Museum of Demons

Chapter 67 Give him a sword! (Thanks to Lihua Watching Begonia for the rewards)

Tonight on the mountain, the crowds of ghosts kept clamoring. Already a large altar of fine wine was brought up. The ghosts clinked glasses clamorously. After drinking for a long time, they were already three-point drunk, or caught a ghost with a severed head and fought with it. Fist; or find a starving ghost, fight with it for wine, and the mountainside is already in chaos.

Wei Yuan used the technique of exorcising ghosts to attract a ghostly aura all over him.

His face was as usual, and he was mixed into this Senluo ghost domain.

Although the place where the Ghost King got married was noisy, the sound of the noise was extremely strange. The laughter was either sharp or eerie, moving forwards and backwards, which made people feel creepy.

Ordinary people would use bright red lanterns for weddings, but now there are blue oil lamps lit here, emitting a faint bluish-white light, and the oil in them emits white smoke, which makes strangers feel nauseous The stench made the ghosts revel like drunk.

Large platters of flesh and blood delicacies were placed on the table and on the ground, allowing the group of ghosts to take them. The ghosts bared their fangs and bit, sometimes gulping down wine, and sometimes laughing loudly. People sang, sang to the point of sexuality, and tactfully murmured:

Husband, please listen to me. If a couple are at the same age and starve to death, it's better for a concubine to go to the vegetable market and get three thousand money to return to the husband. One leg can travel a mile. Two limbs are broken first and hung in the butcher's shop. Make soup, do not order fresh meat, look at the slices into the belly of a hungry person, and send a message to passers-by not to cover their noses, how can a living person smell like a dead person?

The tone was low and strange, and the words were harsh, which made people feel chills in the back, but all the ghosts and monsters were excited by hearing it, and applauded one after another.

Shadows whirling.

Ghostly, what a spooky scene!

Wei Yuan resisted the urge to draw his sword to level the place, just like an ordinary ghost wandering around. Seeing that Wei Yuan had no wine in his hand, a skinny ghost brought up the wine jar with a half-drunk smile and approached it. Geer said:

Eh? You don't drink or eat meat, where are you going? Come and eat!

Wei Yuan only evaded: Leave room for the main course later.

The ghost was stunned, and suddenly smiled: Haha, so you are waiting for the dozens of strangers below the mountain, good eyesight, good appetite, but tomorrow is the big wedding, today is just a wedding, those strangers are the main course. It will take tomorrow to get a taste of it, I'm afraid you'll have to starve for a whole day.

Wei Yuan's eyes turned cold, but he just smiled as usual:

As long as you think about those strangers, how can you eat other things?

The ghost nodded approvingly and said, Indeed.

Wei Yuan was about to go up, but the ghost glanced at him and said suddenly:

Brother, is it possible that you are going up the mountain to see Lady Tiannv?

Wei Yuan's expression remained unchanged, he laughed and said, Tomorrow is the big wedding, don't you want to come and see, is there any difference between heavenly women and human women?

Don't look at me, aren't you curious?

The ghost nodded at first, then shook his head again and again, and said: I advise you to give up your mind. Although the fragrance of the heavenly girl is tempting, it is not easy to get close to it. How many brothers want to smell the meat these days? Wei'er, was beaten to death by that Qing Qi, didn't you end up like this when you went?

Seeing this time, don't go looking for death.

When the ghost was half drunk, after a few words of persuasion, the 'ghost' had already gone far.

He simply didn't care, took another two sips of wine, pulled a few familiar ghosts around, and talked about which little ghost was so eager to see the goddess, all the ghosts and demons laughed and persuaded each other to drink , Guessing when the lifeless guy will be wiped out, I don't take it to heart.


Wei Yuan quickly touched the place.

It is a wooden attic, and there are no guards around, but if you think about it, you can know that there is always a breath of fresh air around the attic, which is against the ghost energy.

If things go on like this, the ghost king doesn't take the precautions of this place so seriously.

It's just that what you see right now is that the ghost energy is constantly rising and surging, pushing forward, but the Qing Qi is constantly shrinking, and it can no longer maintain the initial confrontational situation.

After Wei Yuan approached, he took out his waist card with his backhand, and gave a low roar.

No need for words, the goddess in the attic has already sensed his arrival, and a path appeared in the clear air covering the attic, Wei Yuan stepped in, and at the same time, he released the exorcism, so that the driving ghost energy was under the clear air. Collapse.

The group of ghosts at the foot of the mountain sensed the fluctuation of the clear energy, and then a wave of ghost energy dispersed.

Everyone laughed.

There's another guy who doesn't know how to live or die.

Haha, don't care about him, this kind of idiot is more and more drinking and drinking these days.


Wei Yuan's vision brightened slightly, and then returned to normal.

I have already entered an antique attic, the room has everything you need, it is clean and elegant, there is a wooden box on one side, inside is a red wedding dress, obviously it has not been touched, and the goddess in white has a light complexion, sitting on the On top of the futon.

Wei Yuan withdrew his gaze, took out the wooden box from his bosom, put it in front of the goddess, and said:

Fortunately, life is not humiliated.

Even though Tiannv had always been calm and calm, she still felt a little relieved at this moment, she was a little surprised to see that the seal on the wooden box had been removed, she nodded at Wei Yuan, and said, Thank you.

The palm caresses the wooden box.

A ball of fresh air lit up in the box, slowly flowing towards the direction of the goddess, but after more than a thousand years, the process of absorbing the magic power of Yuyi was not as fast as Wei Yuan imagined, and it would take a certain amount of time. Yuan sat cross-legged on one side, running the Crouching Tiger Jue to restore his spirits, waiting for the possible fierce battle.

There was also something puzzled in my heart, I pondered for a while, and asked:

There's one thing I still don't quite understand.

Since Crouching Tiger found out about this back then, why didn't he rescue the girl?

The goddess replied: The crouching tiger of that generation planned to send me back to the mountain, but the filthy air stained my feathers, and I was exhausted at that time. It took three years to let the evil spirit dissipate before I could take out the wooden box. Feather clothes and don't hurt me.

Then why...

It's a pity that two years later, the current Crouching Tiger led General Yin Xi and led his army to destroy Wu.

Then, an evil Taoist took my feather clothes away.

Evil people?

Surprised, Wei Yuan thought of the Taoist who claimed to be able to force the ghost king to marry the celestial girl, and the various spells handed down from that Taoist. He wondered if there was any connection between the two. The imprint of mana in it.

The room gradually fell silent.

Less than an hour had passed, when suddenly a gust of Yin energy came over.

Wei Yuan opened his eyes suddenly, raised his hand to hold the sword, and looked towards the door of the attic.

And the speed at which the goddess absorbs mana is also obviously accelerated.

Wei Yuan pressed his sword, walked forward slowly, and looked out through the window, and immediately his back felt cold.

I saw a group of ghosts, wearing dark red long-sleeved clothes, carrying eighteen red sedan chairs, coming from the bottom of the mountain, and the sound of suona came from the mist. Ghostly.

The bright red used by ordinary people for weddings is warm in color and can drive away evil spirits, but the red worn by these ghosts is a dark red color, the color is not correct, and it is faintly visible in the ghostly aura. It can only remind people of blood that is about to freeze. Coming here, the Qing Qi that could be used as a defense before, is now retreating steadily.

It's the ghost king's team.

Wei Yuan turned his head and glanced at Tiannv, obviously it would take some time to prepare to recover her strength.

If those ghosts were allowed to break through the clear air and rush in, everything would be over.

But with his strength alone, at most, he would be able to scatter ordinary ghosts, and he would be beheaded by the ghost king.

The celestial girl opened her eyes and withdrew her palm, as if she was going to compete with the ghost king with her incomplete body, and Wei Yuan also saw that there was no ghost king among the ghosts who came to pick up the bride.

Wait a minute.

The goddess looked at Wei Yuan suspiciously.

Wei Yuan thought for a while, then cupped his hands and said, Let's ask the girl for an illusion.

The girl was startled, then widened her eyes, and said, You...?

Lieutenant Sili lifted the Eight-Faced Han Sword and said with a smile:

Wei took the sedan chair for the girl today.

There was a slight pause in the voice, and he said firmly:

And give him a sword!

PS: Thanks to Lihua for watching Begonia, thank you~

Well~ Lieutenant Wei is obviously not good enough, he is just buying time

Thanks to Sister Lily of Mythical Version of Three Kingdoms for her chapter push, count it, this is the third time.

Starting from many of my masters, there is one in every book~Thank you

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