Museum of Demons

Chapter 24 Lessons from the past

To cut or not to cut?

Wei Yuan thought about the sharp question before him.

Regardless of beheading or not beheading, there are reasonable reasons, and there are also concerns about not being able to do so. If you want to be beheaded, then Tian's daughter is already a painted skin. Let it go, then this monster has never harmed innocent people after all, what it did was nothing more than revenge.

But reasons are just reasons after all.

Good reason and how to make a decision are often not necessarily related.

And whether or not to do many things in the world, how to do it, has nothing to do with the reason. Without personal experience, going to the scene, speaking and making decisions are just from the perspective of the bystander, how can you compare with the person involved?

Wei Yuan looked at the phantom of the ancient Sili captain next to him, and sighed in his heart.

Judging from the fact that the Painted Skin Demon can appear in the present world, the Captain Sili didn't have the heart to slay demons at the beginning. Wei Yuan didn't give an answer for a long time. It's normal for a rookie to hesitate in the face of this situation.

His voice paused, and he said complicatedly: I didn't kill her immediately.

Her parents were in poor health and had no children. The eldest daughter married far away, and she was the only one by her side. If she died, the two elders would have no one to take care of them. I was afraid that they would be lonely and desolate in old age. She begged me to give her time to let her After you have fulfilled your filial piety, come to lead your death.

Baishan filial piety comes first, and she speaks earnestly. I was only in my twenties at the time, but I was just the envoy of the captain Sili, who was under the command of the captain of Sili. With the help, we also found the evidence that the lazy man of the Li family murdered his wife and brought him to justice.

Afterwards, there was another urgent move in the capital, so I hurried to other places to track down the traces of demons.

This coming and going, it's more than ten years.

During the calm narration, the shadow of Lieutenant Sili slowly dissipated, and the scene in front of Wei Yuan changed.


More than ten years of Spring and Autumn, but it is fleeting.

At the time, the direct envoy of hunting down demons was already forty years old, and he went around suppressing demons, accumulating experience, and was awarded the title of Lieutenant of Sili.

During the time of war, there were disasters everywhere.

Resentment is full of stagnation, and demons are rampant.

In front of those really terrifying and ferocious big monsters, the mere painted skin has almost been left behind, only occasionally killing the monsters, and the moment when I can breathe, I will think of kneeling in front of me with tears streaming down my face Lady Beauty who swears to God.

He sent his subordinate's envoy to investigate the demon.

The report said that the Liu family and his wife played harmoniously, and the woman of the Tian family ran the house. She was gentle and elegant, and she was even more respectful and filial to her parents. In the past two years, her parents were old and sick, so she personally took care of her. There are also pavilions and pavilions in the mansions, and they are more kind-hearted, often helping the victims of disasters.

He also gave birth to a clever son to the Liu family.

Captain Sili suddenly sensed something was wrong.

That girl from the Tian family is already a painted skin of a bone girl, her body and flesh are gone, only a pile of bones is left, how could she give birth to a son?

He felt uneasy, and even put down the important tasks in his hands, and rushed to the outskirts of the original small town.

Where are there hundreds of acres of fertile land and Guangsha pavilions?

It's all just mass burials in the wilderness and ridges.

He rushed into the town again, did not go to see the local official, rode straight to the Liu family mansion, and used the crouching tiger badge to scatter the servants of the mansion, and asked that his wife was taking care of the child in the backyard, and immediately ignored the maid to stop him , stepped forward, holding the sword in one hand, opened his eyes and looked into the house.

At a glance, the eyes are tearing apart.

More than ten years have passed, the appearance of that Miss Tian is the same as before, almost unchanged, even the skin is as delicate as a girl, and now she is using a pair of black scissors to tear off a piece of yellowish and withered skin on her face. Get down, and then go to the bed, where there are many things stacked on top of each other.

It looks like clothes, but when you shake it open, it is surrounded by the human skin of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

The woman cut off a piece of skin from the girl's face with scissors, and carefully pasted it on her own face.

There was also a six or seven-year-old boy on the bed.

While shaking his feet, he cut open his chest with a knife, looked at the bones and the rotten flesh between the bones angrily, pointed at his white spine, and said with a pout: Mother, mother, I It's time to grow up, other students in the school are taller than me, they all laugh at me.

Tian's daughter pointed the child's forehead and said:

Okay, okay, today I will tear apart your father's bones and give you an extra section.

The little boy clapped his hands happily.

Then he pointed to his stomach and said innocently and cutely:

Also, mother, the county magistrate's liver is fine.

The private school teacher's heart is here, it has turned black and rotten.

Well, the heart of a living person should be rotten after six months of use.

Then what to do?

Don't be afraid, there is a senior official from the capital outside.

His heart is better.

Captain Sili was startled and furious, and suddenly turned his head to look.

The maid, the cook, the old vegetable seller, the teacher who taught, and the man in official uniform all stood behind him expressionlessly. The crowd was full and silent.

There are more than a hundred people in this house, all of them have turned into human skin.


Captain Sili stood next to Wei Yuan, and said slowly:

Finally, when I beheaded Mrs. Tian, ​​I found that the human skin was empty under the skin. It was just a skin, but the real painted skin had long since disappeared. Perhaps I had sensed something was wrong before and escaped. go.

The abnormality of the world is a demon, the spirit of a thing is a spirit, the lingering soul is a ghost, and the abnormality of a thing is a monster.

He whispered slowly and looked at Wei Yuan:

Later, you should remember that if you are a spirit ghost, you can contact them separately depending on the situation.

The second part of monsters. Anyone who sees us will be punished and killed, especially those who are transformed into monsters and monsters in human bodies. They must not be let go.

Anomaly is a monster, abnormality is a monster.

Turning humans into demons and monsters has already run counter to human nature. The food in your mouth is like yellow mud and dry grass in their mouths, and human flesh and blood are extremely sweet to them. Its appearance The kindness shown is just the last remaining part of being human.

But this kindness is like a rootless tree and water without a source, it will disappear with time.

And the monster's strange ferocity and hostility will increase day by day.

If there is a grievance, you should report it and uphold justice, but those who need our protection and compassion are the people who died because of the injustice, not the monsters born with the obsession of the corpse. They themselves...

Captain Sili's voice paused, and he looked into Wei Yuan's eyes.

If you are not of my race, you should be beheaded without pardon!

On the three-foot sword edge between you and me, there is clarity in the world, and there is absolutely no room for personal affection!

PS: Thank you for Shaohuayiwan__Flowing Years Like Water, thank you~

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