Museum of Demons

Chapter 182 Ancient Paintings

To seal the mountain god?

Wei Yuan looked at Wu Zhiqi's expression of As long as he has hands, the corner of his mouth twitched.


I am easy on your lungs.

Do you think I'm easy to fool?

Wei Yuan looked at Wu Zhiqi, speechless.

He counted several lifetimes, but they were all doing things like cutting down mountains and destroying temples.

Wei Yuan's understanding of mountains is not much worse than that of Wuzhiqi, so he knows that the mountain that is qualified to be associated with the seal in his hand actually refers to the special mountain with land veins and spiritual veins The so-called linking the seal and the mountain is actually connecting the seal and the spiritual vein.

Only such a mountain can bear the weight of the earth and gods.

Cutting the mountain is to cut off this connection, and even cut off the spiritual vein directly.

Logically speaking, Wu Zhiqi's proposal is feasible.

But this is a descendant of thousands of years after the law of land only appeared.

Now which famous mountain has not been conferred by successive dynasties? Not to mention, now the land has disappeared, and most of the famous mountains and treasures revealed are occupied by sects. Speaking of it, Longhu Mountain definitely has enough spiritual veins and qualifications to host a mountain god.

But how can Wei Yuan connect this seal with the dragon and tiger ancestors?

Wuzhiqi noticed the embarrassment and headache on Wei Yuan's face, snorted out his nose, and said calmly:

That's what I did back then, you still can't do it.

Wei Yuan knew that when the Huai River system was the largest, the boundary spread all the way to Yunmengze and Xiangshui, and there were many water gods under his command, and Wu Zhiqi was directly the water king of the Huai River God system. The gathering of so many water gods is now clear.

Knowing is knowing, but it is completely impossible to reproduce.

Wei Yuan frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and planned to go back and inquire about the Tianshi Mansion, and send a message to Nvjiao, asking if Nvjiao knows about the treasured Lingshan land that has no owner in this era.

In fact, he already had some ideas in his mind.

After all, he has a whole book of mountains and seas stored in his mind.


Wuzhi Qi's golden eyes stared at Wei Yuan, and said, What are you thinking?

Wei Yuan came back to his senses, shook his head, and replied, It's nothing.

After being interrupted by Wuzhiqi, he sighed in his heart, and dismissed the thought just now.

After all, after King Yu died in his life, he had already expelled all the mountains and seas from the human world. Now those mountains are still hidden where they are hidden. , It is too difficult to connect to the ground.

If I remember correctly, in that era, there were actually mountain gods born naturally.

There are names and surnames, such as the god Zhulong in Zhongshan, Luwu in Kunlun, and Pingfeng in Pingfeng.

Even if there is no specific name left, it is a natural god.

He, Wei Yuan, came to the door carrying the seal.

There is no doubt that it is to smash the field of those natural gods and slap the faces of those mountain gods.

This new enmity and old enmity, enmity upon enmity, it would be strange not to be red-eyed on the spot.

Wei Yuan shook his head, dismissed all these thoughts, took back the seal, and planned to shelve this idea first, if it is impossible to find a small spiritual vein at the bottom of the sea, it should not be a problem to recharge the seal of God, there is no branch Seeing that he seemed to give up, Qi didn't say much.

Wei Yuan stayed for a while, ready to leave.

Seeing that Wu Zhiqi seemed to be planning to start the game, he kindly reminded: Shui Jun, this game is time-consuming, pay attention to the battery when you play. He pointed to the icon of the Civilization game, Wu Zhiqi didn't care, Just waved his hand.

Wei Yuan left with the magical power of Yushui.

Wuzhiqi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged at the bottom of the Huai River.

Counting silently in my heart.




Wait until Wei Yuan leaves for three breaths.

Wuzhi Qicai opened his eyes suddenly, his body became smaller, and he opened the King of Fighters that he had fought in his dream last time, and started to play with great interest, but it was just like what Wei Yuan had considered before, For this kind of game with fighting as its selling point, for an existence like Wuzhiqi, its appeal is limited.

After he played several games, he began to feel bored slowly.

At this moment, he noticed the civilization icon in the corner.

Do you want to try it?

Wu Zhiqi moved the mouse, at this time he thought of Wei Yuan's reminder before he left, and glanced at the battery, there is still 87% of the battery, 87% of the battery, how much energy is consumed by a mere game ? How much time can it take?

So Wu Zhiqi sneered, didn't take it seriously, moved the mouse, and clicked on the game.

Game, start.

It's four o'clock in the afternoon, just play for a while and try other games.


Wei Yuan returned to Quanshi with the method of controlling water.

It seems that because of the use of magic power, there is a slight tingling pain in the heart, but it is not obvious.

If this kind of pain increases with the increase in the amount of mana used, once it bursts out with all its strength, it will even experience the sharp pain of being pierced by a sharp blade again. It seems that during this period, it is necessary to use the seal to make several Just put a divine edict on your body for protection.

Wei Yuan sent a message to Nvjiao, and found that Nvjiao couldn't read back, so the corners of his mouth twitched.

Skull hurts.

Every time around this time, I miss you so much.


When on earth are you coming back?

Wei Yuan sighed and had no choice but to scan a shared bicycle while thinking about other things.

Ride back slowly.

When I returned to the museum, I saw a somewhat unexpected figure. It was a frowning 30-year-old man in dark green clothes. He was the same person I had seen twice yesterday. He came to the museum again today. In front, he hesitated, wanted to go in, but seemed to be hesitant.

It can be said that it was just a coincidence to come once, and hesitant the second time, obviously something happened.

Wei Yuan stopped the car and said, This guest.

The man seemed to be taken aback. He took a step forward before turning around, looking in the direction of the voice, and saw that the person speaking was a young man with a slightly pale complexion and a gentle expression, which made him The subconsciously tense nerves eased.

Wei Yuan pointed to the museum, as if he didn't see his embarrassment, just as if he was soliciting customers, he said with a smile:

My guest, although my store is a bit small, there are still some interesting things. Would you like to go in and have a look?

His voice paused, and he joked, After all, we've all come here.

It seems that the person in front of him is very young, or maybe it is because the tone of his mouth is easy to speak.

The man hesitated, then nodded slowly.

An Shengming.

He added, My name is An Shengming.


Mr. An, here it is.

Wei Yuan handed An Shengming a bottle of tea.

Sitting on the sofa, he opened a can of Coke and said with a smile:

Look around casually. Although I have relatively few things here, it's still interesting.

An Shengming glanced over the items on the cabinet, and finally landed on the Buddha statue and the bronze mirror that Wei Yuan had brought back before. He paused, as if out of fear, he shrank his neck back, and then looked away.

Wei Yuan noticed this and didn't say much.

An Shengming was silent for a while, wrapped his hands around the drink bottle, and said:

Actually, actually, I came here to ask, do you collect things here?

Not the ordinary kind...

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and saw that the expression of the young man on the opposite side hadn't changed in the slightest. He was leaning on the sofa and beckoned him to continue. pool abyss.

Wei Yuan thought for a while, and said, This is a museum, and I happen to be short of collections.

What exactly is it, please tell me in detail.

An Shengming breathed a sigh of relief, That's a painting.

Ancient painting.

On the painting is a woman in a red dress.

Wei Yuan said: The ancient painting of the woman in red doesn't sound like something very special.

An Shengming nodded, his face was a little pale, and said:

But, this painting, this painting is different.

When he spoke, his complexion was a little pale, and his palms trembled slightly.

It wasn't until Wei Yuan outlined a peace and tranquility talisman with his fingers that An Shengming finally settled down.

He smiled apologetically, organized his language, and slowly began to talk.


My name is An Shengming.

I'm already in my thirties, and at my age, I live like a cow, holding my neck to suffer.

There are old people on the top and young people on the bottom, and they are busy all day long.

But my dad's 60th birthday, no matter how busy he is, he has to take care of it.

So I spared some time and went back to the old house to clean up. In the old house, I found an ancient painting that had been put away. In the painting, this young woman in red was painted. For some reason, I always felt that She was smiling at me, but I just admired how good the painting was, and put it away.

The house is not big, but it has been left unattended for many years, and it still took a lot of effort to clean it.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face well.

But it's strange.

I was the only one in the old house.

Why do I always feel that someone is staring at me from behind when I wash my face?

PS: Today's second update... Buffering the linking chapter, thank you for the rewards from the spirit of the sun, thank you~

I just found out that this chapter said that there seems to be a BUG again. I can only see my own, or a few that pop up occasionally, but I can see it in the background, and they are still there. When it is repaired, it will all be displayed, and then it seems to have pictures. If so, there will be a delay, but it can be sent out.

And what is the floor now. It can also be displayed, everyone can post normally, I really need your feedback (╥ω╥`).

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