Museum of Demons

Chapter 4 Work

It is a quarter past three in the morning, Yin time in ancient times.


I just escaped from the folk museum my son left behind.

I feel... I feel like I've hit a ghost.

In the past six months, three hired people have already left. They said they couldn’t bear it, that there was always a knock on the door in the middle of the night, that blood would flow from the walls, and that they could hear footsteps outside, but they couldn’t bear it when they got closer. Will disappear, they say, they're quitting, they're leaving.


I do not believe.

This is the most important thing left by my son. It is his life's painstaking efforts. I can't just let this place be abandoned like this. No one guards it. Then I will guard it myself. I close the door and wait here. The world There can be no ghosts at all.

However, there was a knock on the door.

I ventured to call out who was there, but no one answered.

But I do see someone there.

It's a prank.

I think it must be those people who want to raise wages to come up with this.

I was a little angry, I walked over with a flashlight, opened the door angrily, but there was nothing outside, I thought, there must be ghosts, I turned my head, but there was nothing behind, but I still felt Something was wrong, I closed the door and locked it.

I'm going to go back and sleep a little longer.

But not long after lying down, the light in the bathroom came on.

I looked up, the place is not too big, the bathroom is only a dozen steps away from the bed, but I was a little hesitant, but this must be the aging of the circuit, I will look at it tomorrow morning.

Tick, tick.

The bathroom seems to be leaking.

Tap, tap, tap—

It sounded like wearing slippers stepping on water and walking on wooden floors.

It's getting closer, getting closer.

The sound of dripping water seems to be getting farther and farther away.

I opened my eyes and looked over, there was nothing.

I close my eyes.

Footsteps began to approach slowly again.

Five steps, three steps.

It stops.

Several minutes passed, it didn't move, I slowly opened my eyes, there was nothing, just a plastic bag, blown by the wind, I was really relieved and broke out in a sweat.

It's a little cold, maybe the windows are not closed properly.

I wrapped the quilt tightly.

But a gust of cold air is still blowing over, I want to see if the window is really leaking.

I turn my head.

It's in my comforter.


Fang Hongbo hid in his car, recalling the experience just now, his body trembled uncontrollably.

With his face swollen from blisters, he stuck to his body under the quilt, blowing air into his neck, saying that he was a little cold, and he wanted to borrow your yang energy to warm him up. Can you borrow yang energy? !

Fang Hongbo firmly grasped the steering wheel with his palms, and his face was even a little grim because of his anger and fear.

No more!

This evil house, Ah Yang disappeared at a young age, it must have been caused by tinkering with these things!

do not care! How to love how to go!

But he also thought of his son saying to himself before he died that he hoped that he could protect his hard work, and he was a little bit ruthless. It can be said that he would never go in again, and his face struggled for a while. , trembling, lit a cigarette, turned on the phone and checked the time.

It was past three in the morning.

An obvious red dot on the mailbox APP.

Someone sent an email.

He hesitated, his son's expectant eyes dangled in front of his eyes, and finally made a decision, opened the mailbox, thinking in his heart——

If someone submits a resume to apply for a job, look at it. I am old and weak. If I am a young man, I may not be afraid of those ghosts. Those men have not had any accidents in the past six months. Insufficient women, that is, God will close this museum by himself.

Click on the mailbox, open the resume, and look at the ID photo.

A young, angular face.

Wei Yuan.

Fang Hongbo's chest heaved heavily. In the end, he didn't know whether it was a fluke or a pity. He let out an extremely complicated breath, tapped his fingers on the screen quickly, changed his salary from three thousand to five thousand, and sent it to the person opposite. .

Then he pinched his cigarette and lay on the steering wheel, not wanting to move.


Are you scared away?

Scared away.

Very well, it's all right now, heh heh, this is still where our brothers live.

Good, good.

Inside the Folk Museum, several invisible figures clapped each other's hands with joyful expressions on their faces. One was covered in mud and water, and was soaked to death in some reservoir, while the other was wearing a dusty suit. In ancient costume, there was a hideous wound poked on the heart, and a woman whose complexion turned blue, who died from some poison.

At the end, there are two paper figurines spinning in the air holding hands with each other.

The paper man's face puffed up, and with great effort, he opened the door of the small refrigerator.

Then he wobbled and took out a soda can. After opening it, three burning incense sticks were inserted in it.

A few ghosts gathered in a circle over there, breathing drunkenly. The bottle of Coke was still intact, but if someone took a sip, they would find that it was stinky and rancid, and they couldn't drink it at all. up.

The old ghost in ancient costume with a hideous wound on his heart clapped his hands and sighed:

Shangshan, this thing is always drunk like a fine wine, and I have never drunk it in the past.

The swollen water ghost said proudly: Hmph, that's natural. This is Coke. You didn't have this in your era. This time, scare that old guy away, and this place belongs to us. There are still a lot of warehouses.

The man in ancient costume licked his lips, then hesitated to speak:

But what if he finds someone again?

Then there's no need to ask?

The water ghost stretched out his hand to pull on the neck, grinned, and said with a grin:

Here, Grandpa's place!

Whoever comes to snatch it, beat him to death!


After Fang Hongbo ran away from the Folklore Museum, he stayed in the car overnight.

The narrow space in the car and the pervasive smell of tobacco made him somewhat at ease.

It wasn't until I got a definite reply from the young man named Wei Yuan that I took a long breath and made an appointment to meet, which was near the Folklore Museum, and when the sky was bright, I put down the bag I had been carrying. Heart.

At noon, he saw the young man who submitted his resume.

Wearing a pullover sweater and sportswear, he looks solid.

After inquiring for a while if he had a girlfriend, he got a negative answer, and he was a little relieved. A bachelor in his twenties is more positive, maybe he is still a child, in broad daylight, and such a young man , I will never run into a ghost again, such a young man is different from himself, so he may not be frightened.

He took Wei Yuan and drove slowly to the Folklore Museum.

While parking the car, he asked casually:

Young man, are you afraid of ghosts?

Wei Yuan looked at the window with many peeling green paint and mottled marks, and said:

Ghosts? We are materialists. How can there be any ghosts in the world?

He replied with a smile, with his hands in his pockets and a crouching tiger badge in his right hand.

The Folklore Museum, and the paper figurines in that photo are a bit evil.

In order to prevent the unlucky man from stepping into trouble for five thousand yuan, he specially wore the Crouching Tiger badge on his body, and if there was a problem, he would leave and quit the job. Looking at it like this, is it really possible?

Fang Hongbo parked the car beside him.

……Here we are.

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