Museum of Demons

Chapter 72 The Gap

Facing Wei Yuan's question, Tiannv just turned her back to him, and looked at the world that had been away for more than 1,700 years. It was not the ghost land that she was trapped when she just woke up. This was the world she had been thinking about, with the fragrance of flowers and plants. The wind blows through the treetops, and the sun falls in the gaps in the leaves.

She looked into the distance, and replied after a long time: I'm going to see if my old friend is still there, to listen to the song of the mountain ghost, to see if He Bo is still fishing, and finally, I have to go back to the mountain.

on the hill.

Wei Yuan has always been curious in his heart. He just thought it was the mountain in the ghost domain, but now it seems that it is not so simple. He asked with a smile: The mountain you mentioned refers to...

The goddess replied: Kunlunxu.


Wei Yuan was speechless.

She looked back at Wei Yuan and said:

Thanks for saving my life, you can call me Jue directly.

Wei Yuan wanted to ask the celestial girl what her surname was, but immediately realized that the celestial girl of the Qin and Han Dynasties was not an ordinary person, so how could she have a surname? Most likely, she would be called by one word like the original clan. Since the other party didn't care, he It's not a rigid temperament, so he simply clasped his fists and said with a smile:

Then, Jue, your journey is going well. If you have free time in the future, you can come to this world and find me.

The goddess nodded and said softly, Don't pass.

The voice fell, turned around, and stepped forward lightly.

Wrapped in the wind, I don't know where to go in a blink of an eye.

Wei Yuan stood on the mountain with his sword in his hands, his left hand behind his back, his right hand raised, and picked up a fallen leaf swept by the breeze. Let go, let it fall down, turn and leave.


After Tiannv Jue left the mountain, she walked along the river system.

It’s just that what you see along the road is already completely different from the past. In ancient times, the pre-Qin and Warring States and even the Qin, Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties were just dynasties, and the tone of the world did not change much. It is also in use, and the Great Wall of King Qin has also become a barrier for Han.

But the gap between the present and the past is no longer that simple.

Almost the very foundation of the world has changed.

A forest of iron and steel rose from the ground, and mortals moved at the speed of true cultivation in the past. Objects like iron dragons pierced through mountains, crossed long rivers, and ran to different cities without stopping. Big, almost unbelievable for a moment.

I wanted to ask someone, but I didn't know how to ask.

Although she has been moving fast for a few days, she has just awakened after all, and she forced to use large-scale magical powers, causing her cultivation base to be like stagnant water, and she will not go anywhere soon, but this journey is not seen in the Yellow River. He Bo, there are no mountain ghosts in the mountains, which made her feel that this world is strange.

The moon is in the middle of the sky in a day, and the moonlight is as cool as water all over the ground.

The celestial girl was walking on the top of a mountain, silently looking at the mortal world under the mountain, which was lit like daylight, and lost her mind in a daze.

His eyes moved slightly, his voice was suddenly cold, and he said, Come out.

rustling sound.

The visitor did not hide his breath.

The celestial girl turned around and saw that it was a white-haired old man wearing a simple gray Taoist robe. It seemed that she was just an old man who could be seen everywhere. At most, she was only mentally stronger, but it was naturally impossible to follow the celestial girl all the way here.

She sensed a familiar aura from the old man, and a look of surprise appeared on her face:

Are you... Zhang Daoling's grandson?

The old man saluted slightly, smiled and said:

The poor Taoist Zhang Ruosu, I have seen the goddess.

The celestial girl looked at the old man, and thought of the so-called true Taoist cultivator who is said to be rare in a thousand years, her expression eased, and she said: You are here to wait for me, what's the matter?

The old Taoist nodded and replied: It's just that there are signs in the hexagrams. I came here to prevent the goddess from returning to Kunlun.

At least you shouldn't go back at this time.


With the flick of the sleeves of the old way, the feng shui pattern of the place changes.

Use the breeze to isolate all the sounds in this area to ensure that the words spoken will not be exposed, and then slowly explained to the celestial girl that this is a secret conversation that no one else knows the content except these two , the girl's face was surprised at the beginning, and finally slowly nodded in agreement, the old man smiled and said:

In the past thousand years, the world has changed greatly, and the lifespan of the goddess is long. Why don't you go around and have a look.

If there is anything that needs help, the Tianshi Mansion will definitely help.


Wei Yuan woke up slowly when the willow twigs were in the sun.

Stretched, did morning classes, practiced Crouching Tiger, and took the medicine exchanged from the arsenal of the great man to recuperate the damage to the viscera caused by the forceful use of evil spirits. There was some noise outside the door. It has been more than half a month since I came back, but nothing has changed.

Except for this museum, there are still not many guests.

That is to say, two small shops could not continue to open and closed down.

Then a new person bought the site and started renovations, which is not a big deal.

After all, this place is an old city, and the core of Quanshi's development is not in this area, so the flow of people in this place is really pitiful. Although it is clean, it is not suitable for opening a shop. It will probably become a memory of this city in the end. , slowly disappearing.

Wei Yuan didn't care too much.

Although his museum has no salary, but now it has income.

When the museum signed the transfer contract, Zhang Hao was there, and he guessed that Wei Yuan seems to be a little short on money now. He used to have a salary, but now that the museum is his own, the salary is gone. This time he killed the ghost king. , and directly sent a bounty similar to the police rewarding the suspect.

It relieved Wei Yuan's embarrassment at once.

As for the yellow talisman obtained after beheading the evil Taoist, Wei Yuan also directly handed it over to the special operations team.

Based on the information from the special operations team, it should be possible to find clues to the identity of the evil way from the talisman. As for the meritorious service, Wei Yuan also spent ten points of meritorious service in exchange for the wound medicine in the arsenal of the great man to heal his body. injury.

For the rest of the meritorious service, wait until the injury recovers, and then carefully consider what kind of supernatural powers to exchange for.

It is indeed a rare leisure time.

Wei Yuan pulled out the Eight-Faced Han Sword and stepped on the Yu step. Only in the narrow environment of the museum, he still mastered the Xuanyuan Sword Art. The sword technique is no longer as sharp and sharp as it was at the beginning. Stone, harmonious and calm.

After performing this sword technique a few times, Wei Yuan put away the sword and was about to open the rolling door outside.

The museum is still open.

It's already spring, the sun is warm and warm, and when I opened the door, I saw the car of the special operations team outside. Zhang Hao and Shen Jifeng, who were obviously very excited, were in the car. After seeing Wei Yuan, they first said hello to the owner of the guard. , and immediately couldn't hold back the faint excitement on his face.

Wei Yuan asked in surprise, Did you find the trace of the yellow talisman?

Zhang Hao's face twitched.

Wei Yuan thought for a while, and then said, It's a new breakthrough in spiritual energy research.

Shen Jifeng lowered his head and adjusted his glasses.

Wei Yuan said with a smile: It's not that you found out the details of the evil way, nor that you have made a breakthrough in the popularization of spiritual energy. Why are you two so excited to come here?

Only then did Shen Jifeng raise his head and said:

We, we're just here to help out, and then to pay a visit.

He is a senior who has lived in seclusion for a long time. He wants to walk in the world. Let us help with some mundane affairs.

That senior is really pretty...

So that's it, why don't you come in and sit down?

Wei Yuan welcomed the two people in, served them two cups of tea, and was slightly surprised when he saw a bunch of flowers at the door, and asked about the paper figurines who would come here early every day. After embracing them for a while, Wei Yuan finally understood what they meant, that they were sent by the person who opened the shop opposite.

Only at this time did Wei Yuan notice that the two original shops on the opposite side had been merged into a new one.

It is a flower shop, and the flowers are blooming in spring, and the fragrance of flowers is already coming along the wind.

It's a neighbor.

Wei Yuan smiled, put the flowers into a bottle, thought for a while, and felt that it was reasonable to pay a visit. He turned around and talked to the two people in the room, and walked across the slightly sloping asphalt road, which was illuminated by the sun. Feeling warm, Wei Yuan knocked on the door and said, Hi, I'm from the museum opposite, thank you for the flowers.


Wei Yuan pushed open the door, and the crisp bell rang softly.

Then froze in place.

On the rattan reclining chair surrounded by flowers, the girl wearing a goose yellow dress and a light-colored knitted vest over her shirt raised her head, her black hair was like a waterfall, she gently put an ancient book on her lap, nodded and said:

You're welcome, Crouching Tiger.

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