Museum of Demons

Chapter 498 About who is more ruthless

Wei Yuan and Zhu Jiuyin stared at each other.

Wuzhiqi is better.

Kuafu really felt that his scalp was numb and his head was buzzing.

he asked?

Did he just ask directly?

Doesn't he know what it means to be gentle? !

Zhu Jiuyin held the teacup, raised her neck slightly to sip the tea, and said flatly, Why do you ask such a question?

You should have a reason.

Wei Yuan stared at Zhu Jiuyin: Tell me first, is it you?

Zhu Jiuyin shook her head, and said flatly, It's not me.

My power is limited to Jiuyou, and it consumes a lot in the outside world. What's more, my body needs to be stationed in Jiuyou, and I can never go out. Therefore, you can trust me on this matter, because if I want to Why don't you just pull you into Jiuyou and imprison you?

Instead, just erased thirty years of your time and memory?

Wei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

If the opponent was Zhu Jiuyin, the pressure would be too great.

Yes, I knew it wasn't you.

Wei said without changing his face.

While serving tea, my movements paused, and I suddenly thought of Zhu Jiuyin in the lower level of Jiuyou, that place is closed like a prison, and there are ingredients and kitchen utensils everywhere inside, why, it seems, it seems, it is very suitable for imprisonment A cook's place?

Wei Yuan's face stiffened, and he said: Besides, Zhu Jiuyin, you are joking when you say you drag me into Jiuyou, ha, ha ha...

Zhu Jiuyin looked up at him, his eyes were ancient.

The ancient god who looked indifferent and rarely showed any expression, looked at Wei Yuan, suddenly smiled and said nothing, just smiled and said nothing.

Wei Yuan: ...

At this time, you have to face it with a smile.


I can't stop laughing.

The smile on the corner of Zhu Jiuyin's mouth subsided instantly, took a sip of tea, and said lightly:

Forget it, tell me, why do you know about this?

Wei Yuan shrugged his shoulders, under the eyes of Kua Fu's tea, he unceremoniously snatched the teapot from Zhu Jiuyin's hand, and poured himself a cup, complaining why the taste was so bland , then raised his neck and drank it clean, smacked his lips, and said:

I saw Queen Mother Xi.

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed her eyes slightly: Huh?

It seems that because of solving a huge confusion and worry in his heart, Wei Yuan also relaxed, and said with a smile: Yes, that graceful and luxurious Queen Mother of the West, but when she met me, she turned into an ordinary girl in the world. , about sixteen years old, about this tall.

Wei Yuan stretched out his hand and gestured, saying:

Compared to my impression, she looks more like a young girl, not so graceful...

Zhu Jiuyin stretched out her fingers and clenched her fists against her lips, and coughed.

Cough cough.

Wei Yuan explained: Probably because my lifespan was coming to an end at that time, so she asked me again, did I regret it, but I didn't answer, and I asked her if I would regret it... It's just a pity that she didn't give it to me. I can’t give the exact answer to my memory loss, but I just say that this situation is definitely not caused by Kunlun.”

It's a pity.

Kuafu seemed to have choked while drinking tea, and coughed violently a few times.

Wei Yuan said: However, I didn't know why at the time.

At that time, I was free and easy, and I didn't think of the Queen Mother of the West as that god...

Maybe it's because of the approaching lifespan?

The Queen Mother of the West looks like a little girl.

Wu Zhiqi smashed the phone screen and coughed violently several times.

Wei Yuan looked at these people in doubt, and said, ...what's wrong with you?

I kept coughing in my dream, could it be...

A gentle palm gently landed on top of Wei Yuan's head.

It was like falling on top of Xing Tian back then.

The smile on Wei Yuan's face froze.

How could there be other people in my dream?

Turning his head stiffly, he saw a beautiful smiling face, which seemed familiar, but for some reason, he couldn't remember it for a while, Wei Yuan swallowed, and reluctantly said: ...this, is your Excellency?

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl, who concealed the secrets, smiled so softly that she seemed to drunk all limbs to death:

Born in West Kunlun.

Wei Yuan: ...

Turning to look at Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin was silent for a while, and slowly closed her eyes.

Hold your breath.


A moment later, in his dream, Wei Yuan, who was beaten black and swollen, sat silently on the bench holding tea. He didn't know who this beautiful woman was until now. Of course he had resisted just now, but Xing Tianaxe couldn't Fortunately, I used it in my dream.

When using the sword, because the opponent has a high probability of being an ancient existence.

So subconsciously used Xuanyuan Huangdi's sword technique.


Then he was gone.

Sword move sword way, was restrained to death.

It is impossible to really use the lore sword intent, and in the end it will end up like Xing Tian who has no Xing Tian axe.

Kuafu silently gave him a look.

'I reminded you. '

Wu Zhiqi was quite happy.

Wei Yuan rubbed his left eye socket, stiffly avoided the topic of Queen Mother Xi, tried to get back on track, and said, Ahem, don't talk about gossip, don't talk about gossip, but if it's not you, Zhu Jiuyin, who else is there? Can there be such a power that can change and fiddle with time and time?

I even forgot where Ying Long went, and when I came back, I was very embarrassed.

A whole body of injuries.

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed her eyes slightly, pondered for a long time, and said:

...Yes, and there are three possibilities.

You died early in your life, and after you died, Yu completed the rest of the Shan Hai Jing.

Most of the world you know is only in the Western Mountain Classic, the Eastern Mountain Classic, or the scope of overseas countries, and the more desolate and remote Great Wilderness. The overseas places were surveyed by King Yu himself, and these three, It's all in these areas.

One of them is shu and hu.

In the past, in Shenzhou, the shortest time unit was taken as the shortest time. Suddenly, these two words itself represent the gods who are in charge of the years, and they are ancient gods far away from overseas countries.

Shu is the emperor of the South Sea, Hu is the emperor of the North Sea, and Hun Chao is the emperor of the Central Sea.

This Chaos is not the same as the Chaos you know. They control time suddenly, they can even stop time, and apply this effect to the gods, digging out seven orifices for Chaos, but It's a pity that it took a day to drill one orifice, and after seven days, the seven orifices were drilled out, and time flowed again, but Hun Chao died immediately, and the two gods felt regretful and painful, and moved away from the center.

Zhu Jiuyin withdrew a finger: They feel sorry for Chaos and exile themselves.

Besides, it is impossible for you to directly reach the vast ocean outside the overseas countries.

So, this possibility can be temporarily put down, it is too low.

The second possibility, Xi He.

When Kuafu heard this name, his pupils contracted slightly. The aura of this powerful but gentle ancient hero became violent for a moment, and then he calmed down with exhalation. Kuafu was chasing the day The one who died, and Xi He was the mother of the Ten Great Suns.

Wei Yuan said slowly: Shan Hai Jing Da Huang Nan Jing, outside the southeast sea, between Gan and Shui, there is the country of Xihe. There is a woman named Xihe who bathes in Ganyuan every day. Di Jun's wife, born ten days old.

It's the Lord's sun and the moon, and when you go in and out of your job, you think it's dark.

Looking up to the sky, one bright and one dark.

The four seasons of the Lord!

Yes, Xihe, the wife of Emperor Jun, is a god that really exists in the legends. She is a god of the mountains and seas and wilderness. He is in charge of the four seasons and has a very high personality. The god and female ugly of the human race were roasted to death by the ten rounds of great sun, and their resentment turned into a dangerous place after death.

At the beginning, Wei Yuan and Kua Lin encountered danger in the Mountain of Ugly Girls.

And this god who controls six dragons and takes his children around the sky acts recklessly.

No one can stop him.

And this eventually led to the war between the human race and the Great Wilderness.

It also represents the rise of Yi, the god of war of the human generation.

Legend has it that Yi's mother took him to the mountains and never brought him back.

She said that when she wanted to bring the child back, the whole forest and the world were angry, and the cicadas kept singing like thunder, while Yi was raised by the forest and all things, and was usually gentle.

It's just that his murderous intention could no longer be restrained after beheading the God of the Sun. Although this God of War of the human race gradually became mixed with Hou Yi, the monarch of a poor country in the Xia Dynasty in later generations, his Legend has it that in that era, it represented the sharpest, most overbearing and bloody force of the human race.

Hou Yi of the Xia Dynasty was named Yi because he admired the legendary hero.

For such a hero, once the sword is out of its sheath, it cannot be held back.

Shoot Toka?

How is that enough...

Walk slowly all the way.

In the Central Plains, he killed the god Jiao Jiao who had the power of Nuwa and had a human face and a snake body.

Yu Sanglin killed and sealed the dolphin.

Behead nine infants in the north.

Kill the snake repairer in Yunmengze.

Kill Chiseltooth in the Field of Chohua.

Yu Qingqiu Zhize beheaded Feng Bo Dafeng.

Compared with King Yu's magnificence, this is almost the evil god of that era, but anyone who threatens human beings, whether it is a fierce god, a god, or a monster, will be cut directly from south to north, killing them all. to die.

There is even such a saying that Emperor Yao ruled the world because he and Yi were good friends.

Therefore, there is a saying that Dayi alone can rule the world.

His legend, if it has to be compared, can only be compared with Heracles of the Greek gods.

It's just that Hercules' trial was arranged by God.

And Dayi's enemies are gods, even gods including the sun god.

There are only two types of heroes in the Greek gods, Hercules and other heroes.

At that time, there were only two types of heroes in China, Yi and others.

This situation continued until Dayi disappeared and King Yu was born.

Wei Yuan let out a breath slowly:

...If it's Xi He, she has enough ground.

But, was she the one who did it? Xi and the gods of mountains, seas and wilderness don't have a good relationship with the Kunlun gods. Will she appear in Kunlun? Besides, because of the hatred between him and the human race, he really secretly attacked me. At that time, I’m afraid it’s impossible for me to get out of Kunlun.”

Zhu Jiuyin raised her lips slightly, and said, I also don't think she is. Although the God of Four Seasons has a lot to do with time, it's still not enough.

Then, it's the third option.

His face slowly became dignified: This is also the text that Yu later recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. , nature is not the birth of living beings, but the transformation of heaven and earth.

In the initial era, the authority of the water god was extremely powerful, and the water even covered most of the ground. Later, Gonggong receded and the earth emerged. This is the so-called 'Gonggong born after the soil'. , and the Ye Ming that was born was later recorded in the Da Huang Xi Jing.

Located at the West Pole, the number of times the sun, the moon, and the stars travel.

There is a man named Shi Yi under his command, who is located in the northwest corner, and he is responsible for the length of the sun and the moon.

And the most important thing is the sentence 'Ye Ming is born twice in ten'.

Wei Yuan's expression slowly became serious.

Zhu Jiuyin said flatly: It means that Ye Ming transformed into twelve descendants.

That's the Twelve Taisui, or the Twelve Yuanchen, the original scriptures of the twelve zodiac signs in China. China uses the twelve zodiac signs to refer to them, but they are not those ordinary things, and they don't even have animal shapes. But the real mountain and sea gods.

Either stepping on a snake, or controlling a dragon, is in charge of the power of years, years, and years. To some extent, they are descendants of the great god Houtu. The twelve yuanchen is the cycle. If you form an formation, you can cut off mortals with only one turn. All living beings, even gods and spirits for twelve years.

The rotation is repeated, never ending.

Until the sea dries up and the rocks rot, and the sea changes, until the gods are wiped out.

The mythology of the Great Wilderness of Mountains and Seas, Xihe, is in charge of the four seasons.

Overseas ancient gods, suddenly and suddenly.

And, the descendant of the great god Houtu, who is in charge of the sun, moon and year.

Wei Yuan suddenly discovered that in the mythology of China, anyone who has something to do with time seems to be no better than Zhu Jiuyin in front of him. The power of time is simply terrifying. He let out a breath slowly and sighed:

Xihe, Shuhu, and Empress Houtu's descendants, so it turns out...

They're all too powerful and terrifying. They're really ruthless people, ah no, ruthless gods. I don't want to run into them.

However, in the Twelve Yuanchen Great Formation, every rotation reduces twelve years, but I only lost thirty years.

The time is wrong, right? It should be thirty-six years ago.

When he said this sentence, his voice paused slightly.

Seems to understand something.

For the rest, Kuafu was packing up fishing gear, and Nine Heavens Xuannv was playing with a dagger in her hand, and they were all thinking about other possibilities.

Wuzhiqi is playing games.

Hearing the words, he mumbled, and said, That's right, one is thirty-six years, the other is thirty years, and the difference is a full six years.


Zhu Jiu said calmly: It's actually very simple, I can give you an example...

For example, just for example.

When the Twelve Yuanchen formation is in operation.

Someone exploded.

Within three feet, between breaths, he instantly killed two Yuanchens with unparalleled sharpness, and at this moment, the twelve Yuanchens circled three times, and then broke down without attacking, just because two of them were missing, The formation is broken, but it has been cut for thirty years...

Then, Wei Yuan...

Zhu Jiuyin's voice was calm: Who do you think killed two natural gods in one breath?

In the dream, there was no sound for a while.

PS: Today's first update... 4,200 words.

Jin · Guo Pu: There was poor Hou Yi Mu Yi shot, so the name is also

Shu is the emperor of the South Sea, Hu is the emperor of the North Sea, and Hun Chao is the emperor of the Central Sea. When Shu and Hu meet each other in the land of Chaos, Chaos treats them very kindly. Shu and Hu planned to repay the virtue of Chaos, drilled a hole every day, and died of Chaos in seven days. —— Zhuangzi Yingdiwang

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