Museum of Demons

Chapter 159 Shame, expulsion

Liu Shaoying drove in silence, Wei Yuan was sitting in the passenger seat, watching the sky gradually darken, the street lights on both sides were on, from dusk to night, Wei Yuan looked back and said: This kind of thing happened, why? Why don't you go to the police?

Liu Shaoying was silent for a while, took a breath, and said:

...For this kind of thing, it's not good to go to the police.

We are all ordinary people, with flesh and blood, and family members. We are not much better than me in facing this situation. Isn't it harmful to involve them in such ghostly things?

To be honest, if it wasn't for you, the owner of the are rather special. I planned to go out at that time.

Wei Yuan pondered and said, That's it.

So what were you going to do?

Liu Shaoying was at a loss, her face was a little pale, she was silent for a while, and replied: I don't know either.

But no matter what, don't hurt anyone.

Wei Yuan nodded.

Thinking in my heart, if I go to the police for this matter, there should be a high probability that it will be directly handed over to the members of the special operations team, and it will directly enter the stage of extraordinary events. But now most people don't have this kind of cognition. Ghosts can also call the police.

This is also the necessity for extraordinary popularization in the future.

After all, spiritual recovery is getting faster and faster, similar things will not be rare, and the system must keep up with the times.

The car was parked downstairs in the unit, Liu Shaoying supported the steering wheel with his palms, took several deep breaths, then took out the key tremblingly, went downstairs and entered the door, Wei Yuan followed behind him, as soon as he pushed the door, he felt a faint scent of sandalwood, Come on.

The decoration of the home is very warm, but there are some discordant places.

Wei Yuan saw that there was a red cloth spread on one side of the table, and Buddha statues were placed on it.

more than one.

Then he saw the old lady praying devoutly to Buddha, and then he remembered that this old lady was three days ago, when he and Yuanjue were on the streets of Yingtianfu, they saw the person walking past devoutly holding a Buddha statue, Seeing Wei Yuan, the old man was a little surprised that there was such a guest at night, Wei Yuan smiled and introduced himself:

I opened a museum. I heard that the old lady invited a Buddha statue to your house, so I came to see it.

Only then did the old lady's expression soften, and when she heard that it was for the Buddha statue, she pulled Wei Yuan and enthusiastically told him how powerful the Buddha statue was, how the master who consecrated the Buddha statue was so famous, and this kind of chanting It is of great merit to read something that has been enlightened by a master who has been reading for decades.

It has great merit, so how did you invite this Buddha statue back?

This, of course, is devotional, and then pay some money.

Oh, the great monk's Buddhist merits are bought with money.

The old lady felt that there was something in the young man's words, but the latter looked serious, and what he said seemed to be true, so she couldn't say anything. Wei Yuan looked around the house, and he had recovered part of the true spirit of his previous life, so he The spirit is quite sensitive, and I can feel the foul smell hidden in the sandalwood.

It seems that although the Buddha statue was invited back, the former mirror spirit seems to be still there.

But it's normal, it's a mirror spirit after all, and it's harder to deal with than ordinary evil spirits.

Mirrors have special meanings in the practice world.

It has the function of reflecting the ugliness of the human heart and sealing certain things. Of course, the sealed things will never be good things. The old lady went to burn incense and chant sutras to the Buddha statue. Wei Yuan sat on the sofa and saw the nut plate on the table. Generally, there are melon seeds and peanuts, and half of them are filled with candies.

Inside are triangular bonbons wrapped in confetti.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Wei Yuan reached out and took one, opened the candy wrapper and put the candy in his mouth.

The sweetness is mixed with the wine, the fineness of the chocolate and the texture of the heart of the wine form a contrasting taste, which stimulates the taste buds, making Wei Yuan slightly satisfied and squinting his eyes, wondering if he should buy some for his family, give some to Tiannv, Yuji's side I won't give it away, if you come to the door, you are afraid of being stabbed to death with the overlord gun.

Just as he was thinking, Wei Yuan suddenly felt a chill down his back, and felt something staring at him from behind, without turning his head, his mana circulated as he wished, spilling out like a gust of wind, and he 'saw' that It was a child of about five or six years old.

It's just that the soul and body are dim, and half of the three souls and seven souls are missing.

It is said to be a human being, but it is actually a half-ghost. In the records of Flying Window and Different Grass, someone once got a treasure mirror. It was the concubine Ji, whom Zhu Quan loved in the Five Dynasties, died after the rebellion. Please Zhenxiu cast it with his soul blood , You can see people in the mirror, and you can sing and dance well. That person lived with this Jing Ji, but within a few months, he became seriously ill and was on the verge of death.

Jing Ling is not a kind person at all.

Wei Yuan's mana sensed that the 'child' was staring at his back coldly.

But no one could notice, and then the child walked out slowly, as if using a ghost to cover his eyes, and walked towards Wei Yuan step by step, while the voice of the old man chanting sutras and worshiping Buddha became more and more frequent and rapid , the Buddha's voice is loud, the sandalwood is rich, and the ghost behind him is approaching, weird and permeating. Liu Shaoying is cutting vegetables in the kitchen, and the kitchen knife touches the chopping board, making a clear and rhythmic sound.

When, when, when...

The child silently approached Wei Yuan's back.

His eyes were cold and bitter, and he reached out to touch Wei Yuan's back.

Little by little, little by little...


A hand silently patted his shoulder.

? ? !

The child's face turned pale, and he almost screamed out in fright. He couldn't even maintain the cover-up, and he was exposed. He turned his head suddenly, but there was nothing. Looking at him, the museum owner turned his head, looked at himself with a pair of eyes, and said with a gentle smile on his face:

Children, do you want some candy?


The little boy covered in white hair was almost frightened and stared at Wei Yuan, and it took him a while to remember to shake his head.

All right.

Wei Yuan nodded regretfully on the surface, then peeled off the candy wrapper and put it in his mouth.

One's own mana spread out and scattered all over the body, and each mana was like a filament floating.

All the filaments are densely packed, like a net.

This is what he learned naturally after recovering part of the memory of the Three Kingdoms era.

Although he didn't get all the true spirits, and didn't have the ability that Jue had seen in the later period, and was praised as the advanced Taoism, but after mastering this part of the memory, the ability to control and use mana is still greatly improved.

After all, his body was weak at that time, and he had to save any mana.

If you can save a piece of mana, you can draw an extra water rune.

Can save one more person.

He was silent for a while, laughing at himself.

After all, if you are poor, you will be interspersed with tactics.

The child who had obviously been affected by the spirit of the mirror and the remaining half of the three souls and seven souls was about to run away, but Wei Yuan held him back. ready to move.

And where the child was held by Wei Yuan, a bluish-purple trace immediately appeared.

The half-human, half-ghost boy was stiff.

Can't run away...can't break free...

He looked up and saw Wei Yuan smiling gently, Don't be afraid, uncle is a good man.

Uncle, I heard that you have a mirror. Look, I opened a museum and I just need a mirror. Can you let me see it? Just as a reference...

One eye of the little boy turned pure black.

He seemed to see behind this young man in black with a gentle face, there was an illusory but real tiger. When the young man smiled gently, the tiger also opened its mouth, revealing its sharp fangs. There was no warmth in its cold amber eyes. .

The tiger was so huge that its forehead almost touched the roof.

The young man and the fierce tiger, one real and one empty, one in front of one and the other in the back, both eyes were fixed on him.

Let the room that was originally not that big present a distant and empty atmosphere.

The half-human, half-ghost strangely felt the cold air swishing from behind him, and his hands and feet were stiff.

The boy had no choice but to nod his head with difficulty, and Wei Yuan let go of his hand.

Seeing the children running away, Wei Yuan inexplicably felt like a weirdo trying to scare children.

Rubbed his chin.

No, this is clearly a brave young man who subdues demons and eliminates demons.

He picked up another piece of candy and put it in his mouth.


Under Wei Yuan's gentle and friendly gaze, the boy had no choice but to take out his own mirror.

Then pass the mirror over.

This is a bronze mirror, but it is as bright as a modern mirror, with complicated patterns on it.

Wei Yuan's expression became a little serious. This kind of weird ancient mirrors are somewhat evil, and they often represent the evil of human nature, or the opposite world. If you are not careful, it is easy to get tricked. He took a deep breath and instinct It's not Crouching Tiger Jue, but the core of Taiping Essential Technique, looking sideways at the mirror.

PS: The first update today... 2,600 words~ The second update should be before twelve o'clock.

Thank you Lanyin for the 30,000 starting coins, thank you~

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