Museum of Demons

True · End of the testimonials

(The previous concluding remarks will be directly rewritten as a special episode later, and everyone who has subscribed can just read it directly)

(brain really pumped)

I typed these four words again and finished my longest book.

It also ended the two years of company with everyone.

Maybe I won’t write such a long book again in the future, five million words is too long, I still think two or three million words are suitable for me. I was very happy to write this book in the early and middle stages, but when the world view was spread too far later, I didn’t have experience in this situation, so there were many shortcomings in what I did, just like walking on a wire rope. Trembling.

There have been attempts, successes, and unsatisfactory parts, but I have accumulated some experience, so I hope that when the next book is written, it will be better than before. There are many masters, and then Behind the Scenes, and finally to the town of demons, people should slowly learn from experience and hope to become better.

I have written infinite streams, martial arts rivers and lakes, and fantasy genres.

I don't know what books I will write next, I don't know what subjects I will write, my mind is blank, as if I have lost the desire to write, so I will probably rest for a while, maybe two or three months? Or maybe it will take longer, and I plan to exercise my almost useless body in the next step.

Almost two years of work and rest have collapsed, and my health is getting worse and worse. I can't stay up late.

And you will get fat. My friend Xiaolu who lives with me suddenly asked me one day, are you fat?

Then I added that it might be a problem with the perspective, and it looks like there is a little bit of a double chin.

I didn't take it seriously at the time and continued to lick the cat.

In October of this year, when Meng Jun got married, a group of nerd writers rarely met. One day, when I saw the teacher who should be doing the job, the teacher was thinking, hesitating, hesitating, and suddenly commented sharply. Are you compared to last year? Fat and bald? When taking the elevator, Feng mocked Feng Fengshen and said, did you subconsciously accept your stomach?

I was lost in thought.

ah this...

After I came back, when I had a video chat with Brother Gou about the outline of the book, my sister-in-law walked over from behind.

Then Brother Gou said, Sister-in-law Ni said, have you gained weight?

Then I added, your hair grows long, if you get fat, you almost look like an old lady.

Me: Sparta.

Every day I say that I need to adjust my work and rest, and staying up late every day is getting more and more fierce.

The fun is actually me!

Staying up late for a long time will really make you fat. This is based on my own two-year record, and my body has also deteriorated.

During the next rest time, I will exercise well, so that my body can recover to a level that can support the next long-term writing. Without a good body, even the spirit and desire to create will be reduced. Everyone must take care of it Your body, don't stay up all night.

In addition to exercise, you should read a book every day, read more, let the rigid brain recover, and then slowly think about new things, do some accumulation, jump out of your original track, at least hope not to write The trajectory of the past can be seen in the story that comes out. At least I hope that even if it is the core of the same kind of story, I can make it softer and more calm, so as not to commit various problems in this book.

When the accumulated things collide with each other and connect with each other, I suddenly feel it.

Ah, not a bad idea.

This one works too.

Until several of these ideas collided, and then weaved into a web, I got up from the bed late at night, turned on my computer, and put my hands and fingers on the keyboard, so that in the middle of the night, my eyes lit up and I forgot to stay up late The consequences brought about by the urge to code crazily, and then I was satisfied, pulled your cuffs, and said like this:

Gentlemen, I have a wonderful world here, do you want to come and find out?

Come on, come on, come in and see!

Don't be so shy!

When I feel like this, I think I can write a new story.

You can only pick up a pen after you have expressed your desire.

After all, the author has an upper limit, but before this limit, I hope at least two more jumps.

The next book, maybe it's about Xian Xia, or Urban Extraordinary, or maybe it's fantasy?

I don't know what you like to see.

Who knows?

I finished the last book, and I don't know what the next book will be like.

In short, we have been together for two years, everyone, be good, live well, treat yourself well, don't stay up late

(The tragic lesson is in front of you!)


See you in the new book.


Finally, by the way, I help my friends to offer sacrifices, ah no, bah bah bah, push the book, push the book.

The First Cause of the Worlds by Pei Tugou

Lu Shiping's Longevity Begins with the Great Destiny Technique

Bai Teman, The Mysterious World, I Can Change My Fate

Nai He Xiao Wang Chuan She's Nice, But She's Not Human

Feng Xiaohuang Cultivation of Immortals is like this

Sweeping the End of the World Longevity Picture

Foxtail's Pen The Way of the Strange Fairy

Sanqiu Kongcheng The Man of Science and Technology Wandering in the Troubled Times in the Late Qing Dynasty

Bubbling carp Global Lord, start to become a desert lord

Tianrui Shuofu Defend Nanshan Park

Cabbage Officer The Great Kindness of Liaozhai

Bachelor in White Man in the Death Row Vest Is Sanctified

Pig Heart and Shrimp Immortals Just Want to Lie Down

Mi Qing, a carpenter, I live forever in the world of cultivating immortals

Luoxue making tea I was supposed to slay dragons and started cultivating immortals by accident

Novice Fisherman Into the Unscientific

If you have any favorite books, you can leave a message here. I need to read and study a lot during this time, and I will read all the books left. I hope I can go further. Scratching my head, thank you all.

Then, huh, at this point, no matter what, I should say goodbye after all.


See you next year.

Thank you for your company, thank you for liking this book, or liking this book now, thank you for being able to go all the way to the present, I will work hard to learn, reflect, and hope that the next book will make you like it.

Last but not least.

Everyone take care of yourself and be well.

Pay attention to disinfection, pay attention to masks, and always have alcohol spray and alcohol wipes.

He bowed and stroked his chest.

bid farewell.

So, in advance, happy new year.

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