Museum of Demons

Chapter 551 Wei Yuan: Be careful! (Thank you for the rewards of the autumn wind blowing and the summ

Seeing the change in Wei Yuan's expression, the old mountain master said thoughtfully:

You have been living in the world, do you know him?

Before he became the God of Kunlun Mountain, he should also be a well-known strong man in the world.

Don't know, don't know, don't know.

Wei Yuan directly denied Sanlian from the bottom of his heart. On the surface, of course, he couldn't do this. He pondered for a while, his expression was puzzled and surprised, with three parts surprise and three parts puzzled, and then he looked calm and composed: The master of Kunlun in the world? Who is it?

What you are looking for is Chen Yuan, the lord of Kunlun, so what does Wei Yuan have to do with me?

His face remained unchanged.

Unreasonable and strong.

After seeing this reaction, Taotie called out to him as an expert.

Lord Chongwu didn't think too much about it. In fact, he just asked casually. From the looks of the black-haired young man in front of him, he couldn't say that he had nothing to do with the white-haired and indifferent Lord of Kunlun. He said: We came to the human world to deal with the grievances and grievances with this human Kunlun Mountain God.

When Wei Yuan wanted to ask again, the old mountain owner seemed to not intend to involve Wei Yuan.

He kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word.

Wei Yuan glanced at the water ghost next to him.

The latter returned a bright and clear look, and Wei Yuan looked back at Lord Chongwu.

In this case, you might as well stay with me for a while.

It's rare to come to the world. I will definitely treat you well and do my best as a landlord. Let's just eat here today. I'll go buy some food, prepare some wine and meat.


A tall mountain god interrupted him and sneered, As a landlord?

Who are you? Don't think that everything will be fine if His Majesty Jue Mian approves of you.

On Kunlun, there is the Queen Mother of the West, God Lu Wu, the Enlightened Beast, and us.

It is absolutely impossible for us to recognize you guy.

Still eating, will succumb to...

After a while.

Oh, mom, it smells so good...

Shanshen tore off a piece of chicken with one hand. The skin was crispy and the chicken was soft and tender. When he put it in his mouth, he chewed even the bones of the chicken. Then he held a bottle of Red Star Erguotou in his right hand and drank it with his neck up. Loudly said: Is there anything more vigorous?

The water ghost silently took out a bottle without a label, and handed it something out of the painter's haunted house: Come on, Brother Qian, drink this, it's very strong.

The mountain god took it, raised his neck and poured it down.

Then he took a long breath: Hahahaha, refreshing!

The water ghost smiled gracefully.

The great monk asked, What did you give them to drink?




The water ghost patted his chest and promised:

You see that He is exactly the same as water. It looks like water, so it is water.

Soldier Soul: ...

He took out the lighter from his pocket, leaned over and clicked it, and a blue flame rose from the water glass.

The soldier soul stared at the water ghost quietly: Is this water?

Ninety Six Vodka.

The water ghost turned his head with a dry smile, and said, The water of life is also water. How can it be said that the matter of the water god is a lie? Maybe there is such a river in the world, and the river is full of water of life...

No mention of the water ghost dryly explaining with a smile, and no mention of the painter ghost returning to his small attic.

He found that his treasure collection was directly touched by the enemy.

Now these mountain gods and water gods are enjoying themselves like never before.

Creatures always like novelty.

Those who are used to vegetarian food want to eat big fish and meat, and those who eat too much meat want to be vegetarian. These mountain gods eat vegetarian food on the mountain. The so-called eating wind and drinking dew has passed thousands of years. Yes, the gourmet seasoning that stimulates the taste buds is directly overturned by a stick, completely admiring.

This time, the gods of Kunlun came to the world in the Western Mountain Realm.

Except for the water ghost, and the owner of the quicksand river, the nine virtues of heaven are long-term.

There are also several mountain gods, including the Lord of Mount Chongwu, and two of them have prestige.

The first one is the one with the hottest temper just now, and it is also the first mountain in the Western Mountains. The most popular of these mountain gods.

There is a high probability that when he doesn't even know it, he will become the God of Wealth.

The other named Tai Qi is a rather calm and composed mountain god.

Wei Yuan had an impression of him.

When he came to Taiqi Mountain that year, he and King Yu met a fish that looked like a carp, was extremely fat, and had two chicken wings, no, a fish with bird wings. After thinking about it, King Yu decided that since it looks like Like a carp, if it looks like a carp, then it must be a carp.

Comes with up to a pair of grilled chicken wings.

Then he typed it heartily and dealt with it, waiting for Wei Yuan to deal with it.

King Yu ate about 80% of the food, and nothing happened.

Words from the potter...

The Xishan Jing later recorded such a strange fish: its taste is sour and sweet, and it is crazy to eat it.

Sour and sweet, the word 'ha' can be used to mean healing.

This stuff can cure madness.

But if you eat it okay, it will drive you crazy first and then cure you.

As for how someone who wrote this line knew...

It can only be said that the past is unbearable looking back at Yue Mingzhong.

The corner of Wei Yuan's mouth twitched.

The ghost knows that Yu is actually immune to the side effects that will destroy your normal judgment.

Is his stomach made of iron?

Taiqi Mountain God said with emotion: After you ate fish there, I remember you walked and danced all the way. You were very happy and energetic. It's been a long time since I saw such a hearty dance, and you even sang and danced...

The black-haired Goddess Tushan also borrowed a photo moonstone from me.

It's a mistake. From now on, we must always keep these things.

Hahaha, it's probably a time to reminisce when you want to be free.

Wei Yuan: ...

Smiling: Eat vegetables, eat vegetables.

There is no need to mention the past.

Qian Laishen drank another bottle of water of life, as if he and Wei Yuan were good brothers, he patted his chest and said, By the way, since you have a destiny with Kunlun, do you want to go to Kunlun Mountain with us in the future? To confront the so-called Lord of Kunlun Mountain?

Good offer.

I'm going to confront myself and find a way to kill me by the way.

Wei Yuan complained silently in his heart.

With a smile on his face, he said, No, I still have some things to deal with tomorrow.

I made a date with someone.

Qian Laishan patted his chest and said: But that's it, small things, you and I met once, and after eating your meal, I will definitely help you with one thing. Tell me, who is against you? I'll take care of it. He, I am also a well-known figure in the Xishan world, and I have never been afraid of anything.

Wei Yuan took a sip of tea and said, Gaotie.

Qian Laishan's hearty laughter stopped abruptly: Huh?

The owner of the museum raised his head and said with a smile, The Taotie came to fight with me.

Qian Laishan was silent for a long time.

Looking at the disheveled dishes on the table:

The kind between a cook and a rice bucket?

The kind where swords meet.

Like a hand-to-hand fight? Whoever loses wants to cook?

It's like seeing life and death, and the loser is made into a meal.

Qian Lai Mountain God: ...

There was a few seconds of silence.

He raised his neck and gulped down a large bottle of eau-de-vie.

He lowered his head to look at the dishes, his eyes to his nose, his nose to his heart, and exclaimed:

It smells so good.

The atmosphere at the dinner table froze a bit. It was Emperor Shi, not Wei Yuan, who killed Qiongqi before. The old mountain master knew this, and after the battle between Wei Yuan and Zhu Wu, the only ones who knew about it were those mountain gods. , and those mountain gods also subconsciously forgot and ignored this battle because of the existence of the girl in white.

The old mountain master didn't know Wei Yuan's combat strength, but he was slightly worried:

... Taotie? He must have taken a fancy to your cooking skills.

But be careful, it's a ferocious beast, and it will do anything to eat it.

Where are you going to compete tomorrow, let's go and watch.

The old mountain master stroked his beard, saw Wei Yuan's surprised expression, and scolded with a smile:

I don't want to agree to the matter between you and Jue Mian, this is the matter, but there is a good relationship between you and me, and I can't just watch you go to death, it is really impossible, I will take action, It is possible to barely save your life from Taotie's men.

After all, this is not the Beishan Realm, and the power of the four poles of the Taotie Land cannot be fully exerted.

Not so invincible.

Wei Yuan pondered, then shook his head.

He said: This time, I will fight with him, I will do my best, and I don't need to bother you.

Lord Chongwu Mountain was astonished and didn't say much.

When Wei Yuan found the old heavenly master and arranged a place for them, the old mountain master stroked his beard and said with emotion:

Young man, after all, he is a little bit more energetic.

I don't want to show weakness in front of us mountain gods under Jue Mian.

It's really... still not mature enough.

Only then did the rest of the mountain gods suddenly realize.

And Wei Yuan returned to his museum, went to the quiet room, closed the door, closed his eyes, recalled Wuwu in his mind, recalled the fighting ability of Chaos, Taotie would not be weaker than them, and compared horizontally, he was only among the ancient five. In front of the group, they supported for just 60 seconds.

No matter how you think, how weak you are.

Just for a minute, and that was after he had gradually become familiar with the fighting styles of those five guys.

Those five people didn't really use their famous weapons.

Without breaking out of peak fighting power.

Otherwise, even if their strength levels were restored to a state similar to Wei Yuan's in the dream.

But facing Xingtian, the god of war holding a Xingtian axe, Chi You holding a Jiuli sword, halberd and crossbow, Dayi holding a sun-shooting bow, Ji Xuanyuan holding a Xuanyuan sword and a yellow axe, and Uncle Jiang who fully unfolded the Shennong whip, Wei Wei Yuan felt that it might be easier for him to wipe his neck with a sword.

But it's impossible.

Want to commit suicide in front of Dayi? Do you think his bow is a display?

Even wipe the neck.

Shennong is still there, and it is a problem if you want to die.

You can't quit this trial, you will be pulled back to continue the exam if you die.

Simply horrible.

Facing Taotie at this moment, Wei Yuan let out a mouthful of turbid air, and stabilized his mind under the pressure——

In any case, according to the plan, at least it must be able to give Taotie the pressure to choose to go to Kunlun Mountain and join forces with 'Chen Yuan'. Otherwise, if Taotie finds out, he can get himself without joining hands with the God of Kunlun Mountain.

Wei Yuan felt that he was gone on the spot.

You have to be careful and go all out.

Wei Yuan pondered, took out the iron eagle sword, put it on the table, dipped it in cinnabar and wrote a lot of talismans, Big Dipper Zhenwu Great Emperor Slaying Demon Talisman, and took out Zhang Daoling's magic sword when he was young, wrote the talisman, put it in In the scabbard of Tai'a sword, the sword intent of these two swords is warmed with humane swords.

I borrowed Xuanzang's 800-jin water-milled Zen stick from the great monk.

After thinking about it, I felt that it was not enough, so I called the old master to borrow the male and female dragon and tiger swords from Longhu Mountain.

Zhang Ruosu gave it out happily.

Although Wei Yuan knows that the real male and female dragon and tiger swords are still in the crouching tiger order, but now he can't get them out, and the fake ones can also be used. Received in the sleeve Qiankun inside.

Male and female dragon and tiger swords, combined with Liangyi swordsmanship.

Throw the nine-stalk staff of Taipingdao into the cuffs.

It took three hours to spend three hours directly in the Yaochi, where 1,500 yellow-turban wrestlers were recruited to set up a large formation. When the time came, he would hit Taotie directly on the head, at least there would be a buffering opportunity. Fight for flaws.

Finally, he looked at the Xing Tian axe.

Wei Yuan pondered.

Xing Tian's ax is as tough as Xing Tian's character.

Even if it is Wei Yuan, as long as he dares to use Kunlun divinity, this thing can turn his back on the spot.

You can only choose one of the reckless happy type and the Kunlun Juggernaut version.

Not compatible.

It's very numb.

Wei Yuan thought for a long time, and had no choice but to give up the plan of trying to drive the Xingtian Axe with Kunlun divine power.

I counted silently in my heart.

The weapons are ready, the pills are ready, and the talismans are ready.

The next thing is just in case.

He took out his mobile phone and called them one by one:

Hello? Is it General Guan Yu? I'm asking for an order.

Well, yes, I might get into a fight.

At that time, there will be a Guan Shengdi Jun Suppressing Demons and Demons, and General Lao Guan will make a move.

Marshal Zhao...may use Taoist talismans to find you at that time.

Water monkey... I mean, Suicune, there is a dungeon that drops gluttonous meat, will you come?

Ten games for you.

Isn't it a routine operation for Taoist disciples to recruit gods and generals to help them?

Wei Yuan counted and threw a large handful of weapons inherited from the world into his cuffs.

We have weapons.

Then he lightly tapped the formation suppressed by the nine-stalk stick.

Formation, there is.

Look at the pill and talisman, there is also one.

The god will protect the law, and it will be done.

But when he thought that he could only last for 60 seconds of training, Wei Yuan still felt tremendous pressure in his heart, worrying about the result of failure. It was really because the assessment given by Zhu Jiuyin was not reliable, how could he graduate after 60 seconds of support? Even if it is possible to win with one trick or another, even if it is false, it is a well-intentioned deception, at least it can increase confidence and confidence, which is not like this.

After thinking for a long time, Wei Yuan took out the wheelchair.

Sitting in a wheelchair with empty hands, he coughed.

Like a patient who has been ill for a long time.

Think about it.

This should have a 60% chance of winning.


On the second day, Wei Yuan went to the place of the appointment alone.

Taotie opened his eyes from a deep sea abyss, and the whole sea seemed to be boiling. He got here before, devoured an unknown number of giant deep sea beasts, and used the energy and blood of those huge creatures to make up for his injuries. At least it recovered a bit.

He stood up slowly, countless creatures fled, but Taotie didn't devour them at this moment.

He walked out step by step.

It seems to be slow, but it is fast, and it has arrived at the agreed place.

From a distance, a young man with a pale complexion was seen sitting in a wheelchair.

The wind blows by, looking weak and thin.

Other than that, nothing else.

Then a strong confidence and boundless calmness emerged in Taotie's heart, he was calm and calm, and laughed out loud.

This time, we must win!

PS: Today's first update... 4,200 words.

Thank you for the rewards that the autumn wind blows and the summer moon walks away, thank you~

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