Museum of Demons

Chapter 633 Overcome fate, Wei Yuan!

Black and red clothes, and a woman with a heroic temperament who perfectly manages such a match.

The woman bent down with one hand, intending to kiss the tall man over there.

Of course, it was originally like this, but at this moment, her movements were frozen, even if she was as heroic as her, her ears gradually turned red, and she had to turn her face away, not to look over there.

Wei Yuan was silent.

Xiang Hongyu was silent.

There was an embarrassing atmosphere in the air that made people want to dig out three rooms and one living room with their toes.

Then Wei Yuan stepped back half a step, without changing his expression, he said politely:

Sorry, I went to the wrong door.

Turn around, close the door, reach out.

Fork Baize out.

All in one go!



After a while, the door was opened, and Bai Ze, who had said beforehand that he would be unlucky if he didn't come, walked in with his broken thoughts. Yu Ji was not there, and Xiang Hongyu didn't come out either. It was Xiang Hongyu's younger brother, Xiang Hongyu. Hong Bao greets Wei Yuan and Bai Ze.

Speaking of which, this guy who has a good relationship with Zhang Hao hasn't been to the museum for a long time, and seems to be tinkering with the so-called rituals passed down to them by the angel Feng Siyu.

It's just that meeting Wei Yuan this time gave me a big shock.

Although Xiang Hongbao was not fat in the past, he was also of normal body shape, which was completely different from Xiang Hongyu. Xiang Hongbao basically had a fleshy face and ninety-nine abdominal muscles on his stomach. Look at the modern ordinary people.

After all, strictly speaking, a priest or something doesn't practice martial arts very much.

It's just that this time we met, not only was Xiang Hongbao not fat at all, but the jaw line on his face was exposed, and his eyes looked bigger. It was obvious that he was much leaner, which is equivalent to a condensed version. Wei Yuan hesitated: This is you, recently ran Did you go to practice martial arts?

Could it be that all the thirty-two elective martial arts in compulsory education have been passed on to you?

Thirty-two kinds of martial arts are optional, for elementary school to calm down, meditate, and practice Qi.

Junior high school students began to practice basic martial arts.

Twice a week lectures are also offered free of charge in the community.

All of them are selected by the life side.

For example, iron smelting hands, iron sand palms, etc. are very popular among chefs, masters who make sugar, and masters who stir-fry chestnuts with sugar. They can make money while practicing exercises. Those who like scarf knitting, of course, what to look at six ways, listen to all directions, lose track and so on, is a compulsory course for gossip lovers.

No ah.

Xiang Hongbao replied.

Then you...

Oh, you've lost weight, right? Xiang Hongbao said triumphantly:

God finally gave us a response!


Wei Yuan subconsciously thought of the one in the west, and then realized that this refers to the person who was changed by Feng Siyu. It should be Zhu Rong. Is that guy awake? Then Xiang Hongbao said: Although there is only a single contact method, with the help of His Majesty the Angel, we have completed my Daqin Nestorian's new exercise today!

This is the result!

Xiang Hongbao raised his hand and punched.

Practiced several moves.

To be honest, the strength of the boxing is ordinary, and the moves are ordinary. On the whole, the coherence, destructive power, and stamina of the strength are all at a fairly moderate level. The strength of the moves and fists is not as good as the Taiyiquan taught by the community. It is still Wudang The introductory boxing method of Danwu Unity has profound legal principles.

The only thing is that the energy cultivated is mellow and fundamental, without the slightest miscellaneous, quite solid.

In this regard, it is comparable to the direct inheritance of Buddhism and Taoism, basically do not engage in rebellious practice, and will never go crazy.

Wei Yuan was curious: How did you practice?

Xiang Hongbao gave a thumbs up: Refining great medicine for the human body.

The human body has mysteries. After devouring everything, it uses God as an oven to refine it...

He talked about certain things with great interest. At the beginning, it was the direct inheritance of Buddhism and Taoism. Later, Wei Yuan felt more and more that something was wrong. It is grown by others. If it is said to be from oneself, then there will be no worries.

Who can say their fat is toxic?

Then the so-called fat is the state of storing calories and energy.

That is to say, eat high-calorie things, and then gain weight and store fat.

Borrowing the power of Zhu Rong to refine it into energy, so as to temper one's body and turn it into inner energy, of course it will be hard work, but first, this method is completely from oneself, naturally mellow and free of impurities, and second, although refining The exercises that come out are ordinary in every respect.

However, there is no threshold.

As long as you can eat, you can practice.

After practicing, I am basically hungry, so I continue to eat.

And it must be high-oil, high-salt, high-sugar, and high-fat food, that is to say, high-energy.

Long meat, and then use Zhu Rong's divine power to practice with his own fat.

There is no threshold, everyone can cultivate, the speed is a bit slower, but the true energy is mellow and free of impurities.

Let the fat get a job again, or in other words, if you practice this skill, you will have to call the expert directly if you become fat.

That is to say, in the future, you can completely switch to any kind of exercise, which is a means to maximize the refinement and transformation of qi. You can even practice this exercise while practicing the orthodox Taoism, using refining The energy to promote Taoist body training.

The limit of theory, even if you eat a mammoth, you can forcibly refine it, thicken your blood and cleanse your whole body, greatly increase your strength, and constantly break through the limits of your physical body, so your appetite will become bigger and bigger, and you can eat more. It will keep getting stronger and stronger, almost without end.

If you can eat, you will become stronger, and if you become stronger, you can eat more.

Like a card bug.

It is almost a move that perfectly fits the blood of Chinese foodies.

Wei Yuan had a strange expression on his face, for some reason he found this exercise very familiar.

Where did it come from?

Xiang Hongbao was triumphant: Just now, we have actually been stuck in a bottleneck. When we called just now, Miss Feng Siyu and another big brother who claimed to be Jinyun just called me the modified exercises. Speak it again.

? ! ! !

Wei Yuan was stunned.

Jinyun family? Wait a minute...Jinyun family?

What the hell, gluttonous? !

I said why is it so familiar? !

Just eat to become stronger!

Eat delicious food and become stronger! The more you eat, the stronger you become!

The higher the oil, sugar, and calories, the better the taste and the better the effect.

This bastard escaped from Kunlun Mountain?

The idea of ​​Taotie plus the blessing of Zhu Rong's power has become this extraordinary practice method that is easy to popularize although the results of practice are mediocre. To be honest, it is easier to spread than the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing yang of old Taoist meditation.

Does it work? Except for the fact that the internal force is gentle and does not go crazy, it is quite average.

But you ask if those foodies know how to practice?

At least Xiang Hongbao is still very confident in this so-called Dafa of Swallowing Heaven and Devouring Earth, but when Wei Yuan thought that this practice was created by Taotie, he felt something weird. There is no need to fight in the post-Shenzhou. In the face of countless delicacies in the wild mountains and seas, 1.3 billion gluttons will come out of the cage?

Even though Wei Yuan knew that it was impossible to cultivate this kind of exercise to the level of Taotie.

Strictly speaking, this technique is not a combat technique at all.

This is an auxiliary type, a life type, and a type of health preservation.

Although it was developed by one of the strongest fierce gods.

But the scene of the 1.3 billion gluttons escaping from Shenzhou and heading for the wilderness still couldn't stop flashing before my eyes. If there were really 1.3 billion gluttons, the mountains, seas and the wilderness would definitely run away with buckets overnight. This thing is too scary .

In theory, it is possible.

Just like the ruthless way of heaven and the way of blood and blood, this outrageous practice concept actually has the terrifying height of directly reaching the realm of fierce gods, tearing up demon gods, and mastering mythological concepts. Taotie is right there.

The upper limit of one door is the combat power of the four fierce levels, which is expected to be a mythical concept.

It cannot but be said that this is absolutely a peerless magic skill.

The upper limit is extremely high.

But the lower limit and entry point are ridiculously low.

Even if you need to rely on Zhu Rong's divine power at the beginning, you will definitely find other methods by yourself when you reach the middle stage of practice. Of course, it may be quite difficult to promote this technique to the peak and break through, but at least at the most basic stage. no problem.

Just eat.

Finish the basics in the crudest way possible without the aftermath.

Then use the refined mellow inner energy to switch to the rest of the Buddhist and Taoist exercises without hindrance.

Saves time laying the groundwork almost instantly.

Wei Yuan couldn't help but ponder, could it be said that this guy, Taotie, has a good brain?

Xiang Hongbao talked eloquently, like an old man who came to the door to sell: Besides, there are so many diseases of wealth and wealth in human beings nowadays, not to mention other things. After practicing our martial arts, obesity, high blood sugar and high blood fat are absolutely all. Swept away, this is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

Indeed, the method created by Taotie is impossible to cause hyperlipidemia.

Both fat and sugar are in the stomach.

Wei Yuan complained, and subconsciously asked, What about high blood pressure?

Ah this...

Xiang Hongbao's tone faltered, and he said, There's no cure for this.

Just stay away from guys who raise your blood pressure.

Wei Yuan: ...

He nodded without changing his face: I understand.

But in this case, it seems that relying solely on the production capacity of the human race is not enough.

However, Dafa of Swallowing Heaven and Devouring Earth sounds like an evil method, why not change the name?

Huh? Master Wei, you are right, but what should be changed?

Wei Yuan pondered:

How about Strengthening the Stomach and Dispelling Food?


To be honest, the name is really important.

In an instant, the forceful style of this exercise has changed from the evil school's suppression of Dafa, to the concept of mythology, the prototype of the peerless magic art of refining human body medicine, and it has directly fallen into the thirty-second set of radio gymnastics. Harmless and beneficial, it is a basic exercise that you can practice twice if you have nothing to do.

But Xiang Hongbao's brain circuit realized that this seems to be easier to spread.

For example, it would be silly for you to come to the door and say who you are so-and-so.

But, I'm the bastard from the second uncle's house next door.

This sense of familiarity came up immediately.

Over there, Xiang Hongyu finally sorted out his emotions, and when he opened the door, his facial features were extremely strong and tough. There was a kind of domineering accident. When Bai Ze saw Xiang Hongyu and Yu Ji, his thoughts froze and his mind went blank. At this time, he used Quan Quan glanced at it.

Overlord Xiang Yu was reincarnated, and due to accidental interference, he had already achieved the peak shot in his previous life before he died in battle.


Bai Ze, with two dark circles under his eyes, turned his head stiffly bit by bit.

I saw the owner of the museum who greeted the two of them gently and politely.

Seeing the rare and gentle temperament of the curator, while his right hand was hanging down, his five fingers were slightly folded, and a recording pen slipped down.

Black hair like ink, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

Between the white fingers, the recorder dances like an elf.

His temperament is like a sitting white vixen.

Bai Ze recalled the words he said before, such as Xiang Yu would be rubbed by Han Xin in one hundred and eight postures, turned his head to look at Bawang and Concubine Yu, cold sweat slipped from his temples, and with a slap, Wei Yuan's right hand Pressing on Bai Ze's shoulder, he introduced:

This is my good friend, Bai Ze.

He will help Hong Yu to improve his spear skills, right?!

The owner of the museum smiled and looked at Bai Ze beside him.

The veins on Bai Ze's forehead tensed up, and a mask of a smile appeared on his face.

His right hand also pressed heavily on Wei Yuan's shoulder, and he happily nodded in agreement.

Ah, yes, yes, you are right.

The two of them turned around at once, hooked their shoulders together, and turned their backs to Xiang Hongyu and Yu Ji.

Shoulders bumped together.

The veins on his forehead tensed up.

Bai Ze grinned: You bastard plotted against me!!!

Wei Yuan gritted his teeth: You salty fish don't want to come here and turn around and run away. This plan, you kid, is just planning to come up with an idea and throw the blame away, right?! Don't forget, I wrote the Classic of Mountains and Seas, I don't know What kind of character are you?

Bai Ze's plan to throw the pot away and get out of the way was shattered.

Especially with the extra recorder in this guy's hand.

With a splash, it changed from one to five like a goddess scattering flowers.

I have backed up and posted it online.

If you want to leave the pot to me to play and let me work, don't even think about it.


Bai Ze, with black natural curls, directly pinched Wei Yuan's chin with his right hand, and pushed the flesh on Wei Yuan's cheek with his five fingers. Who the hell trained the bastard?

What the hell are you...

This is similar to a play between 'friends', Wei Yuan didn't resist, swordsman masters are human beings, looking so boring, with a face pinched out of baby fat, said: Hangpo (want to run) ? Now you are also together as a companion.

Let me think about how to improve the strength of China.

He almost said 'work overtime, Bai Ze. ’ These words were pasted on the forehead.

But in fact, Bai Ze has already fallen into the trap.

Mr. Wu An didn't mention it, as the pendant of the first emperor and Zhuge Wuhou, he basically had to serve as a deputy.

As for these two deputies, there is basically only the possibility of death from overwork.

The voices were communicated through the method of sound transmission, and the two people behind did not spy out of politeness.

They have a really good relationship.

Xiang Hongyu sighed.

After a while, Wei Yuan and Bai Ze turned around.

Wei Yuan himself did not intend to do this. As for collecting black history, it must be said that this is just Tu Shan's hobby, but before that, a sentence from Zhu Jiuyin appeared in his mind, which made him change immediately. Idea——Yuan Tiangang, who was once the number one alchemist in China and the direct initiator of the Wumiao project, has never shown up since he sent the female demon into the dragon and tiger for some reason.

It seems that they don't intend to enter the situation in the world at this moment.

And that sentence is——

Actually, there are no shortcuts to many things in the world. Perhaps, status can be relied on by shortcuts, relying on foxes to pretend to be tigers, but foxes cannot obtain the power of tigers themselves. Knowledge requires reading and thinking. Strength, speed, and cultivation are all taken step by step.

If you don't have the will to match the power, even if you get powerful power for some reason, you can't control it.

It's like a three-year-old child driving a carriage of nine black dragons, and in the end it just perishes.

So Bai Ze is trash.

He doesn't have the stature of a hero.

Nor does he have the will to grow from an ordinary person to a hero.

However, Bai Ze knows all the ways to become stronger, that is to say...

Zhu Jiuyin, who was not in the world, spoke calmly.

he can.

Let the overlord of Western Chu completely surpass his own legend.

Then, beyond the fate of death.

In the lucid dream, the man in the gray robe had dark eyes and his sleeves were rolled up, as if he were an ordinary storyteller.

It's just that the five fingers are fair, the joints are prominent, and there is a stone tablet in the hand, which should have been crushed and smashed by the candle-lit dragon of the Nine Serenities, and countless fragments flowed into the void——

Hetu Luoshu.

PS: The second update today...

It was written before that Zhu Jiuyin did not completely annihilate the Hetu Luoshu, but smashed the Hetu Luoshu and threw it into the time rift in the dragon scale of Zhulong Dharma.

In other words, it was thrown into his own dragon scale.

This part is in Chapter 534.

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