Musashi of the Elves

Vol 2 Chapter 71: Wrist Strength and Suburbs

   Musashi watched the state after they carried the props for a while, yeah, I felt pretty good and relieved a lot.



   "Ha Na!"

   "Haha, isn't this hungry? You first adapt to the props you carry, and I will go to eat."

   Musashi hurriedly explained, changed his clothes and ran downstairs.

   "Hoo~ I feel comfortable, sure enough, the food my mother cooked is the best."

   Musashi recalled the parent-child bowl, patted his satisfied stomach, and returned to the table to ponder how to introduce his wrist strength to his father.

   "First of all, the wrist strength is a strange power Pokémon, with incredible super strength, one characteristic."

"Secondly, he has the characteristic of perseverance, which shows that he will not give up anything lightly. Moreover, the effect of the characteristic perseverance is that the attack power will be increased by the abnormal state, which means that the attack power will be doubled. So I want Stability inspires perseverance and requires constant tempering."

   "Hiding the unyielding heart, the wrist strength itself has been slowly stimulated, but how to continue to stimulate until you master it is a bit nerve-wracking. Forget it, let it be natural, also write it in, let Dad figure it out for himself."

   "The effect is that the speed will increase every time you fall into cowering, is it to escape???"

   "Hee hee, just kidding."

"Wrist strength is a traditional combat attribute attacker, but you can also learn a few long-range output skills, such as the true energy fist of this system, the rock blockade of the rock system, and so on. However, the core should be the gas gathering and bodybuilding. Two skills.

   Gathering Qi improves the mastery of fighting energy. Maybe you can also master the core of fighting, the true Qi, which is beautiful when you think about it.

   Bodybuilding perfects the body and strengthens the physique. Well, these two are extremely critical points. "

"Finally, attack output, wrist strength, powerful strength, and strange strength. Their commonly used attack methods are hand knives, fists, grappling and other hand skills, but although the legs and feet are slightly weak, you can't ignore it. Write it down. Anyway, how to choose? ."

   Writing, writing, and painting, a sheet of paper is full.

   "Hmm, there should be no omissions, right"

   The pen touched Musashi's pink lips unconsciously.

   "Forget it, when I think of it, I'm talking about it, first rearrange the content and hand it to Dad."

   Aboshe who was concentrating on his mind let out a long sigh of relief, slightly relaxed his tired spirit, turned his head and glanced at Musashi who was writing at his desk, curled up and started a new round of concentrating on his mind.

The smelly flower is the most comfortable, sitting in the window, looking at the moon outside, emptying himself, a little bit of Yuehua falls through the glass and falling on the smelly flower, the proficiency of the moonlight is bit by bit. Growing.

   As for the lucky spell that I suddenly learned, smelly flower has no clue. . .

   "Hoo~~ Write it down, and give it to Dad tomorrow,"

   "Abo snake, smelly flower, ready to start practicing Gu."

   Musashi looks at the time: eight o'clock, the time is just right.

   After speaking, I grabbed a few pills from the void (system backpack). The pills were wrapped in beeswax to present a beautiful golden brown color. Two pills were given to Abo Snake and three pills were fed to the smelly flower.

   Originally, when walking on the grass, it only had two snakes like the Abo snake, but after the evolution, the endurance was greatly improved, and Musashi gave one more, but he did not dare to give more. When Master Yingu came, he was discussing the issue of measurement.

They swallowed the pill, and the gu pattern slowly grew at the beginning of the poison pill. Musashi noticed that in the past few days of the elven battle, after taking the same amount of poison pill, the growth rate of the gu pattern increased faster than before. some.

  Battle, battle, but unfortunately, during the very period of integrity, you can't enter and leave Yuhong City at will.

   Turning back, Musashi took out the experience of cultivating walking grass again, and read it again.

   This is the second time I have read this book. After reading it carefully, it is more efficient and faster to grow compared to the training methods I have previously formulated for walking grass.

   However, most of the contents recorded in it have been misunderstood by myself and the walking grass, such as skill linkage exercises.

   Add one or more similar skills on the basis of using a skill. It is like training a skill with a sweet fragrance. You can use it together with powder skills.

   can also use photosynthesis while taking root, plus the absorption skills are not a problem.

   is the fusion of skills, mainly talking about Musashi's helpless three powder skills.

   As mentioned above, if you want to release the three powders at the same time, the first way is to store it. Store one of the powders in a place where it is difficult for others to detect and can be easily used by yourself.

   The next step is to release it together when using a certain powder skill.

   In this way, the requirement to release three powder skills at the same time can be achieved.

   Of course, this is only the first level of practice. Entering the stage is transformation. The stamen that can only produce one kind of powder is transformed into a form that can release two or even three at the same time, and then it is a matter of manipulation.

   In the end, it is truly fusion, a powder has three anomalous effects at the same time. To achieve this, a deep-level mutation is required. The previous transformation is to change the stamen into three parts, each performing its own duties.

   And the change here is that you are in me, and you are in me.

   The basic premise is that the proficiency of the three powder skills has reached the highest level, followed by which point of inspiration, feel it, and naturally complete it.

   Finally, it is the cultivation technique of the common progress of the herb poison, or mutual promotion.

   Yin Gu’s Grass Gu is to strengthen the grass properties and then use it as a basis to cultivate poisonous properties. It is a progressive relationship, just like raising pigs and eating meat and growing mushrooms. The grass attribute is a basic board, and it just needs to grow continuously without any help.

  On Audley’s side, there is no such progressive relationship, but a feeling of mutual dependence and common progress, and the process of continuous selection of the best between the two armies.

   To put it plainly, while the grass attributes nourish the poison attributes, the poison attributes in turn strengthen the grass attributes.

   The inexplicable Musashi thought of Tai Chi in another world, Yin Yang Yu.

  The two attributes of grass and poison are not the attributes of Yin and Yang, and the lack is the point of mutual growth.

   Audrey pointed out here that the poisonous properties of the Pokémon with the compound attribute of grass poison exist for the purpose of tempering the attribute of grass. Natural selection of materials competes with each other, and the survival of the fittest.

  Only the grass that constantly adapts to the poisonous attribute is the toughest grass, and the poisonous attribute also improves itself while sharpening the grass attribute.

But there is a harm in doing so. If one party is too strong, then the other party will never get ahead. What needs to be mastered is balance. Which party is weaker and strengthens which party ~ Specific operations, first grasp the balance State, choose the third attribute as the buffer between the two, weak enhancement, strong indulgence.

   The third attribute is the ground system.

   With this attribute, grass and poison can be connected in series. The poison is buried deep in the ground, and the grass grows on the ground.

   The only thing that the two can touch is the root of the plant, and the root is the weapon that allows the grass to adapt to absorb toxins and turn it into nutrients.

   How to make the walking grass possess the energy of the ground attribute, the only way is to awaken the power, but how to accurately locate it as the ground attribute?

   Seeing here, Musashi frowned, isn't the awakening power metaphysics? Can it be artificially locked?

  Don't say it, Audrey has accomplished this feat, but it is only limited to the awakening of the ground attribute, and there is nothing else that can be done.

   Learning the power of awakening is very simple. The skill teaching machine understands that awakening the ground requires a key item, the ground gem, and it also needs an invariant stone.

The role of    invariant stone is not only to inhibit the evolution of a Pokémon, but also to prevent the Pokémon from positioning it as a non-attribute state when it learns to awaken its power.

After   , the ground gems can appear on the ground. While removing the immutable stone, Pokémon must fully absorb the energy of the ground gems to induce the awakening power attribute to lean on the ground.

  According to Audrey's calculation, the success rate is 80%.

   "But ground gems, I don't have any..."

   Musashi thought in distress.

(Guarding Yuhong City, Rainbow Empress Audrey will soon convene the top eight trainers in the Rainbow Department Store event to form a trial team and put them in the suburb C area. Mission requirements: kill more than 10 invading Pokémon .Task reward: ground gems.)

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