Museum of Demons

Chapter 38 - Killing the Tiger

What a Captain Sili, what a demon slayer!

A mere last-generation crouching tiger, with a low cultivation base and a serious tone!

Accompanied by bursts of roaring tigers, the fog on the mountain suddenly thickened.

Wei Yuan took half a step back, crossed his swords, bit the tip of his tongue, and poured blood into his spirit.

The two swords almost exuded bloody auras visible to the naked eye.

Using the key points of Xuanyuan Sword Jue, the two swords seem to be engulfed in sword energy.

The mountain temple was destroyed, and the seal was broken again.

This is when the tiger is most vulnerable.

Accompanied by the deep roar of the tiger, it was not the young man in white who walked out of the demon fog again, but a colorful worm with dangling eyes and white forehead, representing the fur, fangs and sharp claws of dangerous predators, the most important thing is it This is a behemoth as big as two or three floors.

The hair stood up, the indifferent yellow pupils locked on the prey, and walked slowly with the calmness of a feline predator.

The huge sharp claws pressed lightly on the ground, unexpectedly silently.

Strength and agility are fully displayed on the original body of this tiger.

Wei Yuan's expression changed slightly.

He is no longer afraid of ordinary tigers, and he has no fear with a sword in hand.

But the tiger in front of him is too big, Wei Yuan himself is not enough for it to eat in one bite, and the sword in his hand may not be able to reach the belly of others when he stands up, Wei Yuan has long known that he is facing a demon, the former mountain god , but this size is still too oppressive.

Only by facing the real body of this big monster can one feel the fear and chill that almost seeps from the bones.

This is still the state that has been suppressed for more than a thousand years and nearly two thousand years, and the mountain temple has been destroyed.

What kind of things did the Captain Sili seal in ancient times? !

On the New Year's Eve, what did China look like between the Qin and Han Dynasties?

With both swords in hand, Wei Yuan stepped back slowly.

The tiger roared in a low voice, but before killing him, the strong wind had already turned into hurricanes and tore towards Wei Yuan. Along the way, gravel, the sharp shrapnel left by the individual weapons just now, and the dead wood on the mountain were all sucked in and sent out. The scalp-numbing sound of piercing through the air was tearing towards Wei Yuan from all directions.

A violent tearing sound like a typhoon came towards Wei Yuan.

The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger!

Wei Yuan's complexion changed, and his footsteps moved, trying to avoid it, but the gust of wind made his movements more than twice as slow, and if he quickly dodged with his back to the hurricane, the shrapnel inside would be enough to kill him under the high-speed rotation. life!

Wei Yuan gritted his teeth, opened his eyes wide, and saw that these miniature whirlwinds were the gathering of demon power.

The bloody sword aura surged above the two swords in his hands.

Crouching Tiger injects supernatural powers, naturally restraining the power of demons and ghosts.

He can't cut through ordinary winds, but the vortex of demonic power is not necessarily so. Wei Yuan's heart swayed, his feet stepped on the ground, and his hands with long and short swords staggered through the strong wind. Then he stabbed violently into the core of the monster power in the strong wind.

A violent trembling force bounced along the sword body to Wei Yuan's palm, and the tiger's mouth burst open.

Wei Yuan gritted his teeth and slashed down with the sword in his hand.

With a crisp click, the whirlwind dispersed.

The wind blew violently along the sides.

Wei Yuan's cheek was accidentally injured by shrapnel, bleeding out.

Even before he breathed out his breath, there was already a loud howl that exploded.

A huge black shadow directly enveloped Wei Yuan.

Mr. Tiger has already taken advantage of the situation to kill him.

Wei Yuan rolled back violently to avoid it, and almost fell into the mountain. The Tiger Lord's real body had just slammed it violently, and his claws fell on the ground. The hard earth and rocks were broken into large pieces like cutting tofu. The sharp claws that were not much worse than the blade of the sword popped out from the front paws, cutting and killing Wei Yuan staggeredly.

The sharp sound of piercing through the air seemed to be blocked by countless swords and swords.

Wei Yuan slammed down on the ground like a ball facing downwards to avoid this move, and then exerted all his strength, he threw himself on the ground and ran under the tiger's waist, then rolled away to one side, and an extremely piercing sound came from his ears. It screamed fiercely, but it was the tiger who shook his body and swept his tail across, like a steel whip, smashing the surrounding rocks and trees to pieces.

Without losing his energy, a shocking arc-shaped gully was drawn on the ground.

Wei Yuan managed to avoid this powerful move, but he felt something strange in his heart. Mr. Hu's move was heavy and domineering, but a little too rigid, extremely powerful, but the flaws were not small. It didn't look like a feline beast should. Some status.

Before he had time to think about it, the opportunity was fleeting, Wei Yuan broke his sword at this moment and held it back, and ruthlessly tore at the Achilles tendon of the tiger's hind foot. , and with the blessing of Sili Xiaowei's blood injection spirit, the broken sword pulled a sword light and grabbed the tiger's hind legs.

The force of the counter-shock made Wei Yuan's palm go numb.

Gritting his teeth, he exhaled and made a sound.

The crouching tiger's waist card let out a low tiger roar.

The fierce tiger turned around suddenly, and the tiger's claws struck.

A trace of hostility flashed in Wei Yuan's eyes. Instead of avoiding the tiger's claws in the direction of the tiger's spin, he used force against the tiger's movement. His own power was superimposed on the tiger's power. The Achilles tendon of his right hind leg was directly torn open by Wei Yuan's broken sword.

The tiger claws smashed down hard.

All of Wei Yuan's nerves were tense, and under the action of the drug he had just injected, his mind was in an extremely active state. Relying on his footwork, he managed to avoid the sweeping opponent with almost no gaps. tiger claw.

The tiger's claws knocked down a section of the cliff.

The monster force swept across the air wave, Wei Yuan snorted, only felt that the magic power of Crouching Tiger Judgment was directly broken, his chest and abdomen were stirred up, his throat was faintly sweet, but the two swords in his hands did not hesitate, leaning sideways on his waist and abdomen, and immediately struck The sword moves with heavy force and strong flaws cut fiercely at the tiger's Achilles tendon.

The Broken Sword wasn't long enough after all.

This time, the Eight-faced Han Sword almost doubled the size of the wound.

The tiger roared and roared, but when it jumped up, its movements were obviously deformed.

The tiger's tail lashed out, Wei Yuan couldn't let Fa lie down and dodge it.

The body of the demon king is powerful, and its strength and defense are stronger than those of the human form, but sometimes, the huge size will also bring inconvenience, and the mountainous terrain limits the agility of the tiger king, and it is difficult for gunpowder to break through the big monster's attack. Fur, but Sili Xiaowei's spirit injection is specially designed to restrain demons and monsters.

And his footwork and Xuanyuan sword formula were created by Zhang Daoling, the first generation of celestial masters, and they have their own mystery.

The tiger fell to the ground, and its wound made it stagger.

A violent storm erupted and turned into a violent barrier composed of several different wind currents interlaced.

Wei Yuan brushed the blade of the sword with his palm and injected spirit again.

His face turned pale, and he lifted the Eight-Faced Han Sword in his hand, and slashed through the raging evil wind. His footsteps sped up suddenly, and he grabbed the wound before the Tiger Tiger moved. Dawei modified the firearm, put the muzzle on the wound, and slammed the trigger.

In an instant, six armor-piercing incendiary bombs were fired.

The armor-piercing rounds exit the chamber at high speed.

The barrel ignites violently after a high-speed impact.

This kind of small armor-piercing shell is not a heavy artillery shell for anti-ships, and may not be able to break through the tiger's fur, but it is not a problem to shoot directly at the wound. Six bullets are shot directly into the body, and then burn violently inside the body.

Not necessarily fatal, but painful enough.

Wei Yuan smashed the empty gun at the tiger, and then retreated violently.

The fierce tiger suddenly let out a long roar, stood on three legs, and a violent storm blew up, almost turning into an entire typhoon eye. It has been sealed for a long time of more than a thousand years, and it can barely use 10% of its means.

Otherwise, how can this junior be presumptuous? !

The stronger wind than before almost enveloped the entire mountain, the storm lowered the clouds and mist, set off a dust storm, faint thunder flashed violently, Wei Yuan's expression changed, this monster was desperately planning to kill this mountain. Shan washed it once, and made a backhand sword. Perhaps practice makes perfect. This sword directly tore away the wind barrier covering him, and then he turned and exited the core area where monsters ravaged.

Then it was discovered that Zhou Yi and others had also gathered during this time.

It's just that the expression on his face is a little surprised and absent-minded.

It is rare for modern monks to see such skills.

Fighting a tiger alone, wounding the terrifying big monster with evil aura, slashing the wind with a sword, and retreating calmly, the danger in it is only the onlookers who are terrified. If you make a wrong step, you will die on the spot, swordsmanship, courage , and spells, this is not at all like the style of modern exorcists and practitioners who are rampant with hot weapons, and it doesn't look like something they can do.

It's just...

It is simply the skill of the ancient swordsman in the classics of the sect...

A member of the special operations team who was born in the Shu Dao sect murmured aphasia.

Zhou Yi quickly came back to her senses, gave Wei Yuan a spray-type drug to stop the bleeding, looked at the drug that was enveloped by the demonic wind, and retreated back, while saying: The defensive power of the monster depends on the current firepower. The method is aimed at, we have just applied for air support, which is heavy armor-piercing shells for warships loaded by fighter planes.

Tiger Demon's defense is very high, but this type of armor-piercing bullet should be able to break through.

Wei Yuan nodded, thinking of a question inappropriately in his mind.

This time, the weapons used to eliminate demons are probably very expensive...

At this time, communication came from everyone's Bluetooth headsets. The mist and sandstorm mixed with evil spirits seriously affected the vision, and it was impossible to see the internal situation. Even experienced fighters had difficulty predicting the position.

Wei Yuan heard the voice and said, How much vision is needed.

Got an answer quickly.

He stood up, holding the long sword, and said, Ten seconds later, prepare to attack.

Because he had poured blood into his spirit many times, his complexion was pale, but when it came to this great battle, there was a burst of red, holding the sword in his right hand, the tiger's mouth burst open, the blood has not dried up, and he smiled freely:

It's just right, so I don't have to bleed.

He also pointed to painting a symbol of breaking evil spirits and killing evil spirits dipped in blood.

Wei Yuan walked up to the core of the strong wind, and the strong wind caused wrinkles on his clothes. He raised the Eight-Faced Han Sword in his hand, and the broken evil talisman on it lit up. He thrust out with all his strength, piercing into the core of the evil wind in front of him. Among them, this huge tremor made Wei Yuan's tiger's mouth dripping with blood.

Slightly exhaling, the sword slashed to one side.

The gust of wind in front was torn apart.

Revealing the true face of Mr. Hu who was preparing for the technique.

And behind Wei Yuan, there is a dark blue sky, like a falcon fighter jet skimming the sky, armor-piercing bullets falling, and the temple of Hujun Mountain being destroyed, it takes time to activate this large-scale supernatural power. Treat it as the same explosive attack as the previous attack on the mountain temple.

The tiger's claws are wrapped in a gust of wind, hard as steel, and sweep towards the armor-piercing projectile.

There was a loud bang.

The heavy ammunition aimed at warships, warships, and even aircraft carriers broke through the defense of the monster force, and then nailed into the huge body of the tiger. The high-hardness and density metal core in the shell sank into the internal organs at a faster speed, and then burned violently.

Spells are interrupted by destruction.

The fighter jets swept across the sky, and the pilot saw the wind and rain slowly clearing in front of the swordsmen below.

A drone quietly photographed this scene in the extreme distance.

The observation machine in the camp below the mountain passed down the picture.

And Zhou Yi and the others were also momentarily absent-minded.

The armor-piercing shells flew into the sandstorm, making it hard to see clearly.

There is an illusion.

It was as if the swordsman in front had shattered the wind and rain all over the mountain with his sword.

Hu Jun is still alive, but his eyes are gradually dimming, and his voice is low:

...The five thunders method of Tianshi Mansion?


Holding the sword, Wei Yuan replied:

It's our armor-piercing projectile.

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