Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 97: Some unbalanced smelly flowers

   Looking at a smelly flower that succeeded in a strategy, Musashi once again fell into speechlessness: When did his majesty be so sweeping.


   sighed, touched his matte face, wondering if he would decline before he was old, and then he was amused by his thought.

   Tucao said to herself: The eight-year-old girl actually thought about the obscure thing of premature decay.

   squatted down, carefully looked at the smelly flower that had shrunk again, and shook his head distressedly.

   But the idea of ​​stinky flowers is quite good, it is too torture him, but the benefits are obvious.

   After Musashi's observation, the flexibility of the skin of the smelly flower has been slightly improved. The resistance to high temperatures has also been strengthened, and there is a slight color difference on the calyx.

   After experimentation, Musashi found that the venom of the smelly flower had a burning effect, but it was still too weak to cause obvious damage to the enemy.

   "How many times have you tried this exercise method?"


   "How long does it last?"

   "Eight minutes."

   "How do you feel, or bad symptoms?"

   "Dehydration, swelling and burning."

   "Is there any obvious difference between the first time and the second time?"

   "The feeling of dehydration seems to have eased a bit, because I found that the calyx curling took longer."

"Well, I know, this method of yours still has some effect. After you have a good rest, talk to me, and then continue this training. I will help you control the time. I will try to help you think about whether there is a more efficient one. Training method."


After    Musashi arranged the smelly flowers, he let Abo snake go to rest. Abo was so strange that he didn't complain about it. After all, the smelly flowers looked even more miserable.

   Big Rock Snake and they have completed their first training, rest assured under the conditioning of the auspicious egg.

   After staying in the cave for more than a week, Musashi didn't feel bored, but Ibrahimovic and Gillidan showed some signs of weakness.

   Musashi knew that this was caused by an abnormal biological clock caused by the lack of natural sunlight for a long time.

  Although it was helped by a sunny day, it was not the real sun after all. There were still some slight gaps in it, so Musashi decided to return to the ground first.

   Smelly Smelly Flower has no symptoms in this area because of its strength, but other problems also seem urgent.

During this week, Musashi would occasionally take Abokai out to look for ore. Although he still did not keep the smelly flower by his side, he instructed Geely Egg to pay attention to the training time of the smelly flower to prevent the smelly flower from coming in. , Regardless of their own safety.

   In this week, Ibrahimovic's strength has been fully improved, and his level has been upgraded to 25.

The two skills of    screaming and tail-wagging have reached the full level. They are coquettish and charming. One is level 9 and the other is level 7.

  The impact and the flash of electricity both entered the ninth level, and the splashing sand also entered the full-level state due to the environmental advantages.

   The fake cry has reached the level of seven, that is, the improvement of biting skills is not ideal.

   Even if he took out the chew that Aboguai used to use, the progress is still not great, I don't know if it is because of the insufficient energy of the evil element here.

   After leveling up, he learned three new skills, namely High Speed ​​Star, Renewal and Smash.

   High-speed stars, Ibrahimovic obviously showed great interest, I don't know if it is because the stars are also elements of the night sky.

   But for the latter two skills, I lacked the interest, but because the Geely Egg will also use a new look, I still studied it very seriously.

If    slammed into it, Ibrahimovic would be a little insensitive.

   Mainly because Ibrahimovic doesn't like this kind of physical close contact skills.

  First, beautiful girls shouldn't behave like such a lady.

  Second, afraid of pain.

   After using it once by the enthusiastic Chao Dayan Snake, he broke this skill into the cold palace, saying that he would not use it a second time after he died.

   Ibrahimovic has made little progress on the round pupil skills. When I first realized it, Musashi thought that this skill would be a good match for Ibrahimovic.

   But the facts show that it doesn't fit well, and it's still useful and a bit proficient.

   The genetic skills hold on, but there is no improvement in the same way.

   The shadow clone of the skill machine has completed the initial learning during this period of time, and now it can be divided into two clones. If you count yourself, there will be three, and the effect of confusing is not good.

   Musashi wondered whether he could add this skill to the aegyo system.

The introduction of   Ming thought made her learn to sleep, but she didn't control it well and fell asleep accidentally.

   But Ibrahimovic is still very keen to learn this skill, and it is justifiable to be lazy~~.

   Sometimes Musashi feels that she has not made much progress in sleeping skills, is it because she just rushed to sleep.

The Big Rock Snake reached level 28, playing with mud, hardened, and rounded up to full level, Dragon's Fury reached level 7, rock polished, rock closed, falling rock, and invisible rock reached level 6, 6, and 7, respectively. , Level six.

  In the process of using the impact skill, the unexpected advancement became a slam. Compared to Ibrahimovic's disdain for this skill, Big Rock Snake liked it very tightly, far surpassing his love of this skill, especially the strong sense of impact, which made him a little wanting to stop.

   Every time the rock snake uses a slam, gravel and stone chips are splashed, the rock snake feels very handsome. However, Ibrahimovic expressed that he was a dirty boy, and then gracefully used high-speed stars to stop the rubble and stone chips that had splashed on him.

The gyro ball skill, Musashi, clearly requires the rock snake to practice well, because this skill will help the rock snake to be familiar with the changes in its body structure, so most of the ore excavated into the rock snake’s belly, the result is not bad. Upgraded to level five.

  The level of improvement also learned three new skills, namely, shooting down, dragon's breath, and beating.

   These three new skills can find the corresponding prerequisite skills in his original skill pool, so Musashi feels that he should first reach the full level of the prerequisite skills and focus on practicing the new skills.

The    auspicious egg reached level 30 and initially entered the elite level. During this period of practice, the skills at the full level include slap, coquettish, rounding, screaming, and tail wagging.

   Renewal and aroma therapy are somewhat complementary to each other, and all levels reach the same level as six.

   In another skill practice, the auspicious egg found that after using the round and small, and then launching the rolling skill, the damage to itself is minimized, and the damage is also the largest. The same is true for using slam.

   So Musashi decisively changed the training method of the auspicious egg, and the speed of the two skill levels of rolling and slamming began to increase.

   Other skills have not changed much, only one or two levels of improvement.

   In these seven days, the smelly flower's grass bug has advanced to the intermediate level, and strange patterns of purple and orange-red intertwined appear on the petals.

  Grass Gu can advance to the intermediate level because the smelly flower has successfully integrated the fire poison into its poison origin.

   With the stimulus of the big killer of fire the source of the smelly flower's poison system boils directly, and then breaks through the original realm, reaching an intermediate level.

   I thought that after joining Huo Po, I could accompany Musashi to explore this underground world full of flame elements without being afraid of the high temperature of the surrounding environment.

  Everything is just as Smelly Flower thought. He is not very afraid of the high temperature here, but the effect of this change is so good that the balance flow of Smelly Flower has some imbalance.

   Coupled with environmental factors, the grass roots grew very slowly, and the poison roots skyrocketed due to the addition of fire poison, which caused the grass roots to be even less able to catch up with the growth rate of the poison roots.

   Although the balance flow is still working, it's a drop in the bucket. In desperation, as long as the smelly flower is still underground, he can only stay in the pokeball, and can no longer accompany Musashi.

   However, the current stinky flowers are already very strong in all aspects of accumulation. When outside, the stinky flowers will usher in a new life.

   Although Abogua lags far behind the Smelly Flower on Animal Gu, it is the first to reach the level of 40, which is only 10 levels away from the 50th level of Quasi-Sky King.

In terms of skills, Awakening Power, Super Absorption, Black Mist all reached the full level, Coiled and Dragon Tail also reached the eighth level, the shadow clone and the double have been greatly improved, especially the Wan snake double stream, only The development was almost completed at the last point.

   cautiously exited the underground caves all over the quasi-kingdom level, and returned to the Gili Egg Nurses Academy under the leadership of an ordinary Lada.

   As for why he is not the leader of Lada, I ask that he is very busy now~


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