Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 12 New Employees at the Hotel

"A second agent who can master this kind of power has appeared?" Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, was a little surprised, but after hearing Maria Hill's name, he just nodded and relaxed. .

"Maria has also shown this talent, which means that this kind of supernatural and mysterious power can indeed be mastered through learning, then..."

Do you need to expand your learning scope? As soon as this idea came up, Fury dismissed it.

The more people master this mysterious ability, the harder it is to control. Phil Coulson and Maria Hill are both senior agents who have followed him for many years and are absolutely reliable.

In fact, in Fury's mind, most of the "absolutely reliable" agents were already sitting in that conference room, and everyone else was more or less distrustful.

Since there is a hidden danger of disorderly spread of power, it is better to completely cut off the next possibility.

Nick Fury quickly made a decision. He ordered Coulson: "Tell Mr. Bradford that SHIELD will go to his hotel for classes twice a week, and there will not be a penny of the fee." Less. In addition, help him deal with the vampire masters in the tax bureau and let every cent go into his pocket!"

"Should we give him a dedicated position in SHIELD?" Coulson suggested.

"You mean..." Fury seemed to be moved. After thinking for a while, he slowly shook his head and said, "The time is not yet ripe, and his value - at least for now, it seems to be quite limited."

Coulson was about to say something more, but Fury interrupted him without missing a chance, "Phil, I have seen magicians who are better at playing with fire than him, and I have also seen monsters that can destroy a house with one punch. I It is admitted that Mr. Bradford has some special abilities, but this is not enough! If you want to wear that crown, you must bear the weight it represents!"

This sentence successfully convinced Colson, who nodded and said: "You are right, Director! We can't put unnecessary pressure on a person just based on our own impressions."

Poor Coulson will always be easily impressed by Fury. In his opinion, the respected Mr. Director is not willing to give someone too heavy responsibilities and burdens easily. But in fact, Fury just thought "that guy is not strong enough..."

Flame or puck? How does it compare to a large caliber sniper rifle? In Fury's opinion, the method of recovery and treatment is just a faster scar removal surgery; as for the wooden stake totems that can restrict the enemy's mobility in batches, Fury optimistically believes that "it will not be more effective than our stun guns or anesthetic bombs" .”

As a partner who has worked together for many years and who single-handedly put Nick Fury into the position of director, Alexander Pierce made a decision after carefully watching the surveillance and reviewing Phil Coulson's research report on the owner of the Mulgore Inn. Almost the same decision was made.

The current director of the World Security Council replied after careful consideration, "This guy may indeed have some ability, but it is not enough to impress me. I need to see more things - just playing with fire or some tricks to hide from others, that's not the case." Qualify to join our great cause.”

"But he can do it in bulk..."

"No, Bullock. If the weapons he makes are just Coulson...perhaps plus a person of Hill's level, it doesn't mean much to us. A problem that can't be solved by a bullet is nothing more than another one. Just add one, right?"

Brock Rumlow calmed down, thought about it seriously, nodded and replied: "Sir, I think you are right, I was impulsive! I'm sorry!"

"You don't need to apologize for anything. On the contrary, I really appreciate your loyalty and enthusiasm for the cause. Add that guy to the observation object! If there is nothing else, you can go out now and don't let too many people find out. "

Rumlow lowered his head, pressed his fist to his chest, and whispered: "Long live Hydra!"

Pierce's face broke into a smile and he did the same thing.

"-Long live Hydra!"

It has to be said that whether it is Alexander Pierce or Nick Fury, no matter what position these two people are in, the two directors of S.H.I.E.L.D. have very similar dealing styles - unscrupulous, suspicious and judgmental , even the way they look at people is surprisingly consistent.

And this happened to be within Kaus' calculations.

He does not intend to reveal his trump card from the beginning, and step by step, step by step, into the vision of SHIELD and superheroes, but it is more in line with his temperament of making money silently. If he rises too fast, it is easy for Fury and Hydra to plan ahead; on the contrary, like this, he reveals his prowess little by little, and when the opponent reacts and wants to control him, the further upgraded Cauvus can completely Let them stumble hard.

"What I need now is to keep a low profile!"

"Make the Mogaolei Hotel bigger and stronger, upgrade it, make a fortune and open a harem!"

Therefore, after receiving the compensation of 100,000 US dollars, Kausi did not spend lavishly, but actually started to decorate the hotel: without changing the original appearance, he planned to repair the leaky exterior walls and potholes on all sides. floor, and install electricity meters and running water, then build bathrooms and sewer pipes, and purchase a series of things that a hotel should have, including lights, TVs, and air conditioners.

An empty hall cannot be left idle. A small bar can be a good way to develop a secondary industry. In Kaus's vision, the hall should have six to eight tables, and a row of high chairs in front of the counter, which can accommodate 40-50 guests at the same time.

So, a vigorous transformation began. Kavus is also as busy as a little bee. Except for the basement and the soul fire, almost everything has begun to be repaired and renovated.

Just when the delivery truck stopped at the door of the hotel and began to move furniture and electrical appliances inside, Kausu, who had been busy for several days, walked out and was about to light a cigarette and rest for a while when he suddenly found a girl in purple standing outside the door. He was looking in eagerly.

She is not tall, but she has impressive curves. The long light brown hair is a bit messy, but it can't cover up the jade-white skin and pretty face. The pupils show a rare lavender color, as delicate as the beauty in the comics.

"Hi-" Kausi greeted the girl, "Can I help you?"

To his surprise, the girl did not run away in panic or ask for help, but continued to look inside, as if looking for something.


Kausu was a little confused, took a step forward, and waved his hand in front of the girl.

"Miss, do you need help?"

"Oh, help?" The girl finally reacted, raised her head pitifully, and said softly like an abandoned kitten, "I'm very hungry, can you give me something to eat?"

"Of course -" Kaus looked back at the workers who were still busy in the hall, "Wait for me here for a while, and I'll get you something to eat!"

There have been no customers for more than a month, but the counter is still full of inventory. Kaus thought for a moment and packed a few pieces of cheese and bread in a bag, plus a few cans of juice and milk - there was never a "shelf life" for food produced in Azeroth, so he didn't I was worried that the girl would have diarrhea.

"Thank you, you are such a good person..."

The girl was obviously very hungry. She couldn't wait to grab a piece of cheese and stuffed it into her mouth. Seeing her gobbling up the food, Kaus couldn't help but feel pity and comforted her: "Eat slowly, there is still a lot!"

"A lot? A lot of food?"

Her eyes suddenly brightened, and she asked tentatively, "Excuse you need to recruit waiters here? I don't need much salary, free food is enough!"

waiter? Kausi was stunned, and suddenly clapped his hands lightly. How could he forget this!

The newly renovated hotel is in urgent need of renovation, so it is natural to recruit a group of high-quality talents.

"Yes, you are lucky, we just need manpower here!" Kausi's smile immediately bloomed. Who would refuse such a beautiful waiter who does not need a salary?

"What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live?"

The girl hesitated for a moment before replying slightly panicked: "My name is Jiali, I am 16 years old, I... I have no place to live."

Sixteen? In such a free country, it shouldn’t be considered child labor, right?

"Okay, Carrie, come with me!" Kausi decided happily, "I still have a vacant room here, you can live next door to me!"

He took Carrie upstairs to choose a room, but he didn't notice that as he passed the brazier in the hall, a strange look suddenly burst out in the girl's stunningly beautiful purple eyes.

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