Museum of Demons

Chapter 65 Wei Yuan Steals Treasures


Shen Jifeng looked at the woman in yellow in front of her. She seemed to be awake, but also seemed to be still in a dream, unable to think.

Surrounded by the flowing Luojiang River, there is a stone tablet next to it, with the three ancient characters Luoshuidu written on it, but it is a little broken, everything is very real, but Shen Jifeng can't move freely, and the woman in yellow in front of him said again After a few words, he said:

The concubine can't deliver this thing to the girl herself, so she waits here at Luoshui Ferry.

This matter is important, and I hope to get it quickly.

After praying again, he stepped back into the water step by step.

Shen Jifeng was anxious, and wanted to reach out to hold the woman in yellow, but with this thought, the surrounding environment burst like a bubble in an instant.


Junior Sister Shen? Sister Shen, wake up...

Wake up, wake up.

Shen Jifeng was awakened in a daze.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the worried faces of his colleagues in the special operations team. Seeing Shen Jifeng wake up, Zhang Hao heaved a sigh of relief, handed her a cup of coffee, and said, Did you just have a nightmare, and you kept yelling to stop? down...

You have been running all night, if you really can't bear it, go and rest first.

Shen Jifeng subconsciously took the coffee, shook his head, and said:

No, I don't know why I was so sleepy all of a sudden, but it's much better now.

Go on, the guard master is still in the ghost domain, he must find a way to go in again.

He lowered his head and took a sip of the coffee. The slightly bitter taste stimulated the tip of his tongue, and he felt refreshed. Shen Jifeng remembered the short but real dream just now, and pressed the center of his eyebrows. Is it true that you think about it every day and dream at night?

At this moment, she glanced slightly, and saw water stains on the table next to her to form words.

All hope to come quickly.

Shen Jifeng widened his eyes.

Not a dream!

Zhang Hao noticed Shen Jifeng's strangeness, and said, What's wrong?

Shen Jifeng shook his head, thinking of what he saw in the dream, he murmured: I just had a dream, and in that dream, there was a woman in yellow clothes...


After a while.

The engine roared.

Zhang Hao stepped on the gas pedal with his right foot.

The vehicles of the special operations team were driving quickly on the road. They just asked the old people in the village, and they found out that there is really a place called Luoshuidu near the village, but because of the deep water there, many people died, so the village The people here basically don't go there, it's already deserted.

They had just asked for directions and routes, and were rushing forward.

Zhang Hao bit his cigarette, held the steering wheel with his palm, and said, It's Tuomeng.

Being able to dream and leave traces around you at the same time has at least 150 to 200 years of Taoism. In ancient times, this kind of spirit can almost experience all the events of a country from prosperity to decline. This kind of spirit, this kind of spirit...

He shook his head, not knowing how to describe it, and guessed again:

This spirit has been practicing for nearly two hundred years. Who is she referring to when she speaks of the general? Could it be that he was a military general in the Ming Dynasty two hundred years ago. Did the land or landscape gods in the area notice the strangeness of the ghost domain, so they sent spirit monsters to entrust your dreams?

But in this era, the gods have basically disappeared.

Shen Jifeng said: Maybe it's because it's already like a candle in the wind that Aunt Huang is needed to send a message.


Zhang Hao responded, and stepped on the right foot of the accelerator with a little more strength.

He was still a little anxious.

After all, Wei Yuan, who was invited before, is still trapped in the ghost domain. He said just now that Shen Jifeng was tired for a long time, and he hardly slept in the past few days. Seeing that there are some clues, how can he hold back? After giving some fuel, the off-road vehicle smashed through the weeds on the road, and finally found Naluoshuidu.

Almost at the first sight of this place, Shen Jifeng's face changed a little.

Except that the width of Luoshui cannot be compared with that in Huangquan, the terrain here is almost exactly the same as that of Huangquan Hotel. There is also a river flowing through it, and then it turns a corner almost at a right angle, and continues to flow away. go.

After the two got out of the car, they quickly walked to the side of the Luoshuidu stele.

But he couldn't find the woman in yellow. Shen Jifeng was restless, and searched left and right, suddenly heard the sound of running water, turned his head, and saw a yellow croaker floating out of the water, constantly flapping the water with its tail, Shen Jifeng felt slightly Moved, subconsciously said: Aunt Huang?

Yellow croaker nodded repeatedly.

Hearing the voice, Zhang Hao saw the yellow croaker who understood human nature, and guessed in surprise that this might be the real body of the dream spirit.

Shen Jifeng knelt down on the bank, looked at the yellow croaker and said, Miss Huang, what does the general want you to give us?

Zhang Hao also felt a slight movement in his heart, a military general with great military exploits in the late Ming Dynasty.

What would it take for this yellow croaker to pass?

He remembered the ancient allusion of double carp, ruler plain book, and couldn't help but wonder if the aunt Huang also had a letter in her mouth. Then he saw the yellow croaker swim to the shore, opened its mouth, and spit out a tough blister. Falling into Shen Jifeng's hands, the girl just glanced at it before her body stiffened.

Zhang Hao stepped forward and asked curiously, What did the Ming general give?

Shen Jifeng raised his head bit by bit, looked at Zhang Hao, seemed a little dazed, and then said blankly after a long time:

Master Wei's memory card...



Looking at the small memory card in his hand.

Zhang Hao and Shen Jifeng were relatively speechless for a while, and their minds were a little dazed.

Aunt Huang said that the general asked her to bring this thing over.

But what was delivered was a memory card that needed Wei Yuan's fingerprints to remove...

Shen Jifeng took a deep breath, and stammered: But, maybe the head of the guard met the general inside, and then asked this aunt Huang to bring the things over.

Zhang Hao nodded slowly, and said, It should be like this...

But in my mind, I recalled that when Wei Yuan was fighting, his murderous aura was strong, just like the battlefield swordsmanship rushed from the ancient battlefield. The hand holding the cigarette trembled a little, and his scalp was a little numb. A notebook like a big box, insert the memory card, and quickly recall the contents inside.

There is only one file.

After opening, the short text spread out.

Zhang Hao let out a sigh of relief and read the contents of the document with concentration. Both Shen Jifeng and Shen Jifeng's expressions gradually became serious. After reading it, Zhang Hao dared not believe it: It's just less than one night, the guard has already formed the ghost domain. Have you figured out all the ins and outs?

Shen Jifeng slid the file to the end and said, Master Wei needs our help.

She looked up at the anti-bow demon, and said:

Dig the river channel, divert the river water directly away, directly break the anti-bow evil here, dig out the foundation of the ghost domain, and then, the guard said that if possible, change the feng shui here.

Change it?


Shen Jifeng adjusted his glasses, and read with some confusion:

It needs to be changed to the Western White Tiger Sha, which is more fierce than the Anti-Gow Sha.

The more fierce the better.


In Ghost Domain, the atmosphere was warmer than ever before.

The starved ghosts with emaciated limbs clapped their hands and laughed, and the ghosts with blue faces and fangs walked on the street.

Under the bridge, the water girl covered her lips and smiled lightly. In front of the coffin door, ghosts came and went, shadowy.

What a night walk of the ghosts!

All the ghosts know that today is the day when the ghost king marries the celestial girl on the mountain. Once the ghost king marries the celestial girl, the pattern of the ghost domain will be completely formed. Congratulations.

But there are always exceptions.

There are also ghosts who have to work at this time.

The knife soldier ghost who had been disemboweled looked enviously at the brightly lit mountain. He thought there must be good meat to eat, and he was not short of heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, but he was ordered by the king of ghosts to stay here to guard One thing, the sword soldier ghost looked back regretfully, ready to go back.


A black shadow descended from the sky.

Almost instantly, he pressed his knee on the spine of the sword soldier ghost, suppressing it fiercely, covered the ghost's mouth with one hand, and cut the ghost's head with the other hand like a short soldier's broken sword. When he got down, Wei Yuan rolled over and hid in a patch of grass.

The movements are coherent and done in one go.

Not a sound came out.

Like the legendary assassin who followed the creed.

Approaching silently, sneaking silently.


Wei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his head, and saw a war dead ghost holding a spear on the left staring blankly at himself hiding in the grass. It seemed that his lack of brain capacity could not quickly understand what was going on. Yuan stared at it for a while, before remembering to look for other ghosts.

But his head had already been beheaded by a sword light.

It's just that the sound of fighting is still a bit loud after all, the ghost left behind in the door heard the sound and asked:

What's wrong?!

Stealth failed.

Wei Yuan let out a sigh of relief, and realized that his type, who is good at attacking fortifications head-on and killing demons, was still too reluctant for such a difficult action as stealth. He glanced at the lively mountaintop, and it was still a long way from here. , and the noisy voices can be heard there from such a distance, obviously the movement here can hardly be heard there.

He simply gave up the idea of ​​quietly stealing Yuyi, and stood up dignifiedly.

He pulled out the Eight-faced Han sword with his backhand and kicked the door open.

The ghosts didn't seem to expect that a stranger would dare to enter the ghost domain so dignifiedly, and they were stunned for a while.

Wei Yuan drew out a powerful gun with his left hand, and quickly fired the bullets at the group of ghosts.

The roaring and rhythmic sound of gunfire was drowned in the carnival on the top of the mountain, but the armor-piercing bullets pierced through the weak parts of the ghosts here, splashing out stinky black pus and blood. Just stunned, unable to react at all what happened, Wei Yuan had already approached quickly, the eight-faced Han sword in his right hand tore at the cold light, and slashed towards the ghost.

Hello, Lieutenant Sili.


PS: Thanks to Yahuoji's leader, thank you~

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