Since ancient times, the people who eat melons in the melon field, a new generation of new forks and new melons.

Buzhou Mountain God looked at the young man in front of him with emotion.

Future generations can be afraid of my decline!

Wei Yuan: ...

For such a tragic event, can you not look emotional and add a bit of envy?

If you really want, let's exchange it?

No, no, no, this can't be done, can't be done. Buzhou Mountain God seemed to know what Wei Yuan was thinking, shook his head again and again, and said:

The old man just thinks that you really...then what...

The old man held back for a long time, and said with emotion: It's really good.

Then I want to ask you, fox cub, what do you think of being the mountain god of the Kunlun branch after you beat the Queen Mother of the West on the head?

Wei Yuan: ...

Has anyone ever said that, old man, you speak naturally with the taste of finding fault?

You split my melon, right?

You're here to find fault, right? Right?

Buzhou Mountain God also seemed to know that his words were not pleasant, so he changed the subject with a dry smile, and said, However, although Ye Ming has retreated, the road you are going to take is not easy either. I ask you to take Chang Xi to meet Jinwu alone.

It's called an exchange, but in fact it must be a dangerous place.

Chang Xi's character is willing to avoid unnecessary disputes, but on the Golden Crow Day, even after the experience of brother's rebellion and the death of his brother, he has completely reborn and become calm and calm, and his nature is still fiery and domineering. .”

Wei Yuan said slowly: His current strength...

Bu Zhou Shan said: Well, little guy, you should know that there are other worlds outside the wilderness, right? And in these worlds born in the cracks, there are also great suns shining all over them. These big suns are probably the reflection of the Golden Crow now. ...

Wei Yuan's expression froze slightly.

Buzhou Mountain God had a slight look of pity in his eyes, and sighed:

Did it exceed your expectations?

Perhaps you are mistaken, little fox.

I heard what you said before. There is also a sun in your world. No, it can only be said to be a big sun, a kind of star. The word sun is probably because you are too familiar with it. The big day is put together.

But, the word sun in the Age of Gods, what is the sun?

Too is the ultimate, and yang is yin and yang.

The sun is not the star, but represents the most extreme yang, and represents the most violent power among the two instruments.

Bu Zhoushan said: Not to mention the pure power level and the power that can be erupted, but in terms of realm, maybe five thousand years of him is the great day, unrestrained, the son of the emperor of heaven, walking in the wilderness every day, drinking here, There is joy there, and you can complete your duties by walking the wilderness once every ten days.

Afterwards, the world changed drastically, and I committed a huge crime with my own hands. My childhood friend drew his sword and killed nine elder brothers in anger. The blood debt was paid with blood. I was carrying boundless hatred and pain, but I saw my friend commit suicide. In front of myself and my father.

Since then, Eldest Sister has imprisoned the Lunar Star and will never appear again.

My mother was banned by my father and was not allowed to walk in the wilderness again.

There is nothing to avenge, and nothing to rely on.

And I need to bear the responsibility for the crimes of the past, and use the universal light of thousands of years to compensate for the consequences of the ten-day turnaround. I can't rest for a day, and I will never be able to visit my mother and elder sister.

Such an experience cannot but be said to be painful, and as long as he has not been crushed by the torture of these years, he will definitely be reborn. Now, his realm is enough to be called the two titles of Taiheyang.

In your human name...

Perhaps we should call him, Supreme Supreme Sun Heavenly Venerable?

Wei Yuan: !!!

The old man said with emotion: Don't have such an ugly face. In five thousand years, you have come from a mere mortal to the current state step by step. Why do you feel that your opponent is always stagnating? Won't……

His voice paused, and said, That's all.

It seems that I can't eat the agreed meals.

Buzhou Shanshen got up with a flick of his sleeves, saw Wei Yuan's serious expression, reached out and tapped him on the top of his head, and said with a free and easy smile: The old man said that I will not interfere in the affairs of the world and the wilderness, um, let me talk to you in the end. You may think, how should the human race fight against such a powerful opponent...

However, don't go into a dead end.

What needs to be fought in the world has never been the sun or the big sun. Just like in the past, in the battle between the kingdoms of your world, the people don't need to fight with the soldiers on the front line, and people with swords don't have to try to cook. Soldier against soldier, general against general.

Top gods should be handed over to top human monks.

Ordinary human races also have their own problems that ordinary human races should face. Problems that only they can solve. If the world wants to fight against the wilderness, shouldn't it be the right way? Or, fox cub, do you think, Strength is everything?

Buzhou Mountain God smiled and said: But strength is not everything. In the eyes of the world, there is no difference between a tiger roaring in the mountains and a weak bird in the sky. things, things that Asuka can do.

Because of this, the world can be colorful.

I think, although I have slept for a long time, there shouldn't be only swords and swords in the thousands of years of Haohao Yanhuang, right? There should be other interesting things, things worth keeping, which will be other people's battlefields. Facing the years, he drew his sword brazenly, devoted his whole life of wisdom and courage, and passed on his will and culture.

And the part facing the wilderness is the battlefield for you fighters.

The human race must compete with the creatures of the major tribes of the Great Wilderness as a whole.

It's culture, it's the country, it's the heart and spirit, it's all confrontation.

And not just power.

Your duty is to guard, but some people's duty and talent is to create, and some people's duty is to pass on knowledge and value to future generations, you can say that without the sword, there is no such thing, but you can say that the sword that represents the guard , is it more important than the person representing the inheritance?

Buzhou Mountain God rubbed the palm of Wei Yuan's head:

Pick up the sword to protect, but don't put the cart before the horse.

If everyone only knows power, then where are the things you want to protect? Only the Yanhuang with weapons and strength is left, and the rest is forgotten. Is it the Yanhuang that you are willing to draw your sword and die for? ?”

Wei Yuan said: However, maybe there will be such a tragic scene one day.

The old man's expression became serious, and he said, Then.

He said: That is your dereliction of duty.

Buzhou Mountain God stood up and looked at the vast world in the distance. His white hair fluttered slightly, his figure was tall, and he was dressed in ordinary fabrics, but he seemed to have a majestic spirit that was hard to ignore. The old man sighed, and suddenly whispered and sang:

Heaven, God!

What's the use of the eight pillars? What's wrong with the southeast?

Nine days? Place the family?

The gate of the four directions? Who will follow?

Northwest Piqi? How can the Qi flow?

No week, no week!

Why were the eight pillars of heaven born? Why did the southeast side collapse?

On the occasion of nine days, where is the need?

The gates of the four directions, who will come and who will go?

With his right hand behind his back, the old man raised his white hair slightly, suddenly laughed freely, and then sang loudly:

What's the use of the Eight Pillars? I will do it now!

Nine heavens and the universe, alone alone!

The gates of the four directions, only I follow!

The Northwest is changed, and I am the only one who survives!

Hahahahaha, vast world, I am returning now! I am returning now!

The white-haired old man burst out laughing a few times, and took a step forward, as if the sky and the earth trembled in a trance, and thousands of mountains rang together.

Wei Yuan was shocked to take half a step back and raised his head. The old man had disappeared, but he could hold mountains and seas, his speed was untraceable, and his strength was unfathomable. Just like what He said, since there is no cause and effect, then you and I The convenience method is over.

When we meet, it is fate, and when we part, we are free and easy, leaving no regrets.

Wei Yuan raised his head and looked at the Northwest Tianyu from a distance, as if he saw a high mountain rising up.

It seems that the old man is waving his hand.

Then, the clouds gathered and the snow fell, and nothing was seen.


The news that Dayi was in hand was widely spread.

Wearing golden Chinese clothes, the young man seemed to be more graceful and bright than this golden Chinese clothes. Standing in front of the special place where Dayi's soul was imprisoned, there was a trace of golden flames between the young man's eyebrows, which made his temperament even stronger. bright.

There is a woman with a cold appearance and aloof temperament behind her.

It's rare to see you leave Taiyin Guanghan Palace...

Jin Wu whispered, and turned to look at his elder sister.

Want to meet him?

No need. Taiyin Heng'e's tone was cold and indifferent.

Really. Jinwu was noncommittal.

Hang'e raised her head and looked at the room locked with the number one war god of the human race through the ages. Said: Why, to trap him with this thing...

Jin Wu said: For thousands of years, the only thing that can trap him is here.

At the age of twenty, he can shoot through the wilderness with one arrow, follow the cause and effect, and shoot it into the eaves of his parents' house, only three inches deep. You know his strength, even the chains of the giant Fangfeng clan under the command of the water god Gonggong can't lock it. Stop him, even the shackles cast by Zhu Rong himself cannot stop his footsteps.

Jin Wu's tone sounded cold and heartless:

The only thing that can lock him up is memory and the past...

Heng'e nodded.

Golden Crow flicked his sleeves and said:

I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you for now.

Turn around and leave.

Heng'e quietly looked at the house that was once built brick by brick like a mortal, thinking of the past when she secretly came out from the lunar star, stretched out her fingers to touch the wooden door of the house, and with a little force, the door would be opened, and she I was able to walk in, like every time in the past, but I finally withdrew my palm.

An ancient wall, Heng'e sat down against the wall, buried her head in her knees, her forehead lightly touched her knees.

The soul of Dayi who was locked in the room closed his eyes normally, but suddenly opened them.

Shock, confusion, and nostalgia appeared in his eyes, and he subconsciously raised his hand to stand up, but what he brought was only the whistling of the chains.

Dayi opened his mouth.

Close your eyes in pain.

Across the wall, Taiyin Heng'e sat with her knees hugged, and Dayi could only lean against the wall.

This life can not meet each other.

The Golden Crow disappeared from the light, and appeared in a very far place in an instant. Looking back, he saw his elder sister, and the house that he had worked so hard to preserve, where he used to be a guest. He pursed his lips, and his tone was still cold and indifferent: This place has a radius of a hundred miles, and all creatures are evacuated.

Don't... bother me here.


The rest of the beings and gods responded and all evacuated.

Jin Wu looked deeply at that scene, then turned his head and walked away in an instant.

Only Dayi and Heng'e were left here.

Quiet is also good.


And two days later, in this vicinity, the strong men of many clans in the Great Wilderness gathered, most of them had the idea of ​​revenge for their friends and blood relatives. If the sound is suppressed, such sounds will still exist and gather together.

However, most people would not think that the Terran would come.

This time is different from last time.

Last time, he was caught off guard by mental calculations and unintentionally. He was caught off guard by that human race. Now this time, he was caught in the middle of the urn, and he was put in a position to let him come. What's more, last time he had Dayi to survive. This time even Dayi was defeated.



What's more, there is another point, have you ever thought about it? That madman kidnapped the imperial concubine, and now there are heavy guards at all the nodes leaving the Great Wilderness. His vitality, only by relying on the imperial concubine, can he have the opportunity to pass through these places , leave the wilderness.

And if he said he exchanged Dayi, then even if he left here alive.

I will definitely not be able to leave the Great Desolation alive.

Ah, that's it.


A sword-wielding deity listened to the analysis of the young man next to him, and nodded repeatedly. He only felt that what the other party said was logical and in line with all logic and common sense. The noisy voice was always there. If that person came, wouldn't he be a fool? How could there be such a fool in the world?

Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the place that made him feel abnormal.

It was as if some kind of black mist was pressing down, and a kind of dead silence and depression like a spreading beast spread quickly. This kind of atmosphere almost suppressed that kind of noise, making the quiet and dead silence like an invisible beast It spread as fast as it did, and even the aura of so many gods gathering together seemed to be suppressed, as if being severed by a sword.

Soon, the audience fell silent, and all eyes turned to one place.

Footsteps approached slowly.

A young man appeared in front, bringing Chang Xi with him.

For a moment, the god just opened his mouth. For some reason, he felt touched, and was dazed and speechless.

he really came...

There are always options, beyond interests.

There are always things that transcend life and death.

Such a lonely courage, even the gods will be moved.

Wei Yuan took half a step back, let Chang Xi go forward, raised his eyes to look at the Golden Crow who had already certified the two titles of Taiheyang: Here I come.

Da Yi, where are you?

PS: The first update today...

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