Museum of Demons

Chapter 1310 The so-called hero of the human race!

The domineering words, the frank declaration, and the undisguised indifference of murderous intent fell at the same time, and rang in the ears of everyone who was still in the Tushan Department of Qingqiu Kingdom.

Zhuoshi Dazun did not fly into the air, nor did he cast the spell of space transfer, but walked out step by step as before. The clothes on his body faded away from the gorgeous and extravagant, and turned to plain and heavy, which was worn by ascetics. The clothes, the simple style, the thick ropes wrapped around the arms.

He was holding a bowl of wine, his eyes were downcast, and his breath was slowly suppressing.

Everyone felt that the domineering man was watching him.

Everyone felt that those deep eyes were staring directly into the depths of their souls, which brought about a tremendous sense of oppression. It was clearly still sunny at this moment, and the sun was shining brightly on their bodies, which made people feel relieved, but in In the perception, but in the perception, it seems to see layers of heavy dark clouds covering it.

As Zhuoshi Dazun moved forward step by step, it gradually spread, gradually oppressed, gradually oppressed on people's hearts, and as he moved forward, the feeling of gathering and reaching the limit was gradually felt by everyone arrive.

At this moment, He has given up life and death, and cut off his past self.

Because there is nothing to be afraid of, there is no flaw.

It is a realm and state that can no longer be described in other ways except for perfection. It is a subtle but tyrannical state to the extreme. The move must be a move that opened up the world, a move that is extremely strong!

And the first one to fight the Great Lord of the Chaotic World will surely suffer the most terrifying blow!

Who dares?

In other words, who is on? !

There was a moment of dead silence.

Then the water god Gonggong opened his eyes, staring at the Zhuoshi Grand Master who was walking step by step, the water god put his arms around him, and suddenly said: Did you order what happened in Xuanyuanqiu back then?

His Holiness Zhuoshi replied, It's me.

His tone is calm and flat:

At that time, I was trying to break the balance of turbidity and abolish you, Zhu Rong, and the three combat powers of Buzhou Mountain at the same time. I just never thought that Emperor Wa would lose his strength and fall into the hands of heaven after mending the sky. If it wasn't for him at that time There are other thoughts, and Nuwa should have fallen after that battle.

Thinking about it now, it's a pity.

I should personally take action to kill Emperor Wa, and before he can be wiped out, the Qing Dynasty and the human world will naturally fall.

Gonggong took a deep breath, lowered his eyes, and said:

Then, I provoked the relationship between me and the human race at that time, let the human race destroy the [Gong Gong clan] human tribe at that time, and let me see that in the end, I even led a part of the water to flood the human race, leading to the human race at that time. , along with the trend, there is also the battle between the Great Wilderness and Kunlun behind...

His Holiness Zhuoshi nodded indifferently: It's me too.

It's just a pity. At the beginning, it was to restrain you, and at the same time let the Kunlun Mountains behind the human race fight against each other, and then the troubled times wanted to take advantage of the fisherman... I didn't expect that they didn't kill you, but sealed you. If I had known this If so, I should have acted earlier to kill you.

Then use your Dao fruit to completely set off a torrent that swept across the entire Qing Dynasty, and set off a chaos.

Only me at that time...

hum! ! !

Suddenly, a saber blare exploded, interrupting the words of His Holiness Zhuoshi.

A ray of cold light slashed towards His Holiness Zhuoshi, there was no ripple in Zhuoshi's eyes, and he tilted his head slightly, the cold light like a thunderbolt had already brushed his temples, submerged into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, booming Long's voice was as continuous as thunder, and it actually split the sea of ​​clouds in one breath.

Amid the heavy and rapid panting, his eyes turned in shock, and he saw that King Yu, who had just sat among the gods and looked restless, had got up. At the beginning, he was actually trying to relieve the awkward atmosphere. Watermelon, the table and chairs were pushed away at this moment, the watermelon was scattered on the ground, and the sleeve robe was already stained with watermelon juice, it looked really embarrassing.

This outfit was forcibly put on by the girl because of today's major event. It is solemn dark blue with gorgeous dark patterns embroidered on the inside. To be honest, it is completely different from King Yu's temperament. At first glance, it looks a little more It's rare that the uncle outside forcefully wears a formal suit to attend some meetings.

But at this moment, his energy was heavy and violent, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked directly at the Zhuoshi Great Master in front of him like an angry tiger. His breath surged up layer by layer, but it made his clothes swell slightly, that kind of incongruity The feeling disappeared in an instant, leaving only a kind of wrath-like oppression.

The gods fell silent for a while, and Zhu Jiuyin raised his eyes.

Enlightened consternation.

Zhang Ruosu and Lin Shouyi couldn't believe it.

Facing the realm of harmonious breath and advancing to the limit, the Great Lord of the Chaotic World, who was like thunder when he shot.

The first and only one to make a bold move.

King Yu.

At this moment, the grand lord's calm aura that is integrated with the heaven and the earth, and even higher than the heaven and earth, was unable to suppress the man in front of him, or in other words, a kind of pure anger made him ignore all this, and just now he directly held the table The knife for cutting fruit is thrown directly.

Si Wenming looked directly at the Great Master Zhuoshi, but he regained his composure, and slowly got up, his right hand rested on the hilt of the sword at his waist. A sense of tenacity like a rock standing before thousands of mountains and rivers.

The gorgeous and solemn clothes suddenly became suitable, even unworthy of his existence, and a low voice echoed:

It is you……

How many people have killed me, how many people have been forced to be displaced, it's you.

Wars, vendettas, floods, plagues.

How many people have been exposed... how many bones have been buried when I walked the world, and how many children have lost their hometowns, parents have lost their children, wives have lost their husbands and sons, very good, very good, sinful, sinful , You dare to come to my human race's place, congratulations?

He Zhi?!

I bother!

The sword screamed wildly in the scabbard, and then it was pulled out inch by inch.

boom! ! !

Humanity and luck gathered crazily, King Yu's hair spread out, and his eyes shone brightly. He didn't look like the man who lived only by the intuition of a reckless man, or the man who was afraid of his wife and younger brother. He is the last hero who once had a foothold in the human world, calming the floods and waves, casting Kyushu to condense thousands of people, and sealing Wuzhi Qizhen Gonggong.

Create a legend! End the myth!

Jiuding determined Kyushu, the source of the legend of Yanhuang Kyushu.

Nvjiao opened her mouth, looked at King Yu who walked out, stretched out her hand to stop this guy, but withdrew her hand again.

She knew she couldn't stop it.

Such a person lives in this world, in fact, there are only four words, so do what you should.

Matters of life and death matter, yes, no questions asked.

So the life and death of other people is also very important.

Five thousand years have passed since that tragic era, and there is still a man who firmly remembers the names of those who died in vain, remembering their hatred and sorrow, and then draws his sword regardless of the distance between himself and the enemy, and reaches as far away as possible. Revenge in the name of years when all souls are gone.

Zhuoshi Dazun ignored Zhu Jiuyin, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong.

Looking at King Yu at this moment, it is rare to explain, with a flat voice:

I am here today as a congratulatory gift for the war.

You are not my target.

King Yu drew his sword.

The sword in his hand turned into Xuanyuan Sword.

Or the real name of that sword in history [Xuanyuan Xiayu Sword]

[It is not because it is powerful that it becomes a magic weapon, but because it is held in the hands of some people, follows a certain way, manifests out, and becomes a magic weapon]

He raised his head with a bright and heroic smile, and said, Congratulations?


He laughed:

I congratulate your mother with a **** beep beep beep—

Step forward and draw your sword.

cut! ! !

PS: The first update today...

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