Museum of Demons

Chapter 6 Eyes Open

The scorching air appeared on Crouching Tiger's waist card. Wei Yuan had experienced it twice, and he already had experience. He found a piece of white paper and pressed the side with the word Wei on the white paper, and the words began to appear one by one. Seeing the past.

Whoever belongs to the school lieutenant of Sili can slay demons and ghosts, and enter the treasury of the great man with meritorious deeds to obtain treasures to kill evil.

Lieutenant Sili has never killed demons and captured chaotic priests. He has no meritorious service, and the treasure house cannot be opened.

Wei Yuan was slightly taken aback, and noticed the subtlety of the words.

Is it impossible to open the treasure house of the Han Dynasty, that is to say, is it possible that the treasure house of the Han Dynasty still exists in this era?

Without having time to think, the words continued to emerge.

There are five kinds of sects, but you don't need Taoism, open your eyesight, and detect yin and yang.

Then the words that emerged densely next to each other were how to make a mortal with naked eyes see ghosts and ghosts with their own eyes. It is indeed a side-by-side method that does not require Taoism. The first method is cow tears, but it is not used. Tears of common domestic animals drip into the eyes.

That can only send myself to the eye hospital.

To find the scalper, go to the random graveyard and cut a handful of ink grass that has grown.

Come back and feed the cows to eat. On the second day when Yin is the most yin, if the cow starts to cry uncomfortably, kill it, take the bezoar, mix it with mint, licorice, and morning dew, and mix the yin fragments. Yin objects can reduce the requirements for other materials, and the most common Yin objects are ashes.

Rub the mixed liquid on the eye sockets, and after seven days, you can have yin and yang eyes for a long time.

This method does not have too many hidden dangers, and the effect is long, but Wei Yuan can only regret to give up.

Just the price of a scalper made him daunting.

No way, poor.

The second method has quick results and long-term effects, but there are only slight hidden dangers.

It is rumored that night crows can see life and death, so between midnight midnight and Yin time, I caught a blue-eyed crow from a dead tree on the grave, gouged out the pupils alive, soaked it in hot water and swallowed it, making sure not to bite it.

After taking it, you can see the yin and yang of life and death.

But there is a high probability that something will go wrong, which will provoke revenge from the night crows, and even chase and kill the night crow monster.

It is the heretical method obtained by the Sili Xiaowei in the Han Wu period.

After being pecked blind by the night crow demon, the casters died of being pecked by crows, and their bodies were covered with carrion.

Wei Yuan felt a cold air coming from behind.

Look at the remaining three.

The third method is to look for a black dog that has seen ghosts. It must be pure black, not even a variegated dog. It must be killed a quarter of a second ago, stabbed into the heart with a mahogany dagger, and the blood from the heart will be dripped into the eyes. This method is close to death. If you survive it, you will be able to activate the Yin Yang pupil technique, and it will not fail for a lifetime.

But most people who get through it wish they had never started it.

The fourth type is to set up a gossip array at the foot of the mountain at Yinshi, when the yin is the heaviest. Twelve bright lamps illuminate the whole body. Put a bowl of morning dew in the middle, take the blood from the fingertip of the ring finger, mix it with dew, and recite the mantra Heaven, Earth, Universe in your heart. , seeing yin and yang', you can see ghosts.

But it needs protection, otherwise, if a lamp goes out, you will become a lonely ghost.

In the fifth year of Yongjian in the Great Han Dynasty, Zhang Daoling, the first celestial master, passed it down, allowing ordinary people to see wandering ghosts and ghosts.

Wei Yuan ruled out these two again in his mind.

There are too many hidden dangers.

I really don't plan to go to the eye hospital, and I can't find a celestial master to help.

He looked at the last method.

Willow leaves rubbed their eyes.

The willow branch is three inches short, and the willow leaf wiping the eyes can also temporarily activate the yin and yang pupil technique, but the premise is that the body is well-versed. Soak in it, when it is soaked to the seedlings, it will be successful if the yin is strong. Use willow leaves to wipe the eye sockets, and you can see the yin and yang.

Duration, a cup of tea.

Every time you open your eyes, you need to wipe your eyes repeatedly.

Apart from the tedious preparations, both hidden dangers and costs are acceptable to Wei Yuan.

...That's all!

Wei Yuan's eyes brightened slightly.

Somehow, I lived in a place with ghosts, and although I was determined not to care about the red embroidered shoes, I ran into a ghost again the next day. On the other hand, I am somewhat curious.


The materials are ready.

Willow leaves are easy to say, the new spring, there are many willow leaves that have just sprouted.

It's already afternoon, there is no dew, distilled water can be used.

Although it is definitely not as good as Chenlu, if there is a psychic yin thing, the requirements for other materials can be relaxed appropriately. Anyway, it is a try, and there is no loss if it fails.

Among these five types of methods, the most commonly used Yin object is ashes.

With the ashes, Wei Yuan can't get over the hurdle in his heart, let alone the genitals, there are plenty of them in this house.

The two paper figurines themselves are feminists.

For the other three ghosts, some of the objects related to them are also Yin.

People are afraid of ghosts because they are afraid of the unknown, and after they really come into contact with them, they will not be so afraid.

This sentence was said by Wei Yuan.

At least he has no intention of being afraid of the harmless wandering souls in this room at all. Sitting on the table, he tapped his waist card lightly with his right hand. In front of him, two paper figurines hugged each other and shivered. The rest of the old ghosts were also honest, and at Wei Yuan's request, they were reluctant to take out their genitals.

This kind of object has a high probability of killing them, or is the most obsessed about them.

Or maybe they are themselves.

The two paper figurines trembled and prepared to jump into the water.

Wei Yuan, who was dumbfounded, gently pushed aside with his fingers, saying:

No, I'm not going to let you soak in this kind of thing.

The two little paper people pissed away from the water bowl, hugged into a ball and shivered.

Wei Yuan looked at the genitals brought out by the other ghosts, one of which was a smelly and blackened rotten fishing net, which he took out from nowhere, and the other was a big green bottle, about the size of an arm. Damn, Wei Yuan turned around and took a look, seeing the words dichlorvos on it, the corners of his eyes twitched.

Eat this thing to die?

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the second ghost, barely seeing the silhouette lower his head, and reached out to twirl his hair.

From the ghost's movements, he could actually see a shyness of embarrassment.

The corner of his mouth twitched, pulling away the tainted dichlorvos.

This thing is soaked in water, it's too rough.

After looking at it for the last time, it was a broken eight-faced sword, only the hilt and a section of the blade remained. The length was similar to that of a dagger, and it barely satisfied Wei Yuan.

He soaked the sword in the water, picked a few willow leaves and put them in. Under the guidance of the paper figurine, he put the sword in the place with the most yin energy. It was considered over, and the next thing was to wait until midnight. means completed.

Thinking that it would take a long time, I went back to the old house again. After picking up some things, I passed the Fuchun community on my way back, and I saw several cars. There was a circle of people around the gate of the community, and a woman's cry was faintly heard.

Yuanyuan, how will mom live after you leave, Yuanyuan...

Faintly saw a woman with silver-white hair, crying as if she had lost her soul.

Stern and desperate, it makes people feel heavy.

Wei Yuan thought of that picture and the strange red embroidered shoes, so he paused.

It's the family whose daughter died...

Discussions could be heard from the surrounding crowd.

This eldest sister found a bastard when she was young, and she became pregnant by the disaster. She didn't want to kill the child, so she broke up with the family. When the bastard got into the situation, she was also stubborn. She finally dragged her daughter up by herself. Looking at the happiness, the daughter is harmed.

Oh, yes.

I don't know who did it.

Anyway, be careful. If you hear me, let's talk about you. Don't go out alone at night.

There was a lot of discussion.

Wei Yuan pursed his lips and left with his things in his arms.

Back home after a while of busy work.

Then he waited until midnight with a full face of anticipation, holding the Crouching Tiger waist card in one hand, and let the ghosts on the opposite side stay calmly, picked up the willow leaf in the left hand, and brushed the eye sockets with a sense of ceremony.

A cool feeling seeped into his eyes.

Wei Yuan couldn't help closing his eyes, and opened them slowly after a while.

He saw what the naked eye could not see.

Although Wei Yuan was prepared in his heart, he was almost taken aback by the respect of the three ghosts opposite him.

The one on the left was swollen with soaking water, so it looked like a water ghost.

The elder sister on the right has a blue face, she may have died from eating pesticide by mistake.

There is another one who wears ancient clothes and has a hideous wound on his heart, but he is a swordsman ghost.

Wei Yuan let out a breath slowly, still feeling a little absurd and nervous in his heart, and then there was a trace of excitement.

What the hell!

When he was able to see these ghosts, the yin energy in the willow leaf water acted, and his ears heard sounds that he couldn't hear before, the sound of dripping water, the voices of the ghosts talking in front, these voices were blurred at first, and gradually became clearer. stand up.

The water ghost looked at Wei Yuan and said:

I said, this master doesn't seem to be able to hear us.

Yeah, I don't think he can listen, he's pretty handsome...

But he can hit me, and he's quite ruthless.

It's still that this master doesn't want to talk to us.

Shui Gui said sadly: You see, the girl he brought back from the trip didn't talk, did he?

Wei Yuan originally eavesdropped with a sullen expression on his face, but when he heard the last sentence, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his back got hairy.

Tick, tick...

The water ghost sat in front.

The sound of water came from behind.

It's nightfall, Yin Qi rises, and mortals retreat.

? ? !

Wei Yuan's scalp was numb, he took a step forward, and at the same time turned his head to look.

There are ghosts behind him.

She has black hair, is wearing a long skirt, and on her feet is a pair of three-inch golden lotuses painted with gold on a red background.

He lowered his head and didn't speak.

Black hair dripping water.

Tick, tick.

In the middle of the night, Yin Qi rises, and ordinary people retreat.

Some guests who are invisible to the naked eye will come to the door at this time.


Be quiet and don't look back.

Behind you, there are ghosts.

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