Museum of Demons

Chapter 1326 Fuxi, make a move!

Ouch, ouch, stop, stop!

Stop hitting!

Don't slap your face!

Fuck I told you not to slap your face!

Accompanied by bursts of angry voices, a kind of one-sided ravages, the Tiandi Tianzun teamed up to mix and beat, the fair battle finally came to an end, Fuxi curled up somewhere and twitched, on that handsome face , has already had a bruised nose and swollen face.

In the case of Tiandi and Tianzun joining forces with anger, Fuxi rushed to the street in an uncontroversial manner.

So, don't slap your face!

After a while, Ah Wa saw it and asked, 'Oh, my dear brother, why is your incomparably handsome face hurt, how should I answer'!

Fuxi covered his widened and bluish-purple cheeks, the corners of his mouth twitched, an incomparably sad and indignant mood surged up, Wei Yuan's forehead twitched, and he held back his fists directly to destroy mountains and mountains , the impulse to smash the face of this guy in front of him, and the back said expressionlessly:

Don't worry, Emperor Wa won't speak in such a disgusting and greasy tone like yours.

As for your face.

With a snap of his fingers, cause and effect flowed directly against the current, so Fuxi's face returned to its previous appearance.

It hurts, it really hurts.

But not disfigured!

You can keep beating!

The Heavenly Emperor nodded slightly, and praised: Cause and effect, kindness.

When Fuxi was stunned, Wei Yuan stepped on the wall next to him, directly stepping out of fine cracks, leaning forward slightly, with an extremely oppressive aura, holding a sword in his right hand, Pretending to be impatient, he said, Hey, hey, so, what are your plans, do you want to tell me?

If you don't say anything, we can continue to beat you.

Don't worry, there are causal characteristics, even Emperor Wa can't see any problems.

How about it, do you want to try it? Huh?

Fu Xi's face froze.

How could you do this to me!

Back then, I brought you up with shit and shit! Wa, Xiao Yuanzi, he has grown up, he is disobedient, and he has learned to bully uncle...

Wei Yuan's forehead twitched: You fart!

I remember my childhood memories.

Don't mention it, my grandfather brought me up. Even if I went to the front, it was Queen Mother Xi who brought me up...

Wei Yuan's voice paused.

Fuxi, who seemed to be crying just now, raised his eyes slightly, and said with a smile:

So, this time, don't you also go to find the Queen Mother of the West on the way?

And you still have to take me with you.

The sun was falling slightly, Fuxi's face was handsome, with a pair of vertical pupils under the sun, even though he was smiling slightly, he still had a cold and evil feeling.

Wei Yuan stared at Fuxi: ...What do you mean?

Fuxi spread his hands slightly, with a smile in his eyes, half a smile but not a smile, unpredictable, and said: Not so good, maybe this time you will meet your origin? Or maybe, this time you will see the past with your own eyes. You were sent to your grandfather by the Queen Mother of the West? And I will still take care of the original you?

If only you were nicer to me.

This time I may not slap your ass, play your little...

Snapped! ! !

The scabbard of Qingping sword struck Fuxi's cheek fiercely in a rounded posture. Fuxi rotated thirty-two and a half times on the spot, and embedded it heavily into the wall with a bang, most of his body was inside, Only the right foot was left outside, twitching and twitching.

Yuanshi Tianzun took two steps forward expressionlessly, then turned around, looked at the Emperor of Heaven, nodded slightly, and said politely:

please wait for a moment.

About a stick of incense time.

Di Jun is very considerate.

He nodded slightly, stood with his hands behind his back, took thirteen steps forward, and said, As soon as possible.

Tianzun nodded.

Then, with one hand holding the Qingping sword's long and narrow but extremely tough blade, Dangdang walked step by step, then stretched out his left hand and took Fuxi's collar out, with a blank expression on his face, holding the Qingping sword in his right hand, towards Fuxi crackled and thumped down, and then there was the well-known scream in the world, like Tom cat in cat and mouse.

Wait! Wait a minute!

I recruited!


I, I really recruited!



Blood was splashed all over Tianzun's handsome face.

Poker face.

Ignoring Fuxi's screams, he raised his right hand and slammed down with the scabbard.

After a while, when the screams gradually calmed down and gradually disappeared, the black-haired Taoist raised the blood-stained Qingping sword and swung it aside, leaving a glaring bloodstain on the ground, then bent down , lifted Fuxi's right foot and dragged him out.

In fact, it looked like a heavy blow. To Wei Yuan Fuxi, it wasn't a traumatic thing at all, but he was still dizzy for a while. Seeing Wei Yuan in front of him realized that the scabbard was useless, he made a gesture to draw it out. When Pan Gu came to fix his own teeth with the axe, the corner of Fuxi's mouth twitched, and he finally said, Wait a minute, wait a moment.

What I just said was false.

It's fake, it's bluffing you, bluffing you!

Don't hit, don't hit!

I've recruited, I've recruited all of them, that's all, they're all lying to you, I just know that the Queen Mother of the West sent you back, and the rest I deliberately lied to you... I don't know where your origin is What, I never spanked your ass...I...

When Wei Yuan turned around with the completely limp Fuxi Scum Snake, he could no longer see the Emperor of Heaven.

Slightly frowning, following the aura of Tiandi, he saw the existence of Tiandi at the side of a noodle stall. It was morning, when a person got up to work in the morning, and the noodle shop opened in the morning, not only for noodles , There are also steamed buns and fried dough sticks. Passers-by and surrounding residents will come to have breakfast.

The Emperor of Heaven was dressed in a black-colored dark-patterned shirt, sitting quietly and meticulously on a wooden stool.

Waiting for my breakfast.

Wei Yuan came in carrying Fu Xi who was half dead, or at least looked half dead.

Fuxi's tragedy situation did not attract too many people's attention. Wei Yuan's state at the moment has reached the point of origin of his mind. If he wants to be seen by others, he can see it. If he doesn't want to be seen by others , that Fuxi screamed so loudly that no one would see him.

Sitting next to the Emperor of Heaven, he looked up at him and said, I never thought that you would come here.

Di Jun said flatly: Since I came to the human world, I will eat the food of the human world.

The eating wind and drinking dew you practice is really boring and powerful.

Why did you choose this store?

It's because he said it's a time-honored brand.

These words were not hidden too deliberately, the chef over there was a middle-aged man, and he laughed quite heartily when he heard the words: Hahahaha, the guests really know to come to me, haha, it's not a joke Well, this restaurant of mine must be a hundred or twenty years old, I grew up here since I was a child, and now I also make noodles here, and everyone around me knows how good our restaurant tastes.

One hundred and twenty years?

Di Jun said flatly: How can this be called a time-honored brand?

At least, it has to be passed down for thousands of years before it can be called a time-honored brand.

The cook was taken aback, and others would be a little embarrassed when they heard such words, but he didn't, he just laughed and said: Haha, then I have to work hard, and I have to pass on our craft from generation to generation. It would be the best to pass it on until thousands of years later.”

If at that time, your descendants can also come to my place to eat this noodles, ha, that would be the best!

It's a pity, we won't live until that time.

Otherwise, you can also know whether the taste has changed or not.

He replied proudly, with some regrets, and then went to work.

Di Jun looked at Wei Yuan: What's the matter?

Wei Yuan said what Fuxi said just now, and then looked at Fuxi who was lazily sitting on the ground without a half-truth. He looked at the latter with a harmless face, but he also knew that this guy had a big plan, definitely not So simple, not as harmless as it seems on the surface.

But this guy has a very strict mouth, and he can't ask at all.

And just the revealed purpose is enough to make ordinary people's scalps go numb, even if enlightened to hear this guy's purpose, I'm afraid they will be shocked, and then hide away, the emperor of heaven Thinking about it, he said, So, when will we go?

With Fuxi's mind, if we continue to delay, something may happen unexpectedly.

The black-haired Taoist closed his eyes, and said slowly: Let's settle the matter of Zhuoshi Dazun now... Whether it is Fuxi or Him, they are the kind of opponents who will add a layer of danger if you leave it alone for a moment. Now I really want to get married first, but I always feel that Fuxi will do something at that time.

I know him all too well.

Take this opportunity to sabotage.

It's not impossible for him to drug the engagement wine between me and Jue.

Fuxi scratched his head and said with a dry smile, Ahahaha, nephew, you are really joking.

My praise, my praise!

Look at what you said, what kind of words are that, am I that kind of person?!

The Emperor of Heaven nodded slightly, and said lightly:

That's right, it shouldn't be too late for this matter, otherwise things will change.

By the way, you can also bring back the Western Empress and Empress Dowager, so that your engagement can be directly completed.

Immediately he raised his eyes to look at the busy boss in front of him, sighed, and said to himself: It's a pity, it's a pity, I still have the pleasure of tasting some human food, but the poison of Fuxi is much heavier than the regret of not being able to eat it today. too much.

Wei Yuan said:

When I come back, I can naturally eat this bowl of noodles. Maybe at that time, this bowl of noodles has not been cooled.

Di Jun nodded, and the two of them disappeared while the boss was still busy, and they came under the stars, above the thirty-third heaven of the heavenly court talisman array system in the human world, pure and lonely, yet vast. The vastness is just the right place to do this.

Wei Yuan and the Emperor of Heaven looked at each other, and clasped Fuxi with one hand. Fuxi lazily said: But don't worry, do I have any backup in that era? Then you take me back to the past together, Isn't it self-inflicted? Hey, don't worry about falling directly into this seat's back?

Naturally know this possibility.

Wei Yuan replied slowly:

Turn on fate, the three sides fight with all their strength, and then I have the feeling of the catastrophe of yin and yang.

Replaced the cause of sending Chang'an Sword back to the past.

Severing the detachment of the great venerable, and also severing his act of passing on the foundation to me, killing him but not completely annihilating him, and even sending him back to the past, plus what you said a thousand years ago In that sentence, what you are pursuing is an era without the existence of Dao and fruit levels.

You have a big picture, and Ah Liang once said that a wise man doesn't just find the answer every time, but thinks about every possibility and makes preparations. You know me, just like I know you as well, and I will choose to take you back to the past, you should have considered this possibility.

But it's a strategy, and we can't leave you here alone.

Fuxi... the 30 million years of fighting between Qing and Zhuo, it's time to end.

Wei Yuan clasped Fuxi's shoulders, looked at the Emperor of Heaven, and said in a calm voice, I'll go back with Fuxi first, you postpone it, if something happens to me, you will know what to do, Emperor of Heaven. Di Jun raised his eyes slightly, then nodded , replied succinctly: Okay.

It is extremely difficult to travel through the years and the past, especially as the strength becomes stronger and the self-existence becomes heavier. It is like a boulder in mountains and rivers, and time is like a river. The strength is enough to make a stone fly across the river, but it may not be able to make a mountain leap over. .

In Wei Yuan's state, he could only go back to the past with a ray of spiritual thought.

It must also be done in such an extreme environment as the center of the Yin-Yang Great Tribulation.

But at this moment, with the cooperation of Wei Yuan, the Emperor of Heaven, the myriad of stars, the catastrophe of yin and yang, and the circulation of cause and effect, an opportunity has been abruptly found, and this opportunity also requires the induction of Chang'an Sword and Wei Yuan to be able to do it. positioning to time.

The Taoist stretched out his five fingers and bent them slightly.

In those boundless years, he sensed the existence of Chang'an Sword.

Indeed, it is because of the aura of Houtu and Queen Mother Xi during the dream of the sky, as well as the dual positioning of the Chang'an sword, that Wei Yuan was able to be sure that he would not fall into the turbulent flow of time and get lost in the unpredictable time. Thousands of years ago or even more distant years, we can only get through it again.

And Wei Yuan also suddenly realized that the Chang'an Sword could only be sensed by him because of the existence of the Great Master's ray of true spirit.

Although the Dazun's ray of true spirit didn't make the Chang'an Sword undergo any huge changes like reborn, but after all, it is adjacent to and detached, but the tyrannical existence half a step away still greatly enhances the Chang'an Sword's sense of existence, even if it is separated from it. The boundless years can also be grasped by Wei Yuan.

'Is this one of your plans too? Fuxi...'

Wei Yuan sighed inwardly.

But at this time, the circulation of starlight has collided with the two qi of yin and yang, and the change of everything has stagnated, and a mysterious crack appeared, which seemed to reveal the mystery of the change of all things. Wei Yuan nodded slightly to the emperor of heaven, and then grabbed Fuxi, step into it.

In an instant, the years have been crossed, and the past has been reached. The boundless years pass by, and the powerful power of time can be clearly observed. After all, Wei Yuan is an acquired creature. It's not the first time I saw it, and after all, I still sighed a little, but Fuxi was bored, as if he was very familiar with this power and was tired of seeing it.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years.

Time is like a river, suddenly reversed, surging.

The time marked by the Chang'an Sword is getting closer and closer.

Hey, hey, big nephew, uncle, let me tell you something.

Fu Xi suddenly smiled and opened his mouth.

Wei Yuan lowered his eyes and was about to open his mouth when he suddenly felt a terrifying murderous intent. His expression remained unchanged, and the Qingping sword in his palm was suddenly unsheathed. Slashing past, it seemed that thousands of years had passed through, and the yin and yang qi in Fuxi's palm were flowing, and he caught the sword firmly.

Fuxi finally made a move.

And it was earlier than Wei Yuan and Di Jun expected.

It seems that it is because he knows that his plan has been seen through by the Emperor of Heaven and Wei Yuan, or it may be because Wei Yuan suddenly proposed to travel through the years in a different order with the Emperor of Heaven, which broke Fuxi's expectations. In the time, it is extremely easy to be involved in the dangerous place of the turbulent flow of time, and make a bold move.

Why don't you listen to your uncle?

Originally, if you listened to me, you would be fine and there would be no danger.

Why are you disobedient?

The sword in Wei Yuan's palm whistled slightly, blocked Fu Xi's attack, and wrote lightly:


Believe it or not, I shave my head in the first month?

Fuxi laughed loudly, raised his hand to attack.

The two began to fight in the sea of ​​time.

And at this time, fate finally sobered up.

PS: The second update today...

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