Museum of Demons

Chapter 206 Attempts and Methods

Wei Yuan's cell phone was placed on the table, because of the special location of Qingqiu Kingdom, it would be slow for the girl to get through, so she hasn't been able to respond yet.

If there is anyone who knows the way to bring Wu Yi back, then Nvjiao is definitely the most likely one. For three thousand years, Wei Yuan can't help sighing, and he has respect in his heart. He has never been stingy with those The respect of a true hero.

Also willing to help.

But the situation Wu Yi is facing at this moment has exceeded his cognition.

Life and death are already important matters, if someone is still trapped in it, how can he help others? After the death of a person, the soul mixes with the beast again. Unless there is really a king of Mount Tai and a king of the underworld in this era, who else can solve it, and even if there is reincarnation, it is just to let him reincarnate to eliminate the animal nature.

Wei Yuan raised his palm, and the mountain god seal rose up.

Most of the divine power in the seal that had been exhausted after several times of use has recovered, and it is still recovering at a leisurely pace. Sure enough, the divine power delay that Wei Yuan was worried about earlier appeared. Song City is too far away from the human world.

This time the signal is really bad...

Holding the seal of the mountain god with five fingers, Wei Yuan felt that the power he could mobilize was far inferior to that in Chaoge City. The bonus was actually very little. On the one hand, it was because of the distance. His spiritual veins are not connected to the current Shenzhou.

Wei Yuan could hardly sense that force.

Even if he could sense it, he couldn't let the mountain come over. Could it be that the merchant's ancestral veins should grow two legs and run directly from the mountain and sea world to the human world? The kind that comes with sacrifice and divinity.

Even if it didn't scare Zhang Daoyou out of myocardial infarction.

Wei Yuan thought about it and decided not to scare the old man yet.

There is really such a day to talk about it.

At this time, Nvjiao finally connected the phone, her tone was lazy and casual, and she joked:

Yo, why do you have the heart to call me today?

For some reason, Wei Yuan felt a chill down his back, so he could only laugh dryly and say:

Isn't this, haven't contacted for a while?

Nvjiao smiled and said: Oh? So, today I'm here to say hello, there's nothing wrong, right?

The corner of Wei Yuan's mouth twitched, realizing that he had lifted a rock and hit his foot.

Nvjiao let out a smug chuckle, and she laughed to her heart's content before lazily saying: Okay, okay.

Stop playing.

Tell me, what's the matter?

Wei Yuan pondered for a while, and decided to lay the groundwork first, saying:

I have linked the decree of the mountain god with the spirit vein.

The girl's voice paused, and then she frowned and said: used the seabed spirit veins?

Wei Yuan shook his head and said, No.

He said frankly: It's the ancestral line outside Chaoge City.

Nvjiao: ...

Modern Chaoge city ruins?

No, the one from the Age of Gods.

Age of Gods?

Well, Cheng Tang swears to the master, the one who has been worshiped for thousands of years.

The phone fell silent.

Su Yu'er had been growing up by Nvjiao's side before, so it is impossible for Nvjiao not to know the specialness of Su Yuer. She seemed to have not thought of what Wei Yuan did, and she was silent on the other side of the phone for a long time. Accidentally knocked over the vase, and took a slight breath of air after biting his tongue, but he had to force the small movement of the elder sister so that he couldn't make a sound.

After a while, Wei Yuan heard Nvjiao cough lightly, her tone remained unchanged, and she said calmly and calmly:

...You are real, you can.

I got the exclamation and approval of the girl, and I could hear the surprise and loss in the voice.

Wei Yuan felt a little sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Then I heard Nvjiao say in a slow and orderly manner: This reminds me of the past, just like back then.

Everyone knew it was going to be a show.

You are the only one who really hit Yu on the head.

Every time, always, unexpectedly.

Wei Yuan: ...

Miko-sama, can we stop talking about this?

So, you are in Chaoge City, did you see anything?

With a gentle tone, the girl revealed Chaoge City, which is somewhat special to her, and then asked about Wei Yuan's experience. Wei Yuan paused and sighed: I saw a former acquaintance The descendants of the deceased are the descendants of the deceased...

He is a descendant of Qi. should call him like that, King Shang, Wu Yi.


Qi is the son of Emperor Yao, a courtier of King Yu, and an ancestor of the Shang Department.

In Yuan's memory, there is still a part of this person's memory. He still vaguely remembers that he was a gentle and lazy person who liked to be distracted. Compared with fighting, he preferred to stare at the starry sky in a daze. At that time, great efforts were made, and the original astronomical astrology was also integrated and created.

His descendants rebelled against Xia Jie who claimed to be the sun in the Age of Gods.

But Wu Yi is not just a descendant of Qi.

Wei Yuan described what he saw to Nvjiao exactly, and then said:

Standing for three thousand years with the power of one person.

Witch Jiao, you have lived until now, is there any way to keep him alive?

The witch was silent for a while, and sighed: I can't do it.

Human soul and true spirit live in the flesh, with the true spirit as the core.

Even if it's you, if you take the Kunlun Undead Flower, it will protect your true spirit.

And King Shang's true spirit was called ghosts and gods in that era. Since the body of ghosts and gods cannot retain a human appearance, it means that his true spirit has been polluted...

Death as a human may be the best ending for him.

His current state is almost an impossible miracle. With myself above the true spirit, I may be able to let him live in his current state, but ah, Yuan, do you think that a person who is alive Will the king who shoots the sky and kills the gods and can stick to it for three thousand years after death choose this path?

The girl's voice paused, and she replied:

No, he won't, he will choose to walk the final road in a dignified manner as a human being.

Because such people are not uncommon in this land. Over thousands of years, this place has encountered danger more than once. Someone always stood up to carry the banner, and someone was always the first to wake up in the dark, and then carry the The situation fell into disrepair until someone came to them.

The girl's tone softened: I have seen this land for thousands of years...

Perhaps in the distant country, there are innocent survivors; on that narrow island, there are slaves who commit suicide out of loyalty. But in the land under your feet, some are willing to sacrifice their lives for righteousness, and some are seeking far more the arrogance of the living.

Yuan, are you going to trample on Wu Yi's dignity as a king just because you want Wu Yi to live?

Are you going to use the arrogance of a bystander to decide the life and death of a king who has persisted for three thousand years?

Are you going to break the spine of that spirit?

If this is the case, I will never allow it. As the king of a country, and a king who has gone through a difficult road and fulfilled all his duties, no matter how embarrassed he is now, he should have no mercy.

Because it's not just the king. For anyone who has tried his best in life, pity is an insult.

The girl's tone was soft and quiet, like torture, with an unspeakable sense of oppression.

After pondering, Wei Yuan replied, No, I don't intend to decide his life or death.

He laughed at himself: Nvjiao, you are right, I am just a bystander, I saw his experience, I can't deeply feel his pain, but if I were him, I would choose to act as a human being. Go to the end, instead of living like this.

But I think at least a second option should be found for Wu Yi.

Wei Yuan said: I believe that there is no one who does not want to survive, but he has no choice.

Between his home country and himself, he chose the former, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to choose himself, it's just that his home country weighs more.

Those who hold salaries for everyone should not be frozen to death in the wind and snow.

The hero has completed three thousand years of perseverance, and then died alone and arrogantly outside. It is indeed tragic, but it is not enough to plant flowers and firewood in the world where he has been watching for three thousand years in anonymity?

Wei Yuan paused, pressed his palms on the table, and said:

The first kind of story is too cold, I don't like it.

I'm here, so I want to find a second option, find a second path, and then let Wu Yi choose for himself, to see whether he is willing to die calmly, or is willing to exist in Chaoge City in another way, looking at this I won't interfere with a single city.

The girl's face was surprised, and there was a look of appreciation in her eyes, then the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said in a relaxed tone:


Has anyone ever said that what you say sometimes is quite secondary?

Wei Yuan's expression froze.

Then hung up the phone angrily.

Finally, I heard Nvjiao couldn't help laughing on the phone.


Wei Yuan hung up the phone, looked at the time, and thought about how to find a new path and possibility for Wu Yi. Taoism is impossible. Zhang Daoling’s imperial edict talisman and the heaven created are just a mechanism to protect Shenzhou .

The enshrined heavenly soldiers and generals, many gods, only have Taoism, but no real spirit.

The mountain and sea world where Chaoge City is now is different from the human world, and there is no heavenly court of talismans.

Taoism is not successful, so, Buddhism?

The tiger seems to have obtained the method from Buddhism, deprived of the divinity originally occupied by the ancient Buddhism in the Central Plains, and crossed the natural moat of the earth, turned into a god, and was not affected by Buddhism; and Wu Yi himself is the emperor. God, with divinity, has three thousand years of persistence.

Tiger can do it, there is no reason why Wu Yi can't.

At least it's worth a try.

Big deal, reverse the wool of Buddhism once.

Wei Yuan pondered for a moment, turned on his phone, and dialed a number.

That was Yuanjue, the Zen monk he had met before, who was being pursued by the great Buddhist forces.


PS: Today's first update... Buffer chapter...

Trying to write a little more interesting, headache...

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