The Great Wilderness is extremely vast, far beyond the human world. There are often strange beasts roaring in the sky, and there are also gods and spirits in the four fields. Yesterday, the vision of volleying in the sky soared into the sky, and it made the entire Great Wilderness seem to fall into the sky. A boundless purgatory.

But in such a wild place, there are also caravans trekking hard.

The Great Wilderness is condensed with the power of the wind, and the wind tunnel that spans thousands of miles in an instant is not something that people of these ordinary races can use. Just the three to ten French seal coins needed to open the wind tunnel make them unable to take it out.

You know, a sword with a famous mountain of gold and jade, engraved with spiritual patterns, and can be used for 30 to 50 years is only this price. A house with a courtyard in a big city costs more than 80 seals to 100. Between twenty pieces, how could these ordinary human caravans have such financial resources?

By selling the special products of various places in different cities, settlements, and even tribes with the blood of the gods, they can earn a little price difference, and about 60% of these price differences need to be exploited by the gods and other powerful races.

The convoy stopped.

Wearing the clothes of the Great Wilderness Human Race, the man with sharp short hair and gentle eyebrows lifted the clay pot and drank water. The water naturally bred with water aura is extremely thirst-quenching. Moreover, this kind of water itself will nourish the human body and make it stronger. The physique is better, and many diseases in the world will not occur here at all.

Even the life expectancy will be extended by five to ten years.

Uncle Bai, do you still want to drink, or soup later?

A boy named Yi Shi asked with a smile.

This is a potter.

Well, the potters of the Great Wilderness were originally craftsmen of the Republic of Mao. It seems that because the leader of the Republic of Mao, Yi Riyue, was killed on the spot on his birthday, and the Republic of Mao was annexed by the surrounding human nations. This boy took his parents He lived in his hometown, and later joined the caravan by chance.

I learned the art of making porcelain from spiritual materials developed in other countries.

Of course, still willing to learn pottery.

It seems to be because a white-haired swordsman once told him that pottery was born for life, and it became popular because of its cheapness. Cheapness does not mean that it is despicable, but it represents that this kind of thing can Truly for everyone.

His pottery making skills were taught by the white-haired swordsman in the Republic of Mao.

Bai Qi replied: No need.

After the boy Yishi nodded, he rode a rhinoceros to catch up with the person in front.

Bai Qi also rode a strange beast on his crotch.

Excellent mounts, which were extremely scarce in ancient China, were too common in the Great Wilderness, and the commonness was caused by them. Even so, the price of a strange beast with excellent stamina and explosive power, which could use three types of spells, was too high. Extremely cheap.

After all, it was impossible to make it use spell-like abilities together, lack of training, and disobey discipline.

Secondly, most of the Great Wilderness has extraordinary cultivation methods, so the magical abilities of such unruly beasts are naturally not valued, but in Bai Qi's eyes, this seems to represent another development direction of the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

Daqin's arrow array seems to be unable to keep up with this era.

And the supply with Shenzhou is another kind of thing with great difficulty.

Of course, the fact that it is so easy to obtain is due to the spread of the Shan Hai Jing, which caused a group of strange beasts to be eaten and the number to drop. Cheap.

And take it to eat...


Such a beast, whether it is used for combat, or a simple beast cavalry.

Both are excellent choices.

actually eat? !

Bai Qi made a judgment subconsciously.

Not sure which waste guy made the recipe.


Uncle Bai, what you want is here.

Yi Shi put the wine inside the space utensils outside, and shouted loudly: The Haoyue City is ahead, Uncle Bai, won't you go with us?

Bai Qi shook his head, so the young man who aspired to be a potter looked back at every step, he was quite reluctant to give up the uncle Bai who had come to teach him boxing kung fu in the past few days, but in the end he was still under the call of the leader of the caravan. , urging the mount that can control the thunder, and ran in the direction of the caravan.

Bai Qi turned his head, and it seemed that he could still hear the questioning voice from the Taoist true spirit.

If he is still there, he will probably ask and pass on the Daqin Heibingtai Iron Eagle Sword Art.

Is it a violation of Daqin laws?

Mr. Wu An recalled that among the 70,000 true spirits, Yuan Zhenxiu of Longhu Mountain existed as an assistant to himself. Before his death, he once fought against Jiaolong in the Qiantang River and broke the foundation. , single-handedly confronted hundreds of cavalry, and finally broke down at the entrance of the village.

Mr. Wu An held the wine and said in a low voice:

You said that your conferment was sent to Longhu Mountain by the children in that village.

And that child has also become the next generation of Heavenly Master.

There is a saying in Taoism, death is death, and death is forgetfulness. If I die in battle, my Daqin Iron Eagle Sword will be lost and forgotten by the world. Isn't it also dead? On the contrary, as long as these things are not To be forgotten, then, as if to have been alive.

He took out a black waist card with the name of the true spirit on it.

Gently place on the ground.

But now, a hideous crack appeared on the soldier talisman made of Yinhun wood.

He restrained the ghost soldiers and broke them into pieces. From 70,000 true spirits, 500,000 were defeated, and a full 30% of them died in battle. The number of gods transformed by Taoist true cultivation is even more. Death is a complete loss of soul, leaving no trace in this world.

Born in China, died in the wilderness.

You only get one chance.

does it worth?

Those true spirits who are so brave to die have already given the answer.

Bai Qi closed his eyes, and after a long time, he opened them. There were no ripples in his black pupils. He spilled the freshly brewed spirits on the ground, and the spirit-breeding wine infects the scattered soldier talismans. Wu An-Jun The black pupils were deep, and in the end, he chose to burn these talismans according to what he should do.

And sacrifice the dead with new wine.

The strong wine spilled on the flames, and its momentum was magnificent.

Lord Wu An is like the most cruel and ruthless commander in the world. After killing the enemy, the soldiers who belonged to his own side cannot return to their homeland. do.

He spent time putting down all the badges representing the participants.

Then Qin Jian was mentioned.

He asked Yishi, and the reason for the caravan to leave early, to be in the northwest, where a tall man with a strong temperament stood calmly, waiting for Bai Qi to complete his movements, and the moment Bai Qi got up, he was violent Make a move, and resonate with the hidden army of heroic souls.

A huge battle gun smashed through the sky and fell.

But was smashed by a punch.

In other words, when the attack hit this person, it was shattered by the backshock.

The man with short black hair and a firm face stretched out his hand:

Great waste, Shi Yi.

Come and ask a question.

He stepped forward slowly, with a violent murderous intent that even Wei Yuan had never seen before, as if the sky and the earth were falling, the Daqin armor on Wu Anjun's body even had cracks due to such a terrifying momentum, and Shi Yi, who was really angry, approached step by step , with a low voice:

Why, after winning, did you kill all five hundred thousand monks?!

Why, do you want to make this killing decision that even your own side has to pay a tragic price?!

Could it be that you are someone who takes pleasure in killing?

Under the terrifying oppression of overwhelming heaven and earth.

Wu Anjun's body was stiff and he had no power to resist, but that kind of strong will made his body stand upright and raised his right hand little by little. His face was calm, and every inch he moved, his bones were crackling. There was a crisp sound, but in the end that generous hand grasped Qin Jian's hilt, just like back then.

As a result, the vast killing spirit that belongs to human beings surged.

The sky sends murderous intentions, the stars change places,

The ground sends murderous intent, and the dragon and snake take off the land.

Human hair killing machine......

The guardian from the northwest corner of the wilderness, the peak powerhouse of the gods who even Fuxi could not break through the defense, came from the northwest of Shenzhou, west of Hangu, the invincible god of war Bai Qi, met here seven hundred miles away from Haoyue City .



The spiritual materials that belong to the communication mountain gods and land lines are placed in the foreground.

Because this is the Great Wilderness, it is not wise to rashly connect to the Nine Nether Lands of Kunlun in the Great Wilderness. Therefore, when Wei Yuan sought Zhu Jiuyin's help, he shrewdly chose another identity of Zhu Jiuyin' The God of Zhongshan'.

As for the sacrificial objects.

In Chang Xi's idiot-looking expression.

Wei Yuan made a Dahuang version of Longjing Shrimp very neatly.

For tea, because the old man Shennong also created tea in that era. After five thousand years of development, there have been various styles and tastes of tea. It was classified as an ordinary beast in the wilderness, but it was actually a monster of the Tuna realm.

Like a shrimp the size of a forearm, the pliers have the power to break a thick wooden stick or bone in the wrist with one blow. At the same time, the shell on the body is strong enough to withstand long-distance shooting from a small-caliber pistol. Not too strong.

After all, if you order tofu in brine, one thing will drop one thing.

This ferocious-looking shrimp is also a shrimp in the hands of the guard.

Just do it neatly.

Chang Xi's beautiful eyes widened: That's it?

The owner of the guard is full of confidence:


Chang Xi sneered and said, Such specifications and rituals are completely inconsistent. No god will respond to your call...

That's different.

Wei Yuan said: We have a good relationship!


Wei Yuan thought of the past when he punched Zhu Jiuyin in the left eye, somehow he lacked confidence, but he still cast the seal quite seriously, whispering in his heart: Zhu Jiuyin...

Chang Xiruo looked curiously.

Wei Yuan's tone paused, because he really didn't know what to say. Generally speaking, it should be to praise a certain god, or to pray to a certain god for blessings, such as the little phoenix Feng Siyu, but this is for Zhu Jiu. Yin, always feel weird.

After pondering, Wei Yuan clapped his hands, opened his eyes, and shouted, Dinner is ready!

Chang Xi: ??!

There was complete silence.

no effect?

Wei Yuan hesitated, while Chang Xi showed a mocking and contemptuous sneer, because she can only do this now, Wei Yuan thought for a while, and said: Probably the food is not cooked... If one meal is not enough, three pause.

Go ahead and do some more.

Chang Xi really wanted to laugh at that guy, telling him that the ritual was wrong from head to toe, but she didn't want to say it, she just wanted to see a joke, Wei Yuan turned to cook, pointed to Chang Xi, and said: Don't steal it.

The Empress of the Moon Palace dismissed it.

But I don’t know if it’s the magic power of this sentence. It’s like telling you not to lick the iron railing with your tongue in the northeast of China. On the contrary, it will increase the number of people licking the iron railing. Chang Xi suddenly felt the taste of this meal. Light but quite attractive, the index finger moved.

He took the chopsticks silently, stared at Wei Yuan with his eyes, and dropped the chopsticks.


Chopsticks collided with chopsticks.

scare? ! !

Chang Xi was unprepared, suddenly startled, and made a sound, and Wei Yuan also noticed the movement, the cook turned around and took a kitchen knife to kill, but saw the imperial concubine Chang Xi was stunned, and there was a void at the altar. Ying is a tall woman in Tsing Yi, with clear and beautiful features.

Stretching out the chopsticks to pick up the Longjing shrimp.

Who are you?!

The cook said angrily.


The black-haired woman in Tsing Yi licked her red lips: Didn't you call me here?

What I'm looking for is... Wei Yuan paused.

The phantom of the woman in Tsing Yi pointed to herself with a beautiful smile:

God of Zhongshan, Lord of Chishui, offer.

You can also call me... Zhu Jiuyin.


There is Zhongshan, and there is a woman in Tsing Yi, named Chishui Lady Xian——

The Northern Classic of the Wilderness

PS: The first update today...

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