Museum of Demons

Chapter 153 Response

I have to say that although Tiannv still needs to work hard on her painting skills, she can barely say that the future is promising, but her cooking skills are quite superb, and it seems that there are some special ingredients in it, even if it is a food that needs a lot of energy at this moment. Wei Yuan, you can feel the satisfaction of your body after eating.

The black cats only dared to breathe out at Wei Yuan behind Jue's back.

When the girl turned her head, she would change into a cute and harmless look.

And once Jue looked away, he would glare at Wei Yuan, who was feasting, and the hair on his back would explode.

In the end, Jue took her painting and said goodbye with satisfaction.

The black cats were so angry that their teeth were itchy, but they were persuaded by Wei Yuan with the fish from the Huai River of the Gods, so they could only lie down on the high wooden frame angrily, with their tails hanging down. After closing it, Wei Yuan took out a bronze tripod with complicated patterns from his cuff.

Place lightly on the table.

Su Yuer's eyes became complicated the moment she noticed the bronze tripod.

Looking at Su Yuer's expression, Wei Yuan didn't say much, he just briefly explained what he had experienced before, explaining that the soul of a sorcerer from the Shang Dynasty was sealed in the bronze tripod, and it was this soul that deliberately led to the creation of Zhou Zichang's tragedy , and then let him attack people with the blood of the Wu clan.

The voice paused, Wei Yuan said: I heard that blood sacrifices still existed in the Shang Dynasty.

I'm afraid it was Emperor Xin of the Shang Dynasty who used the soul sacrificial vessel of the sorcerer of the Wuxian Kingdom to trap his true spirit on this bronze tripod for two to three thousand years.

Do you want to meet that Wu Xuan?

Su Yuer nodded with a complicated expression.

Wei Yuan raised his hand, dispelled the supernatural power of exorcising ghosts, allowing Wu Xuan's soul to reappear.

This descendant of Wu Xianguo appeared in the museum. He was dazed at first, and then his body was tense, with fear, anger, and unwillingness. He looked around, saw Wei Yuan, and subconsciously took half a step back. Su Yu'er, who was dressed in clothes but still couldn't hide her appearance, could not help but froze when she saw the ghostly figure of Nine Tails behind her.

Wu Xuan almost instinctively knelt down and kowtowed: I have seen the princess...

I don't know where the king is?

After a slight pause in his voice, Wu Xuan remembered that this was no longer the world of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. The Zhou Dynasty had been subjugated for more than two thousand years, let alone the Shang Dynasty. Su Yu'er, who was exactly the same in the distant memory, looked at Wei Yuan next to him, as if falling into a dream, dazed for a long time, not daring to speak:

You guys, how is it possible?

Who are you?!

Could it be Chaoge here, is everything a dream?

A civil official at the end of the Five Emperors, and a princess at the end of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

The appearance of such characters in this era, together, caused a huge impact on Wu Xuan who survived to this era. Seeing that Wu Xuan was distracted by seeing Su Yuer, Wei Yuan stretched out his hand to capture him again, but Wu Xuan flinched suddenly, intending to take the opportunity to escape.

But I just took a step forward and passed through the door with the help of my soul body. I saw the soldiers of the Qi family who were sharpening their knives outside the door. I saw the water ghost lying there drinking Coke. I saw the strange red shoes dancing. To the lazily licking claws of the mountains and seas.

Wu Xuan couldn't help but pause.

A group of guys turned their heads to look at Wu Xuan in unison.

The soul of Qi's army raised his sword.

The black cat raised its white right paw with a bad expression, the pads of its flesh opened, and the five sharp claws of the barb popped out.

The water ghost opened his mouth and burped with a taste of Coca-Cola.

Wu Xuan's thoughts froze, what the hell is this place? Animal spirits, ghosts, ghosts with a hint of incense and sacrificial atmosphere, and human beings, how come they all come together? ! He only felt that his scalp was numb, and then his scalp was really numb. A hand stretched out from behind the open gate, clasped Wu Xuan's head, dragged him back, and closed the gate smoothly.

Wei Yuan grabbed Wu Xuan directly, squeezed the ball of soul into a ball with his palm, stuffed it directly into the bottle, and sealed it with a talisman. Letting out a sigh of relief, he planned to set off tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, personally go to Qingqiu country, and send the soul of Wu Xuan to Nvjiao.

After finishing all this, Wei Yuan saw that Su Yu'er's expression was slightly different, and he was in a daze.

Didn't say much, just thought about it, went out and took back the Shang King's Bronze Jue. When this ancient artifact saw the Danniao Bronze Cauldron, he was startled spiritually, and couldn't help but said: This, this is , the bronze vessel that held the Wuxian medicine?

Where did you get it?

Wei Yuan seriously replied:

I met an old friend, he was very enthusiastic, very happy to see me, and gave me things.

Shang King Bronze Jue: ...

Wei Yuan joked, and put the Shang Wang Bronze Jue and the Danniao Bronze Cauldron together, and sure enough, the two bronze wares began to heat up, but it was not like last time, there was a map pattern on the back of the bronze wares, Wei Yuan pondered Next, looking at Su Yuer, said:

Miss Su, can you lend me your bronze sword?

Su Yuer came back to her senses, fell silent for a while, and took off the bronze dagger from her waist.

The sword body is simple and simple, with exquisite lines and a black bird pattern with flapping wings.

She handed the sword to Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan thanked him, and placed the sword in the middle of the three sword bronze vessels. When the sword was put down, the Shang King Bronze Jue and the Bronze Cauldron who were still in a calm state slowly moved. The streamer lights up, and then the Three Swords Bronze Ware is directly suspended in the air, and the lines are shining, as if the lines on it have come to life.

With the final resonance, the lines of the Three Swords Bronze Ware are separated from itself.

The flowing light overflowed and flowed continuously, shining brightly in the room.

In the end, these lines combined in the void and turned into a broken map. In the center of the map is a magnificent city with the words Chaoge on it, but at least half of the parts are broken, making this map completely unusable. .

Sure enough, it was the map of Chaoge City, or in other words, where the real Chaoge was.

Wei Yuan looked at the bronze dagger thoughtfully.

It seems that the map is hidden in the bronze wares, but only enough bronze wares have been assembled. Without the short sword of the Shang Dynasty that Su Yuer carried close to her body, the bronze wares could not resonate to reveal this map.

It can even be guessed that even if the map is obtained from other means, as long as the sword is missing, it is also impossible to enter.

Then contact Su Yu'er, who has exactly the same appearance as the legendary Daji.

What lurks behind it is probably something as heavy as immortality...

Wei Yuan stretched out his five fingers slightly, the wind spilled, and the three bronze wares fell separately, and the previous map made of pure flowing light also disappeared. The true spirit of King Shang's Bronze Jue seemed to be drunk too much, and he was dizzy and speechless. Su Yu'er was in a state of uncertainty.

Wei Yuan picked up the dagger and handed it over.

Su Yuer didn't answer.

She looked at Wei Yuan and said, Master Wei, do you know the altar of Taoism?

Wei Yuan looked at her, slightly surprised, nodded, and replied:

I know a little.

Su Yuer bit her lips lightly, and said: Then...Master Wei, can you try to use these bronze utensils and cast a spell once? Take a look at these three utensils, and the map, where will it eventually point...

I really want to know.

Wei Yuan pondered for a while, seeing Su Yuer's expression, considering the relationship between the girl and being a little curious himself, he nodded and agreed. He checked the information on the way back to Quanshi, and excavated from ancient times Judging from the records on the bronze inscriptions, King Wu's battle against Zhou took only one day.

What made Wei Yuan feel a little heavy was that that year was also the Year of Jiazi.

King Wu conquered merchants, but in the Jiazi dynasty, at the age of the tripod, there were merchants in Kehun.

Years old in Jiazi, the world is prosperous.

Will there be a connection?

With the doubts in his heart, Wei Yuan quickly made preparations in advance. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the altar, this time he tried his best to restore everything needed by the altar, and finally laid out the official plan to summon gods and ghosts. A Dharma altar, assisted by Zheng and a talisman, stepping on Yu steps, holding Zhang Daoling's Dharma sword, and opening the altar.

With the casting of the spell, the red talisman on the back of the hand lights up, and the three bronze wares all glow.

Obviously the altar has already played an effect.

But that's all there is, and no further effect can be produced. Wei Yuan holds the dharma sword, but relying on the power of heaven that is above the sky of Shenzhou, he faintly feels the distant and ethereal induction, but he is extremely weak and cannot Grasp, can not be elusive.

At this moment, Su Yu'er pursed her lips, took a step forward, and walked into the altar.

Then he grabbed the bronze sword and flicked it lightly on his finger.

A drop of blood fell onto the altar.

The wind was blowing from the flat ground, as if the last part of the needs had been fulfilled, the fluctuation of mana on the altar suddenly became violent, that is to say, the Chilu of Destiny on the back of Wei Yuan's hand could suppress it, and the altar was not broken on the spot. Then, Wei Yuan grasped that The place of induction.

Shaking the Dharma sword in his hand, he pointed at the bowl of water above the Dharma altar.

There were waves on the water.

Immediately, Wei Yuan saw a blurry picture on the water surface. In the picture presented on the water surface, there were towering altars, steps, and illusory people wearing simple clothes kneeling and praying. The chanting ballad drifts out, which is definitely not a modern language.

Because of the Bronze Jue of King Shang, Wei Yuan could barely make out some characters.

God bless you.

In the Zhou Dynasty, the God of Haotian was worshiped, and the sky was the god; but in the Shang Dynasty, it was not the case. In the Shang Dynasty, the emperor was the king, and God was the emperor of heaven. Yuan's thoughts turned, and he recognized the true faces of these people.

This is the remnant soul. It is the remnant soul of the people of the Shang Dynasty in Chaoge.

But with a movement of his eyes, he saw that among the illusory figures, there were real people occasionally mixed in.

Whether male or female, old or young, they are all following these souls and worshiping the existence in the middle.

Vast and vast, magnificent yet desolate.

When one of the teenagers bowed down, he seemed to see Wei Yuan and Su Yuer through what they were praying for. chant.

God bless...

All hope!

God bless...

Have pity on my people.

This time, the Destiny Chilu on the back of Wei Yuan's hand was almost on fire. Wei Yuan snorted, and could no longer hold the magic sword in his hand. On the ground, trembling and humming, the water bowl on the altar shattered and turned into mist, the table serving as the altar was broken in half from the middle, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Wei Yuan held his palm, Su Yu'er was stunned and fell silent.

That was Chaoge City, and the sacrificial altar was no stranger, Wei Yuan had seen it in the picture of Danniao Bronze Tripod.

It's just that in the picture glimpsed by the bronze tripod, all the worshipers are human beings.

Now it has become a mixture of remnant soul and human being.

During the Age of Gods, the Shenzhou Human Race that has been passed down?

Wei Yuan felt absurd and unbelievable in his heart.

What did Di Xin do in the end?

PS: Today's second update... The chapter of relaxation, 3,400 words, thank you for being smoked to death, thank you very much~

It can be regarded as a success in maintaining a routine...

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