Museum of Demons

Chapter 674 Sorry, my future self!

'The place where the Queen Mother of the West is located...'

The words flowing on the Hetu Luoshu's soul suddenly froze, like a primary school student who suddenly got Goldbach's conjecture and asked you to solve it within half an hour or call your parents if you failed.

The above text emerged bit by bit, pitifully suppressing his aggrievedness, and politely and seriously——

'Your Majesty, do you know why I am here? '

Of course it was captured by that violent woman, Queen Mother Xi!

If I had been able to deduce the location of Queen Mother West, then I would not have been caught by Queen Mother West. Similarly, I have been caught by Queen Mother West. How could I have deduced her current location?

Well said, I can't complain anymore.

But you can't complain about it. Isn't this a kind of complaint?

Those who like to read Tauren manga turn to pure love, isn't this a kind of NTR? !

And change the tauren into a pure love fighter of the pure love manga party.

Why isn't it another kind of tauren?

I realized.

Wei Yuan slandered, and immediately thought of the Hetu Luoshu he split in Peach Blossom Spring.

That stone tablet did not expect to be split.

It seems that the piece of Hetu Luoshu collected by the Queen Mother of the West is more important than the other Hetu Luoshu. Could it be that it is the larger piece left after Fuxi split the Hetu Luoshu? At least this piece of Hetu Luoshu can deduce more than 100,000 ways to die in contact with Wei Yuan.

It's just that the level of the Queen Mother of the West cannot be deduced.

In particular, the Queen Mother of the West is avoiding the Kaiming Beast now, and Kaiming has the mythological concept of seeing the ten directions. The Queen Mother of the West must hide tightly if she does not want to be discovered. If she can hide from the Kaiming Beast, then naturally she can also avoid the river. Tuluoshu's grasp.

Jumping out of the ten directions is higher than jumping out of the three realms in classical myths and novels, not among the five elements.

Not in the three realms of heaven and earth, not in the four directions and five elements, not in the list of life and death, not in the past and future.

I really don't know how it was hidden.

Enlightened Beast... Nine pairs of eyes, plus a sky eye and a heart eye, can see ten directions.

Really want to poke this guy's eyes out.

However, Wei Yuan also guessed that this piece of Hetu Luoshu cannot deduce the Queen Mother of the West.

Just asking a difficult question on purpose.

After thinking for a while, he said, Since Queen Mother Xi can't do it, then I'll let you find someone.

Okay, okay! Okay! Respected and handsome, Xiaoluo Shanhai will serve you wholeheartedly! Hetu Luoshu was ecstatic and confident:

As long as it is a person, no matter where he is, no matter what situation he is in now, everything is in my grasp and weaving, and I can deduce him, so please adjust your Xing Tian ax down. angle, and please hold your hand back, behind the handle of the ax.

Just now you raised the angle of the Xing Tian ax by three degrees. According to the deduction, you have used this move to chop off the goshawk more than seven thousand times and cut off a quarter of my triangle. I'm afraid!

Hetu Luoshu was very thorough.

Wei Yuan stroked the handle of the ax and said, Yes, but are you sure you can find him?

Of course! As long as he is a human race, there is no problem!

Hetu Luoshu is full of confidence.

Okay, where's Nachi?

I don't know why, but I still feel a little uncomfortable knowing that it's a girl pretending to be.

The owner of the museum sighed and whispered, and then said freely: I probably miss him a little...

Since you miss him, you must find him back.

no problem!

Hetu Luoshu is full of confidence.

Isn't it Qi?

What is a mere human race, one of Fuxi's last descendants? !

The fast-flowing words on Hetu Luoshu began to slow down.

Not in heaven and earth, not in the three realms, not in the four directions, not in the five elements?

Neither birth nor death, neither birth nor death.

Hetu Luoshu looked at the museum owner who recalled his old friend. If He had a human form, he would already be sweating like a waterfall by now. It's fine if it's a deed, but what about the past?

It gave a silent cheer for its ingenuity.

Immediately, the spirit of Hetu Luoshu's thoughts froze.



Even the past no longer exists, those figures that existed in the past have disappeared. In the past in the real world, the lazy boy raised his head, and then disappeared like smoke in the concept of the past, only existing in the memory of some people inside.

The reality of the past was lost, and he followed the trajectory of thousands of fates to search for the future, but he still couldn't find the figure of that person.

Hetu Luoshu's split spirit was startled——

Cut off the past and give up the future.

It's just that in those eight words, there is already a tragic and decisive taste.

Is this a fool?

What is he trying to do?

Hetu Luoshu didn't understand, but it seemed to see something when it looked in front of it. The museum owner, whose expression was gradually unhappy, knew that he was likely to face the negative distance contact of the Xingtian ax again. It was not a masochist, and finally said stiffly: about you ask me one more question, Your Majesty?

Hetu Luoshu's tone even choked up: I, I really can't find it!

Wei Yuan looked up and down Hetu Luoshu.

The expression on his face seemed to say, that's it, that's it?

Is this also Hetu Luoshu? !

Hetu Luoshu felt that he had been stabbed severely.

Wei Yuan said: Forget it, then I will ask you one last question now.

You say, you say, this time there will be no problem. Hetu Luoshu repeatedly assured.

Wei Yuan said, Okay, then I'll ask you.

Where in the Great Wilderness is Yu's true spirit locked up by Dijun?

The air froze for a moment.

Hetu Luoshu: ...

Diyu, Dijun, Dahuang...

It spoke in a daze, looked at Wei Yuan stiffly, and finally said:

Otherwise, you should tear me down.

Don't bring such torture!

Hetu Luoshu almost burst into tears, Either you will chop me up, or you will ask me these questions, are you here to find fault with me, Your Majesty? You can't do anything if you want to chop me up, just don't Take me again to find a star and throw it in for cremation, or take a mountain and use it as a hydraulic press to hit me.

Don't put me in the research institute.

Wei Yuan asked strangely, What did they do to you?

Hetu Luoshu gritted his teeth: Grinding, weathering, property testing, and even directly reconstructing a new discipline called God-era Material Science and Extraordinary Material Science in accordance with the scientific guidance concept, I can actually bear all of these, after all, I It’s the stone tablet channeling spirits, so I don’t feel pain.”

But, but...

The spirit of Hetu Luoshu suddenly came out of anger: They smashed me into dust!

You even want to dismantle me and grind me into powder to grow vegetables!

Ah this.

Then can you farm?


Instant answer.

It can even grow well.

Then you are very useful.

Master Wei gave the definition subconsciously, but soon realized that the Hetu Luoshu in front of him could not answer the three questions he asked. It's just an incomplete version of the incomplete version, that is to say, if the rest of the Hetu Luoshu are fused with this one, can we get the deed from here and the specific whereabouts of Yu?

Very possible and worth a try.

Bring back the lucid dream later, let Zhu Jiuyin try it.

The Hetu Luoshu splinter in front of him had no idea what would happen to him.

At this time, Wei Yuan heard Zhu Jiuyin's slightly low voice: The soul is back. Wei Yuan was slightly startled, and from Zhu Jiuyin's voice, he heard Shen Ning, who had hardly existed in the past. , Wei Yuan's expression changed slightly, he held the Xingtian axe, and a ray of true spirit escaped into a lucid dream.

From the outside, it looks like he's just closing his eyes.

And because of the significant role of the 'Xingtian Axe' in the negotiation, Hetu Luoshu stayed where he was in frustration and did not dare to move. Wei Yuan was in a daze before his eyes, and appeared in his lucid dream. The ancestors all had solemn expressions, losing the former ease and joy.

Wei Yuan took a glance and found that Chi You put down the video clip of giant panda Hua Hua.

Xing Tian, ​​Xuanyuan, and Xing Tian's head stopped the three-person Fighting the Landlord.

Wei Yuan realized that this matter might be more serious than he expected.

what happened?

When Wei Yuan said this, he was on the ground, and his eyes fell to the side. The god general Zhenling who was planning to run away with Hetu Luoshu's split spirit just now has lost consciousness at this moment, with a 'wisdom' expression on his face. Holding the teacup, Yin said calmly, Did you find that this general is not that difficult to deal with?


Wei Yuan recalled the confrontation just now: Whether it's cleverness or resourcefulness, it's very ordinary.

Zhu Jiuyin: Because He is not an enlightened direct subordinate at all.


Wei Yuan was startled.

Zhu Jiuyin closed his eyes and said in a calm tone, Dahuang's extraordinary army has already lined up outside the cracks in the mountains and seas, but it has not yet made a move. It is currently the vanguard, with more than 30,000 extraordinary creatures. This is just one of the captains. ...

Wei Yuan's pupils contracted: The god general...

It's Shi Yi... No, Shi Yi was transferred away, it's Chong!

Wei Yuan reacted: He has been dormant until this time?!

Because he knew that Shi Yi would definitely stop he endured until Shi Yi left the world before doing anything?!

Zhu Jiuyin nodded, with slightly caged palms, and said in a flat voice: The wild land is hundreds or even a thousand times larger than the human world, and there are countless kingdoms on the land, not only the kingdoms of humans, but also the kingdoms of extraordinary creatures. The world has never been cut off for thousands of years, and it has not been cut off for even longer.

There is no doubt that they also have enough amazing talents.

Army strategy also exists.

And it is an extraordinary battle formation that the human race lacks now.

Zhu Jiuyin's eyes are deep and deep:

With the help of the Great Wilderness Army to support the God of Supporting the Sky, there is no one in the world who is invincible.

Wei Yuan's heart was surging, and he glanced at the general beside him whose memory had been completely withdrawn, and said, You say it's the vanguard, so how many troops of extraordinary creatures will appear in front of the world in general?

Zhu Jiuyin said slowly: One million.

Enough power to flatten the world.

Even if it was expected in advance, Wei Yuan was still shocked by this number. More than a million practitioners stepped into the human world from the gap between the mountains and the sea, and appeared above the peaceful city. Wait, Wei Yuan suddenly realized that the gap between the mountains and the sea was Because of the madness of Qiongqi and Wuwu before.

Qongqi, Wuwu... is it also because of enlightened calculations?

Even, this last mountain and sea rift is also within His grasp...

Wei Yuan murmured.

Zhu Jiuyin said slowly: ...the reason why Wuwu turned from a princess of the human race to one of the four villains was because she was rescued by Qiongqi, fell in love with this uncle whom she had never met, and eventually developed into a It is not tolerated in the world, now it seems that the reason why the four evils have become the four evils may have something to do with enlightenment.

Wei Yuan was silent for a while, as if to comfort himself, he said: There are enough nuclear weapons reserves in the world, as long as you are not a god general, you will not be immune to the high temperature of the sun...

A large number of shock waves will destroy extraordinary warriors who know nothing about human weapons in the first place. Even if there are millions of people, twenty or even thirty nuclear weapons are needed. Even if it is a hundred nuclear weapons, they are all under the control of Shenzhou among.

Zhu Jiuyin asked back: Will Shenzhou release nuclear weapons towards its own city?

Wei Yuan's thoughts were interrupted.

Of course not, when those extraordinary troops appear in the world, it means that the greatest power of China is restricted, the opponent's individual soldiers are stronger, and the opponent also has supernatural large-scale destruction magic powers, the best As a result, he and the other side died together.

Wei Yuan subconsciously thought about the tragic appearance of a million wild gods appearing in the world.

For some reason, he suddenly became aware of the messy and ruined future that Hetu Luoshu had seen.

The best possibility is that we will die together with him, and the original purpose of the Enlightened Beast is probably to appear suddenly when we confront Gonggong, with the god of supporting the sky as the main general, and the army of millions of gods is enough Turn the tide of battle and reap the benefits of the fisherman...

But facing us and Gonggong at the same time, even they would be extremely tragic.

Doesn't he care about his own...

Wei Yuan's voice stopped abruptly.

He finally realized the key.

Zhu Jiuyin said slowly: That's right, Kaiming doesn't care about these losses, because what is lost is the Great Desolation. He is indifferent, but he takes everything into his hands. He doesn't care about losses at all, so that the final situation will be under his control. Yes. The realm of strength without desire.”

A strategist who is absolutely rational, absolutely ruthless, and almost omniscient.

This is enlightenment, your opponent.

Zhu Jiuyin said calmly: You can see one of his essence, it seems that at least he has learned something during this period of time, so let me ask you, what should you do now?

There is an exam at this time, Zhu Jiuyin, I really deserve to be you.

Which kindergarten class teacher are you?

Wei Yuan hooked the corners of his mouth, but couldn't laugh at all. He was silent for a long time, and said:

Check and balance, three-legged confrontation, choose to let Gonggong participate in the war, choose to target enlightenment and Kunlun layout, delay the possibility of this war situation as much as possible, if possible, through some cooperation with Gonggong, push the war situation beyond the human world.

Especially this time, the opponent is only 30,000 former troops here.

Zhu Jiuyin was surprised.

Then the rare tone eased: It seems that he still has some brains.

The world is weak and the enemy is strong, as it should be.

Yes, make a decision before moving, in order to protect yourself and stand in an 'invincible' position.

This is exactly the style of military strategists.

Wei Yuan let out a breath.

Then looking at Zhu Jiuyin, he suddenly said: But you have forgotten the last method.

Zhu Jiuyin was stunned: What?

The owner of the museum stretched out his finger and pointed at himself, saying:

The three armies can take away their energy.

No matter what the army style of the Great Wilderness in the Age of Gods is, it cannot escape the style of using the army to assist the general and the general to strengthen the army. Therefore, if you want to force the opponent back, except for the army, there are Fighter.

The real goal should not be the enemy at all, but to kill the enemy general.

Wei Yuan raised his eyes and said, The 30,000 pioneers are just outside the gap between people.

Beheading his generals and seizing his spirit, this is what I should do.


Wei Yuan spoke suddenly.

Xing Tian, ​​Chi You, and Xuanyuan burst out laughing suddenly.

Pull Zhu Jiuyin directly.

The man in gray robe who just said Wei Yuan was shocked, and then locked them in the small black room with his backhand.

The three of them just laughed loudly, and they clapped their hands in the air, triumphantly after being locked in the small black room.

Wei Yuan directly took the opportunity to leave Lucid Dream.

Wait until I come back and cook for you.

Zhu Jiuyin, you shouldn't let your guard down on me.

Have you forgotten your eye sockets? Yuan is not such an honest person.

The gray-robed man gritted his teeth.

With his backhand, he threw a big pot to his future self, Wei Yuan's true spirit, and returned to his physical body.

I murmured in my heart, I'm sorry, my future me!

Looking at Hetu Luoshu:

I want to know the camp of the former army of the Great Wilderness Army outside the mountain and sea rift.

Easy to say, easy to say!

Hetu Luoshu was overjoyed.

Then he said in a rather doggy way:

Your Majesty, are you planning to back it up? I am very useful!

No, not the backhand.

Holding five fingers slightly, a battle ax appeared, with the blade touching the ground, and the dragon, the favorite mount of the human warrior, appeared beside him, neighing in a low voice, and the Xingtian ax changed its shape and turned into a long-handled weapon. Yuan turned on his horse, and Pilong felt Ling Lie's murderous intent, and subconsciously uttered a faint and tyrannical dragon chant.

Wei Yuan, whose black hair had reached the back of his neck, tied it up.

Riding on a war horse, reaching out to Hetu Luoshu:

It's the God of War of the human race. I will pay a personal visit to the 30,000 troops of the Great Wilderness.

Do you want to be together?

PS: The first update today...

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