Museum of Demons

Chapter 327 I use the Mahayana to destroy the Mahayana (please subscribe)

The phrase bring you back into the world was deafening. Dai Yingwei didn't know why, but felt his heart fluctuate. Seeing Yuan Jue striding to the front of Tiantai Temple, he hurriedly greeted his colleagues and resisted the equipment. Followed by the rest of the reporters, The onlookers, as well as the monks, followed closely with big strides.

In front of the oldest Daxiong Hall in Tiantai Temple.

An old, or simple, or heavy-faced monk sat cross-legged on the futon.

The robes worn by each of the monks are different, but they all have a feeling of sinking in the heart. Wearing cassocks, these are among the eight sects of Buddhism, except for the disciples of Zen. In Buddhism, Yuanjue is the inheritance of these two sects.

He looked at the elderly monks who were at least twenty people over there.

Farther away, there are young disciples who are not allowed to wear cassocks, but stand with their wooden fish in their hands.

It is densely packed, giving people an extremely heavy oppressive force.

The nine-ring tin rod in Yuanjue's hand hit the ground heavily, and with a bang, the faces of the old monks were calm, and the young disciples subconsciously took half a step back, afraid of the great monk who could carry the mountain with his mana, and Yuanyuan Jue just shook his monk's robe, and sat cross-legged on the ground calmly.

Alone, facing hundreds of monks.

The sudden burst of tension made Dai Yingwei feel his scalp tingling.

The nine-ring tin rod seemed to feel the familiar atmosphere and trembled suddenly.

The sound of Dangdang mixed into the wind.

The reporters and the cameramen all chose the angles to shoot this scene. Dai Yingwei chose an oblique angle to shoot from Yuanjue, and captured the hundreds of monks over there, the ancient temple, the huge All the Buddhist bells were photographed, and the clouds in the sky were oppressed, and there was a feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city.

On the Tiantai Sect side, an old monk opened his eyes and spoke slowly:


On the law, it starts here.

This kind of picture is forwarded in real time by modern cameras. Many people who feel that they are not enjoying themselves enough after watching Taoism and Buddhism, as well as those who have the habit of reciting Buddha, turn on the TV, computer, and watch at this time. broadcast.

There was an old woman who was holding Buddhist beads in her hand and chanting the Prajna Heart Sutra.

I just remembered the two sentences form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form.

Looking at the screen of the broadcast, his eyes didn't blink.

The beads in her hand were spinning very fast, even while watching TV, there was no mistake in the Prajna Heart Sutra she chanted, and the coordination with the beads in her hand was also flawless. This is the result of 30 years of chanting. Said that she had recited the Buddha's name and produced great merit, the three disasters were all eliminated, and she would not fall into the netherworld.

However, she just felt a little complacent from the bottom of her heart.

Then I began to recite scriptures and Buddha more diligently.

This is to pray for her son and grandson.

She is serious.

I also specially bought an automatic recitation machine consecrated by the Buddhist master, who can recite the Diamond Sutra and the Prajna Heart Sutra all the time, which is equivalent to accumulating merit all the time. My son couldn't resist her, so he had to buy it and put it at home.

In fact, there are many old ladies like this in China.

They are pious and serious, and sincerely believe that this can really bring blessings to their families out of kindness.

But now, on the screen of the live broadcast, various 'Buddhas' discuss the Dharma.

First, the monks of the Fahua sect spoke.

While teaching the Dharma, there were golden lotuses springing up from the ground, and the sky was full of flowers.

Yuanjue's eyes were slightly closed, and he didn't answer.

But that day, the flower invaded Yuanjue's side for three feet, and was shattered by the nine-ringed tin rod.

Then came the monks of the Pure Land Sect and the monks of the Tiantai Sect.

When he opened his mouth, the Buddha's light flowed, and in the Buddha's light, it seemed that many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were reciting Buddhist scriptures there, solemnly, which made the hearts of those who saw this scene inexplicably excited, but despite the vastness of the Buddha's light, it seemed to be able to To scale everything, but not to invade Yuanjue's side.

The Buddha's light fell, but it couldn't cover the soft sunlight.

Even the sound of Buddha could not suppress the humming of cicadas and the sound of the wind in my ears.

In the end, senior monks from many Buddhist sects spoke to Yuanjue, and Yuanjue did not move, his expression was calm and gentle, unmoved at all, his concentration was extraordinary, and after about half an hour, Yuanjue spoke, slowly He asked in a loud voice, Buddhist disciples, what is your practice?

Lingshan Buddha and Bodhisattva, what are you doing?

This is a word that should not be hesitated among Mahayana disciples.

It is natural to spread compassion and save all living beings.

Pursue sentient beings...

Yuanjue read a sentence, raised his eyebrows suddenly and scolded:

Pursue sentient beings, what qualifications do you have to save sentient beings?!

A trace of astonishment and anger flashed in the eyes of the monks.

Yuanjue said calmly: Actually, I don't understand very much. Since it is said that the world is a sea of ​​suffering, and all living beings are perishing, saving all sentient beings is to pull people from the sea of ​​suffering to the shore. Is it true that you must already be on the shore and have transcended yourself? sea ​​of ​​bitterness?!

We say save people, so the rescuers are naturally in a safe place.

We say charity, so those who give charity should naturally have something to spare.

Then, all the masters have transcended the human world, escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and reached the state of Nirvana with the six senses of cleanliness?!

The monks frowned, but no one could answer this sentence.

Yuanjue said slowly:

Since the six sense organs are impure and sink into the sea of ​​suffering, how can it be said that it is universal salvation?

An old monk sarcastically said: Only cultivating oneself and disregarding the common people, this is Hinayana Buddhism.

Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty was proficient in Tripitaka Buddhism, and it has been passed down to you. Is there only a mere Hinayana Buddhism left?

Yuanjue shook his head and said:

Mahayana and Hinayana, there is no need to argue. Dare to ask what is the sea of ​​suffering?

Another old monk said slowly: Walking in the world is like walking among thorn bushes. If you move your mind recklessly, you will experience a lot of pain. There are eight sufferings in this world: birth, old age, sickness and death, not getting what you want, meeting with hatred, parting from love, and the prosperity of the five Yins. , so it is called the sea of ​​suffering without bounds.”

Yuanjue asked, Can you save people from suffering?

How to be saved?

The old monk was silent for a while, and asked back: Then how should we practice in the Consciousness-Wei Sect?

At this time, the camera's position was aimed at this simple-looking monk, and at this time, people watching the live broadcast were slightly startled, because this monk was so familiar.

In a certain construction site, the workers who packed up the steel and watched the live broadcast secretly, hoped that in the engineering workstation, the staff who left after changing shifts; the owner of the grocery store, the workers in the bakery, and the boss of the breakfast shop who watched the live broadcast while kneading buns were all stunned. .

This is the worker at their construction site.

He is a big man who will come to Project Hope to donate money and books.

It is a customer who comes to the grocery store to look for things.

A frugal man who comes on time to buy bread that is about to expire.

He is also an old-fashioned man who refuses to accept treats.

It's not like those eminent monks who seem to be filled with the smell of incense, with lowered eyebrows, they are peaceful and happy, this is full of life, even the people around them, looking at him, will feel a little strange and inexplicable I am very familiar with him, and I always feel that one day, when the sun is just right, I will see him in the streets near my hometown, that kind of ordinary and simple, fresh and real person.

This is not at all like an eminent monk, the simple and honest man looked calm, and quietly replied:

Eat when you eat, walk when you walk, and sleep when you sleep.

If the heart is stable, it is practice.

The old lady who recited the Heart Sutra paused.

The people watching the live broadcast frowned slightly.

That's it?

that's all? !

What about the Diyong Jinlian? What about the Buddha's light?

How can practice be so simple, how can practice be so simple, how can practice be so...ordinary, so people don't like it?

Yuanjue glanced at those monks who looked like Buddhas, organized his thoughts, and said:

There are indeed eight sufferings in the world, and there are even more sufferings, but how do these come from? In fact, they all come from our own existence. This is 'color', because of what we have experienced. This is' Feeling is because of what we think, this is 'thinking', it is because we choose to think, it is 'action', it is our cognition, 'knowledge'.

But it's all external, and it's our hearts that really cause the pain.

There is a saying in Taoism that the five colors make people blind, and if the eyes are blind, they will not be harmed by the five colors, but we don't want to abandon our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, so we can only start from our hearts. That is to say, to practice.”

He stretched out his hand to press the ground, and said in a calm and gentle voice:

If we have a physical existence, if we zoom in on time, we will definitely return to 'emptiness'. The birth of human beings and life itself is an accidental miracle. 'Emptyness' itself does not have the existence of eight sufferings, but human beings do. Such a concept, this is because we recognize these things.

It is cognition itself that causes pain.

If you put your self-awareness on a higher place, overlook the passing of time, know that all things and colors will eventually become empty, and calmly overlook the eternity of mountains and rivers, then you will know life, old age, sickness and death, but this is just a natural law, and everything will eventually return null.

To inquire into the heart, to recognize the cause of pain, and to recognize the essence of death.

Fear is because the reflection in your heart has something that makes you fearful.

When you can have no worries in your heart, no fear of life, no fear of death, and a clear mind, then there will be no fear; if there are no things in your heart that you can't understand and let go, you won't be troubled by these things. You can stay away from those crazy dreams and delusions, and settle down in yourself.

The body and mind are one with themselves, and there is nothing lacking and nothing gained.

Pain will not stay for a long time, and troubles will not arise, and the self is the only one.

Yuanjue's voice paused slightly, and he smiled and said, It's too difficult, isn't it?

His voice was too ordinary, as if someone next to you asked you what happened this morning. The person watching this scene nodded subconsciously, and the great monk said: Because this is already the realm of the Enlightened One and the Buddha.

Everyone didn't come back to their senses.

An old monk suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his expression changed suddenly.

Yuanjue, what are you going to do!

Yuanjue clasped his palms together and made a Buddhist lion roar, directly suppressing the old monk's voice!

But listening to everyone's ears, they feel soft and peaceful:

The world doesn't need so many enlightened beings and Buddhas, but everyone can walk on this road. Well, eat when you eat, walk when you walk, sleep when you sleep, live when you live, body and mind are one with yourself, There is nothing in the heart, and there is nothing lacking. In this state, it is the highest practice, and it is the realm of Buddha.

Isn't it also very simple?

There will be sadness, there will be happiness, there will be anger, but just remember, these emotions should be like wind and rain, they will cover the sky, but they will eventually dissipate, don't forget that your heart should be a mirror in the sky, not anger and sadness , The wind and rain will come, and they should disperse, but the only thing that remains the same, is always clear and pure. If you do this, you are already a very powerful practitioner.

Everyone's heart was deafened.

The monks were shocked.

I finally understood what this simple and honest monk was going to do.

He didn't want to make a name for the Consciousness-only sect at all.

This is directly digging out the root of the Mahayana Buddhism of worshiping Buddha!

Directly tell the most simple Buddhist teachings apart.

There is no need to worship Buddha, there is a path that can lead you to the state of mind of an enlightened being.

This is no longer Buddhism.

This is practice!

The pure land sect eminent monk suddenly stood up and shouted angrily:

Bewitching words to confuse people, Yuanjue, shut up!

He finally couldn't help it, and the beads in his hand flew out suddenly, and each of the beads suddenly became huge, and fell towards Yuanjue. The dull wind sound was almost like thunder. The old monk of the sect threw up the alms bowl, and it suddenly became huge, hanging upside down on the top of Yuanjue's head, spinning slowly, the golden light inside was shining brightly, as if he was going to put him directly into the alms bowl.

The great monk's sleeves fluttered, his expression became more and more peaceful, and he did not retreat.

Today, come to discuss the law.

He didn't use magical powers to resist at all.

His complexion gradually paled.

Just facing the crowd, with a calm voice, he narrated the last Dharma of the Heart Sutra.

All the Buddhas of the third age, according to Prajna Paramita, have obtained Ayodoro-samyak-sambodhi.

Ayutara Samyak Sambodhi is indeed the state of Nirvana and Enlightenment.

The Buddhas of the three generations are not gods. What Master Xuanzang said is that in the past, there were people who realized this principle and became enlightened. Now there are people who have realized enlightenment according to this principle In the future, even if it is the future where I have died, there will definitely be enlightened beings who have reached the realm and their minds are empty.

And 'I know that Prajna Paramita is a great god mantra, a great Ming mantra, an unsurpassed mantra, a mantra without equals, which can eliminate all suffering, and is true and true', this sentence is not for you to recite sutras, this sentence It means—

After the above arguments, it can be proved that such a method and wisdom of pursuing inner clarity is the Great Ming Mantra, the Great God Mantra, and the method and principle that can break away all the suffering in the world. It is true and true. This sentence is not a mantra, it is Master Xuanzang came to the conclusion that if you want to get rid of suffering, you don't need to rely on the Buddha, you need to rely on your own heart.

Actually, it's no problem to write a word explanation before this sentence.

The abbot of the Pure Land Sect had a numb scalp and shouted angrily, Yuanjue, are you going to be Nabo Xun?!

Yuanjue ignored him, with a calm expression, and said in a calm voice:

That's why I found out.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​bitterness.

Make a raft with your heart!

No one is qualified to save sentient beings.

And sentient beings, save yourself, save yourself...

There were bursts of thunder all around, surrounding the monk, and resisting the Dharma on the opposite side, Dai Yingwei only felt trembling all over, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Yuanjue's mouth, and said warmly:

As for the so-called Prajna Paramita mantra, that is to say, the meaning of cursing: uncovering and uncovering, Boluo reveals, Boluo reveals, Bodhisattva...

The old celestial master Zhang Ruosu, who watched this scene in Longhushan, sighed, and together with Yuanjue, said:

This sentence is not a blessing spell at all.

It was what Master Xuanzang said when translating the scriptures. It may be that he hopes that all sentient beings can achieve the state of mind of an enlightened being. Even that one is so excited that he wrote this sentence, which means 'so say, go , go, go and seek the wisdom with a clear mind, that is the other shore, I only hope that all beings can realize the supreme enlightenment.'”

Obviously it was an earnest instruction from the predecessors, like a teacher telling you, go learn it quickly, this thing is very good, but it was misinterpreted by later generations as a spell to exorcise evil, but it reminded me of the shitty thing about repaying evil with virtue.

It's obviously a classic book that guides people to cultivate their minds, but it is regarded as a thing that can be blessed as long as they recite the scriptures. The idiots who buy a basket and return the pearls, these bald donkeys who only know how to recite scriptures and recite the Buddha, do a lot of harm.

The old heavenly master was full of displeasure.

Wei Yuan next to him frowned and looked at Yuan Jue on the screen.

Zhang Ruosu comforted him and said, Don't worry, according to this situation, he must have obtained the true biography of Master Xuanzang. The nine-ringed tin staff might not like to talk to him before, but now he has recognized the master. Since ancient times, the scripture translator Time always tests the quality of a translator.”

Because when translating and explaining, the translator's comprehension will always be mixed in.

The Heart Sutra that is passed down to the world today is the version translated by Master Xuanzang.

A mere two hundred and sixty words, expounding the Five Aggregates, Three Branches, Four Truths, and Twelve Causes and Conditions, and fully embodying the core of Prajna Buddhism and the theory of self-emptiness of nature, so even if the Consciousness-Only Sect has been lost, as long as the Heart Sutra is passed on, Consciousness-only Buddhism may be enlightened by future generations at any time.

The Buddhas of the Three Times he mentioned used to be Sakyamuni, so I'm afraid he was directly referring to himself at that time.

Not boastful or arrogant, just plain narrative.

My senior monks, how respectable and awesome.

Wei Yuan said: Two hundred and sixty crosses, the core of all Buddhism?

Zhang Ruosu said:, Yuanjue can say that he directly threw out all the Mahayana in Mahayana Buddhism. Come to lead the world, teach the world to come, and save all sentient beings.

And Zen insists on smashing clay Buddha statues, saying that the Buddha is in the heart, but Zen has very high requirements for Buddha nature.

Tang Xuanzang is different. He hopes that everyone can reach the state of mind of the Enlightened One, and he directly opened up an effective path, but it is a pity that it has been lost. Now, Yuanjue is doing this to smash the roots of Buddhism. If it falls, the Buddhist incense may become much weaker... But, I am afraid that there will be real monks.

It is a good thing for a monk who is truly compassionate.

The old woman who was reciting the Heart Sutra happened to have reached the last line of the Paradise, and when she heard Yuanjue's explanation, her voice suddenly stopped, her mind was in a daze, and it took a while to recover. She suddenly thought of persuading her son When it’s time, tell him, this is a good thing, it’s good for you, you have to do the same.

But at this time, as if it was a voice that crossed the ages, the emotion left by Master Xuanzang burst out in words, This is the way to get to the state of mind of the enlightened one. You can become a Buddha by cultivating your heart. May all beings be able To do the supreme enlightenment'.

Thinking that I have been chanting a sentence for decades, but turned a blind eye to the real truth.

The real meaning of this sentence is intertwined with the picture of himself persuading his son.

An indescribable feeling gripped the old woman's heart.

It made her feel uncomfortable for some reason, especially uncomfortable.

But at this time, the automatic chanting machine next to him was in a state of mind. Accompanied by the sound of knocking on the wooden fish, the monk's voice sounded solemn and grand, as if it could really bring boundless blessings to all beings.

That's why I say the Prajna Paramita mantra.

That is to say, the mantra: Uncover the truth and uncover the truth, Polo reveals the truth, Parasangha reveals the truth, Bodhisattva.

That's why Prajna Wave...

The old man couldn't bear the uncomfortable feeling in his heart anymore, he walked over and turned off the noisy and harsh machine.

The room where the machine was turned off suddenly became silent and empty. She looked at the Buddha posters and Buddha statues pasted in the surrounding rooms, and was in a daze. Thinking of her son and grandson whom she hadn't seen for a long time, a feeling of sadness and annoyance emerged in her heart. Suddenly tears came.

On Tiantai Mountain.

The group of monks was furious, and the oldest monk stepped forward and scolded: Yuanjue, turn around quickly!

This is a serious crime of slandering the Buddha!

The blood at the corner of Yuanjue's mouth was like gold, he raised his head slightly, laughed freely, and said, Buddha?

Where is the Buddha?!

Is there?

He raised his hand and pulled out the nine-ring tin rod, and threw it violently.

The tin stick turned into a streamer and flew into the hall.

There was a bang!

Under the eyes of everyone, under the watchful eyes of countless people, the Buddha clay sculpture disappeared immediately, leaving only smoke and dust flying away, and after that, even the smoke and dust dissipated, and there was nothing on the lotus platform.

For some reason, not only the onlookers, but even the younger monks felt their hearts tremble. The Buddha seemed to be broken directly from the bottom of their hearts, leaving only a void, a sense of panic, but also a sense of comfort. Dripping, feeling self and real.

The old monk turned red angrily, and said angrily:

Yuanjue, you are presumptuous!

The great monk with low brows stood up, raised his eyebrows suddenly, and said, Presumptuous?!

You are presumptuous!

The old monk took a step back in shock.

Yuanjue laughed loudly, took seven steps forward, raised his hand and pointed forward, and shouted angrily, Mud tire!

Raising his palm, his expression was gentle: This is the world.

Pointing to the distance: Buddha is an enlightened one, and all living beings can become Buddhas!

What are you guys? Monks and nuns guarding mud tires?!

The voice was as low as thunder, but it made people feel at ease.

Dai Yingwei couldn't help thinking of a sentence: The Buddha preached like thunder.

Yuanjue felt a fishy smell in his throat. He was carrying Zen Buddhism and Weizhi Buddhism. He said that Zen Buddhism can overwhelm several other sects, and Tang Xuanzang, the founder of Weizhi School, was a figure who overwhelmed the Buddhist kingdom by himself, but Yuan He felt that there were very few ordinary words, and he felt that he seemed to have finished talking in his entire life today.

He knew that what he wanted to do was finally done.

He clasped his hands together, and the nine-ring tin staff appeared.

Holding the tin rod, he looked like the young monk who walked out of the Tang Dynasty alone thousands of years ago and faced the Buddhist kingdom calmly and fearlessly. The old monk's robe, put your hands together.

When the rainbow light left, heaven and earth had the sound of chanting the Prajna Heart Sutra.

On this day, Mahayana Buddhism was broken by Mahayana Buddhism.

Among the seven sects, there are over a hundred disciples who defected from the sect and abandoned the 'Buddha'.

PS: Today's first update... It's a combination of yesterday's second update and today's first update, 6,400 words.

Regarding Buddhism, it is my own thoughts on the Heart Sutra. I originally wanted to skip it, but felt that it was too empty.

Without these things, it is difficult to express where the devastating blow to Buddhism such as worshiping Buddha lies.

Knowing history, I really feel that Tang Xuanzang can really be called a holy monk.

Smuggled out of the border of the Tang Dynasty, crossed an unknown number of countries, subdued the Buddhist kingdom by himself, and ran back and forth. It is reasonable to guess that he is not only good at persuading people with reasoning, but also good at persuading people with reasoning.

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