Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 2340: this is poisonous

  Chapter 2340 This is poisonous

  Just entering the yard, Lan Feng suddenly stopped and turned to look at the girl beside him.

   Seeing him suddenly stop and look at her, Chu Xi looked puzzled: "What's wrong?"

   "What did you understand from my sentence, I despise you. Xiao?" Lan Feng asked suddenly.

   "." Chu Xi's face suddenly flashed a look of embarrassment: "You still ask me what you said!"

  Lan Feng said: "I'm sure I didn't mean that. I'm just curious how your little brain distorts the facts?"

  Chu Xi pursed her lips. Could it be that she was thinking too much?


  Chu Xi pursed her lips and remained silent.

   "Why don't you talk?"

  Chu Xi was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I was wrong, I misunderstood."

   "How did you get it wrong?" Lan Feng asked reluctantly.

  Chu Xi scratched her hair: "It's a mistake anyway, you...don't ask."

  Lan Feng chuckled lightly and said nothing more.

  The next day, Chu Xi went to Bai Wuchen's villa.

  Bai Wuchen gave her some medicinal herbs and told her to take them back and do research by herself.

  Among many medicinal herbs, Chu Xi picked up one of them, and asked somewhat unnaturally, "Master, do you want this too?"

  Bai Wuchen glanced at the herb in her hand, a look of unnaturalness flashed across Qingjun's face, he paused for two seconds, and said indifferently: "You can do whatever you want."

   "Oh." After thinking for a while, Chu Xi asked again: "Master, have you used this herb to make medicine?"

  Bai Wuchen: ".No."

  He never liked to do that kind of thing!

  However, Bailiyi always likes to play with those unscrupulous things.

   "However, I have it here, if you are interested, you can take some."

  Chu Xi: "Forget it, no need."

  Thinking for a moment, Bai Wuchen said: "It's all medicine, let's get to know it more or less. If you encounter such an unexpected situation, you won't be helpless if you need to solve it."

"Oh, okay."

   "Wait, I'll get it for you."


  A moment later, Bai Wuchen took a small box and handed it to Chu Xi: "Here."

  Chu Xi took the box: "Thank you, Master."

   "By the way, I'm going to see a patient tomorrow. Come with me if you're okay."

   "Okay, is it in Jindu City?"

   "In Jindu City, it's in our villa area, not far away."

   "Oh, Master, call me before you leave, I'll come and find you."

   "Okay, then it's a deal."

  After studying all afternoon, Chu Xi was about to leave, so she took all the herbs that Bai Wuchen gave her, and prepared to take them back for research.

  After all the types were packed, Chu Xi looked at the 'special' herb, hesitated for a while, but reached out to pick it up, and put it in the bag.

   Just do research, just do research.

   After bidding farewell to Bai Wuchen, Chu Xi returned to her home.

  In her new home, Lanfeng made a laboratory for her alone. As soon as she came back, she went directly to the laboratory and put all the herbs on the table.

  When Lan Feng came back, seeing that she was not there, he asked Aunt Zhou, and when he learned that she was in the laboratory, he immediately went to look for her.

  Chu Xi sat in front of the experiment table, fiddling with a few herbs.

  Hearing the sound of the door opening, he raised his eyes and saw a tall man walking in.

   "What are you doing?" Lan Feng walked in with slender legs.

  Chu Xi glanced at the medicinal herbs on the table, and replied, "I'm making all kinds of medicinal herbs I got back from Master."

  Lan Feng looked curiously at the various herbs on the table, picked up a plant curiously, and asked, "What is this for?"


   "What about this one?" Lan Feng asked another question.

   "This is poisonous!"

  (end of this chapter)

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