Museum of Demons

Chapter 569 Remnants

Wei Yuan raised his eyes, felt the voice of the words, and was a little surprised. Judging from the exchange of words, it seems that someone came to find Lu Wu and asked for this jade talisman. Who is it? Such a big face?

He was weird.

Run the mana, hoping to see more clearly.

After all, one's own magic power has gradually become thicker, and his Taoism is profound, which cannot be compared in the same day.

Fortunately, this crouching tiger order is relatively solid and durable. After so many years of following countless fierce people, it is still very solid. Wei Yuan does not believe that these crouching tigers are honest people, just like being bitten by a mosquito. , how can you not cut a cross with your fingernail on it?

In other words, elementary school boys saw a branch with a length and width suitable for making a sword after school.

Can you bear it?


I'm not the only one who wants to break the rules of Crouching Tiger Order, right?

No way no way?

Can A Liang and Zhang Fei's character bear it? !

Wei Yuan can still remember that when Liu Xuande got the materials to cast swords and swords, A Liang had one. When Zhuge Liang settled in the middle of Guizhou, he walked past a big stone and saw that the shape of the stone was very suitable for a knife. The knife stabbed the mountain.


Then the problem came, the thorn was too hard to pull out.

At that time, Zhuge wanted to step on the stone and muster his strength to draw his sword.

But because too many people were staring at him, that guy had a particularly pretentious personality.

Shame is impossible.

So the way to deal with him in Ancient and Modern Sword Records is as follows.

Without pulling away, pedestrians are unpredictable.

I don't want it anymore.

Anyway, cool.

Just pretend to be forced to the end.

So endured the heartache, leaving everyone and Ji Han's army a mysterious back.

But Wei Yuan knew that the kid seemed to have slipped out of the military tent in the middle of the night and pulled out his saber again. Plug it in and try it out.

And then nothing.

Anyway his character.

Skinny as hell, but also as strong as hell.

Seeing this crouching tiger order, do you want to break it?

Maybe it couldn't be cracked? Or did you close the door by the way after cracking it, and also closed a combination lock? Wei Yuan was thoughtful, while thinking about those old people, while thoroughly stabilizing the picture he saw in front of him, a wave of real spirit directly poured into Wei Yuan's eyes and the depths of the real spirit.

He also completely saw the person opposite Lu Wu.

It was a tall old man.

He is even a head taller than Lu Wu, with broad shoulders.

The appearance can't be said to be very good, and it can even be said that there is a dreadful ugliness, but when you notice this old man, the first thing you notice is not his appearance, but the pair of gentle eyes, and The soul revealed in that words and deeds is not inferior to the gods.

Lu Wu said slowly:

Confucius, the times in the world have changed, why do you want to restore the rituals of Zhou?

To the extent that I hope that Crouching Tiger will be born...

The tall old man replied: This time, it has nothing to do with Zhou Li, besides, Qiu has seen it more and more clearly over the years.

What the world needs is not rituals, but order.

Lu Wu was silent, and said: I always feel that every time I see you, you will become more...unbelievable than the last time.

The old man smiled and said: I have five out of ten, and I am determined to learn. At thirty, I will stand up, forty will not be confused, at fifty, I will know the destiny, and at sixty, I will listen.

Man is not a dead thing, how can he stand still?

It's just a pity, but today the rites are broken and the music is broken. Ministers kill the king, sons kill their fathers, and there are more and more melee wars among the kingdoms.

Ghosts and ghosts are also gradually appearing. Qiu just wants to limit the ghosts and gods... So this sword is needed. China really doesn't need these ghosts and gods to interfere with the affairs of the world.

Lu Wu was noncommittal: This time, you are far better than me.

The second level has passed, and the gift promised to you has also been given.

Do you want to go to the next level? The trial of the Lord of Kunlun.

Although Xuanyuan's bow is heavy, to you, it's nothing more than that.


The old man smiled and said, Qiu has finished what he asked for, so he won't stay.

Lu Wu snorted, and finally when the old man left, he said in a low voice: Since the rituals are broken and music is broken, people like you will only be rejected by this era if you appear in the world; You weaklings admire your teachings, yet fear the revolutions you bring about.

If you were the Phoenix Emperor, there would be no phoenix trees that you could live in in this era.

The old man turned his head and smiled, and when he laughed, there was even a bit of joke and childlike teasing:

Keqiu is human.

People are meant to live in the human world.


In the end, the old man walked out of this trial with the Crouching Tiger Order.

The bullock cart was driven by a young man in high spirits, sitting cross-legged, Zilu biting a weed, with his hands folded around his chest, his eyes wide open, staring at a strange beast on the snow field, as if in a competition who would wink first Whoever has the eyes loses the game. In the end, with Zilu's whimper, the beast trembled in fright, and turned around and ran away.

So Zilu grinned loudly, his eyes filled with the pure joy of a child.

When he saw the old man coming up, he was quite happy to greet him. When he saw the crouching tiger token in the old man's hand, he couldn't help but smile: Sure enough, as long as it's you, Master, everything will be fine.

But this crouching tiger order, who do you plan to give it to?

Zilu is like this, he never hides his likes and feelings.

The master shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand, and the palm of his hand was Crouching Tiger Token.

When Zilu reached out to take it.

The master swiftly withdrew his hand, Crouching Tiger made a turn, and bumped Zilu on the forehead.

The master smiled and shook his head: Zi Lu, you are reckless.

Ran You is too slow.

Zigong is too good at words.

None of you are the best entrustors for this responsibility.

A group of sages with absolute fame in the later generations looked at each other, and when the teacher counted them one by one, he finally threw the crouching tiger order to the young man driving over there. The latter was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it.

The master said gently: Don't look at it, your character is upright.

Like an arrow in a troubled world, and like an arrow in a governed world.

Only you can have this.

Of course, I will bring it back to Lao Dan in the end, he is the person who keeps the vault.

During this time, you will keep it.

Zilu gritted his teeth and was not convinced, he said loudly: Master, are you biased?!

Wei Gong was bewitched by the temptress Nanzi, and there is no one who loves virtue as much as lust.

Master, aren't you the same?!

The old man can't laugh or cry.

The boy was holding the Crouching Tiger Order, and the other sages thought it was funny that Zilu expressed his emotions in such an angry manner, but of course, this senior brother had the highest reputation in the sect, possessed incomparable courage and the ability to govern a whole place Talent, even enough to become a general of the kingdom of a thousand chariots.

But when he was in front of the teacher, he was always like a child, and he didn't hide his emotions. The direct consequence was that he was often teased by the teacher to doubt his life.

As for the young driver... they are all very familiar with it.

In this era, ordinary people cannot acquire knowledge, and teachers come first.

Of course, you have to bring something with you when you become a teacher.

We didn't ask for anything at first.

Anything is fine.

Knowing that this ragged young man came to apprentice, the Master meant that giving anything, even a stone, would be considered as a bond between master and apprentice. The young man thought about it and ran to catch a wild beast. Zilu worried Followed, but was shocked to find out.

Facing malnourished teenagers.

The ferocious beast, which somewhat had the blood of the legendary alien beast, trembled and dared not move.

In the end, this guy made ten strips of bacon as a gift.

Okay, the teacher will only accept bacon from now on.

This made Zilu, who cut his fingers and pressed his fingerprints on the spot, and almost admitted his elder brother on the spot, to join the master's family, was quite uneasy. Later generations recorded him as confucian service commission pledge, and the pledge was the bond deed mortgaged in that era , which means that Zilu was basically convinced to the point of selling himself to his elder brother on the spot.

In the end, he found his heroic spirit.

In the eyes of the teacher, it is actually equivalent to ten pieces of dried bacon, but he was directly hit to the point of losing his mind.

Later, even if he was angry with Nanzi, the witch, the teacher went home angrily, packed his luggage and left, saying:

'I have never seen a person who loves virtue as much as lust. '

Turning it over is probably a more gentle curse.

MD color dog.



In this case, at the end, he also added food, sex also

Eating and lust are actually human nature.

Sorry, food comes first.

color? Go back a little bit.

It was in these years that the birth of this younger brother caused the teacher to be spoiled, at least in terms of diet.

Master, you are a master, and you actually said, 'I never tire of fine food, I never tire of fine food. If the food is clean, it will not be eaten; if the fish is hungry, it will not eat the meat; if it is evil, it will not be eaten; if it smells bad, it will not be eaten; if it is cooked, it will not be eaten; if it is not cut properly, it will not be eaten; if it does not have its sauce, it will not be eaten.’ Such words, you are too self-willed!

The food must be good, if it looks bad, don’t eat it, if it tastes bad, don’t eat it.

Do not eat if the cooking is not right, and do not eat if the ground is too large.

Don't eat without the sauce made by the boy.

Have you thrown away the doctrine of the mean that you taught us?

This sentence has made countless people in later generations want to scratch their heads and can't figure it out. Even scholars in later generations don't know why it was recorded in the Analects of Confucius—isn't this the master who wants to eat delicious food? What is the meaning in it?

And why did my wife, who was poor since childhood, care so much about food?

Of course the Confucian disciples at this moment know about it.

This broken habit was acquired by the boy who drove the ox cart.

As for why there are so many not-to-eat listed.

That is of course because the master has really eaten these things.

Before meeting this young man, many disciples were in charge of what the master ate, and everyone was rough, so after meeting the young man driving the ox cart, the master refused to eat the meals made by other disciples,'Since then, Fang Know the five flavors of the world'

Especially Zilu's food made the latter feel sad for a long time.

But other disciples are understandable.

After all, Zilu, a ferocious man, can laugh heartily after fighting a ferocious beast, chop off a piece of thigh meat from a ferocious beast with a bloody sword, roast it on the fire, and then hand it half-baked to his master. As for Duanmu Ci, well, This disciple's family has a lot of money, and he is unwilling to learn from the nobles and follow Confucius.

So I went outside and bought the most delicious food for my wife.

The master replied very arrogantly:

You don't eat preserved wine when you buy wine.

In addition, he also particularly likes to eat ginger, and he is a picky eater, 'Don't eat ginger, don't eat too much. '

Who is to blame?

Of course it's the junior brother's fault.

The old man smiled and got on the bullock cart, and said: Let's go... His tone paused, and he suddenly seemed helpless: It's a pity that I don't want to participate in the third so-called trial, and I was stared at by the Queen Mother of the Kunlun. Are you up?

The boy driving the bullock cart and holding the crouching tiger token was amazed.


The old man kindly caressed this young disciple whose appearance did not change for some reason, and said in a gentle and generous tone: Going east, what you see along the way, I am afraid there will be guests coming...

At that time, let's talk.

Don't worry, Master will protect you...

PS: Today's second update... 3,400 words.

It's not a long or short memory, it's just a short question, Mao Maotou likes it.

Confucius condemned Shaozhengmao as Guzheng, that is to say, there is only one side of the statement, which is not enough to prove, and it was written by someone more than two hundred years later.

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