Museum of Demons

Chapter 31 Wronged

Tao Siwen quickly walked out of the museum with his best friend.

The tall slender girl was really annoyed when she saw her friend, so she hurriedly begged for forgiveness and joked, pretending to be pitiful, Tao Siwen was a little unhappy at first, and really had nothing to do with her best friend, so she could only sigh and forgive her, Looking at the yellow talisman in his hand, he wanted to throw it away, but felt that it was not good to throw it away, so he had to put it away first.

It's just getting dark, and it's time to get lively in the modern city.

People are finishing their day at work, and the atmosphere in the city is a little more relaxed.

Tao Siwen and the two walked in the street for more than two hours. While shopping and walking, they ate a lot of snacks. They are modern people, and they are not very old. In the back of his mind, as for Wei Yuan's advice, he subconsciously regarded it as a way to solicit business.

Just like those fortune tellers in the village, they always talk about how bad your life is going.

How else would the business start?

Because his home is a little far away, Tao Siwen and his best friend separated at around nine o'clock, and then went home separately. If you take the No. 11 bus, you only need to walk a short distance after getting off the bus. On the morning, Tao Siwen turned on his phone and watched a movie for a while, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

When I got out of the car and walked on the road alone, the excitement of playing with my friends just now, and the emotional stimulation of the movie plot gradually weakened, I began to feel a little strange, the surrounding was quiet and dead, and I could only hear the wind blowing the leaves voice, and his own footsteps.

step, step, step...

Tao Siwen gradually became a little scared.

Suddenly, I remembered what the museum owner said today.

'... Please don't be alone recently, if you have to walk at night, please remember not to look back. '

He obviously didn't care about it just now, but at this time, the memory images are still unforgettable. The dim sunlight shining through the window, the gentle and admonishing look of the owner, and the old wooden frame with peeling paint all suddenly became vivid.

Phew, it's all fake, fake.

Where are the gods and ghosts in this world?

Although she still thought so in her heart, Tao Siwen couldn't help speeding up her pace, wishing she could go home immediately, bury herself in the quilt, and after walking about a hundred meters, she suddenly saw a person standing in front of her, subconsciously letting go Slow down.

It was a woman, dressed in white, and she looked light and light in the night, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Tao Siwen walked around a little bit and continued to walk forward.

When he walked, his body was tense, as if he would jump up if he touched it.

When she walked past the woman and nothing happened, she was slightly relieved. At this time, she realized that she was covered in cold sweat, but no matter what, she seemed to have passed a certain difficulty, and her steps were a little brisk. After a while, I muttered to myself that this is scaring myself again.

But after walking fifty meters, she took a casual look and saw a white shadow in front of her, and her face turned pale.

Still that woman.

Wearing white clothes, his eyes are numb, staring straight ahead.

Tao Siwen's brain lost the ability to think for a moment, but he just felt that his hands and feet were cold.

He lowered his head abruptly, and quickened his pace to move forward.

When I saw that woman for the third time, I only walked less than 20 meters. I feel that if I look back at this time, I can still see a woman in white clothes standing 20 meters behind, Tao Siwen His body trembled slightly, and an urgent thought suddenly rose in his heart to turn his head to look at it, but he firmly remembered what the museum owner said today, and refused to turn his head.

She walked past the third woman almost with weak steps.

When he walked over, there were already tears in his eyes, and his mind almost collapsed because of fear.

Come on.

Anyone is fine.

save me, save me...

A crisp and pleasant voice came from far behind:

Siwen, Siwen, wait for me, wait for me.

I thought about it, let me take you home...

It's Tongtong!

Thinking of that tall and enthusiastic girl, she almost cried with joy, and she cried on the spot, then turned her head away without thinking.

Facing a dead and cold face.


Dong Yu, who turned into a ghost, looked at his prey coldly.

Fair-skinned, young, comely and good-looking, and innocent.

Just like myself at that time.

She wants to get her own 'skin' first, and then go back for revenge. The original body fell off the mountain and can no longer be used. A new body is necessary. She looked at that face, her eyes were full of greed With fierce hostility, the short knife in his hand has already touched the girl's eyebrows.

When the knife was about to be cut, the girl suddenly collapsed, sat down on the ground, and let out a weak cry:

Dad, Mom, help me...

woo woo woo woo……

Dong Yu's movements froze suddenly, and the memory of being a human came to mind.

'Mom, I can take care of myself by myself. '

'Oh, don't worry...'

'Wait for me to go back to see you and my dad this year, hang up. '

A twisted and struggling expression appeared on Dong Yu's ghostly face.

This is my skin...

No, it's not, it's not...

She looked at the girl who was crying so badly, and what she saw reflected in her eyes was herself when she was just kidnapped to the mountain. She was deprived of her 'skin' by those people and lost her original life, and now she wants to deprive this child of her skin , deprive her of her life?

So what's the difference between you and those people?

The knife in her hand lowered slowly, but the ghost's instinct for flesh and blood was also affecting her. The blade was raised slightly, and then suddenly pressed down, trembling violently. Just as she was struggling, a piercing sound sounded.

On the left, a black shadow came down with a rather fierce momentum.

Dong Yu was just an ordinary person, so he subconsciously blocked the thing.

The attacking thing flew out obliquely and fell to the ground.

It is a scabbard.

Immediately, a clear voice sounded, and a silver light stabbed forward at an extremely fast speed.

The knife that had initially turned into a yin thing was lifted up and collided with the silver light. After all, it was filled with yin energy, which made the sword body tremble and buzz. , breaking the Yin Qi on the knife directly through a hole.

Dong Yu let out a muffled snort, and took a half step back.

Wei Yuan fell between the ghost and Tao Siwen.

Fortunately, I came out...

Wei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

His left hand had already taken out a talisman of peace of mind and put it on the top of Tao Siwen's head with trembling hands, calming her down from the state of mentally harmful collapse. Then he took out the talisman of breaking evil and killing evil, recited the talisman silently, and swept the sword with the talisman. Among them, the Eight-faced Han sword faintly emitted a burst of scorching fire.

Tao Siwen calmed down slowly, raised his head with tears in his eyes, and saw the museum owner standing in front of him today.

In his hand was the sword hanging on the wall.

And the ghost on the opposite side seemed to be scared, and didn't dare to go forward at all.

Her eyes widened.

This, this is...

The Han sword in Wei Yuan's hand shook violently, and he had already stepped forward.

After all, he has fought many ghosts, and most of them are stronger than the newly born ghosts in front of him. Wei Yuan has been able to maintain his composure in the face of these strange things, and his sword skills have been fully displayed. At this moment, he is facing the enemy with a single sword. Changing between the light and sharp dragon sword posture and the deep and stern battle swordsmanship, after more than ten rounds, the ghost in front of him is already showing a state of exhaustion.

Wei Yuan saw the right moment, swiped his left hand from the back of his waist, and cut out the broken sword abruptly.

The sound of breaking through the air was low and ferocious.

In the original agile swordsmanship, the broken sword suddenly appeared and slashed fiercely. Dong Yu was unprepared, and the short knife in his hand was slashed and flew away. Slashing at the ghost's throat, Dong Yu still had the instinct in life, so he subconsciously raised his neck to avoid it.

At the same time, Wei Yuan had put the sword back into its sheath in his left hand, his five fingers shrunk, and a talisman emerged, grabbing Dong Yu's arm violently.

Supernatural powers to exorcise ghosts.

Dong Yu was born not long ago, and just now she was struggling again, and her soul and body were unstable for a while.

Wei Yuan was in a trance for a while, and a series of scenes flashed suddenly and quickly.

That is the memory in the broken soul body.

College, parents, travel.

Be trafficked.

The creaking wooden bed, the man's red eyes and raised palms.

The hope of being burned clean at last.

was thrown down the mountain.

This is the obsession of being a ghost. Wei Yuan encountered such a preliminary ghost for the first time. With a muffled grunt, he subconsciously let go of his hand, while Dong Yu was also forced to recall the past once. He raised his hands and covered his hair. There was a mournful howl, and then suddenly collapsed, and the breath disappeared.

Wei Yuan raised his head.

Enduring the headache, he picked up the Thousand Miles Tracking Talisman from his waist and shook it away violently.

The surrounding environment became brighter, and Dong Yu's aura could be faintly seen gone.

Wei Yuan recalled the scene he saw just now, his eyes turned cold.

human trafficking……

damn it.

Put the sword back into the scabbard.

Tao Siwen was still a little dazed over there, Wei Yuan took her to a crowded place, her home was only a few steps away, Tao Siwen came back to his senses at this time, and stammered: You, you are...

Wei Yuan said: It's just for visiting the museum, don't take it to heart, go back quickly.

He turned his head and looked in the direction where Dong Yu was going.

The human body is heavy, but the ghost body is light, and can ride the wind.

If you want to chase ghosts with flesh and blood, you can't catch up at all.

In the land of the Bai people, there are people who are good at armored horses. One can travel thousands of miles a day, and the other can travel 800 miles a day, so they can be worthy of pursuit. With Wei Yuan's speed, it is impossible to even think about chasing them.

Wei Yuan wrapped the sword in the package and stopped a taxi.

Master, take a taxi.

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