barrier, the entire underground hundreds of meters were all the original paradise, but now But it is a research institute with an extreme sense of science fiction.

It looks like a cylinder with a hollow in the middle, and a sun hangs from that hollow part.

Wei Yuan's heart was shaken.

This is……

The old man said: My Shenzhou has already completed the artificial sun technology...

Wei Yuan came back to his senses for a long time, recalled the technology news he had seen, and said: Yes... I read the report, 100 million degrees Celsius, maintained for a full hundred seconds, and then the continuous discharge record is 1,000 seconds.

Ah, that, that is a technology that can relieve vigilance and publicize it to the outside world.

Tang Hongzhe spoke.

Wei Yuan reacted and said:

In other words, did you have a higher level of achievement a few years ago...

Tang Hongzhe thought for a while, and finally choked out eight words:

Too advanced to display.

Then he said: But relying on the mythical core of the sun god, we have achieved a further breakthrough, and this technology has a higher-level breakthrough. Wei Yuan finally understood that the old professor brought him here the goal of.

The old man couldn't lift the Chang'an sword at all, he stroked it lightly with his palm, his face was wrinkled, raised his head very kindly, with a gentle voice, and asked with a smile:

I don't know. Is the temperature at the core of the Great Sun qualified as a furnace?

If not enough, what about the temperature of the core of the white dwarf?

If it is still not qualified.

What about the temperature when the nebula was destroyed?

In the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, two beams of gold ions accelerate to the speed of light and then collide. The temperature of the quark-gluon plasma produced is as high as 4 trillion degrees, which is about 250,000 times the core temperature of the sun. Time maintenance, but at least it can be used as a means for special periods.”

The old man said: The power of a mortal cannot be used to forge this sword.

However, in the case of charged particle cannons, there have actually been many achievements. The accumulation of more than ten kilometers can accelerate particles to infinitely approaching the speed of light. In our research, there is a kind of Bragg spike effect, and the high-speed protons are hindered. At that time, the protons release their full energy in a very short time.

Like a casting hammer.

The old man made a gesture of swinging the hammer and smiled.

It should be enough to apply enough force to complete the casting.

Then an attempt will be made to achieve quenching at temperatures close to absolute zero.

As for the blending of materials, Hongmeng supercomputer and Pangu supercomputer will provide all data support for our plan, so leave it to us.

Take the temperature of the nebular burst core as the melting furnace, and the torrent of cosmic particles at the speed of light as the casting hammer.

The wisdom of millions of people will become the third power to recast the Chang'an Sword besides Emperor Wa and Zhu Rong. Although it hasn't started yet, Wei Yuan feels that this can definitely be done. He looks moved and sits in a wheelchair The old professor on the screen reached out and pressed Wei Yuan's palm.

One palm is full of wrinkles, the other is strong and powerful, and said kindly:

In that future, your sword is called Kunlun, right?

Give up your identity as a human being and draw your sword with the qualifications of a god. Now, I don't think this sword will be weaker than that one. It's a sword made for you by man, so...

The old man smiled and stretched out his hand to gesture:

Are we pulling you back from that fate little by little?

So I think this is the most meaningful thing for us.

Destiny seems to be divided into different directions. One road is the lonely Kunlun sword fairy, who keeps falling down, but there are palms protruding from the darkness, pulling the fallen people back to another road.

The old man turned the wheelchair and looked forward, the corners of his old eyes were clear and peaceful.

Inside the aging body lies a powerful soul.

The weakness of the body cannot weaken the height of our soul. Is the loneliness and eternity of the gods better, or is the heat of the Yanhuang blood passed down from generation to generation? This is a contest that needs to wait for thousands of years to see the winner. .”

However, humans will definitely be able to defeat the gods.

Project Zhu Rong, start.

It's time for the high gods to see Yanhuang's wisdom and great achievements.


The old man turned his head, looked at the white-haired sword fairy, said with a gentle voice and peaceful eyes, Don't worry.

We will save you, he said.

from that fate.



The junior champion Hou opened his eyes.

The champion Hou Huo Qubing looked around in an instant, and found that he was in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by people in strange clothes, armed with weapons, and did not know the enemy or himself.

Quickly judge the situation.

The weakest one was found.

My uncle said that when you are surrounded by enemy lines, you need to be calm and take every step of the way.


Uncle was right.

Huo Qubing, as a young and talented soldier, was a soldier who was trained in his skills. At the next moment, the weapon with the battle flag and long spear in his hand swept across instantly, and the mighty burst of air blasted. The early Han Dynasty was just at the end of the Age of Gods, and he was being defeated by the whole world at this moment. The momentum of victory is summoned out, and the strength is quite impressive.

The next moment, Bai Ze exclaimed, Qian Laishan drew his sword, and split the spear with one sword.

There was a period of chaos.

The air wave dissipated, and everyone looked around.

All I saw was that the outside window was open, the glass was shattered, and it creaked and swayed in the wind. The atmosphere was unknown, and there was a bit of embarrassment in the silence.

Champion Hou, Huo Qubing.

let go...

Yes, my uncle is always right.

But I never listen to my uncle.

———Han champion Hou.

PS: The third update today... 3,600 words, please ask for a monthly ticket by the way

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