Museum of Demons

Chapter 36: Mountain Cutting Begins

Military vehicles move forward steadily.

The soldier driving was silent. Wei Yuan and Zhou Yi sat in the back seat, quietly tidying up the talismans on their waists and the firearm. This is a firearm specially enhanced by the military research institute for practitioners. It has a strong recoil, but it is also very powerful. High, close range can seriously injure or even kill ordinary goblins.

Six bullets.

Wei Yuan is not familiar with this kind of gun, and he was dragged to try it out for at most half a month.

The level of proficiency is the ability to shoot out bullets.

As for where the bullet goes, it depends on fate.

Wei Yuan put the gun away, put the sword behind his back across his knees, and said:

When does it begin?

Zhou Yi said: Tomorrow morning, the area around that Crouching Tiger Mountain will be completely blocked, so we must enter the blocked area in advance and rest there tonight. After all, that mountain is not a real wilderness. The upper limit, if it is in the wilderness of the test area, it will be simpler.

Even if it is the level of the ancient demon king, it is enough to bombard it with five nuclear warheads of the Dongfeng series.

The east wind puts flowers and thousands of trees at night, and it blows down, and the stars are like rain.

Thinking of that scene, Wei Yuan said dumbly, Then what are we going to do this time?

Zhou Yi took a lady's cigarette and said:

The firearm configuration can only mobilize the Fire Dragon-class rockets at most, and the damage radius is 300 meters. The power within the effective range is sufficient, but there are limited quantities and high prices, and it is impossible to really blow up the mountain directly; individual cloud bombs, The lethal range of high temperature and shock wave is about fifty meters.

Air support is a Tomahawk ground-to-ground conventional attack missile with a limited killing radius, but it is flexible enough.

Wei Yuan said: Support, that is to say, do you need someone to enter the mountain range?

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

Yes, monsters are not ordinary enemies after all, fragment damage has limited effect on them, and I don't even know what level of power it can exert in the mountain. Since it is the mountain god of Hujun, then this mountain must worship its temple. Let missiles and firearms focus on attacking this temple, bombing and destroying its mountain temple, the power as a mountain god will be greatly reduced, and even affect its own cultivation in backlash.

Afterwards is the second phase of the battle. Those who entered the mountain will kill the seriously injured Mr. Tiger.

You can't let it escape into the mountains and hide.

If a mountain god insists on hiding, it will be difficult for us to find him. This is why someone needs to enter the mountain. If the battle fails, high-standard weapons must be mobilized, which will inevitably affect the surrounding cities.

Wei Yuan closed his eyes and said, Understood.

Except for me this time, who else wants to go up the mountain?

Me, the members of the special operations team, and the special operations team of the Shenji Battalion.

There was a period of silence.

The vehicle turned slowly.

Wei Yuan suddenly said, What's going on with Zhang Yue?

Zhou Yi frowned slightly:

The one that eats and broadcasts?

I have let Xuan Yi and several action teams guard the surroundings, and rented the house opposite the door, but you also know that there is no abnormality in the Heavenly Master's Mansion and my Weimingzong's talisman. There was no response, and everything in the medical examination records was normal. According to the protocol, we can only stare at it and cannot take further measures.

This is a restrictive clause to prevent the action team from having too much authority and imprisoning innocent people for similar reasons. Otherwise, as long as there is a possibility of hiding ghosts, they can be taken away under the pretext of expanding their authority, and sooner or later they will breed disasters.

Wei Yuan closed his eyes and hummed.


Lord Tiger in the mountains was originally the enemy that Captain Sili needed to repress and seal.

What's more, there are support and companions, Wei Yuan didn't feel upset because he wanted to go deep into the dangerous place.

It's just that he didn't sleep well in the tent this night.

In the dream, the sixteen or seventeen-year-old appearance of Tian's youngest daughter flashed, and Dong Yu's last words flashed.

Finally, I saw the man with the umbrella in white.

The second day, morning.

Wei Yuan stretched his waist. After breakfast, the long sword behind his back was ready, and a military off-road vehicle with a tough shape and a strong sense of power was parked beside it. There were two vehicles in total, and the vehicle was loaded with three rounds One car is a special soldier of the Shenji Battalion, and the other is a special operations team, a former member of Jinyiwei.

Zhou Yi opened the car door and said, Wei Yuan, come up.

The woman has sharp short hair, a battle suit, and a loaded gun.

If it wasn't for her carrying a talisman, Wei Yuan would have almost forgotten that she is an elite disciple of Wei Ming Sect.

Wei Yuan raised his sword, and three Taoists from the Heavenly Master's Mansion stepped forward. One used the evil-breaking talisman, the other used the Six-Ding Liujia Amulet, and the other used the Cloud-Growing Curse under his feet. Affected, Wei Yuan only felt as if he was covered with layers of precious light invisible to the naked eye.

The steps are light and vigorous, and the breath is long.

He was also wearing a special combat uniform of eliminating monsters.

The whole body is black, protects the vitals of the torso, can greatly defend against slashing and piercing damage, and resists the invasion of demon power and ghost power. It has built-in charms that can avoid the negative effects of most ghost domains. It has a built-in syringe that can detect when the vital signs drop. , Inject the built-in medicine into the human body to restore the consumed mana, mixed with adrenaline components to stimulate the spirit.

Wei Yuan can only sigh with emotion, the official is really different.

Wealthy and powerful, profound heritage.

Whether or not these things are available will have a huge impact on the demon slaying, and it is not an advantage that a lone ranger can have.

Several Taoists bowed their hands to him.

The surrounding soldiers pushed their guns hard and stood upright.

Holding the sword, Wei Yuan got into the car.

Zhou Yi silently handed him a Bluetooth headset, and Wei Yuan put the headset on for internal communication.

Two armored military vehicles started from the camp and headed towards Crouching Tiger Mountain. They could only go up part of the way, and the road ahead was even narrower and more rugged. Even this kind of off-road vehicle could not do anything. , Wei Yuan thought for a while, then pressed his sword and walked forward slowly.

After walking up for a while, the mountains gradually became foggy.

On the mountain road, there is fog, and if you are not careful, you may fall and chase the cliff. In ancient times, I don’t know how many people went up the mountain in the fog, and they never returned. But these special soldiers are equipped with devices similar to night vision goggles, and the fog can’t protect them. make an impact.

Wei Yuan raised his hand and brushed it in front of his eyes.

Close your eyes, and when you open your eyes, you can see these thick fogs turning dark gray and black.

It's the mist.

The scenery on the mountain is by no means what you see with the naked eye. There are lush vegetation and forests, which look deep and lush, but a solitary patch of rugged rocks, with dense white bones lying among them, and the gray-black mist, which looks ghostly. Sensen is chilling.

Gradually walking up, after turning a mountain road, the sight in front of me suddenly opened up.

Everyone's footsteps subconsciously slowed down.

The mountain road under your feet has become a smooth stone road.

The white clouds and mist move slowly ahead. There are many pavilions and pavilions on the top of the mountain in the clouds, and the lotus pond flower beds do not look like ordinary creations. The sound of the piano is leisurely and calm, and it seems extremely confident.

Click click click.

The guns were aimed at the man in white instantly.

And at this time, in the rear.

What's happening in the mountains is filmed and transmitted back by tiny cameras.

Report, the operation team has contacted the target.

The other party...has no cover at all.

The officer of the Shenji Battalion in the camp frowned and said: appears that it does not see us as equals at all.

PS: Calvin is very stuck. The author just checked the power and effective killing radius of modern weapons. The probability is not rigorous. Just take a look and understand the meaning. After all, it is an upgraded version of the Ming Dynasty. As if there really is such a model in that world~

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