It was obviously beyond Zhou Yi's expectation that Wei Yuan could agree so simply.

She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, but said gratefully:


Wei Yuan shook his head: You're welcome.

Zhou Yi hummed, and after a while, she turned around and went out to answer the phone. When she came back, she had a few special things in her hands, a bluetooth headset, a temporary ID card, and a white medicine bottle. Inside is something like a capsule.

This is the supply of the Special Operations Group.

The woman pointed to something placed in front of Wei Yuan.

After pressing this button, this mobile phone can directly access the internal frequency band of the action group.

When you go out to perform missions, there will be a special intelligence analysis team behind you to support you, including not limited to surveillance searches across the city, target positioning, intelligence searches you need, and police support to a certain extent .”

This is your certificate, temporary, with slightly higher authority than the previous one.

And this is the medicine from Longhushan.

Zhou Yi handed the medicine bottle to Wei Yuan:

It has been specially processed at the nanometer level, and it can quickly affect monks.

The medicine inside the capsule is rich in spiritual energy. Within three hours after taking it, the meridians will always be in a state of full spiritual energy. After testing, it can improve a certain degree of endurance and strength. Depending on the individual's physique, it can be between 20% and Between thirty percent.

A look of surprise appeared on Wei Yuan's face, and he took these things.

This thing is not available in the Crouching Tiger Waist Card...

He does have his way.

But the foundation of his Taoism comes from supernatural powers [Zhu Ling] [Exorcism].

The talismans transformed by these two supernatural powers transformed his body, giving him superficial Taoism.

And the makeover is complete.

Even if the talisman is scattered, the Tao will not disappear.

I don't know if this modern elixir can have an effect on him.

Seeing Wei Yuan take the things, Zhou Yi nodded and said:

It's just that I don't know the characteristics of the painted skin. In the previous records, there is no such monster that can differentiate into a painted skin slave, so there is no way to apply to the arsenal and choose a targeted talisman.

Can I still apply under special circumstances?

As expected of the former Jinyiwei.

Wei Yuan suddenly thought of the big man's treasure house mentioned before the Crouching Tiger waist badge.

It's a pity that my meritorious deeds have been replaced by basic supernatural powers, and the dossier records that were opened for some reason. The supernatural power of [Zhu Ling] is understandable. It is the power that every Crouching Tiger captain must master, but that one Wei Yuan didn't understand why this dossier was opened.

He put away his distracting thoughts, looked at Zhou Yi, and said:

You said that they disappeared because they climbed a mountain?

Zhou Yi nodded: Yes.

I've checked the information. It turns out that there is no such mountain at that location, as if it appeared suddenly. All the missing cases are more or less related to this mountain. Zhao Xuan and some police officers have already There they are, they have drones, they should have pictures coming soon.

She reached out and tapped a few times on the keyboard.

It happened that a message came, and after clicking on it, it was a video shot from the perspective of a drone.

And a series of mountain composition photos.

This is a very strange mountain.

It is not high from the front, but it is very steep. When the drone camera is zoomed out, it can be clearly seen that this mountain passes continuously, like a tiger lying down and dozing. One peak is the tiger's head, the continuous mountains are the tiger's powerful backbone, and the last mountain is the tiger's tail.

Zhou Yi was still talking about the results of some investigations.

Lands such as this mountain have been brought back and are being prepared for investigation and study.

For example, when you are close to this mountain, the concentration of spiritual energy will be higher than that of the surrounding area, and within a radius of seventy miles, the spiritual energy will be higher than other places.

Wei Yuan looked at the mountain, but his expression was a little frozen.


It was not until evening that Wei Yuan was sent back to the Folklore Museum.

One hand holds a document bag, and the other hand is pork belly.

Zhou Yi looked at the meat in the bag and said:

It seems that you don't have time to cook your braised pork today.

Next time I invite you.

Zhou Yi smiled, and the engine car left.

Wei Yuan turned to open the door, saw several ghost eyes staring at him, took out a can of Coke from his pocket, put it on the table, ignored the carnival of several ghosts, retreated to the door, entered the inner room, and then closed the door directly .

He opened the file bag, which contained the whole story of the disappearance.

Still on the side, took out a few photos.

The photo shows the mountain that suddenly appeared next to Jiangnan Road.

The mountains are continuous, like a tiger.

Wei Yuan took out the waist card and exerted a little force. Instead of directly extracting the text, he found a piece of white paper and pressed the Crouching Tiger waist card on it. Amidst the low buzzing sound, black lines appeared on the white paper, and finally on the white paper. On one side is written seal script vertically.

Strange power and chaotic gods, the fifth of gods.

This is Captain Crouching Tiger's dossier.

It records the information of the big monsters captured by the crouching tiger captains from generation to generation since the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the whole story of the case.

But now, the lines on the white paper combined to form a mountain.

The mountains are continuous, like a crouching tiger.

Wei Yuan compared the white paper with the photo.

Almost exactly the same.

There is only one difference. In the photos taken by the drone, there are only mountains. On this file, the mountains are just decorations. There is also a temple on the screen, which occupies most of the paper. In the center of the temple sits a dignified There are maids lighting lamps under the hall, men in official costumes are bowing and smiling behind, and melons and fruits are placed in front of them.

A majestic and peaceful atmosphere.

Tiger Temple.

Wei Yuan was watching intently, and suddenly let out a painful snort, the white paper file in his hand began to emit a bloody stream of light, and the high temperature in contact with the palm was almost to the point of burning.

crunch, crunch...

The light of the energy-saving lamp suddenly dimmed.

Then it started flickering.

The hum of electricity flowing through the wick can be heard.

When the lights go down.

The room was dark, and starlight streamed in from the window sill, shining on the file.

Indistinctly, the mountain remains the same, but the rocks have turned into skeletons. At the highest point of the skeleton mountain, there is a temple. The materials for the temple are overlapping human bones and animal bones. The man in the office couldn't see his face clearly, and the subordinate officials behind him had wings, sharp ears and sharp mouths.

The maid holding the lamp in front is human skin and bones.

When the lights were restored, the normal mountain temple appeared on the screen.

Crunch, crunch.

The lights flickered.

The peace of the gods and the ferocity of the monsters are constantly intertwined.

Finally came together.

Opening the file this time was completely different from the last time, and at the same time, words appeared one by one.

Tiger, granted by Emperor Wu in the second year of Jianyuan when he entrusted the gods of mountains and rivers.

Taste blood food later, it's out of control.

Sili Lieutenant and the first celestial master Zhang Daoling descended from the ruined temple on the mountain.

It has been broken.

The three characters have been broken, bright red like blood.

Looking at these three words, Wei Yuan suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

There is a feeling of being spied on.

He turned his head sharply.

The lights in the room were completely extinguished at this moment.

On the glass, a distorted grimace stared at him.


Zhang Yue dragged his tired body back home.

He was complained by a customer when he was driving an online car-hailing service, and was scolded by his boss when he was at work. He was in a bad mood.

Park the car in the garage.

He opened the door lightly and went to his daughter's bedroom. The child was already asleep.

Zhang Yue knelt beside the bed, watching his daughter fall asleep.

The expression on his face gradually softened, and he stretched out his hand to pull the quilt for the child.

I will never give up on my daughter...

He said softly in his heart.

Turn around and come out, tired all day, haven't eaten dinner, very tired, but no appetite.

In order to eat more while eating and broadcasting, he always treats dinner as a main meal.

I started eating in the early morning every day, and my stomach had problems early.

After making the oily and greasy roast pork, he has no appetite at all.

When preparing to broadcast live, he suddenly remembered the seasoning he bought today.

Just to try it out, poured a little bit.

An unprecedented strange fragrance suddenly emanated from it...

Zhang Yue's Adam's apple rose and fell.

It smells so good.

No, not incense.

is hungry.

So hungry, so hungry, so hungry.

so hungry! ! !

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