Museum of Demons

Chapter 165 The Inherent Romance of China

Wei Yuan walked through the dream.

Finally, when he returned to his own dream, he found that Wu Zhiqi had actually called out the hidden characters of King of Fighters 97, and began to use the hidden characters to beat ordinary characters one by one, to see the effect of each character's ultimate move, and try different combos. Move, enjoy it.

It wasn't until the next day that Wu Zhiqi had to put down the game in his hand and left the dreamland.

Before Wuzhiqi left the dreamland, Wei Yuan made a few more divinations. The tiger is now hiding in Yingtian Mansion. For the first time, Wei Yuan calculated whether there would be a catastrophic event that would endanger ordinary people in Jiangnan Road, and he got a clear idea. A sign that everything is safe.

This is the same as Wei Yuan's deduction.

With the tiger's caution, when he finds himself being noticed, it is impossible to do things that expose himself, especially now that although the tiger abandons all foreign things and embarks on the orthodox path of practice, but at the beginning, his strength may not increase. down, at its weakest state.

Tigers during this period will be very cautious.

And Wei Weiyuan calculated the old Taoist priest who was familiar with him. Although the latter is good at Taoism, he is old after all, and he is also in Yingtian Mansion. If he is targeted by the tiger, he will be in danger. He was not involved in the rampage of tigers.

Wei Yuan relaxed slightly and woke up from the dream.

Next, we have to wait until Zhang Hao's search comes to a conclusion.

He had just informed Zhang Hao of the tiger's true spirit aura and appearance through a dream.

Zhang Hao is different from him.

Wei Yuan has never learned the spell of recording the pictures in his memory into the jade slips. It is troublesome to take pictures for others to see. He is not a Taoist disciple like Zhang Hao. Zhang Hao can ask the elders with profound Taoism to use Similar to his supernatural powers such as mind-through, let those Taoists also see the real spirit of the tiger's appearance.

But Wei Yuan could not allow others to do this.

On the one hand, he has too many secrets, and he does not want others to see his true spirit.

On the other hand, Wei Yuan himself doesn't know what others will see when they use spells to spy on his true spirit, and what they will encounter, but he can confirm that even if a monk who is advanced enough to cast such spells Supernatural powers have a high probability of being backlashed.

Think of a true cultivator casting a spell, and then falling down with blood spurting from the mouth.

Wei Yuan felt that he couldn't explain clearly with several mouths.

Zhang Hao and the others don't have such worries, and they also have enough trust. This may be one of the benefits of Zongmen's inheritance.

Wei Yuan thought about the situation in his mind, sorted out one thing after another, then lay on the bed, not wanting to get up at all, he looked at the rising sun outside, and began to think about a philosophical question aimlessly.

You should have slept enough yesterday.

Why don't you want to move?

Sleep is for rest.

... If you have to work in your dreams, then what is the point of sleeping?

Am I not 007?

After struggling and tangling, and the alarm clock, Wei Yuan lay flat on the bed, motionless, and the water ghost came to him through the door and said, There are people from the operation team looking for you outside, uh... Boss, why are you still awake? What time is it...

Wei Yuan, who was half asleep and half awake, blurted out:

I was sealed by the quilt.

Water Ghost: ...

Wei Yuan suddenly woke up, coughed, and said without changing his face:

I mean, I'm thinking about a sealing technique. The action team is here? Where are they?

The water ghost decided to forget what he had just heard, and replied, In the museum.

Wei Yuan asked the water ghost to be in charge of entertaining the visiting guests, while muttering to himself that the efficiency of the operation team was so fast, had he already found out the identity of the young man transformed into a tiger just after dreaming? While quickly getting dressed, he raised his hand to draw out clear water to wash up hastily, and walked out.

Definitely a member of the Action Team.

But it's not the special operations team from Quanshi, but the members of the logistics department of the operation team from Ying Tianfu.

It was a man in his thirties, wearing a black suit.

He introduced his identity, took out his certificate to Wei Yuan, then took out a letter, held it in both hands and handed it to Wei Yuan, saying: Master Wei, this is the relic of Professor Jiang Hualiang of Yingtian Mansion, it is for you The letter from him, the suicide note said that it would be given to the person who saved him someday.”

Mr. Jiang is a leader in cancer research and has contributed all his life. The director sent me to deliver the letter to you.

He added, Of course, we didn't read the contents of the letter.

It's a moral.

Wei Yuan thought of the professor of medicine who was used by his students for human experiments in the matter of Wu Xuan before, and he looked a little disappointed. Although he knew that the old man's situation was already extremely bad, he still felt regretful when he got the news, saying : Did Mr. Jiang pass away?

The action team member nodded and replied, He died yesterday.

This letter should be Mr. Jiang's thanks to you.

He was a respectable old scientist, and his departure is a loss for all mankind.

The man stood up, smiled, and said:

I have other tasks, so I won't bother here.

Wei Yuan sent the man out, looked at the unopened letterhead in his hand, and didn't open the letter immediately, it was past ten o'clock, he was a little hungry, he didn't even have the mood to cook, so he scanned the letter. A shared bicycle, first found a breakfast stall opened by the family.

This kind of storefront is their own facade, not the kind of mobile stall.

So it's still open at this time.

Wei Yuan ordered a bowl of tofu nao, two tea eggs, and took three drawers of steamed buns.

The boss clicked his tongue and said, Young man has a big appetite.

Wei Yuan smiled and explained: I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten for a long time.

That's more to eat.

Wei Yuan mixed a bowl of sauce with spicy oil and vinegar. Half of the steamed buns were eaten with dipping sauce, and the other half was eaten with the original flavor. The two methods were eaten alternately to ensure the freshness of the taste and to ensure that every bite could get the most out of it. To the extent of enjoyment, I finally ordered a big meat bun and took a bite.

Then pour the last sauce into the steamed stuffed bun through the hole, and eat it.

When the boss collected the money, he looked at Wei Yuan and said, The stomach is quite big.

Wei Yuan smiled and replied:

It's been a long time since I ate, but this time I'm full, and I've saved lunch.

The boss came to a sudden.

After paying the money, Wei Yuan found the second store and said:

Please take a bowl of noodles, by the way, add three or two more noodles.

Facing the questioning eyes of the boss, Wei Yuan said without changing his expression:

I haven't eaten a few meals before, so I'm very hungry.


Wei Yuan turned around skillfully and purposefully before he was full. The Wumen monks' thirst for food would not be weakened until the next level. At this time, he received a message from Zhang Hao, saying that Zhang Hao Hao has already joined the teachers, and will immediately start searching for the tiger after confirming the true spirit.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, the dossier left by Zhang Daoling when he sealed the tiger has been opened.

Brought to Quanzhou by the monks of Longhushan, it should be sent to the museum soon.

After Zhang Hao explained, he hung up the phone hastily.

Wei Yuan put away his mobile phone and rode home slowly. When he passed by the flower shop, he saw Jue was in the flower shop. The girl was wearing a blue suspender skirt, a light-colored shirt, and a pair of transparent high-heeled sandals with a long shawl. Her hair was not tied up like in the past, but fell naturally, and she was reading a book.

As if noticing Wei Yuan, Jue raised his eyes and nodded with a smile, his appearance was elegant and peaceful, just like before.

Wei Yuan thought for a while, then said hesitantly, Yesterday, Jue...


The girl tilted her head slightly, her eyes were clear and peaceful, with doubts in her eyes.


Wei Yuan's voice paused, and said: It's nothing, the painting you drew yesterday is really good, I like it very much, and said that I want to show Zhang Daoyou a good look.

Suddenly, the girl nodded with a smile and said, If you like it, I can paint it again.

Wei Yuan and Tiannv exchanged a few words, took their leave and left.

There is a feeling of relief in my heart.

It seems that not only is it pouring down a glass, but also I don't remember anything after being drunk.

Can't remember well.

Save the embarrassment of meeting.

Wei Yuan pushed open the door of the museum. In the flower shop, the elegant and quiet girl withdrew her gaze and put a strand of hair behind her ears, exposing her neck and ears. The tips of her originally fair ears were slightly red.


Satisfied, Wei Yuan sat lazily behind the desk in the museum and opened the envelope with a knife.

He noticed the dried blood on it, thought for a while, and unfolded the letter. It was a letter paper with red horizontal lines. The words on it were just right, but the handwriting trembled slightly. Wei Yuan read out——


I haven't been able to thank you for saving my life before, and preventing Zhou Zichang from making even bigger mistakes. I still feel sorry for you, so I leave a souvenir to express my gratitude. There is another thing to confess, and I will keep it. A bottle of Chang's research results.

However, I didn't apply it to unethical research, I just tried this drug and left some data for posterity.

As a teacher, as a person, Zhou Zichang's actions are undoubtedly wrong, but apart from everything else, I can also understand that no doctor can resist the achievement and temptation of making human beings immortal, and I am the same. But he was on the wrong track.

Human life is limited, we will encounter various intractable diseases, encounter various problems and difficulties, perhaps a person's whole life, or even a generation cannot completely overcome these difficulties, but as long as we confirm It's worth it, we still have to give our lives to forge the path.

In this way, people who come later can go further on our basis and even solve problems directly.

Then when they encounter new difficulties, they will also devote their lives to the advancement of others.

It seems meaningless, and maybe people will laugh at it, but looking at the past one hundred years, five hundred years, isn't that what we did, step by step amidst the laughter, and solve problems one by one? Emperors all died of typhoid fever, and the plague that ravaged an era was controlled and eliminated in various ways.”

In the past, isn't this incredible? We have overcome difficulties that were considered impossible in the past. Healing diseases and saving lives, and constantly solving difficult and miscellaneous diseases, the wish of people who studied medicine a thousand years ago, two thousand years ago, is now Still being picked up.

Actually, I think that with such a great wish, it will be passed down from generation to generation.

If it doesn't change for a thousand years, doesn't it also live forever?

Wei Yuan looked at the four words that have remained unchanged for thousands of years, and he suddenly thought of two thousand years ago, the young Taoist with dimples on his mouth when he smiled, and what he said about curing diseases and saving lives, Wei Yuan was silent for a while, and opened the letterhead. On the second page, I saw the lines of text on the top that became powerful——

I know, you may not be an ordinary person, you can live for a long time.

Life is long.

I wonder if you can make an agreement with me, an ordinary old fellow?

Just yesterday, in a lonely room, the terminally ill old man coughed and wrote the following words tremblingly——

A thousand years.

Wait a thousand years later, if you still remember my letter, can I bother you to look at that era? See if people in that era have overcome the current top ten incurable diseases, and see if people don't have to be Plagued by hunger and disease?

See if the dream that has spread for thousands of years is still alive.

At that time, if you burn this letter to me, will I know it too?

It's a small request from me, who is about to die, and you, who is immortal...

The old man used his last strength to carefully fold the letter paper.

While Wei Yuan read the last few sentences, he was silent for a long time.

This is a contract and agreement spanning millennia.

Even if you have already collapsed on the sick bed.

There is still the arrogance of looking at the world for a thousand years.

It is also magnificent and romantic.

Wei Yuan carefully put the letter paper on the table, took out the pen, and wrote his name on it, then cut his fingers, pressed the fingerprints, and Crouching Tiger injected his soul into this most ordinary, yet extremely heavy, white paper. On the paper, he folded the letterhead, and then put the letterhead on the collection of the museum.

Put it together with the original pottery, the jade dragon pendant of the first emperor, and the nine-section staff of Taiping.

Wei Yuan suddenly had a feeling that what was hidden in his small museum were not artifacts, but people.

It is man's determination to conquer nature, the world is one country, the people's survival, and the doctor's great wish.

He covered the cabinet door made of glass.

So here, there are not only memories buried in the past, but also promises for the future.

The sun fell into this ordinary museum, and the lights were not turned on. Because of the color of the old wood, the museum has a faint yellow color as if the years have passed. Wei Yuan stood in this dull time, quietly looking at the letter, Suddenly thought.

Could it be that the self in the next life will occasionally find the things left by this self?

Still at that time, still myself.

Wearing a black jacket with buttons and fine moire patterns, the calm-looking museum owner looked at his collection for a while, then turned and left, sat in front of the old wooden table, read a book, and waited for the information to come back.

Museum Collection——


The doctor made a great wish, that he would not die for a thousand years.

Code name, 004.

The contract has been completed.

PS: Today's first update... 4,000 words~

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