Mr. Qin, Please Advise Me

Chapter 670 Tour Group

Ning'er, we will accompany the mother and father. Hu Lan and Hu Zheng said in unison. After these days of cultivation, their strength has not only recovered, but has also improved a lot, especially the sea consciousness, which is more than double the strength of the past.

Song Yanning hesitated for a moment, then took out a storage ring and handed it to the fox king, Father, you take this storage ring. She put some talismans, medicinal pills and spiritual tools in the storage ring, and the talismans inside. Most are for quick escape and attack.

Yeah! The fox king nodded and took the storage ring.

Before the time is ripe, don't act rashly, Yushen and I will come after we finish our work, Song Yanning said worriedly.

We understand, you can rest assured and do your own thing. Fox King, Fox Queen, Hu Lan and Hu Zheng nodded.

Song Yanning took a deep look at the four of them, then closed her eyes and started repairing the teleportation formation to the demon world.

Liu Bochun waited outside for a long time, but still couldn't see Song Yanning open the formation, so he could only shake his head helplessly, Everyone go back. If it were someone else, he would have gone mad long ago, but neither Song Yanning nor Qin Yushen could offend him. people. I don't know if Song Yanning of the teleportation array has been repaired?

Shaking his head, Liu Bochun turned around and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a dazzling white light radiated from the teleportation hall.

Liu Bochun stopped in surprise, looked excited, and looked at the teleportation hall in disbelief, She actually repaired the teleportation array.

Song Yanning looked at the teleportation formation that was gradually losing its light, and her mood was a little complicated. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to let her parents and brothers go back this time.

Let's go too. Song Yanning looked at Qin Yushen after returning the teleportation formation to the demon world.

Yeah! Qin Yushen nodded and walked into the teleportation formation with Song Yanning.

As a white light swept across, Song Yanning and Qin Yushen disappeared into the teleportation formation.

Song Yanning felt that she had fallen to the ground. She looked up and saw that this was a quiet valley.

After sealing the teleportation array, Song Yanning and Qin Yushen walked out of the valley. She didn't dismantle the teleportation array from the Taoist sect, because if it wasn't Earth, they would have to go back through the teleportation array.

However, someone who wants to pass the teleportation array from the Array Daozong can't do it, because the teleportation array here has been sealed with the array, unless the opponent's array level is higher than hers.

Look over there, there is the famous one-line sky, the one-line sky is 312 meters high, 298 meters long, 4 meters wide at the widest point, and 3.5 meters at the narrowest point. . The stone walls on both sides of a line of sky are called Yin and Yang walls. The yin wall is the west cliff of Yafeng, the stone wall is exposed, and no grass grows. Yangbi is the east cliff of Lingfeng, with lush grass and full of vitality... The tour guide held a small flag to help tourists introduce the attractions here.

Miss tour guide, can we go over and take a look? a tourist asked.

Of course, everyone line up and come with me. The tour guide led the way.

Song Yanning and Qin Yushen's consciousness swept to the tour group that was heading here, and they were sure that they had indeed returned to the earth, but they didn't know how the earth had changed after they had been away for so many years.

It turned out that they thought that after erasing all the traces they left on the earth, they have nothing to do with the earth, but now they know that they still really want to be here, their relatives and friends.

Miss tour guide, my heart hurts. A tourist stopped with a pale face.

When the tour guide heard the other party's words, he quickly ran to the other party's side and held her arm, Do you have any medicine on you?

No... The tourist shook his head with a pained look on his face.

Please help me to help her aside. Seeing the tourists who were breathing more and more quickly, the tour guide was full of anxiety. It takes an hour and a half to go down the mountain at the fastest speed. She doesn't know what the situation of this tourist is now. This time, she brought all individual tourists. This tourist was also alone. She was in a tour group. If something went wrong, she would definitely be responsible.

He and a male tourist helped the sick tourist to sit down. The tour guide took out the phone and called for rescue. He took out a bottle of mineral water from his bag and handed it to the sick tourist's mouth.

What she didn't expect was that after she fed her a mouthful of water, the other's whole body began to twitch.

The tour guide was so frightened that the mineral water in her hands fell, and she shouted anxiously: Is there a doctor? Come and save her. to the tour guide certificate.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, but there was nothing they could do.

I'll take a look for her. At this moment, a soft and pleasant voice came from not far away.

Everyone looked up and froze in place for a moment. They had seen a lot of beautiful and handsome guys, but no one had compared the two people in front of them. They couldn't find any flaws perfectly. Come, like an immortal descending to earth, eclipse everything around him.

The tour guide came back to his senses, Are you a doctor?

Song Yanning nodded lightly, walked to the side of the unconscious tourist, squatted down, glanced at him, took out a few silver needles, and stabbed him into his body. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she had used a silver needle to save someone. She still remembered that back then, she and her grandfather would often carry a medicine box on their backs to hang a pot to help the world. I don't know grandpa, how are they doing now?

Everyone could hardly see the speed at which Song Yanning dropped the needle, and the unconscious tourist was already covered with silver needles.

She must be a genius doctor. I've seen it on TV. Only a genius doctor can make silver needles so amazing.

Wait a minute, I'm going to ask her to help me take a look. I've been sick to my stomach recently.

Look, she's awake. The tourist who found that he was unconscious opened his eyes, and everyone was more certain that Song Yanning would be a miracle doctor. If it wasn't for a genius doctor, how could people wake up so quickly.

How do you feel? The tour guide breathed a sigh of relief when the tourist woke up.

I feel more comfortable, and my heart doesn't hurt anymore. The tourist was a little curious. She has been suffering from this disease for many years. Because she has not been ill for a long time, she thought her disease was cured, so she signed up for this tour group. , I want to come out to relax, but who knows that I will suddenly fall ill today. However, every time she falls ill, she will never get better if she is not hospitalized. It is the first time that she has recovered so quickly this time.

She saved you, you have to thank her well. The tour guide pointed to Song Yanning beside him. I am also very fortunate to have met her, otherwise she would be in trouble this time.

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