Museum of Demons

Chapter 584 Sutra Ninety-Four: Leaping into the Abyss, No Blame

The vast army spread out in an instant, and strangled towards the god who supported the sky. Qin's battle flag fluttered in this underground world. The gods, who can even be supported by the sky, are held back tightly.

Bai Ze's eyes widened, and he murmured:

Bai Qi, are you using the army formation to fight against yourself with the help of your own strength?

Powerful people control power because of profit. Soldiers are deceitful.

Those who attack and must take, attack what they do not defend; those who defend but must be firm, defend what they do not attack.

Bai Qi's moves combined with the attack style of the Art of War, the old professor was lost in sight, but Bai Ze suddenly reacted, without hesitation, turned around and ran out for several steps, then turned back suddenly, picked up Dong Yuefeng, and continued towards Run to the inner hall.

The sudden movement made the old man unable to react for a while, and he was taken aback. Then he looked down at Bai Ze, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said:

You you you, so what?!

Bai Qi is not a heavy opponent.


That is the God of Supporting the Sky, one of the thirty-six strongest existences in Kunlun Mountains and Seas.

It's Pangu's original scripture, replacing the existence of Buzhou Mountain.

Chong Lijia's target is Zhu Jiuyin.

Bai Ze gritted his teeth and replied: Perhaps when Bai Qi was in its heyday, at the end of the Age of Gods, leading the top army of that era, he was able to fight against an existence of Chong Li's level with a tragic casualty ratio, and even suppressed it. I believe it, But there is a point.

The heavy strength comes from oneself, and the famous general comes from the army.

No matter how much you use your soldiers like a god, the army will be lost, people will die, arrows will be consumed, swords will be curled, and physical strength will be lost quickly. That is to say, Bai Qi's combat power will begin to decay after starting the battle, and with this Faster and faster speed decay, let alone now...

The current Bai Qi is just the battle spirit left by a sword.

The current army is just the army here. Cultivation does not mean that you think you can do it. In modern terms, Bai Qi is like the world's number one e-sports player, with the most powerful consciousness in history. , and finally crawled out of the coffin.

Hands are trembling. His old body is completely unable to exert his full strength. He can barely control a bunch of first-level minions to deal with the full-level heroes on the opposite side. But the opposite side is also Zhuan Xu's general, a top opponent.

The current Bai Qi has no energy, no other advantages, and even his own will is weakening with time. He can only rely on his consciousness to procrastinate. How long can he procrastinate like this?!

What... what to do?

Dong Yuefeng said subconsciously, he is an old man after all, and this is not what he is good at.

Bai Ze regained his composure, rushed to the front of the inner hall quickly, and replied:


Bai Ze said: Old Dong, you need to understand... Bai Qi is not a general. Although he is good at commanding individual battles and annihilation battles, he is also good at strategic arrangements. He has never been defeated in his life, but a violent woman told him Let me tell you, the art of war does not exist just to annihilate the enemy.

The art of war is to accomplish one's own goals by force.

And the purpose is not just to kill the enemy.

Bai Qi brandished the Zhan Ge in his hand, using battle formations to block the God of Supporting the Sky.

With every breath, the warriors are shattered, and with every breath, his own advantage is getting lower and lower, but because of these little chances of victory, Zhong is more and more passionate and determined, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zhong's victory is only a matter of time The problem.

Bai Qi's soul strength kept decreasing.

But his face was so indifferent that there was no trace of emotion, he was just consuming the god who supported the sky invisibly.

And Bai Ze recalled the war goddess Jiutian Xuannv, who was respected by the Chinese military strategists, and whispered:

Bai Qi's goal, or strategic goal, is not to defeat the God of Support.

It's procrastinating! Procrastinating until the first emperor recovers, as long as the first emperor recovers and takes control of Xuanyuan, even if it's just the Xuanyuan sword energy, it can also cause heavy damage to the god of supporting the sky, which is equivalent to smashing the real goal of the god of supporting the sky in a strategic sense , defeated him.

It even directly interrupted the overall layout of the Great Wilderness.

Don't care about the outcome of the first battle, but focus on the overall situation.

He even used himself as a consumption and bait, and he did not hesitate to deliberately adopt hard-hitting tactics that are sure to lose. From time to time, he also showed weakness, which attracted him to attack even more, and he would lose. But in terms of the big macro strategy, the key is When we faced off, we already lost...

Damn it, sure enough, this is the true style of a military commander.

It's completely different from the normal human brain circuit.

The old man subconsciously said: Then why don't you open it now?

Bai Ze, who knows everything, gritted his teeth: Can't open it!

The first emperor is a dead person, and he died due to some special reasons. Relying on the stimulation of Xuanyuan sword energy to reunite his soul, it is like those natural gathering phenomena in the world. Now you wake him up, His soul could not be fully assembled, and the consequences would be disastrous...

He shivered: Maybe it will become a premature dementia or something.

The worst is the vegetable.

The potter will definitely chop me up alive, and Bai Qi will chop me up.

They certainly don't mind one more dish in the Mountain and Sea Realm.

It's like putting Erha in the Siberian snow field to automatically unlock IQ.

After discovering that all thighs are not counted on.

In other words, when his thigh was about to get farther and farther away from him, Bai Ze briefly turned on the reliable mode.

Burn IQ.

But turning his head to look at the battle situation on Bai Qi's side, Bai Ze's forehead was oozing cold sweat, he gritted his teeth and stretched out his palm, pressing on the door, not knowing whether to open it now, or wait a while, thinking crazily in his heart , Open it, bear it, open it, bear it.

Open it up... bear with it...

I can't bear it anymore!

In the end, Bai Ze exerted a lot of force with his palm.

Grabbed a handful of coins from his cuff.

His face looked devout.

At this time, it should be fortune-telling.

The old professor gasped for breath and almost didn't pass it on.

Blood pressure suddenly went up.

Among Bai Ze's friends is Feng Hou, a direct descendant of Fuxi. Of course, he has learned a lot. It is the innate gossip that was passed down directly. It was laid out immediately, and then unraveled. The final hexagram was a little strange. Bai Ze looked at that Hexagram, whispered:

The ninth day of the Shangjing: Do not use Qianlong. Ninth Fourth: If you jump into the abyss, there is no blame.

This is……


The ninth day of the Shangjing: Do not use Qianlong. Ninth Fourth: If you jump into the abyss, there is no blame.

Western Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn Period.

A green bull staggered out of Zhou's capital, and then headed west.

The old man on the green ox cart was talking about the hexagram to himself.

This year, Master Zhongni passed away, and several years after he left, all the countries were extremely eager to attract Master’s disciples, even more eager than when Master was still alive. The disciples of Confucius were scattered all over the world. In addition to extreme respect, he personally worshiped Zixia as his teacher.

And now, there are already signs of such a change.

The young warrior once lost and whispered:

Why, when the master is alive, they don't respect the master?

The old man put down the hexagram and told a story with a smile:

There is a man named Ye who likes dragons very much. His house is full of dragon patterns, and his clothes are covered with dragon patterns. The whole world knows that he likes dragons. But one day, when the majestic real dragon came to him When he was in front of him, he backed away in fear, trying to stay away from him, and even kicked off his shoes.

Your master is a dragon, his morals are too lofty, and his goals are too vast.

Everyone in the world respects him because he wants to establish the name of a sage, but when he really appears in front of them and sees the saint who does not belong to this era with their own eyes, they will only think of themselves and be afraid And stay away.

The boy was silent for several days.

One day when he came near Hangu Pass, he looked up at the city over there. It seemed to be the direction of Daqin, a place that was reprimanded by the Central Plains as a barbarian. The old man said he wanted to come down and disperse. The old man watched from a distance, and when it was dark, he lit a bonfire. The old man asked with a smile:

How about this mountain?

How is the water?

The teenagers answered one by one.

And when he finished answering, the old man asked him: How is the world?

The boy sighed complicatedly this time: I don't know.

The Master is gone, and the foundation of Zheng Zhuang Gong, who used to dominate one side and rule all directions, is gone. The wind and rain have blown away, and even the ancestral property has not been left behind. Seeing the death of his master, the young man naturally had mixed feelings in his heart.

Oh, idiot...

The old man suddenly reached out and patted the back of his head.

When the young man was puzzled, his eyes suddenly widened. In front of his eyes, the world changed. The changes from the earth, mountains and rivers, and even people's hearts actually turned into streams of luck. Finally, these things gathered together and directly transformed into Created a vision never seen before.

In Hangu Guanxi, a weakened black dragon whispered.

Outside Hangu Pass, a red bird hovered and flew down from time to time, trying to peck the eyes of the black dragon with its own beak. One dragon and one bird kept fighting, but the young driver was horrified by this strange situation, and the old man next to him took a step back. , when the boy saw that Danniao was about to peck away the black dragon eye ball and swallow his dragon ball.

Subconsciously, he took a step forward, waved his arms to drive away the Dan bird, and protected the black dragon.

But the next moment, the protected black dragon didn't appreciate it at all. With a violent dragon cry, it directly bit the young man's arm. It was obviously illusory, but the teeth and fangs were extremely sharp, and they penetrated directly. The pair of dragon pupils were even more cruel and cruel. I don't believe it anyone.

The young man suffered from pain, looked at the old man over there, and said, This, this is...

The old man stroked his beard and smiled gently: Don't worry, it's not real. It's just the weather of the future. It's just a certain future that may appear in this world. It's like water riding on the momentum. You can see it from a distance from the upper reaches. Its downstream trend, that’s all, it’s very simple, right?”

The young man said: ...Simple, I am afraid it is for you and the master?

Yuan was not good at divination in the Book of Changes since he was a child. Every time it ends, the master has no choice.

The old man heard that there seemed to be a sense of self-defeating in the young master's tone, and he laughed.

Your teacher said that a studious person is like a keen steed, which will find its own way. Ordinary people are ordinary horses. They will be tempted by various things, need to be whipped off, and feel pain. Knowing that it is time to run forward, and the most hopeless person is like a poor horse.

Even if the whip is added to the body and the pain is unbearable, it just spins around in place and does not move forward.

Your aptitude is not such a self-destructive person, why don't you learn?

The boy said unhappily: The master said that I am a strong horse that will knock him off the horse directly.

The old man was stunned and laughed out loud.

The boy said: Besides, what is a whip? Is it a teacher?

The old man sighed and said, This era of ceremonies and joy is the whip.

The boy said: You said this is the weather and possibility of the future?

The old man who was able to see the possible future fate from the top of the mountain nodded: It's someone's fate. I look down from here, it's impressive...does it hurt?

The young man was bitten tightly, grinning his teeth in pain and said:

Fortunately, whose fate is this? So violent?

The old man stroked his beard and said, One, an indescribable person.

The fate of a person is like the flow of water, and the turning point of the water is the checkpoint.

Judging from the ups and downs of fate.

He was abandoned by his biological father when he was two years old.

Finally back home, my father died early.

His mother wants a lover, not him, and even plans to kill him.

Put yourself and your lover's child in his place.

His Xiangguo wants to control him.

Brother, betray him.

A bosom friend, I want to assassinate him.

The musician I like, I want to kill him.

Eldest son, fear him.

Little son, betray him.

The whole world is an enemy.

Eventually, he too will die early.

The old man's voice stopped, and he didn't continue to speak. He followed the general trend of the world with his realm, and even if it cost him his life, he also saw other things. In these hundreds of years of troubled times, I saw a figure moving forward stubbornly alone.

At the age of three, I was an abandoned child.

At the age of thirteen, he is the King of Qin alone.

I want all countries in the world to be one.

Then he wanted to speak, but saw the boy put down the sword he raised in his hand.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he stretched out his hand to caress the black dragon, which was nothing more than an illusion, and sighed:

Are you so miserable? Worse than me.

The dan bird over there flew over again, the black dragon was restless and violent, the young man didn't kick the black dragon away like ordinary people, instead he stretched out his hand to protect the black dragon and drove the dan bird away.

The old man was stunned, seeing the young warrior drive away the dan bird and let the black dragon suck his own blood, he stroked his beard and murmured: It's up to man, everything in the future is just uncertain, but the general trend of the world is not determined by individual people. What is made of it? What will become of a drop of water into a river...

Originally, I wanted to sever your relationship with the secular world.

The young royal's tone was cold: Mr., what are you talking about?

The old man shook his head and asked instead: The dragon came out of the deep, why is the dragon in the deep?

Yuan doesn't know, along with the Book of Changes, Senior Brother Zilu is much better than me.

The old man suddenly joked: Look, perhaps only the dragon who is so violent that it is the enemy of the whole world can rest in peace in the sea of ​​abyss. Although this abyss has no meaning to the world, to the dragon, it may be the only one that can rest at ease. where trust lies.

The young warrior looked at the great sage and said, No, even a disciple knows it.

The sentence is not read that way.

The old man said to himself: Really?

It may be fate that came here today.

The young master frowned and replied: I am Yuan, you misremembered again, old man.

The old man laughed out loud.

And the young warrior sat cross-legged on the ground in pain, finally let the black dragon surround him, leaned back slightly, let the black dragon's sharp teeth penetrate into his arm, devoured the blood, smiled on his face, and said: Don't worry, don't be afraid of Danniao.

In the pupils of the black dragon's luck, the young warrior is reflected.

The mountains and rivers are open, and the moon is flowing.

The latter lowered his eyes and smiled and whispered:

I will protect you.

PS: The third update today... 4,400 words...

I am gone, lying in a dead body.

But after this is connected, I really want to write the key plot of the next chapter, Gan!

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