A deep roar echoed in the workshop.

Zhang Yue's face was full of madness. If it hadn't been for Wei Yuan's sword to hold him back, he would have already rushed forward and bit the latter's neck. Wei Yuan's eyes were a little dizzy due to the strong monster aura on his otherwise normal body. Pain, Zhang Yue has completely turned into a monster, lost his mind, only instinct and desire for flesh and blood.

Thinking of Zhang Xiaoyu's plea, Wei Yuan closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the look in his eyes had turned cold, the blade trembled, and a burst of energy directly shook Zhang Yue, and he stepped heavily on Zhang Yue's chest. Under his physique that had gradually surpassed that of ordinary people, the demonized Zhang Yue Yue Shengsheng was kicked several meters away.

The Eight-Faced Han Sword in his hand took advantage of the situation to pursue, and when he fell, he showed no mercy.

There is no doubt that the real way to make swordsmanship advance by leaps and bounds is actual combat.

Wei Yuan's current swordsmanship is much better than his own at the beginning. His sword moves are fierce, and his moves are all in a desperate way. It's not like Zhang Yue, who was an ordinary person. When he came back to his senses, his complexion changed, and he urged the golden bell again and again, making Zhang Yue's offensive more and more crazy.

Wei Yuan slashed down with his sword, and crossed Zhang Yue's arms as they brushed past, bursting out a string of sparks.

Then stepped back in an instant, stepped on a ray of breeze, and appeared in front of Yao Dao in a blink of an eye, turning around and sweeping, the sword edge trembled and let out a long, shrill cry. This move had a great flaw, but it was also extremely lethal. Not good at close combat, back again and again.

The Eight-faced Han sword cut to the waist, and all the strings of talisman papers were scattered.

A wound was cut on the man's waist.

The momentum of the sword is endless, the momentum is endless, Wei Yuan drew out the broken sword with his left hand, and after sweeping across, he stepped forward and stabbed.

The broken sword pointed directly at the center of the brow.

The old Taoist retreated for a while, but now he couldn't dodge the pair of swords.

But before the move was used, the evil wind howled behind him, Zhang Yue roared and rushed up, Wei Yuan had to roll to avoid, the move was blocked backwards, there was a loud clanging sound, Wei Yuan accepted the move abruptly, plus Because of the strength in the middle, I only felt a burst of fishy sweetness in my lungs for a while, and I forced myself to exhale and let out a sound, and the two swords forced Zhang Yue back.

It's just that Zhang Yue's palm tore, still almost tore a crack in his clothes.

If his footwork was a little off, he might have to get hurt.

The old Taoist was frightened, retreated in embarrassment, shook the golden bell again and again, and said harshly:

Kill him, kill him!

Where are the soldiers and horses of the five roads, come quickly to protect the Dharma, come to protect the Dharma!

There was a gloomy atmosphere in the workshop for a while, and many evil spirits sprang out from behind the old Taoist priest. They were all wearing ancient military uniforms, and some of them were wearing armor and flying banners. They looked like elites. Wei Yuan took back the broken sword. , with his left hand, he picked up the evil-breaking and evil-killing talisman, and wiped it on the body of the sword, the sword's aura was majestic.

Without the commander of ghost generals, those many ghost soldiers would be useless.

He had rushed out of the villa before, and was fled in a hurry by Wei Yuan's move of sword qi to control the wind. Now seeing the short-haired Taoist priest draw his talisman and draw his sword again, his whole body was full of evil spirits, and everyone felt a little uncomfortable. Dare to go over, the old Taoist was anxious and urged the talisman again and again, but these ghost soldiers are now scattered, you go forward and I will come down, go up this side and retreat there,

The Taoism of the old Taoist was broken, but he couldn't drive normally.

Now shake the golden bell violently, asking Zhang Yue to act as the ghost general first.

There is a yellow talisman attached to the magic vessel, but the talisman on it is not cinnabar, but human blood.

Zhang Yue's three souls and seven souls were trapped in this magic weapon.

Drive the body with the soul.

The old Taoist hurriedly shouted:

Five Rampant Ghost Generals, quickly listen to my command, protect the law and kill the enemy!

But this time Zhang Yue didn't move.

The old Taoist's voice was harsh and hasty: Five rampant ghost generals, listen to the order quickly!!

Quickly listen to the order!

Zhang Yue's movements were still stiff, Wei Yuan followed his line of sight and saw that his clothes had just been torn open by the strong wind, and a string of pendants were hanging outside, while Zhang Yue's eyes were fixed on him. Looking at the string of pendants, his eyes widened. Although he hadn't regained his sanity, tears were streaming down his face.

The old Taoist also noticed this.

His eyes flashed with hostility, he opened his mouth to spurt blood, and forcibly controlled many ghost soldiers to kill Wei Yuan.

At the same time, a dark light flashed among the many ghost soldiers.

He himself ran towards the struggling Zhang Yue, only regretting that he was startled back by the attack of the two swords just now, but now he is farther away from Zhang Yue, Wei Yuan raised his hand with the Eight-Faced Han Sword, the situation was urgent, Leveraging the demon power, he slashed the sword horizontally, the sword energy was mixed with the strong wind, and the ghost soldiers were repelled.

When the broad sword in his palm swung across, there was only a crisp ding, and a long green needle hit the sword directly.

The green needle turned into a green poisonous snake, bypassing the blade of the sword and biting into Wei Yuan's palm.

The sword light of Broken Sword flashed across, and cut the snake in two.

But at this time, the cunning old Taoist had already rushed to Zhang Yue's side, bit his finger, and the blood from his fingertips formed a talisman on Zhang Yue's back. The way of Taoism is to make offerings, and open the altar with amulets, but Wei Yuan is not as good as this leftist old man.

Just in a blink of an eye, the head of the talisman and the gallbladder were completed, and the feet of the talisman immediately fell down, and the blood talisman was ready.

Wei Yuan raised his hand to grab the pendant, threw it towards Zhang Yue, and raised his palm to guard against the wind. At this moment, the demon power wrapped in a disaster-elimination and exorcism talisman, mixed with the pendant and fell in front of Zhang Yue, and said angrily:

Little fish is still waiting for you to go back!

The old Taoist took the last step and said, Get up!

The disaster-eliminating and exorcising charms were burned to ashes.

But Zhang Yue's demonic aura was even thicker and thicker, to the point where even Wei Yuan felt pressured.

There is a faint roar of tigers behind, and birds' jitters rise.

The old Taoist sneered and waved the golden bell, driven by three souls and seven souls, calmly said:

Five rampant ghost generals, quickly capture that man and me!

Zhang Yue roared with his head raised, and then turned around suddenly. Under the watchful eyes of Wei Yuan holding the sword, he attacked the old Taoist like crazy. He grabbed the old Taoist's arm with his palm and bit down with sharp teeth. The arm holding Jinling was directly bitten off.

The golden bell fell to the ground.

The demonized Zhang Yue crazily bit the old Taoist priest.

Accompanied by a flustered shout, the old Taoist priest's clothes shrank, leaving only a little figure woven of black dry grass, full of evil spirits. It just split from the center of the eyebrows, and all the evil spirits above were dissipated.

The method of preventing disasters for death.

Wei Yuan recognized this technique, but the sword still had the blood of the old Taoist who had just beheaded it, and the thousand-mile tracking talisman was there, the old Taoist would definitely not be able to run far. Wei Yuan looked at Zhang Yue, and the demonized Zhang Yue seemed to be crazy , gnawed and tore the broken arm frantically, and devoured it.

When Qingming finally came down, most of his arms had been eaten.

Zhang Yue's expression changed, and he retched violently.

Then he fell to the ground, and there was his blood and a ray of soul in the golden bell, and now he had devoured the old Taoist priest, the technique was reversed, Zhang Yue trembled, touched his face, and the scales on his arms, The white fluff in the gap between the scales opened its mouth, tears streaming down its face.

The last dire trombone.

Wei Yuan was speechless, bent down and picked up the blood-stained pendant.

Zhang Yue looked at his hands and felt the instinctive desire for human flesh and blood. He burst into tears and looked at Wei Yuan:

Little fish, she...

Wei Yuan said, She's fine.

The voice paused, and said, She said she doesn't blame you anymore.

Zhang Yue touched the pendant, laughed, but shed tears again, wiped away his tears, put the pendant aside, looked at Wei Yuan who didn't move away, saw the broken sword pinned to his waist, and said: Brother, let me borrow your sword to use it.

Wei Yuan was speechless, pulled out the sharp weapon with his backhand, and threw it to Zhang Yue.

The broken sword was stuck upside down.

Zhang Yue pulled out his sword and inserted it into his arm with his backhand. His face was pale, and then he growled and forcefully pried up the inhuman scales one by one, threw them on the ground, and scraped off the white fluff that had grown with the blade. After the scales were cut off, the flesh was already bloody, and the left arm was cut off one by one, and the white hair on the face was also removed.

It looks bloody, but it looks like a person.

Zhang Yue held the sword in both hands and returned it to Wei Yuan, then stood up staggeringly, smashed the golden bell with one foot, and burst into tears: Brother... I'm not a monster, right? I'm not a monster. I'm a human being. I It's a person...

I beg you, please, save Xiaoyu.

She is so young, she still doesn't know anything, I just want her to live, I want her to live.

With tears streaming down his face, the man kowtowed heavily on the ground, holding Wei Yuan's trouser legs tightly with his palms.

Wei Yuan raised his hand to help, then paused.

Air machine is dead.

Zhang Yue didn't want to be a man-eating monster, and took the initiative to crush the natal golden bell. He had already passed away, and his soul had been dissipated by the backlash of evil magic, and his palm was still holding on to the pendant. Wei Yuan leaned over and lifted the pendant. He picked it up, put it on his chest, paused, held the yellow talisman in his hand, and said slowly:

Decree from the Supreme Supreme, surpassing your lonely soul, all ghosts and ghosts, all four lives will be blessed.

He who has a head surpasses, and the one without a head rises, kill with a gun and a knife, and jump into the water with a rope.

Death in the open and in the dark, death injustice, creditors and enemies, beggars for life.

Rescue all the people, hurry to save lives, order to save all the people, hurry to save lives.

Zhang Yue's obsession slowly dissipated.

Still holding onto Wei Yuan tightly, Wei Yuan said:

Don't worry, Xiaoyu has never done anything evil... I will try my best to find a suitable place for her.

As soon as he struggled, he really let go.

Wei Yuan turned around and passed Zhang Yue.

Raise your hand and draw your sword.


PS: This book should be on the shelves at the beginning of April 1st, there is still about a week left, and it should be about 160,000 words by then. Please support me when the time comes, thank you here~

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