Museum of Demons

Chapter 208 Practice

Wei Yuan looked at Yuanjue, and had to admit that at that moment, he really thought about it seriously and went to make a vote with the monk Yuanjue, and got the Ksitigarbha Fundamental Vow Sutra of the Pure Land School, but When he thought about the next step, he found a huge problem.

Now it seems that it can't be done.

The two of them didn't vote for the same thing in the past, but they were afraid that they would vote for others.

Yuanjue soon realized this, scratched his bald head, sighed, and said regretfully:

It's just not easy to do. Generally, Buddhist enemies don't have the Ksitigarbha Vow Sutra in their hands, but it's a bit difficult to find someone who can practice this Dharma, and also cultivate a famous name. The Buddhist Pure Land is open, and I'm fine as a monk. Master Wei, you may also become only chanting scriptures and paying homage to Buddha.

Yuanjue smacked his lips, feeling a little regretful.

Wei Yuan thanked and said, It's okay, now that I know this method, I'm not in vain.

Yuanjue laughed and said, That's the best.

He pointed to the dishes on the table and said:

Come on, Master Wei, eat, I invite you today, just order whatever you want.

You mustn't be polite.


After eating and drinking for a while.

The monk rubbed his belly, scanned the QR code, and the little brother at the barbecue stall over there said politely:

not enough.

Yuanjue looked at the account balance, turned to look at Wei Yuan, folded his hands together, and said with a smile:

Never mind, Master Wei, it's almost money, it's enough to eat.

Wei Yuan laughed, took out his mobile phone and planned to pay the bill by himself, the monk raised his hand and pressed it on the mobile phone, and said: If you can't do it, Master Wei, it's only ten yuan, do you have any cash? Wei Yuan took out ten yuan. , Seeing that the monk gave the money to the boss, and then settled the rest of the bill.

Only then was he relieved.

After returning to the table, Yuanjue wanted to drink the little fruit beer left, smacked his lips in satisfaction, took out something from his bosom, handed it to Wei Yuan, and said, It was said to be a treat for a poor monk, but it turned out to be a treat. Let you out, this little thing is of no use to me, just accept it.

Wei Yuan took it casually, noticing something was wrong, his expression changed slightly.

Spread out five fingers, and there are two round things in the palm of your hand, exuding gentle Buddha nature, it is the relic.

Looking at Yuanjue, he said, This is too precious...

Yuanjue clasped his hands together and said with a smile, Amitabha, Amitabha.

It's just two broken stones. What's valuable or not? It's useless for the poor monk to keep these things, and he's too tired to hold his body. If he can save people, it's a great merit. He can save sentient beings during his lifetime. If you can save people after death, that would be the best thing.

The only value of this thing is that. If the relic is put in a box and offered as an offering, it is a rotten stone. Otherwise, according to my master, you should find a ravine and throw it down, accompanied by the wild flowers in the mountain. After the flowers bloom, there is nothing gentle and elegant, just the fragrance that covers the head and covers the face, which is very comfortable.

It's more comfortable than the fragrance in the temple.

Wei Yuan clasped his five fingers together, put away the two relics, thought for a while, unfolded the receipt and pasted it on the table, and pointed to write a talisman on it, then handed the talisman to Yuanjue, saying: In this case, then I will use this to exchange with you.

He smiled and said, I'm not a monk, and I don't think so openly like you. I still want to exchange one thing for another.

Yuanjue was surprised, looked at the receipt and the talisman painted with white water, and exchanged it for two relics, he pointed at Wei Yuan with a smile, and said freely:

The mere relics are nothing more than the white paper of this receipt. They are nothing more than dust in the world. Ordinary people are obsessed with it, but it is just an add-on. Why bother to be obsessed? Master Wei, you are well versed in the Buddha's nature. ah……

Wei Yuan looked at the brush strokes that were slowly disappearing on the four-faced talisman, and the fingers of the talisman were behind his back, so that the overflowing stream of light could not be seen by others, and said with a gentle smile:

I didn't say that.

But the monk only said that in his heart, he regarded the relics as worth as much as the receipt, and there was nothing to be obsessed with, so he took the receipt away and said with a smile: Since it was painted by you, Master Wei, then I will definitely take this Put your things away and never leave your body.”

It was only at this time that Wei Yuan saw that the monk was wearing a monk's robe, and he was holding a fertilizer bag as a salute.

He finally asked: If the person and the story I mentioned were just made up by me, and there is no such person, nor such a thing, if you are so simple, just give me the relic, and you won't regret worrying about it. ?

The monk stood up with one hand on his chest, and said with a smile:

Then no matter what, the poor monk has saved that person.

He laughed a few times, turned around and left casually, and then casually rolled out an old-fashioned Golden Phoenix bicycle, and rode it, humming a tune and leaving. Sigh, restrain your thoughts, and think about what to do next.

It is very difficult to get the method of Pure Land Sect.

Because the disciples of this school actually practice reciting the name of Buddha, especially reciting the name of the Buddha, and one of the assistants is called praise and offering. The monk only needs to concentrate on reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha, and never forget it, in order to be reborn in the Pure Land.

Probably the kind that will be looked down upon by Zen Buddhism the most.

This branch has never joined the special operations team, and has not let the disciples run around in the world, killing demons and demons.

Because they think it's called miscellaneous.

The core of the Pure Land method is to let go of miscellaneous activities and return to the right karma. What is the right karma?

That is of course chanting Amitabha Buddha with one heart and one mind, thinking about going to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss in the next life, the pure land without dirt.

It was because these housekeepers could not go down the mountain, Yuan Jue regretted not being able to come to the door to bring them.

However, if he really wants to give Wu Yi a new path, he may not necessarily follow the Pure Land Sect, but just confirm that Buddhism does have similar methods. Jia took it away and became the so-called Dharma protector.

Since they turned the remaining part of Wei Yuan's true spirit into a guardian deity.

Then Wei Yuan can naturally get a similar method from it.

Break into the enemy's interior, and then pluck your own wool.

In other words, you need to take the Jade Dragon Pendant to the place where the Sangha arrived at the Huai River, where the guards of the Black Ice Terrace broke the Overlord Spear and threw the Jade Dragon Pendant into the Huai River. The Sangha's self-directed and self-acted Sangha Jiang Guishan Old Mother cut off the sacrifice that originally belonged to Wuzhiqi.

If you take the jade dragon pendant there, there is a high possibility that you will recall some of the events at that time.

Then get the Buddhist method from it.

Wei Yuan calmed down a bit, picked up another bottle of cabin, and rode on the shared bicycle and left slowly in another direction.


On another road.

Yuanjue rode that bicycle leisurely.

When passing by the bakery, I took out a few coins from my trouser pocket and bought a loaf of bread that was about to expire.

Then he rode his bicycle to the side of the road, looked up, stopped the car, and carried the bag with the big characters of pesticides and fertilizers in it. In the luxury car that passed by, there were young people in clothes and leather shoes, and some The slender woman, wearing a limited number of famous bags, said in surprise.


After all, monks can make a lot of money.

Yuanjue smiled and nodded in the curious eyes of the car owner, and walked inside.

There is a sign at the service window, Hope Engineering Office.

In the window was a young woman who had just graduated from college and was dressed in simple and clean clothes. Yuan Jue put his bag on the ground, squatted down, took out a wad of cash from it, handed it over, and then found some damaged books from his big bag , smiled and said: The poor monk bought a lot of books, it's okay to tinker.

Here, comic books and some science fiction books should still be available.

He handed everything over, wiped his hands, and wrote down his name seriously.

Then, carrying the empty bag, he rode his bicycle creaking and creaking, walked through the bustling city, and finally stopped under the bridge hole, frowning, because a luxury car was parked there, and a man in a monk's robe stood there: Nephew, long time no see.

Yuanjue said: You haven't been approved by my sect, so don't come here for friendship.

The man in a wealthy and dignified manner was a little embarrassed, looked around the bridge hole, looked at the straw mat, and the wild dogs around him, and said in a tone of voice: That's good, but, Yuanjue your place, Life is really hard, I heard, don't you also work part-time?

Yuanjue said lightly, Naturally.

Don't you get paid?

The boss manages food and gives money, and every penny of the poor monk is naturally spent, and there is absolutely no waste.

Where did you spend it?

The past, the present, and the future.

Huh? What?

The flowers in the past are with me, who need to read and write; the flowers are in the present, making friends, being open and calm... and the future.

This is also practice.

How can spending money be practiced?

If so, isn't the richest person the one with the highest cultivation?

This specious maneuver, the rich monk couldn't answer, so he was embarrassed:

I don't think you are rich no matter what. How about it? I'll give you a million for one of the two relics. The price is negotiable. Those things are useful now, but after all, it hasn't been many years since they were burned. So for the price...

Shut up!

Yuanjue raised his eyebrows and scolded, If it was you, even if you filled this bridge hole with money, I would not be able to hand over the relics to you, let alone you who are poor!

With a bright moon on one shoulder and a breeze on two sleeves, the poor monk is very rich.

The rich monk wanted to speak, Yuanjue stretched out his hand to pick up a brick, and said:

Are you going?

If you don't leave, the poor monk will blow your dog's head off!

The wild dog whimpered, Yuanjue nodded in embarrassment, and said, Don't worry, it's not yours.

Huh? Do you think I'm scolding you?

No... I never thought of it.

Looking at the brick in Yuanjue's hand, the rich monk wanted to persuade him again, but he saw Yuanjue's arm muscles twitched, as if he was going to throw the brick at a speed faster than a missile at any time, so he had to leave in embarrassment. Let go of your hand, the bricks have already turned into powder.

The monk was dazed, thinking about what his uncle looked like when he was a child.

The monks at that time obviously had many companions.

But now, there is no monk accompanying him.

He laughed.

Any straw mat, the monk sat cross-legged on the straw mat, with his palms on his knees, saw those wild dogs whose tails were about to turn into a whirlwind car, and saw the cats circling fawningly, smiled smugly, and said: You don't know, today's bread is very good, it's fluffy and soft, and it's heated, and most importantly, I can just buy it back with the remaining money.

He triumphantly took out the bread he bought and tore it off. The wild dogs came forward and licked it lightly. After one of them took a bite, it would retreat to let the rest come up. The cat nestled in his arms, Standing on his shoulder was a bird, gently pecking at his bald head, getting, getting, like knocking on a wooden fish.

Yuanjue looked at these creatures with a smile.

He was sitting on a broken straw mat, with all living beings in front of him, but when he raised his head, he could see the night and starry sky through the gap, and the monk lost his mind.

Whether I am poor or not, the world belongs to me.

It is great freedom.

Wealth and honor in this world are not riches and honor, but fame and fortune are locked away, where can we feel at ease?


PS: Today's first update... 3,400 words. Thank you Yoshimansho Yahuo, thank you~

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